Hey guys and girls.

Welcome to the new story.

So in this fanfic. Naruto will be a Soul Eater. But not with Kishins and all that shit. But rather my own creation of it.

Let me explain.

After watching the hit anime Dies Irae, I've decided to create this fanfic.

So, Naruto will be incredibly powerful, but he will also be literally, the embodiment of death.

There will be a harem. But not too big. It will be at the end of this chapter.

As well, it does have elements of Darksiders here and there.

So now.


Disclaimers: I own nothing.


All people fight against that which they can't comprehend. They fear it. And so, because of this fear, they try and destroy it. It's human nature. When Kyuubi attacked the village of Konoha, many people sought to stop the beast. Sadly, many were cut down. But not all was in vain. Arriving as the battle as reaching its climax, Minato arrived with his newly born triplets.

Finding that the beast was too strong, Minato split the beast in two. The chakra half went to his daughter, Naruko. The soul went to his other daughter, Kasumi. But he accidently or unconsciencly placed a seal on Naruto. Must have been a force of habit or something.

Sealing the two halves into his two daughters, the seal on Naruto activated by accident and pulled the Shinigami into it. But it didn't end there. Once the Shinigami was within Naruto, it merged with him. Naruto's skin turned pure snow white while his hair turned an ice blue white.

Taking the children back with him. He found his wife resting in the hospital. She looked to be stable and was now on the fast track to be healed.

And now...

7 years later.

"Look mommy, daddy. I did it." said a rather energetic blonde haired girl.

Meet Naruko Uzumaki-Namikaze. The Jinchuuriki of the Kyuubi's chakra of Kyuubi.

"Excellent. You're doing well Kasumi." said Minato praising his daughter while he looked to his wife who was training their other daughter.

Little Kasumi was a carbon copy of her mother as she tried to get the water walking technique down. She struggled here and there but she could at least stay on the water of a few seconds before falling in.

No matter, Kushina praised her daughter regardless as she picked up her soaked daughter.

But there was one more to this family.

Meet Naruto Uzumaki-Namikaze. Jailer of nothing. Or that's what he believed at least. Ever since he could remember, he's had this rather unsatisfied hunger to him. And every day it grew stronger. And more potent. He tried eating human food. But that did nothing. It was as if it passed right through him.

But everyday, he'd gain this weird tendancy to see a person's...soul. Like it was on display for him to see. Some were red, some blue, some green. Some yellow some purple. But his soul. Was black. It was like he didn't even have a soul to begin with. Was he born with no soul?

Moving through the house, he walked to his room. He didn't bother opening the door and he phased right through it. He learnt how to do that when he first began to feel this strange power inside him.

Not only could he see souls, he could also see ghosts. Quite a few of those were found in his house. And he would have conversations with them. Kushina was extremely concerned for her son. He refused to eat, he refused to talk. He refused to do anything with them. And the way he looked so frail and fragile. It broke her heart to know that was happening to him. She tried talking to doctors and physicians. But they only told her that he was not going to make the winter.

This of course made Kushina break down in tears. But Naruto held a face of neutrality. It was like he was used to this type of somber behavior.

Sitting on his bed, Naruto held out his hand. Instantly, shadows seeped from the ground and gathered within his hand. And when his hand made contact with the shadows, they dispersed in the form of an explosion to reveal a powerful and evil looking short scythe.

It hadn't even been 5 years before Naruto's powers began to surface. And he even could do quite the amount of those as well. His powers ranged from stealing a soul. Though he never did that. But he was planning on it. To doing a way to sap someone's strength.

Hearing his stomach grumble and groan. Naruto let go of the short scythe, with it disappearing.

"So hungry." he said as he looked out the window.

But something soon caught his nose. Sniffing the air, he found it to be so delicious. His tongue lapping against his teeth as he shot out the window and heading to where the smell was coming from.

Coming to a stop, Naruto found a rather horrific sight. A man had just been killed in cold blood in an alleyway. But that was not what intrigued him.

Hovering right above the corpse, was a pure red soul. The thing looked so delicious. Walking over to the glowing orb, Naruto reached for it and grabbed it. Holding it close to his face, he found that the smell was coming from this thing. Licking his lips, he gave the thing a lick. You never know right? It tasted divine. Giving it a few more licks, he found the taste to be even better than the last ones. But that was when he felt his stomach growl.

Without him knowing it. He swallowed the orb whole. It was only when he was finished licking his fingers, did he realize what he had done. But what he felt next, was incredible beyond imagine. His hunger was sated and he felt his power grow ever more slightly. What did this mean? Was that strange orb somehow connected to his hunger and strength? Either way. He'd be doing it more and more. The taste he just received was so addicting, he wanted more and more of it.

His own personal brand of ecstasy.

And scene.

So this chapter was more like a little prologue than anything else.

So basically Naruto is the new Shinigami and will be incredibly powerful. With him being the new Death, that would mean that all who defy him will die. How more badass can you get?

Now the harem is as follows:

Erza (Fairy Tail)
Cana (Fairy Tail)
Ultear (Post Timeskip. Fairy Tail)
Blair (Soul Eater)
Tsubaki (Soul Eater)

Chapter 1: Death Awakens.

Coming soon.

Thank you for reading.

Please rate and review.

BlackSpirit101 out. ;)