I do not own Blue Exorcist (Yeah, no shit) or any characters associated with it. Blue Exorcist is property of Kazue Kato.

It has been a while since i've watched Blue Exorcist so I don't remember all the terms, and events, but i'll try my best. Also please ignore my shitty writing, I know it's bad.

Rin rubbed his eyes as he climbed down the stairs. When he got to the bottom he stopped as he heard familiar hushed voices.

"You told Yukio?"

"Yes, he was beginning to ask questions."

"Are you going to tell Rin then?"

"Of course not, how would you like to find out your father's Satan?"

'What do they mean by father?" thought Rin, 'My father's Fujimoto.'

Rin was curious, so instead of following his better judgement, he stayed.

"Fine...but he will eventually find out, the boy's not stupid."

"I'm well aware of the risks, but we still have time."

"Even time has a limit, Shiro, you should know that."

"Yeah I know…"

"Just don't say I didn't warn you...that boy is trouble…"

The figure exited the room no longer blocking Rin's view. There he saw Fujimoto, head in hands with a worried look on his face.

'Dad, what were you talking about? There's no way my father's Satan. Even if he was, if Yukio really did know, he would have told me, right?'

At that moment Rin didn't know what he was doing or where he was going, but he just wanted to get away from these feelings that were bottling up inside of him. He ran, and ran, and he didn't stop running until he bumped into a man.

"Well, hello there, little boy, are you lost?" asked the man. While the question itself was harmless the way the man said it was bone-chilling and just plain terrifying.

"N-no, i'm fine, really." Rin backed away afraid to speak up for himself. He had spoken up against bullies at his school, but this was different, this guy was older and meaner. There just was something not right about him.

"Well, what's your name, boy?"


When the strange man heard his name he instantly smiled and to Rin's surprise the smile wasn't menacing like he would have expected, it was almost welcoming.

The man got closer to Rin, but Rin didn't mind. He had no reason to afraid, right?

"Who knew after eight long years of searching, my long-lost son would be the one to find me, not the other way around. What an unexpected turn of events this is."

"S-Son." Rin couldn't believe his ears if this was indeed his 'father,' then that would make him Satan and that didn't make any sense. 'No this can't be right, this can't be my father.' decided Rin.

Satan seemed to have heard this thought though, either that or Rin must have said it aloud instead of in his head like he believed to be so, because Satan replied to his comment,

"Yes, that's right, I am Lord Satan and your true father, but if you feel so inclined you can call me papa."


Fujimoto turned around. He could have sworn he had heard the front door shut. 'Nevermind, could have just been the wind…' thought Fujimoto.

Fujimoto sighed, he had had a long night. He climbed up the stairs. 'Time to check on the boys'. When Shiro went entered Rin and Yukio's room he was shocked to find that Rin was missing. This made him nervous to say the least, he loved that sweet boy with all his heart the way Yuri would have wanted. 'Where could he be…'. Then a frightening thought crossed his mind, 'What if Satan… no, there's no way. I still have more time. Satan couldn't have found him yet...could he?'

*In Some Random Ass Alley*

"So you're saying that Yukio's going to become an evil exorcist, right?"

"Yes, he is." said Satan in a monotone voice. 'The boy should have already known this. Why should I have to be the one to tell him.' Rin and Satan had been sitting on the ground talking for a couple minutes now as Satan explained the world of Demons and Exorcists to the young demon prince. Somewhere through the third minute, blood started pouring out of Satan's eyes. He shouldn't have been able to stay in the body for even a little while, but he suspected that the willpower to talk to his son had been what had kept his hold to the human world.

Rin had taken everything in a calm demeanor as a 'true prince' should.

"It's about time to get going back to Gehenna." said Satan knowing that his time was coming to an end.

"Um, Dad, I don't want to go to Gehenna…"

Satan raised an eyebrow, obviously annoyed at his son's disobedience.

"Excuse me."

Rin took a deep breath as he made his case. "Well, you see, I don't want to just move on, I want to make Fujimoto and Yukio pay for the pain they caused me."

A grin crossed Satan's face at the thought of his son making Shiro and Yukio 'pay', "What did you have in mind?"

A look of glee passed over Rin's face at the thought of what he was proposing.

"Well, Father, I would be your spy. I would befriend the exorcists and make them think I resent you. I would be your eyes and ears in this world."

Satan was about to congratulate Rin for his clever planning when Shiro Fujimoto ran into the alley, screaming Rin's name and just like that Satan had disappeared, leaving Rin all alone for Fujimoto to find him.

"Rin, are you okay? What are you doing out here? I was really worried about you." Fujimoto spoke with concern in his voice, like any father would, but Rin knew better than to rat out his 'true father.'

"I'm fine. I just went out for a walk and got lost. My bad." Rin said with a gleeful smile across his face.

Shiro just nodded his head. 'Best to just go along with it. There's no way he's lying. He's only eight."

And with that Fujimoto and Rin walked home, hand in hand, unaware of the lies the other was telling.