Tony 22

"Agent Gibbs" Two heads snapped upwards to face the director on the balcony who were currently wearing a smirk. "My office, now."

"Me or you?" Tony asked looking towards his Dad for an explanation.

"Both of us."

"How do you know?" Gibbs just raised an eyebrow as a answer. "Because you do. Got it."

"Director." Gibbs greeted.

"Agents Gibbs."

"I wasn't aware Tony was considered an agent yet."

"It was a need to know basis."

"I'm his father Leon."

"And I respect that. Tony, congratulations, you passed. Now the only thing we need to do is find you a team."


"Yes. And that is were your father comes into the picture. Gibbs, you have one spot open and the choice is yours; is Tony going to be Probie on your team?"

"I need a moment to think about it."

"Of course. You are both dismissed."

-The Gibblets-

Tony had been quiet the whole way home. He knew it didn't matter what he said, it was his Dad's decision.

"You are quiet."

"You aren't too talkative yourself." Tony answered with a hint of attitude in his voice.

"I'm only thinking about you, Tony."

"I know."

"Why the attitude then?" Gibbs knew, they both knew that, but he would still insist that Tony talked to him about it.

"You could hve told him yes straight away." Tony finally muttered. "You always tell me I'd make a good agent but now you act like I'm not good enough for your team."

"You are good, but I'm your father and I'm in charge of the team that gets the hardest cases. Maybe I simply don't want to put my 22 year old son through that this early in life."

"Does what I want count?!"

"I did let you get this far. I think I have done my share of what you want Tony."

"Fine! I'll get another team to approve me then."

"Maybe that would be for the best."

"You can't be serious!" Tony nearly yelled.

"Anthony Leroy Gibbs. Calm down."

"Sorry." Tony muttered.

"I know you are frustrated but I'm still your Dad."

"I just don't get why I'm not good enough."

"You are good enough Tony, never doubt that."

"How can I not?!"

"Tony!" Gibbs voice told him his Dad had finally been pushed as far as he could without Tony facing consequenses.

"Why can't I be a part of your team?"

"I hve my reasons Tony, you just have to trust that I'm having your best interest in mind."

"Maybe you are wrong. That's even one of your rules: 'Sometimes you're wrong' "

"I don't think I am about this."

"So you are going to say no."

"I can't promise I'll say yes."

"Could you drop me off at my apartment?


"Why not?!" Tony asked frustrated.

"Because you would end up doing something stupid because of this and I'm too tired to track you down tonight."

"I don't even have a car right now. I couldn't do anything stupid even if I wanted to."

"I don't think having your car getting fixed would stop you."

"And I still think you should say yes."

"The more you pester me about it, the more you are showing me you aren't ready to be a part of my team."

"Can you at least tell me your reasons?" Tony asked after a moment of silence.

"We always get the short stick Tony. The cases we get can be really ugly; child abuse followed by murder, torture, kidnapping...we never get the easier cases you worked on when you followed along with Agent Sommer's team. There are cases we fail, and that's not easy to deal with."

"I've seen you deal with that my whole life."

"It's not just that Tony. I know I've said that all cases are dangerous, and I still belive that, but being a part of my team...Tony that's a whole other ballgame."

"There is no better place for me to be if you want to protect me. Think about it Dad; you would know firsthand about everything that happens so you wouldn't have to wait for me to share whatever I can tell you about my cases. You can help me get through anything and everything without worrying about me keeping something from you."

"First of all: on my team or not Anthony you better not keep something from me, understood?!"

"Yes sir."

"Second: you make a good point but playing with my need to keep you safe to get what you want has never been okay, you know that."

"Sorry Dad. It's just so important to me."

"Why?" Gibbs asked as he stopped the car on the driveway infront of their house.

"For many reasons." Tony tried to backtrack, not wanting to go down that road. "And who better to learn from than you and the team?!"

"What reasons?" When Tony stubbornly kept quiet Gibbs continued: "I won't change my mind Tony unless you tell me."

"You won't change your mind either way."

"Tony." Gibbs tried softer.

"I just want you to be proud of me, okay?! If I'm part of your team maybe I'll do something that will make you proud."

"I'm proud everyday, son. You being a part of my team has nothing to do with that." Gibbs stted firmly.


"No buts Tony. You being you is enough. You know that, you also knew when you took on the internship that the possibilities of making my team as your first team are very slim, so what changed?!"

"Do you have to be so good at reding me?!"

"I'm your Dad so yes. Now answer my question." Tony sighed hard before responding:

"Two of the other interns learned that you are my father through one of Agent Sommers agents. The three of them just said some crap."

"When and what?"

"A few days ago in the bullpen. The three of us were alone."

"Is that the only time?"

"It has happened a few times, but it has almost always been limited to a quick comment every now and then."

"What did they say?"

"That you put me on Sommers team in the hopes of him managing to make an agent out of me so you wouldn't have to be ashamed of me."

"So that's were you got that ridiculous idea from. Tony, buddy, I've always known you'd make a great agent. The only reason I don't want you on my team is because of the danger. I know you are the missing piece my team needs, but I don't want to risk loosing you. I'm proud of you everyday Tony. Agent or not, you are a great person and that is all that matters."

"Thanks Dad."

"I really am proud of you Anthony."

"I get it now."

"The next time you doubt me; ask me. It would have saved you a lot of misery."

"I will."

"I assume it was Myers who told you that bullshit. He has been trying to get my attention for years now. And the two other interns most likely wanted to psych you, knowing you all were fighting for the same spots."

"I never thought about that."

"Being my son you are going to meet some of the worst people in the agency. You need to be prepared for that Tony."

"I'll remember your words if there is a next time."


"I love you Dad." Tony exited the car and started for the front door without waiting for a reply.

"Love you too Buddy. Straight to bed through."

"Punishment for not telling you? Tony asked.

"Consider it your new bedtime. My team begins the day at 7am every morning. All of us."

A/N: The idea of writing this came to me a couple of days ago but due to the length it took me some time to finnish it. Hope you liked it, and if you did and want to read more stories like this one in the future; comment. That's the only way for me to know.