A/N: This came to me after I saw Stephanie's tweet about Jake and Rosa going to Walt Disney World every year and then I thought, what if the squad found out? Of course they would want to tag along and of course Amy would make a binder. And thus, this was born. This is around the time most of New Fantasyland opened so it is set Spring 2013 so right before Season 1 started.

Disclaimer: I do not own B99

It all started when Rosa and Jake were in the academy together. Jake randomly purchased tickets to Walt Disney World one day and convinced Rosa to come with (after he bought the tickets, his crushing debt made a lot more sense to Rosa). Rosa hated the idea but after a lot of whining and crying (from Jake obviously), she agreed reluctantly. (She will deny that if you ask, but she actually loves Walt Disney World). Every year after that, Rosa and Jake would take some much needed time off and go to Walt Disney World. And so their tradition began and continued when they joined the Nine-Nine.

They were able to keep their tradition from the rest of the squad for a good four years before their secret was exposed. One day, Jake stupidly looked for tickets while at work. Charles was the one that catches Jake looking up prices. He screamed Jake's plan to the whole precinct and their tradition of just Jake and Rosa is thrown out the window. The whole squad wanted in and didn't stop yelling they were coming until Jake and Rosa caved.

Jake and Rosa soon found themselves in the briefing room discussing a now week long vacation to Walt Disney World with the rest of the squad (instead of Jake and Rosa's quick three day trip. Cause honestly, you can do two parks in one day and there is only so much Florida heat you can take). But then the whole squad turned into a crew when Terry decided he was bringing the rest of his family, Holt decided to bring Kevin, and Gina yelled to be included. (Jake and Rosa had no choice to agree. Holt was their captain).

Amy started making a binder immediately as Charles tried to convince them to change the trip when the Food & Wine Festival was going on ("It's just so much better than Flower & Garden, Jake. More booths and more food options!") but they stuck the original date much to Charles' dismay.

As the squad continued to discuss their upcoming trip (or "Squad Vacay!" as Charles kept yelling), Rosa motioned for Jake to follow her out of the briefing room and into the break room. As soon as they entered, Rosa slapped his arm.

"Ow! What was that for?" Jake cried, rubbing his arm.

"For you being an idiot. Why the hell were you looking up tickets at work?" Rosa said, clenching her teeth. "This was supposed to be our thing! Now the whole squad is going to find out how much I love Disney."

"I'm sorry! I was going to look them up last night but my internet went out," Jake explained. Rosa gave him a look. "Okay, I forgot to pay the bill but look at it this way, you don't have to ride "it's a small world" with me twenty times."

Rosa just glared at him as she walked out of the break room and back to her desk.

And now here they were four months later and Rosa was still glaring. The flight to Florida was miserable to say the least. Rosa still wasn't speaking to Jake. Charles wouldn't shut up about the Flower & Garden Festival and all the food he would be eating. Amy made four binders for this trip. The TSA agents gave her a strange look when she pulled the binders out of her bag and placed them in the bins. ("Obviously I need a binder for each park. Each park is different and has to be treated as such!") Terry's girls started crying half way through the flight, causing every passenger to glare at them.

Once they landed, Jake hoped Rosa would speak to him again but she stayed by Gina's side the whole time so Jake was stuck sitting by Charles on the way to the resort. By the time they reached All Star Sports, Jake knew everything about Flower & Garden and didn't want to go to Epcot anymore.

A perky cast member greeted them and checked them all in. Rosa was still glaring when they make their way to their separate rooms. She was still glaring when they meet back in the lobby for dinner that night, all except Terry and his family as the girls were getting cranky.

"I have everything planned down to the hour," Amy said, pulling out her Magic Kingdom binder (Jake could tell it was MK with the giant Cinderella Castle sticker on the front) and putting it on the table. "We start tomorrow at Magic Kingdom obviously. We have to be there for rope drop."

"Sorry, Amy, but I'm heading straight to Epcot tomorrow," Charles said, pushing the binder towards her and pulling out the passport for Flower & Garden. "The nice cast member gave me this and now I have so many booths to get through this week!"

"Yeah and Rosa and I decided we are going to Hollywood Studios to ride Tower of Terror a record number of times," Gina told her.

"And Kevin and I will also be heading to Epcot to walk around the world showcase," Holt replied. "And Terry mentioned spending this week with just his kids and not his work kids."

"Wait, so none of us are going to the same thing? We are all just going to go separate ways? After I made four binders!"

"Sorry, Amy," Charles apologized. "But I really want to finish this passport."

"Yeah, sorry, Amy."

Amy looked at everyone, frowning. She took her binder off the table and put it back in her bag, disappointed that she won't be putting it or the other three to use.

Jake sighed. Seeing her disappointed face after all her hard work made him sad and he wasn't sure why. He always made fun of her binders and her intense schedule. But there was something about the pout she was making that Jake could not resist.

"I'll go with you," Jake said.

"What?" Amy looked at him confused and she was pretty sure she heard him wrong.

"You have every hour planned right? What time are we leaving?"

Amy's face broke out in the biggest grin he ever saw. "Really? You're willing to follow my schedule?"


Amy's smile widened. He wasn't kidding. He actually wanted to join her. "Meet me in the lobby at 7:00."

"In the morning?" Jake whined. "Amy!"

"Magic Kingdom opens at 9:00 and the Welcome Show starts at 8:45. We need to be inside the gates by 8:30 so by the time we eat breakfast and ride the bus over, we'll be cutting it close," Amy explained.

"You can join me in Epcot if you don't want to get up that early, Jake," Charles offered. "The countries don't open until 10:00."

Amy faces fell at the offer. Of course he was going to join Charles instead of her. Charles was his best friend. He doesn't want her bossing him around everywhere they go.

"No, 7:00 is fine," Jake assured her. "I'll meet you here at 7:00."

Jake regretted those words when his alarm went off the next morning but he managed to get up, dressed and down in the lobby by 7:00. Amy was waiting for him, smiling when she saw him.

"You made it," She said, shifting her backpack.

"Barely. Wow, nice outfit," Jake looked her up and down, grinning at her outfit.

Amy had on jean shorts and a grey Mickey shirt with black converse. In her hand, she held a pair of Minnie Mouse ears. She shrugged. "The last time I was here, I was 10 and one of my brother's got sick. It was cut short and I didn't have a chance to do everything I wanted. Let me be excited about this, please."

"I think it's cute," Jake said. "Should I buy a matching shirt? No, that's stupid."

"I won't stop you," Amy smiled. "Come on, before they run out of Mickey waffles."

"Mickey waffles! Let's go!"

Breakfast went by in a blur (both Jake and Amy got Mickey waffles) and soon Amy was dragging him on the Magic Kingdom bus.

"Amy, it's isn't even 8:00 yet! I could've gotten another cup of coffee," Jake whined, sliding down in his seat.

"Jake, we are staying at All Star Sports. The closest park is Animal Kingdom which means Magic Kingdom is on the other side of the resort. It's going to take us awhile to get there," Amy explained.

"Okay. I trust you. What's our plan once this welcome show thingy is over?"

"Are you sure you want to know?"

"I might as well prepare myself for all the dragging around you going to make me do."

Amy's face broke out into another grin. "Okay, so after the show, we are going to walk down Main Street and take pictures for a total of ten minutes then we are going to head to Adventureland to ride Jungle Cruise, Pirates of the Caribbean, Aladdin's Magic Carpets, and the Enchanted Tiki Room. After Adventureland, we head to Frontierland for Big Thunder Mountain, Splash Mountain, and Country Bear then it's straight to Liberty Square for Haunted Mansion. After that it will be time for the first castle show so we head over there to watch it. Then we hit Tomorrowland where we ride Space Mountain, Buzz Lightyear, the People Mover, Carousel of Progress, Stitch and of course go to the Laugh Floor. Then lastly we hit Fantasyland and Storybook Circus. We may have to go back to Main Street for the 3:00 parade. And of course we have the nighttime parade and the firework show."

Jake whistled at the schedule. "Damn, Santiago, are you trying to kill me?"

Amy looked at him with her widen eyes, almost puppy dog eyes. He sighed. Damn her and her stupid eyes. "This is going to be fun, Jake," She said.

Before today, Jake didn't think Amy Santiago knew how to have fun. She was always the first one to protest Jake's antics (even though she would eventually participation after awhile). But today, Jake was determined she was going to have fun (and he is definitely going to try to get her to ditch that binder.)

They made it through the turnstiles and in front of the train station right on schedule. Amy was nearly bouncing on her toes as she waited for it to start. Her Minnie Ears were placed on her head and her camera was around her neck. When it did start, she did start bouncing and squealing as the performers sang "Good Morning." She squealed even louder when Mickey came to greet everyone (and no, Jake did not find that squeal extremely adorable). After the welcome show, she grabbed his wrist and pulled him through the entrance.

"It's just as beautiful as I remember," she whispered, looking around Main Street.

"Ah, man, they are redoing those bathrooms again!" Jake cried, motioning to the bathrooms by Guest Relations. "Every year, it's always something. Last year, Big Thunder was down for refurb. If it's down this year, I'm done."

"It's not. I checked the schedule. The Tea Cups is closed until the end of May."

"Oh, that's okay. Not a big fan of the Tea Cups anyway," Jake replied. "Rosa made me going on them the first year and I got sick. Never again."

"Oh, good. I think that's the ride my brother got sick on and made us leave early. It turns out he had the flu but I still hate that ride."

Jake laughed. "That's a good reason."

"Come on, let's go take a picture in front of the castle!"

Amy dragged him down Main Street and in front of the Partner Statue. They got a PhotoPass cast member to take a picture of them. Then Jake used his phone to take a selfie of them, trying (and failing) to get the whole castle in the photo. Then Amy dragged them off to Adventureland where they went on The Jungle Cruise, where Jake quoted every joke (and almost ruined the skipper's punch lines). After The Jungle Cruise, they went on Aladdin's Magic Carpet and then she dragged him to The Enchanted Tiki Room. Jake shifted uncomfortably on the wooden benches and leaned over to her.

"What is this?"

"You've never been in the Enchanted Tiki Room?" Jake shook his head. "You're going to love it!"

Not even a minute into it, Jake did not in fact love it. As soon as the birds started singing, his eyes widen and turned to Amy in horror. She shushed him and turned back to the show. But the show just got weirder. When the drums stated beating and "storming", Jake turned back to Amy. The look on his face made Amy snicker. Pretty soon, both of them were trying hard not to laugh but as soon as the show ended, they couldn't contain it anymore.

"I can't believe you made me go in there!" Jake laughed, walking out of the room.

"It's a Walt Disney classic, Jake. It's mandatory. Now, come on, we have to make it to Pirates!" And Jake was being dragged off again (although Pirates was so much better than those singing birds. Jake had thrown his hands up right before the drop freaking Amy out slightly and the rest of the people in the boat).

Jake thought the creepiness was over until Amy dragged him into the Country Bear Jamboree. The look of horror didn't leave his face until they walked out of the show.

"Okay, that's it! I can't put up with this anymore!"

"What?" Amy asked, stopping in her path.

Jake reached over and pulled the binder out her backpack. "This! I can't put up with this anymore!"

"But you promised!"

"I did no such thing, Santiago. I told you I would tag along not see creepy shows that make me want to gorge my eyes out!"

"It's a classic!" Amy yelled, trying to take the binder back from him. "And what do you suggest? Run around the park with no plan?"

"Yeah, that's exactly what I suggest! This is Walt Disney World! You're not supposed to plan every minute of every day out! You're supposed to go with the flow," Jake said.

"You can't do that!" Amy cried, pulling her binder back towards her. "Planning every detail makes the vacation go smoother."

"How about another bet then?" Jake asked, pulling the binder away from her.

Amy gasped when he touched the sides. "The tabs, Jake! Watch the tabs!"

"Get over the binder! Do you want to bet or not?"

"Fine! What are the stakes?" Amy demanded, crossing her arms. Her competitive side was getting the best of her again.

"You have to follow my schedule instead of this binder."

Amy's eyes widen at the suggestion. "But what if we miss the parade! I cannot miss the parade, Jake!"

"We are still going to do everything we want to do but in my way. Not this dumb binder!"

"That binder did nothing to you!" Amy gasped.

"It made me sit through the Tiki Room! And the Country Bears!"

"Okay, I admit the Country Bears were creepy." Jake gave her a pointed look. "And the Tiki Room was just weird!"

"Thank you!"

"And the songs."

Both of them shuddered at the thought of the talking birds and bears singing.

"Fine, we will do it your way but how is that a bet?" Amy agreed.

"I bet that you can't follow my way without freaking out and trying to take over."

"And if I can't follow your way?"

"You have to buy me a turkey leg and go on Tower of Terror with me," Jake responded. "And we can't follow those stupid binders for the rest of the week!"

Amy crossed her arms, nodding and thinking over. "Fine but if I can follow your way, I'm buying you shirts that match mine and you have to wear them all week. And you have to continue to hang out with me all week."


"Alright, where are we going first?" Amy asked, taking the binder back and putting it safely back in her backpack.

Jake's face broke into the biggest grin Amy has ever seen. She immediately regretted agreeing to this when he grabbed her wrist and dragged her off through Frontierland. It turns out his smile was for "it's small world" as he bounced excitedly in his seat, singing the song through the ride. Amy grinned at him despite being at angry at him for ruining her binder and getting smudge marks on it. But he was having so much fun and she was even able to secretly record him singing the song.

"I can't believe you like this ride but not the Tiki Room," Amy commented as they walked off the ride.

"Because it's a classic!"

"So is the Tiki Room!"

"Ames, you just admitted it was weird," Jake pointed out.

"Yeah but it's still a classic."

"Whatever. Come on, let's go check out the rest of new Fantasyland," Jake said, tugging at her wrist.

"But we didn't finish Liberty Square."

"Who's in charge now, Amy?"

Amy crossed her arms, pouting. "You are."

"Exactly! Let's go!" He grabbed her wrist and pulled her towards the new Fantasyland.

The rest of the day went on like this. Jake would drag her all over Magic Kingdom with no plan in mind. After exploring the Fantasyland, he decided he wanted to go on Haunted Mansion so he dragged her across the park. Although Amy knew the Haunted Mansion wasn't scary, she started panicking a little when the lights went out in the small room. She grabbed Jake's hand who squeezed hers, reassuring her it was fine. And it was fine once Amy was out of the room and into a doom buggy. She was of course fine the rest of the ride.

Amy could tell he was trying to make her lose the bet but he wasn't winning that easy. Instead, she kept her mouth shut, allowing herself to be drag all across the park. They finally slowed down around lunch time when Jake's stomach wouldn't shut up.

"How does pizza sound?" Amy opened her mouth to agree when Jake shushed her. "We're having pizza anyway. Come on!"

Amy rolled her eyes and followed him as went back to Fantasyland (Jake had dragged her back to Adventureland to ride The Jungle Cruise again where he almost took over for the skipper).

"Isn't this way more fun?" Jake asked, handing her a tray of pizza.

"I refuse to answer that," Amy said, looking down at his tray of food. "Wait, did you get french fries and pizza?"

"Yeah, and the dessert." Jake held up a pudding cup.

"Why?" All Amy got was a pizza and a drink, mainly cause Disney food was really pricey.

"Rosa and I got the dining plan. Didn't you?"

Amy shook her head. "I didn't know that was a thing."

"We didn't either until two years ago. A cast member told us about it. It's been a life changer on these trips," Jake told her.

"I'll have to remember that."

"Yeah, it's awesome. You get an entree, side and a dessert and it's prepaid. I wonder what Rosa is doing with Gina."

Amy pulled out her phone to show him a picture of Rosa and Gina on Tower of Terror. She then pulled up her message chain with Charles to show him the twenty pictures he sent her of food. Jake whistled, pulling out his phone.

"Ha! I win! He sent me fifty pictures! Ew, what is that?" Jake showed her a picture of what looked like puke on a plate.

Amy's nose crunched in response. "I don't want to know and don't ask him."

"Noted. Aww, Terry took the girls to see Mickey!"

"Let me see!" Amy pulled his phone towards her and cooed at the sight of the twins with Mickey. "Aw, look at their little Minnie ears!"

"Yeah, you match them," Jake said, pointing to the ears that were currently on her head.

Amy stuck her tongue out at him as she handed his phone back. "Keep making fun of me and I'll buy you ears once I win."

"Ha! You wish, Santiago. I can see your eye twitching every time I drag you across the park. You'll crack soon."

"You wish, Peralta."

After they finished eating, Jake decided it was time to torture Amy a little less and let her see the castle show. They got there thirty minutes early so Amy could stand directly in front of the castle. She pulled her camera out of her backpack and put the strap over her neck, getting ready to take as many pictures as she can. Jake got distracted once the show started. Seeing Amy bounce on her toes while taking pictures was probably the cutest thing he has ever seen. The way her eyes lit up when Mickey showed up and then again when Peter Pan showed up. He grinned, shaking his head slightly as she started crying over the finale.

"Wasn't that amazing?" She cried, putting her camera back up.

"Yeah, it was," Jake nodded in agreement.

"Where to next?"

To Jake's surprise, Amy was able to last the rest of the day without her binder. She followed him with little to no complaints and ended up having a great time. She laughed the whole time and didn't think about her binder once (even when they almost miss their fast passes to Space Mountain). Amy would never admit it to his face, but she had the best time with Jake. He got her out of her comfort zone and by the time Wishes ended, he admitted his loss.

Amy's smile took up her whole face as she led him into the Emporium. Jake rolled his eyes and let her buy four shirts that were similar to hers for the week. She tried to get him a Goofy hat but he refused. Amy did get a picture of him in the Goofy hat before he realized what she was doing. After Amy got his shirts, Jake dragged her off for one last surprise.

"Jake! Where are we going? Can't we go back to the resort? I'm exhausted!" Amy whined as Jake dragged her through Main Street.

"Just trust me, okay?"

"I've trusted you all day! I really want to go back to the resort and sleep. We have another really busy day at Hollywood Studios tomorrow."

"You might have won but we are not using the binder!"

"The binder did nothing to you!" Amy yelled as he dragged into a building right by the entrance. "Where are we?"

"You'll see!" Jake said, leading her to a line.

The line went by fast then they were in another room with just a cast member. Jake whispered something to the cast member who nodded. Amy looked at him confused but he just shook his head and took her camera from her backpack.

"Ready, guys?" The cast member asked.

Jake nodded, pushing Amy to go in front of him. Amy gave him a look but went through the door the cast member was holding open and gasped. She turned to Jake, tears forming in her eyes.

"You remembered!"

"Go!" Jake pushed her back to where Mickey Mouse was waiting.

Amy had informed him after the castle show that since her vacation to Walt Disney World was cut short when she was younger, she never got a chance to meet Mickey and always wanted to. Jake's smile grew as he watched Amy hug Mickey. He started taking pictures of her interacting with Mickey. A few minutes later, the cast member tapped him on the shoulder and asked if he wanted to join the pictures. Amy turned around at the question and bounced on her toes, motioning for Jake to join her. Jake handed the cast member the camera and joined Amy with Mickey. They posed for a few pictures then Jake pulled out his phone and a took a selfie of the three of them.

Amy hugged Mickey goodbye and the two left the room, Amy with the biggest smile on her face. She hooked her arm through Jake's.

"Thank you so much for that, Jake! It was amazing!" She said.

Jake rubbed her arm, leading her out of the park. "I'm glad you liked it."

"And thanks for the rest of the day. I had a lot of fun."

"Even without the binder?"

"Even without the binder," Amy agreed. "And you don't have to join me tomorrow if you don't want to."

"Oh, no. I'm coming with you."

Amy stopped walking, turning him to look at her. "Jake, you really don't have to. It's okay if you want to hang out with Rosa or Gina or Charles."

"Charles is going to Epcot again tomorrow. Rosa is still mad at me. And Gina hates lines and rides. I much rather spend time with you."


"Really," Jake promised.


"But no binder!"

"Why are you so against the binder?" Amy asked as they started walking again. "Fine. We won't follow the binder but we are not going around blindly. I made us fast-passes for Rock 'n' Roll, Tower of Terror and Toy Story. We ride those and then others around those rides close to our times."

"Ugh, fine."

Amy squeezed his arm in excitement.

The bus ride back to the resort was uneventful and made Amy realize just how tried she was. She leaned her head on Jake's shoulder. He grinned, teasing her but she just shushed him, closing her eyes. A few minutes later, Jake was shaking her awake.

"Come on, Ames, we're here. Let's get you to bed so we can have another fun day tomorrow," Jake said.

Amy groaned, sitting up. "Ugh, everything hurts."

"Just wait until the end of the week," Jake smiled, standing up and holding a hand out for her to take.

Amy took his hand and let him help her up. She didn't let go until they were in front of her room.

"What time do you want to meet?" Jake asked, taking the bag that contained his shirts from her.

"Hollywood Studios opens at 9:00 but there is no special ceremony like at MK so we can meet in the lobby at 7:30 for breakfast."

Jake nodded. "Sounds good. See you in the morning, Amy."

"Night, Jake," She waved, watching him turn around and leave.

A/N: I did some research on WDW during this time. Most of New Fantasyland was finished except Seven Dwarfs Mine Train. That attraction did not open for another year.

This is my first B99 fic. Tell me what you think!