Erik glanced up from where he had been working. He smiled, seeing Eponine asleep on the sofa, their son happily curled up next to her. He walked over and picked him up, carrying the four year old to his bed, his favorite toy clutched in one hand.

"Papa?" he asked, rubbing one eye.

"You're supposed to be asleep now, Gavroche," he pointed out.

"Maman's asleep. I just didn't think it would be fair to let her sleep alone," he argued, trying to stifle a yawn.

"Well sleep now, then." He set him on the bed and pulled the blankets up over him. "I'll make certain she's not alone."

"Can we go see Uncle Marius and Enjolras tomorrow?"

"I'll ask your mother about it," he promised.

"Do you think he'll like the new baby when she gets here?"

"You don't know if it'll be a little brother or a sister."

"Maman thinks it'll be a girl." He yawned again. "And she said she's usually right about a lot of things."

"Did she now?" Erik reached out to ruffle his hair. "Go to sleep now, Gavroche. I mean it."

"Yes, papa."

He smiled and stood, softly closing the door behind him. He shook his head, seeing Eponine fast asleep. Erik found a blanket and gently placed it over her.

"Erik?" she murmured, reaching out a hand for him.

"I thought you were asleep as well," he pointed out, gently squeezing it.

"Close enough." Her eyes slightly opened and she frowned. "Where's Gavroche?"

"Asleep in his own room. He asked if we would let him visit Marius tomorrow."

She placed a hand on her swollen stomach and smiled. "If it'll make her come sooner, then yes. Have you thought about a name yet?"

"What makes you so certain it'll be a daughter?"

She shrugged. "Something tells me it'll be a girl. So what do you think we should name her?"

"Whatever you choose, Eponine."

She sighed. "Well...I was thinking Azelma...but then I thought of something else that sounded better."


"Christine. What do you think?"

"I think that would be a lovely name."

Erik smiled, holding his newborn daughter in his arms. "You were right. It is a girl."

Eponine sighed and gave him a tired smile, taking her from him. "Hello, Christine. It's nice to finally meet you."

The door opened and Gavroche climbed up onto the bed, eager to see his new sister.

"He couldn't wait," Marius pointed out from the doorway. "Cosette and I will be outside if you need anything."

"I want to see!" Gavroche insisted, eyes going wide when he saw her. "She looks so tiny! Are all babies that tiny?"

"Only at first," Eponine explained. "She'll grow soon enough. You'll see."

"Can I try holding her? Please?"

She handed Christine to him, helping Gavroche hold her.

"Hi, baby." He smiled. "I'm your brother! That means that I'm in charge of all the important stuff like telling you stories and singing songs! Papa's good at singing songs too, but I can still sing. And we'll play lots of games too. Maman says that they're for when you're bigger, though, so I guess you'll have to wait.."

Erik sighed, seeing his family. He had been happy to have simply Eponine as his wife. Then she had given him his son and the three of them had been happy. Now she had given him a daughter. He couldn't quite imagine what it would be like having a daughter, but then again, he never could have imagined how his life was going to end up with his son.

He walked over to where they were and sat on the bed next to her, watching as Gavroche told his little sister all she could expect. He smiled, knowing that Christine would be in good hands with him teaching her all she needed to know.

"She's perfect," he murmured to Eponine. "They both are."

"And they have the best father there ever could be." She smiled. "They'll be safe and loved with their father watching over them."

"Of course. Erik will be there. For all of you."

A/N: Now we are officially finished! Yay! Thanks for reading and hope you enjoyed! :)