A/N: This is Itachis rout after my main Story Atarashī seikatsu-A new live, when you are a new reader please read that story first to understand everything.

Thank you for still and now reading this :D, love you all for it. 3

I don´t own Naruto

"bla" normal talking

´bla´ OC thinking

´bla´ OC inner

Chapter 1: A date?

After I reached my flat I stood before a "little" problem.

´What do I wear?´

´Good question, next one please´

´What do I do?´

´Not panicking and being natural! That is the idea just wear something casual´

´But then he will think I didn´t made any effort and it isn´t important for me´

´Then maybe the deep purple top, you know the chines one with this beautiful silver pictures of tree branches and to that one a black jeans?´

´That is perfect I will go with that´

I went to my closet and fetched said pieces of cloth only to be met with another problem.

´Normally I´m not that girly...but should I do something with my hair? And should I wear some assessors?´

´You are good like that, be yourself´

Slowly I reached up to my collarbone. I could still see the faint scars from that time.

´Even now I have scars´

´Good for you that you are in a world where it is normal to have some´

´How about a ponytail?´

´We both know that you don´t like them on yourself´

I didn´t know how the time flew by while I was still think about which shoes to choose and if I should bring a bag or something like that.

´You are overthinking right now, calm down´

Someone knocked on my door.

´Oh my god it is already 7pm, what now, what now!?´

´Maybe first open him the door?´

´Oh...you are right´

I hastily combed my hair a bit with my fingers, grabbed my purse and then went to open the door with a slight blush on my face.

"Uhm...hay" I greeted.


´I´m nervous´

It was something to see, Itachi in casual clothes. He wore a black pullover with a v-neck and a dark grey pair of jeans adopting a relaxed stance, clearly signalling that he is off duty for this evening.

"You look really pretty Yuu" He said and I looked finally up from that fascinating view, into his eyes. His ponytail was a bit looser than usual, some stray strands escaped and fell into his face, a face that was more relaxed than I ever saw it before and his eyes...those deep, warm onyx ones were looking straight at me, captivating me.

"Should we go?"

My eyes moved really slowly down to his lips registering that they moved, but I didn´t heard at first what he said.

´They look ...kissable´

´He asked something´


I blinked a few times only to hear low chuckles from Itachi. I could feel the heat of my blush rise and reaches a new red tone, so I tried to hide it behind my hands.

"It is alright Yuu, just let us go or we will be late"

He took hold on both of my hands and slowly moved them away from my face, but I still tried to avoid eye contact so he used one of his hand to capture my chin and turned my face upwards to him.

"You look really cute with that blush" he mumbled, but I heard him blushing more.

He gave up to get me to look in his eyes, but was still laughing silently. He also had not let go of my hand just pulled at it a bit so that I made the first step outside of my door.

"We will be late Yuu" with that said I quickly closed the door with my free hand and let myself be led by Itachi thought the streets, not giving any attention to where we are going. My focus was on his hand that hold mine. His was bigger than mine closing around it wholly, warming it. His hand was also a bit rouge from his training and all the hair thin scars, but still it felt so nice, I didn´t want him to let go.

He suddenly stopped and I ran into him.

"Umpf, ah sorry" I said and gave him an apologizing lopsided grin, but then looked around to see where we were.

Before us was the newly opened restaurant. I heard a lot about it from Ino, she said it wasn´t too fancy and the prices are payable even for genins and the food was "a dream" according to her.

´So classic for a date, nearly boring´

´But still, sometimes the classic things are the best ones´

A smile began to bloom on my face.

"I wanted to try this out since I hear about it from Ino" I told him while following him inside.

"Good evening, how can I help you?" The receptionist asked us after scanning me and checking out Itachi, her eyes seemed to be glued at him and her smile got a bit brighter.

"I made a reservation, Uchiha" Itachi answered shortly, and you could see the yen sparkling in her eyes.

´Ugh I hate such peoples, she shouldn´t act like that in this business´

´You just want her to stop ogling him´

´No, he isn´t my boyfriend or such a thing, so ...´

´Don´t try to deny it´

´Ok, but-´

´You are so blind´

"Ah yes, a table for two, follow me please" She said showing us to our table and giving us the menu.

"The waitress will be here soon" She said to both of us, but then turned to Itachi.

"Do you need anything else?"

"No" short and cold he dismissed her in full Uchiha manners, even when I didn´t like these manners I chuckled a bit at the face of the receptionist.

I picked up the menu and looked first for something to drink.

´What do they have...hmm...oh they have some nice juices´ after deciding for a drink I looked at the dishes and nearly began to drool.

´They have duck, I love that´

"Have you decided?" The foretold waitress startled me out of my thoughts. I looked over to Itachi who looked at me with a little smile tugging on his lips, so I took that as the cue to order first.

"Yes, I like to have the mango juice and to eat the duck breast chop suey, please"


"I will order that at a later point, please"

"Alright, and you sir?" On the way how she took the order and spoke to us this waitress was more professional than the one greeting us.

"Green tea and the todays special, please" The waitress nodded, said that she will bring the drinks first and left.

"How is Sasuke?" I asked him to avoid any embarrassing silence.

"He trains a lot" a short answer, too short for Itachi with his little brother complex.

"Did something happen?" I watched every move he made. He lowered his head a bit so I couldn´t see all of his face, but the frown I still saw.

"He is growing up and distance himself from us"

"Hmmm...That is just natural for us teenagers, but I´m sure he will come around with the time" I smiled at him trying to cheer him up a bit.

The waitress came back in just that moment to bring our drinks.

Itachi took his cup of tea sighted and then took a little sip.

"It is just hard to accept"

"I know" I grinned at him and his mood lightened up seeing that.

"You are so carefree, even with all this danger around you. How?" he shook his head.

I didn´t know any good answer to that, so I changed the topic telling him about my visit in Suna.

Our meals came and we ate and talked a lot.

I was fascinated by his unusual open manner, he chuckled even laughed at one point and smiled a lot, he was relaxed something I never saw before on him.

"You know, you could be a bit more like that, it suits you more than your usual cold manner" I spoke out my mind.

"You also know that I can´t" He returned, this time without any smile or hint of amusement.

"True, but still...maybe...uhm...you-" I fidget with my hands at the rim of the tablecloth trying to find the right words for what I want to say only to blush madly. Thankfully the waitress came back again asking us if we liked any dessert.


"Dangos" we both answered at the same time, and we both laughed a bit at that, the waitress noted it and went away.

"What did you want to say?"

"Just that you know that my door is always open for you and you don´t need to hide anything from me" I gave him my warmth smile I could muster.

"Such naivety" he whispered so I couldn´t hear it.

"Yuuki" he only said my name out loud, but with such warmth and full of feeling, that it almost scared me.

His eyes also hold too much to me unknown feelings, they were two shades lighter a dark stormy grey and so liquid that I for the first time I must look away or I would have drowned in them. It was strange how they took my breath away.


´...I´m scared´

´I know, but you must on one point let it go and move on´

´I-I...what is with Shika?´

´You know for yourself that you should make a decision soon, or it will only lead into hurt feelings, missed chances and regret´

Right then our Dangos were bought and we ate them in silence and then the bill was also placed on our table.

Itachi snatched it before I could even move my hand.

"Itachi" I growled, not needing to say what my issue was.

"This is a date, Yuuki, I invited you so I will pay" his answer threw me off.

"This really was a-a-a-a d-d-a-"

"What else should this be?" He asked blinking at me.

"I-I just didn´t want to misunderstand this" I mumbled turning away from him to hid my blush.

"Next time I will say it clearly" he tried not to laugh, I could see that at the light tremble in his shoulders.

´There will be a next time!?´


"You better do" I still didn´t look his way, until I hear him standing up to come around and took my hand, helping me to stand up.

"It is late I will bring you home"

´A date a real date, when did I have my last one?´

´In you former live and maybe 4 times you had one, but even there it was years ago´

´...sad to say I got more experience in the other field, I don´t count them as dates´

I followed Itachi again having my hand in his, going right beside him, looking at him again and not noticing my surrounding.

We reached my apartment in a really short time and I opened my door before I turned around.

"It was really wonderful Itachi, thank you" I said tip toeing to get on his high to give him a kiss on his cheek before I could back down he slung an arm around my back holding me in my place.

"Isn´t it me who should give you a kiss?" He whispered in my ear and changed his angle slightly so he could give me said warm kiss on the cheek.

"Good night Yuuki" he again said into my ear caressing it with his warm breath and a shudder ran down my back. I stood there frozen in my place and tomato red, while he just gave me a mischievous smile and then went on his own way home.

´Wow, did you do that?´

´Oh no girl you are clearly attracted to him´

´I think I should better go take a shower and then sleep´

´Sounds good to me´

Next morning

"YUUKI!" -BANG BANG BANG- someone has clearly a death wish, looking at my clock it was only 8am, to bang on my door this early.

´The only reason or because of your wonderful dream about another "date"´

´Shut it´

I dragged myself out of my bed, down the hall and stood for a second before my door before I opened it.

"The hell you want from me, you better have a REALLY good reason for waking me up" I grumbled out giving the person before me my evil glare.

"Ugh Naruto was right you are no morning person, no manners, it´s me Ino and we have an emergency!" Exclaimed Ino pushing me aside and went inside only for me to see that the other girls were with her.

"Which one?" I asked getting irritated at her gall.

"You and Itachi, date last night, ringing a bell?"

´Gossip travels fast´

´Ugh I don´t have the energy for this´

"Ino just say what you want to know and then leave please" I grumbled a little bit friendlier.

"Not so fast, Hinata dear?" Hinata reached into her bag and pulled out a bag with special bonbons.


´You are too easy to bribe´

I took some breath and calmed down enough to find my manners.

"Alright sit down, does anyone like some tea?" I asked turning into the kitchen making some for myself and for the two who called for one cup of the same.

3 rd POV

Uchiha district

Itachi was still sleeping when someone was knocking on his window.

He tried to ignore it turning around and moved his blanked higher up to cover his ear.

"You could be so friendly to open the window for your favourite cousin" Shisui complained after picking the lock. The red eyes of a demon were gleaming up from under the cover.

"My day off, get lost" Itachi just grumbled and yes he took the advice of the Hokage to take two days off before the visit of the new Amekage and his ninjas.

"Sure, but only after you told me about this little girl you took out to a date" Shisui got a Cheshire cat grin on his face.

"You don´t need to know" Itachi answered, not so angry anymore, nearly smiling remembering the date, something Shisui didn´t miss.

"Ah~ so good? I hear also she was a beauty" Shisui tried to get more out of Itachi only to be surprised.

"You already met her some years ago"

"I did?" Shisui searched in his mind but came up with nothing.

"The festival Shisui" you could clearly see the light bulb going on in his head, he must be clearly adopted or raised by some other peoples to be so not Uchiha like.

"Ah! That cute little girl, how old was she then?"


"Oh then she is 16 now, blooming into a woman, I think I will leave now, see you later" Shisui said cheerful, turning to the window only to stop in his track when he felt an ice cold chill running slowly and intensive down his spine. He didn´t dare to turn, he swallowed.

"I will only take a little look, nothing more I swear" feeling the killing intend still in the air he used is flicker technique to escape.

Itachi now fully awake made no haste in standing up, finding his mind like every so often wander to Yuuki and his heart filled again with this warmth and also with something new, something that he began only to feel after he watches how she slowly developed. Something strong and wild calling for things that would scar Yuuki away.

He knew lust, he is ANBU after all, he had taken quite a number of seduction missions. That new feeling was in some ways like lust, but it was rawer and mixed with some other yearnings he didn´t understand even yet in his adult age.

He made himself ready and already planned everything what he would say to his father, who would have heard of last night event.

3 rd POV End

Back to the girls

"Awww~, older guys are so *sight*" Ino got very excited after getting every detail out of me.

"I´m sure he is holding back because of your age" Sakura said with a mischievous smile looking at Ino and both grins became a bit wider, both were clearly up to no good.

"Whatever you thought of, No" I said before they even got the chance to do something.

"Uhm...I thought we are going to train with our teams today" Hinata asked reminding the others of their originally plans before they heard the new rumour from Ino and being dragged to my apartment.

"Hurry up, Yuu you are coming with us" Ino decided for me pushing me into my room to change.

When I was done, wearing now some tight shorts and a simple dark blue T-shirt, they pulled me along to the training fields where the guys already waited for us.

"You are late, morning Yuu-chan" It was really fascinating how Kiba could change from angry at Ino to all friendly to me, while Akamaru came up to me wagging his tail expecting his greeting.

I smiled at the cute face of him and cuddled him toughly.

"You know, you are my favourite dog" I said to him and was jumped by him pressed down on the floor getting my face licked up by him, but I could only laugh at that.

"Hey Akamaru are you betraying me?" Kiba pouted hating it when his own dog seemed to like someone else more than him.

"Come here to me Akamaru" Kiba commanded, wanting his partner back, but said partner just looked up a short moment crooking his head a bit but then continued to lick my face up.

"Bwhahahaha Kiba you lost to a girl!" Naruto laughed and rolled on the floor holding his stomach, even the others had a hard time to fight their own laughter.

"Akamaru!" Now Kiba barked a bit like a dog commanding attention and this time Akamaru heard him and returned to Kibas side, hanging his head in apologize.

"Don´t be too harsh Kiba" I said softly pitying the poor dog, even knowing that he didn´t need it as a ninken.

"Naruto, we made it too" Lee and Neji both entered the field making the Konoha twelve complete.

"Then let us start!" Naruto cheered and they all build some groups to train only Lee didn´t join he came over to me to keep his promise to train me in some simple self-defence.

"We should start, too, fragile beautiful snowflake of youth" Lee cheered giving me his signature pose and teeth sparkle.

It was already a bit of a routine, just after me coming back Lee showed up telling me in his own way that he offered to train me, from that day every time when he and me found time we trained together. First we went through the basic, then through the moves he showed me last time, correcting me every now and then until he showed me some new moves.

"You are so elegant and fast in learning, Yuu-chan" Lee said after we were done. I laid on the ground panting and sweating tring to cool down in the shade of a tree, while he stood there with no trace of exhaustion.

"Thank-You-Lee-join-the-others" I bought forth between my still heavy breath.

"I will join in!" Lee screamed and jumped into the fights ready to beat them all.

"Shisui right? You know that the Hokage don´t like peeping toms right?" I asked innocently up into the branches over my head, knowing of the eyes watching me from the very start.

That was also something I trained in private, hating to be surprised by my ninja friends I began to train my senses to detect them, or better said to become a sensor.

"You won´t" Shisui said from above with a little bit panic in his voice, maybe he once saw by chance what Tsunade did to Jiraiya after finding him sneaking into the woman bath.

"I won´t when you tell me why you are watching me" I smiled at the Uchiha example of a Naruto.

"I heard you were that lady my cousin took out for a date" He stated with a wide grin while coming down to stand beside my lying form.

"Yes he did" I replied and he got a more serious look.

"It is the first time he does that, but in that point, you seem to be special, he does lot of things in your present that he doesn´t around the others, even me. It is starting to get attention and I just wanted to warn you, to get involved with a clan as big as the Uchiha is not easy" I looked up to him, giving him a serious look of my own before I let it morph into a wicked smile.

"I didn´t decide until now what I chose to do, but of one thing I´m sure, I can handle them, the question is if they can handle me"

´Oh yes we are good in such political games, let them try´

´We aren´t working for nothing under Shikaku´

´We better should pay our work a visit later´

Shisui was silent for a moment and watched me intensively before a mischievous smile bloomed on his face.

"I take it that you were the one suggesting pranking the guys from the famous Konoha twelve...I begin to like you Yuu-chan, I will give you another good advice for later, read the Icha Icha series."

Knowing at what he hinted I began to laugh.

"I will do that"

´We always wanted to know what is written in these books´

"It will be our little secret but, you know who, read them" Shisui whispered. My eyes widened at that revelation.

´Who had thought that he read them´

´I didn´t´

´Oh that could be fun when he is that experience as I think he is´


´ANBU? Seduction missions?´


At that and because of the pictures from my Inner a blush slowly began to form itself on my cheeks.

"Oho, what were you thinking kitty?" His grin widened a fraction more but I kept my mouth shut.

´Oh I thought about good Itachi pressing us into a wall, his hot mouth on our neck, over the pulse nibbling on it while he held one of our legs up on his hip, slowly moving his warm and strong hand upwards. His other hand also moving from our waist upwards to cup a breast, squeezing it a bit before-´

´Stop! Please!´

´But you like it´

´Yes, but now I´m blushing like mad and give Shisui the wrong impression´


Shisui began to chuckle seeing the rising redness from my neck.

"Nothing important" I tried to deny it, but failed miserably.

"Sure~, this will be fun, I will see you around kitty" Shisui said suddenly in a hurry to disappear after throwing a glance over to my friends seeing the look from Shika, which I couldn´t see from my position.

"How do you know Shisui of the body flicker?" When said Uhicha left Shika took his place standing beside me, looking down on me.

"He is Itachis cousin we met once or twice over the years and after hearing about the date of his baby cousin he came to check me out" I said nonchalant, not really caring for that, I cared more about the stiffness in his shoulders and neck.

"Ne Shika, come sit down with me" I proposed while sitting up for myself and patting the place before me.

He searched my face for something, but then slumped down trying to relax.

"Na with the back to me" I said while turning him around a bit forcefully, and now came the part my Inner waited for.

"Uhm..I could help you relax, the best would be when you-uhm-would take off your shirt" I coughed a bit to hide my embarrassment in my voice. Without hesitation he complied my plea.

´Wow that is a nice back, look at these toned muscles, I´m sure you could dig your nails in them and scratch them while he-´

´I´m trying to give him an innocent massage´

´As you say, you are "trying"´

´Curse you´

I touched his shoulders, only to have him flinch a bit away.

"What are you trying?" He asked now, but didn´t turn around to me.

"I want to give you a massage to loosen your stiffness" I said touching his warm shoulders again.

"Don´t worry Shizune taught me" I assured and began slowly to massage his shoulders.

These wide shoulders in this bronze tone were warm and I could feel them ripple a bit under my touch, but slowly he relaxed more in my touch, even began to lean in them. When I moved to his shoulder blades he let out a raspy groan taking me by surprise and I stopped. He slowly craned his neck back so he could fixate me with a hazed look of pure bliss.

"Why stopping?" he mumbled in a much deeper voice, a voice that sent something warm over my back and into my stomach. Silently I continued my work ignoring the looks of the others that still continued their training.

´You could use this chance and kiss this nice back, even nibble here and there and then-´



´You are confusing me...or better I´m confused...I don´t want to hurt them...´

"I´m done" I said smiling retreating my hands from his neck.

"Huh" he turned around as soon as my hand left his skin, he catches my hand holding it when he loses his balance.

My back hit the ground and I slowly opened my eyes, that I closed out of reflex, to see Shika hovering over me. He managed to stop his fall with his hands planted beside my head. Now being so close I could feel his body warmth seeping into my flesh, his breath caressing my face and I could smell his unique sent of pine forest and rain. His dazed eyes cleared only to change in something different when they trailed from my own surprised eyes down to my lips.

´He is so going to kiss you´

He slowly leaned down nearing his lips to my own with now only half lidden eyes.

"Oi! Shika what are you doing to Yuuki!?" Narutos loud voice boomed over the training field stopping said man, in his move. Shika closed his eyes breathed in and slowly moved away from me standing up, picking up his shirt he turned to Naruto.

"Nothing, I tripped" They all gave him the "Dude" look. He maybe intelligent but when thrown in a unexpected social situation where he should act impulsive he...was terrible in it.

´Damm just a little bit longer and he would have kissed us´

´Maybe it is good he didn´t´


´First I´m still confused about my feelings for him and Itachi and second ...said Uchiha was watching the whole time´


´I need to clear out my feelings´

I watched after Shika, when a female voice rang beside me.

"You will tell me every detail" clear blue eyes were glinting in curiosity and determination.

Thank you for staying with me so far :) please leave me some reviews :33

For all the poll on my profile is still open and I would be happy when some more would vote for a pairing, pretty please ;3