AN: I've noticed a severe lacking in Ben 10 SYOC on this site. Or maybe I'm just too lazy to look? I don't know.

I don't own jack.

Within the countless stars that darts space, there are voids. Spaces stretching across billions of light years. Lacking both normal matter and dark matter. It is questioned by the greatest minds if anything can exist in these voids, and how they were formed in the first place.

They would soon get their answer.

Within the Boötius Void floats a fleet of stationary flagships. All of them easily covering a dozen football fields. Within the main chamber of the flagship stood a lanky being; Its body nine feet tall, obserdly lenthy limbs and small glowing white eyes. It's form was entirely obsidian with glowing patterns of white streaks humming with energy. Humanoid. But at the same time...not quite. The lesser looking beings that darted around it looked much more closely related to the humanoid form in figure and stance, yet still shared the other properties of the higher being.

The being stared mindlessly at the large, overarching screen that took up a third of the room. The only thing that was separating it and it's sabordanants from the almost black nothingness that was on the other side.

The screen began to chirp and flicker, the vast universe beyond these strange beings disappearing from view. In its place, sat a little girl. Diceptivly human, if not for the cartoonishly long ears that pointed straight up. Her skin was peach, she wore heavy red eye shadow, and her raven black hair was pulled into a ponytail that hung on the left side of her head. From what could be seen on screen, she was wearing some sort of yellow and pink frilly princess garb straight out of a fairytail.

She growled, mutch to the pitch of a newborn cub, and showing some gaps from missing teeth.

"Ńoderè!" She screeched. "What's your status with the ranger!?"

The being now addressed as Ńoderè finally began to show some form of life since its name has been called. It tillted its head up to the screen, the girl cringing in unease at the sight of it, and begane to emit low electronic sounds. It's glowing patterns flickering with the frequency.

On the other side of the call, the "princess" sat in a more cozy room. The window to space outside clear as she was instead looking at a monitor, sitting in a high chair, while a similar, elder being stood next to her in a matching regal outfit. On the screen, Ńoderè's 'face' took up the entirety of it, his electronic language being translated into something the princess can read below his eyes. After scanning the text once, the princess let out a screech and began banging on the monitor keydesk.

" Well if you can't find him, why'd you bother showing up in the first place!?" The old man beside her pulled the chair back so she could do no further damage.

"Your grace, please calm down. This is not good for your health."

"Hmph!" She jumped off the chair and stomped out of the chamber room. "If you want something done right, you gotta do it yourself!"

Far from their respective fleets flew a lone Dreadnaught. Far larger and much less subtle than the ones from before. An almost glowing white base color with occasional red patterns. As if to invite those who would dare to do harm.

Inside was where the action was happening.

Lasor bullets of all sorts of variety screemed through the halls, few of them barely grazing their target while others missed by a mile. What they were aiming at was a man. Seemingly young and fit from what his form fitting space suit managed to reveal. He was riding on a hovering bike that was fast enough to avoid gunfire, yet slow enough sdo that he wouldn't lose the package he held in his right arm.

One of the gunman who was chasing him down got a lucky shot at the bikes core engine, causing it to lose height and crash, sending the man tumbling into a large chamber. He began to cough, using what strength he had left to push himself off of the carbon floor. He realized that his hands were free, frantically looking about the room before his eyes landed on a blue and red cube. He lunged after it, coming within a hairs distance before a laser blast to the abdomen sent him flying in the opposite direction.

From the smoke where his stolen bike had layed, out stepped a large figure; A white cape flowing about on a non-existant breeze, blood red knight-like cybernetic armor that covered from head to toe. Visibly male. Absurdly muscular, not to mention tall. And a glowing greatsword a foot longer than himself in his left hand. He stood a good distance away from the smaller man, his eyes set on the cube that sat innocently between them. He tilted his head to the side slightly as a dozen troops wearing similar color scheemed gear came pouring in.

The man who layed clutching his fatal injury reached behind his back and pulled out a grappling gun, firing it at the box and pulling it towards him in the blink of an eye.

The troops steadied their guns at him in response, but the large man raised his hand at them, and they stood at ease. At least for the moment. The large man slowly pointed his greatsword at the wounded intruder.

"Simply lay that box at your feet, Ranger," he started, his voice deep and demanding, yet calm."And I promise, your death will be swift and painless."

The Ranger's breath was heavy, the world slowly fading around him, but he could still hear. He turned his head to the side and spat out a bit of blood, chuckling to himself, for the fact that he still managed to leave a mark. He coughed once more and turned back to the knight.

"Just give up...and go out silently...?"

The troops looked about each other, all curious as to what that meant.

"Sorry." He reached behind his back and pulled out a small remote with a single button. "Rangers tend to make alot of noise." And he pressed it.

The entire room shook violently, and for a moment, they believed to have stumbled upon heavy asteroids. That was until the whole room began to glare with horns and flashing red lights.

Warning: Critical internal structural damage. Warning: Critical internal structural damage.

The feminine robotic voice only had to say it a few times for everyone to get the picture. The Knight spun to his troopers.

"Flee, men! Evacuate the area now!" With that, everyone sprinted out of the room. Save for the man who pressed the button in the first place. He has let the remote slide away with the rumbling of the room and held the box close to his chest.

The front of the Dreadnaught had small spurts of explosions until a whole 1/4 blew off of the entire structure. Surviving the event with severe cracks, the box flew at great speeds away from the Dreadnaught, eventually careening towards a little known mudball called Earth.

Watching all of this, a shrouded figure, in an area bearly lit by floating orbs, chuckled to himself.

"Now, it is all for grabs."


So, that was the pilot episode. If you'd like to share your thoughts I'm open to them. Or, realistically, if you want to skip down to the SYOC template, here it is:

(Note: Do not put any apps in the review. Pm only.)

(Also note: You may submit more than one character.)


Age: (must be within senior in high school range)



Personality: (Do not just list traits. Must be at least 300 words)

Bio: (Must be at least 250 words)

Chosen Ring Color: (Though I will list all of them, you must pick one. If the one you have picked had already been chosen, I will ask you to pick a different one. And yes, these are all colors. I looked them up.)











