My other stories are going to be on hiatus, except for FMU. Also What the f*** is going to be under reconstruction, I went back to read it and I cringed so hard. I have seen that my writing skills have gotten better, so yeah that is going under reconstruction. This is a story I've had on my mind for a while, so I hope you guys like it. It was originally supposed to be like a dark!Ed fanfic, but I saw that there were not enough dark!Al around, so it's time to darken Al's soul a tiny bit...Hue hue :D. Well without any more delay enjoy!

Disclaimer: I don't own Fullmetal Alchemist.


Ed sneezed into his balled fist as he walked toward the Resembool train station. He was in an irritated mood because of the abnormally cold weather, which caused his stump to ache terribly. At least it was just his leg, now that his right arm was finally restored the cold didn't effect it much. The still had pain, but it was tolerable. The moon illuminated the path to the train station which aided Ed since it was nearly one in the morning, but he could not complain much. Alphonse was finally coming home from his long trip to Xing and he was excited to see his little brother after so long. They had never been separated for a large amount of time, and of course they would write and call to each other, but there was nothing like having him home.

He made it to the train station and took a seat on a nearby bench, it was eerily quiet since no one was there at one in the morning. No one, except for the station clerk, who was dead to the world and snoring loudly with a trail of drool on the side of his desk.

God it was so cold out, if Ed had to guess, he would say that it may snow later, but fat chance of that. The last time it snowed in Resembool, he and his brother were still children and his mother was still alive. He cherished that memory because it was the only one he could remember where he truly felt like a kid. He remembered that his mother made hot chocolate for them and then soon after they helped her make some cookies. Ed found himself smiling at the memory and exhaled, oh how he wished for more times like that.

The sound of a horn interrupted his thoughts and made him stand up, he wanted to get his brother and hightail it back home to get out of the cold before he froze to death. The train made its stop with that horrible screeching sound as the breaks forced the contraption to halt. The station clerk jumped up because of the noise and nearly fell out of his seat. Ed suppressed his childish snicker and turned to face the train. The door opened to reveal the silhouette of a figure. The figure stepped off the train with a bag of luggage clutched in one hand.

"Welcome home, you idiot," Ed said as he grabbed the bag of luggage from his little brother's hand.

"Good to be back," Alphonse replied, he pulled his jacket closer to his body. The weather nearly sucked out all the warmth from his body. "Wow, it's freezing out here." his voice shook with the freezing temperature, he rubbed his hands together in an attempt to warm them.

"I know, let's head back to the house before we turn it to popsicles," Ed joked as they began their walk back to the yellow house. Al pretty much looked the same, but Ed could spot some subtle differences. Al had a little tan and his hair was a bit longer, he was also a bit thinner than Ed remembered, which worried him. He would discuss it later. "So how have you been?"

"I've been good, Xing was amazing, and hot," He looked down to his hand. "I think I got a shade or two darker while I was there."

"Yeah, I noticed, but don't worry it isn't that noticeable." Ed stifled a groan as another sharp pain shot though his leg. Al continued to walk, so maybe he didn't notice. The house was coming into view and much to Ed's relief he could see smoke rising out of the chimney. "Winry's awake."

"I hope my arrival didn't force her to wake up." Al mumbled softly, Ed rolled his eyes. How were they related? Ed had an abrasive attitude, while Al was so polite, he would even apologize to the stray kitten he couldn't take home! Well then again, Al had that side of him that he suppressed. The side that even scared Ed, it was the side of Al that simply didn't care. It was rare to see that side of him; that side of him was suppress by his usual caring personality. Ed had a hunch that a lot of rumors that were going around during his state alchemist years, were started by Al. 'That sneaky little bastard' Ed thought to himself. 'Ah just too paranoid.' "Brother?"

"Huh? Oh sorry, blanked out," Ed apologized while they walked up the steps of the Rockbell house. "You got to be quiet, the old hag is sleeping." Ed opened the door to the house and sighed as the warmth of the fire embraced his frame.

Al shook his head at his brother's insult. "Ed, be nice," Al shrugged off his coat once inside and was greeted to a steaming cup. "Thank you, Winry." He graciously accepted the mug and opened his arms for an embrace.

"Great to see you, Al." Winry let out a small yawn and shuffled into the embrace. She had woken up when Ed left to the train station and could not get back to sleep, so she decided to make some hot chocolate. She pulled away from the embrace and shuffled to the couch to relax. Al followed and sat at the other end of the couch, allowing himself to smile as he watched Winry lay her head on Ed's shoulder.

"So you actually did it? I thought you just chickened out." Al took a sip from his drink and chuckled at Ed's glare.

"I told you I would do it," Ed pointed at Al with his mug. "You calling me a liar?"

"I'm just saying you stretch the truth." Al place his mug onto the coffee table in front of him and stood. "This hot chocolate needs some marshmallows, if you'll excuse me." Al said as he took a step forward. Suddenly, Al felt very nauseated and tripped falling forward.

"Al!" Ed sprung up, startling Winry, and outstretched his arms. The mug in his hand was flung and shattered on the ground off to the left. He was able to catch Al before his head could hit the floor and cause any bodily harm. Ed could see that Al was in shock, his eyes were wide and dilated. "Al," he shook his brother for an answer, but didn't get one. "Alphonse!"

Winry rushed to his side, mindful of the broken glass on the floor. "Al," when she, herself didn't get an answer back, she went to work checking if he was harmed. She checked his pulse and inspected anything she could see on him. "I can't find anything that wrong with him. Take him to the surgery room." Ed nodded and repositioned Al so that he could lift him up, but as soon as he did that Alphonse took a deep breath, as he had awoken from a nightmare.

When he saw that he was being lift up, he became panicked. "Brother? What are you doing?" his voice trembled in unexplainable fear. Ed slowly placed his brother down on the couch and backed away to give him some breathing room.

"Al, what happened?"

"I was just about to ask the same thing," An old woman's voice filled the room. The trio looked up to see Pinako making her way down the steps of the second floor. "One second I with the man of my dreams, literally, and the next I hear things breaking," She grumbled as she grabbed her pipe from the drawer next to the stairs. "Alphonse it is great to see you again, but…What is with all the noise!" all three blonds flinched at her scolding tone.

"Chill out, you old bat," Ed booed. "Al, fell." Her anger dissipated, but some still lingered.

"Of course he did, he's probably exhausted," She looked over to Al, who was rubbing his eyes with his thumb and forefinger. "Head to bed, you can discuss your travels in the morning," Al slowly nodded and made his way to his room. "That goes for both of you as well. I'll clean up the mess."

"Night, Granny." Ed muttered as he and Winry retired for the rest of the night, or morning. Pinako cleaned up the glasses from the floor and placed the cups into the sink, but something stopped her. She looked over to Al's cup and saw that it was completely full. It was strange because Al had a sweet tooth and he would have drank the hot chocolate, tired or not. Maybe he's not feeling well, she continued to clean with a bad feeling settling in her gut.


The headache was back and with a vengeance, he could feel his head throbbing as he laid in his bed. Unable to take the pain, he got up from his bed and went over to the restroom. Behind the mirror he found the sleeping aids. He sighed dejectedly as he opened the bottle and pulled out two little pills. He hoped he wouldn't need to use them again and he didn't feel the need to use them since he was better. Although things change. 'Yeah they change.' He thought as he popped both into his mouth and swallowed them dry. He made his way back to his bed with the bottle of sleeping aids still in his hand. He sat on the edge of his bed and looked at the bottle, "Alphonse Elric, sleeping aids for insomnia. Take two before bed." He repeated what the doctor had told him before he had left the hospital after he had regained his body. He settled into bed and stared at the ceiling as the effects of the medication started to take a toll on him. The last lucid thing he thought was, "Who are you?"

There's chapter 1 of this new story, sorry if it was kinda boring or confusing. The next chapter will include some details on what happened in Xing and what is wrong with Al. If you spot any mistakes please do not hesitate to tell me, it would be much appreciated. Until next time!
