Prologue: The Dell

The morning sun peaked over the mountain range, illuminating the dell below. Within the small valley was a lush forest that welcomed the sun's rays. Surrounded by mountains on all sides, the secluded landscape was impossible to reach on foot, requiring one to either fly or climb for several days. It was small enough to provide plenty of privacy, but still large enough for game to flourish.

The dell itself stretched for about seven miles from the West to the East. It varied in width between twenty and two hundred yards. A waterfall poured from the mountains into a small lake in the West. The lake emptied into a river which travelled the length of the dell, also varied in width, until it eventually lead to a large hot spring at the end. The spring then emptied into a large grotto beneath the mountain before the water disappeared into several tunnels too small for anyone to fit through.

The trees and other plants received plenty of nutrition from the sun, soil, and river. The leaves rustled gently from the occasional breeze. Apples, oranges, lemons, and berries of all kinds were abundant. Flowers bloomed wherever the sunlight managed to hit past the trees.

Deer called this place home, having been brought here to reproduce and serve as a consistent source of food. With so much food and water available to them, it wasn't long until they multiplied substantially.

The dell was a true paradise, and it all belonged to a single mighty dragon. The dragon slumbered away in a large patch of grass under a few trees, receiving plenty of shade. A few rays of sunlight pierced through the leaves, glistening off his purple scales.

This story is primarily meant to establish the setting for a future story. As such, this one will be rather light-hearted, as the real conflict comes later. Also, both stories will contain several graphic sex scenes which are not allowed on this website. These chapters will be uploaded to my Dropbox, and I'll leave a link on my author page.