Chapter Two

Ever since assuming her role as the heroine of Paris. Marinette had grown accustomed to some of the changes in her lifestyle. One, yet after months of being active. That she hadn't adjusted to was getting up before the alarm sounded seven times.

Then again, she was an ordinary girl- with you know, magical super-powers.

From under her blanket the bars of her favourite Jagged Stone single chimed. Though the upbeat tone usually left the bright eyed teen feeling energized. This morning it seemed to be achieving the opposite effect.

With her brows knit, Marinette wrapped her pillow against the side of her head. A heavy sigh escaped her lips as her eyes squinted shut. "Too early…."

There was an ever so light tap on her upper arm, "Oh, Marinette…" followed a sing-song voice. Despite the voice dripping in honey. And provoking a light smile from the still slumbering teen. Only momentarily, of course.

"No-no, Tikki. Ju-jus-just let me sleep." Each syllable was more elongated then the last. Between a series of yawns, and groans, the sleepy teen slowed added. "Seven attacks this week alone- and Tikki, it's only Tuesday…." Marinette's voice trailed off until the teen started into the comfort of her dream world.

"Actually, it's Wednesday. And you have that exam today."

At this Marinette scrunched up her nose. Late night patrolling, and exam she hadn't even had the time nor energy to study for. There was nothing that could convince her to leave the haven of her bed. Besides, it would take all that much to convince her parents that she was feeling sick….

A few inches from Marinette's face was that of the owner of the voice, Tikki. The small figure shock her head, as her hands made her way towards her hips. The kwami's eyes danced up and down the slumbering girl. Knowing what was Marinette was planning without it ever been spoken. Frustration was coming to the forefront of the small being's mind. Yet, she did her best to remain optimistic. With a bright smile, the small kwami moved closer towards Marinette. "Come on, Marinette. If you don't hurry you'll be late for school-"

Between yawns, Marinette countered in a pillow muffled voice. "I'm way too tired. Last night wore me..." Before she could even finish her sentence. The dark haired girl found herself drifting back to sleep once more.

With a sly and knowing grin, Tiki narrowed her eyes that twinkled. "You know if you don't go to school then you wouldn't get to see Adrien today? Isn't his big fashion show coming up?"

Sure enough, that was all it took. Despite having, and very well feeling the weight of the heavy bags under her eyes; Marinette's eyes flew open. A girlish grin and a crimson hue appeared on her face. "Well," the covers flew to the floor as the teen sat up in bed with her arms stretched. "That's right, Adrien's big show is coming up."

With a soft smile and nod of encouragement from Tikki, Marinette bolted from her bed. Only for the teen to rush towards her wardrobe. In haste rummaging through her clothing. Rejected items found their way across her room. Under her breath muttering about Adrien. Despite not making out what was said. The kwami presumed was the love-struck girl's day-dreams of her crush.

Tikki grinned as she offered a slight shake of the head and chuckle. Even after being together for as long as they had. It still amazed her how close- and utterly different- Marinette and Ladybug could be.

But the same girl underneath it all.

Somehow, perhaps by pure luck. Marinette managed to arrive make it to school. And moreover in her seat with moments to spare before the bell sounded. As their homeroom teacher, Miss Bustier entered the room and set down her materials at her desk. Chatter filled the room. From ramblings of what happened the night before. Musings of ways to beat the newest level on the game everyone seemed to be playing.

But, more notably was the topic the upcoming fashion show.

From her place behind Adrien. Marinette watched as the blonde male model shook his head and did what he could to shrug off the attention. "No really, Chloe, it's not that big of a deal. Just another show."

From the other side of the room, another teen- Chloe made a face and waved her hand dismissively. "You are, like, way too modest Adrien. But this, well, isn't just some show, am I right? It's going to be stream across the globe-live!"

A flash of embarrassment dashed on Adrien's face, his hand reached to the back of his neck. "Isn't everything streamed anymore?" Before he could continue his response, Sabrina cut in.

As the girl leaned over her desk, an animated expression dashed across her face. "Your dad's an internationally famous fashion designer, and this show has a ton of big stars coming." She paused, her hands clasped over her heart. "Please tell me Jagged Stone will be there."

"Settle, everyone settle. Everyone gather your assignments." Miss Bustier's voice chimed. As she turned her attention away from the chalkboard behind her, and towards her students.

Obligingly, papers where passed forward and the chatter simmered to a mummer. "Even though I know you all are eager to jump right into our exam. I wanted to go ahead and make an announcement in regards to our upcoming open house."

"Seriously," Nino cupped his chin in his hand. "No offence, but open houses are like of-"

"Lame," Max injected without missing a beat.

With a smile and nod Nino shrugged, "Every year is the same- more or less. What's the big deal?"

Left and right, students began voicing their options. From her seat, Marinette tried to remain neutral. Mostly because if she had any chance of passing that exam she knew she would need to save her energy. It wasn't until she felt a jab in her side did she notice a pair of eyes on her.

"Whoa, is open house seriously that bad?" Alya arched her brows together as she tapped her pencil on her open notebook.

Marinette offered a sheepish grin, as she twiddled her fingers trying to find the right words. "Well, I guess it is normal… You know, our parents check out our classes and work. Talk with the teachers. That type of thing."

From his seat, Nino twisted his neck. "At the end of the night we have a guest speaker- and that speaker is usually Chloe's dad, Mayor Bourgeois."

"As you all know, Mayor Bourgeois has done us the honour of presenting a speech. This year though, I regret to inform you all that due to a prior obligation-"

At that all eyes fell on Chloe. The blonde ponytailed teen examined her nails, and with a deep sigh looked over at her classmates. "It's the night after the fashion show, daddy's having a dinner with a lot of important people."

"Needless to say," Miss Bustier continued. "We will be needing to find a new speaker for the evening. I want you all to come up with some ideas and share with them with the class representative, Marinette."

Alya clasped her hands together, "I know. We should ask Ladybug and Chat Noir."

"Yeah, they protect the city day in and day out."

"They saved me Monday from that one guy!"

"They're the best." Behind her smile, and gestures of agreement, Marinette couldn't help but to feel her stomach twist. How was she going to pull this one off?