"Thor? Thor!" Loki screamed.

It wasn't all he ever wanted. All he ever wanted was to be Thor's equal. All he ever wanted was his brother laughing next to him while they were telling each other about their days.

"Heimdall? Heimdall?!" Loki yelled.

Heimdall came crouching next to Thor only moments later.

"Heimdall? Help him." Loki said and his voice broke. This wasn't happening.

Heimdall quickly inspected the wound.

"Lokiā€¦" He began carefully.

"No. NO! I refuse to hear it. He is your king. YOUR KING! I order you to help him." Loki screamed as hot tears began streaming down his face.

"I can't." Heimdall said quietly.

"Thanos hurt me. He hurt me. Not Thor! He cannot hurt Thor! Thor is stronger. He has no power over him. Thor would never let him hurt him. Thor. THOR! Wake up!" Loki shook Thor's shoulders. Thor didn't react. "Brother, please."

"You can't leave me all alone. Please, brother. I am so sorry. So sorry about everything. Please." Loki buried his head into Thor's shoulder and wept.

The Avengers were standing around, unsure what to do.

"Loki." It was Tony to speak first. "Loki."

Loki raised his eyes and saw the glowing reactor in the Iron Man's suit.

And he understood.

With a flick of his hand, Loki let the Tesseract materialise in the palm of his hand. With his other hand, Loki called for Mjolnir which quickly flew into his hand.

With a quick, almost automatic movement, Loki placed the Tesseract onto Thor's wound. Then he hit the Tesseract with Mjolnir.

The hit was deafening, and the magic cube split itself into little pieces. One by one, they began to find their way into Thor's body. Loki began mumbling a spell and the pieces of what once was a Tesseract began knitting the wound together. Finally, there was no more blood, only a scar which was glowing blue.

Loki stopped the spell.

He looked at Thor.

At first, nothing happened.

Then Thor opened his eyes and abruptly sit up.

I know that I have taken great liberties with the Tesseract and its powers. My reasoning behind that is that I am interested mainly in Loki and his character, personality, and reasoning. Hence, I wanted to use the Tesseract as something that held a value for Loki to make an example of it. But I feel that if you have read this far, you have probably understood that I am not focusing on the Infinity Stones and their implications but rather on Loki, Loki and Thor etc.

Anyway, a few more chapters coming (hopefully) soon.

Thank you for reading!

P.S. The Tesseract wasn't the only powerful thing in Loki's possession, was it? ;)

P.S.S. Now there is something 'blue' inside both brothers.