Hello everyone. It's me Will S. LaVi or as my readers knew me last year, Will of Wisp. But just call me Will or LaVi, it's less confusing that way.

Anyways, sorry for dropping off the face of the Earth. Lots of things happened since the last time I posted an announcement, many of them are quite painful as well. In fact, I still haven't recovered that well to be honest.

So, I'm still working on the new version of Legacy of War which I will post as its own separate story (Should I add a subtitle? Like "Legacy of War: Arc Ascending"?) so that all of you will be given a chance to review it. You're just going to have to wait a bit more because I'm in my second semester of college which is why I'm so busy.

Also...yeah, it's a slow going process. Trust me, I have no shortage of ideas for the new Legacy of War. Sure, some events would go different, location/manner/time-wise but I'll make sure to share my vision as best as I could.

It's just been...difficult to write again. Much more difficult than I wanted it to be.

So I'm asking for help. I only ask those willing to do so.

Sorry if I'm such an inconsistent author.

Till next time, this is Will S. LaVi.