I really want this story to come up for a long time. This take-back of a certain comic I loved that I want to make a fanfic idea. A universe of our green changeling is a... green speedster! So let´s get this story start and please be following or interest.


Chapter 1: Lightning Strikes

Central City, home of the fastest hero alive.

The Flash has been a protector of Central City and great friendly hero for the past seven years.

Around the time he joined the Justice League but he had help protecting the city with other speedsters Kid Flash and the original Flash Jay Garrick.

Facing enemies like the Rogues, Reverse-Flash, Professor Zoom, and Gorilla Grodd.

Now things are about to change when a storm comes over in Central City.

And that storm's name is the Speedforce.

Which our story begins with the birth of a new speedster.

And that hero's name is the Sprint!

Central City Park.

"Garfield!" shout a redheaded girl covered in water. She is seen chasing around her younger brother who is carrying a squirt gun. She is much older, with red hair, green eyes, tanned skin, and wears a blue blouse and black skirt with white leggings, and black boots. She is Megan Logan, age 18.

"Can't catch me, Megan!" spoke the aforementioned boy, Garfield Logan. He has dirty blond hair, green eyes, tanned skin and wears a plaid purple shirt, blue jeans, and black shoes. He is about 16 years old.

"Oh, I real!" Megan said chasing after him.

Soon the storm appeared in the sky starting to rain down on them. Which makes them disappoint them.

"Man we start to have fun, let's head back," Megan said start to head back home.

"Okay you go ahead, I just get my water gun," Garfield said walked off.

Unaware of them the clouds start to making multiple colorful lightings and each color lightning strikes a human.

"Where is that squirt gun?" Garfield said looking around for his squirt gun around the park, as he spots it near a tree. "There it is!" he said as he rushes towards it.

But then a green lightning bolt came out of the sky, as it strikes at Garfield.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!" He cried out as everything was in slow motion. The water in the lake begins to rise up the moment the lightning strikes him, as well as other civilians from the multicolored lightning.

This was the phenomenon that Central City will dub it as the "100 Rainbow Strikes" due to the multicolored lightning bolts striking every citizen.


1 month later.

"Uugh." Garfield groans as he can hear the beeping of the heart monitor as he slowly opens his eyes. His vision is cleared as he finds himself in a white hospital room. Strapped with a nutrition packet as he gets up from his bed, noticing the nurse cleaning up the window. "Where am I?"

The nurse noticed him as she gasps "You're awake!"

"Yeah, I can see that," Garfield said as he rubs his head. "Where am I again?"

"You're in the hospital, Mr. Logan. You've been put under a coma for one month since you've been strike by a lightning." she states as she walks out of the room "Here, let me get you to your mom." she said as she calls out "Dr. Logan! Your son's awake!"

When it opens a beautiful red hair woman came in. She was wearing a long button up shirt with brown vest, red long skirt, and black heals. Her named is Marie Logan aka Garfield's Mother.

"Garfield! Honey are you alright, are you hurt!?" Marie asked quickly put her hand on his cheek.

"I fine mom, a just little headache that's all," Garfield answered holding his head.

"Good." Marie said as she picks out a small flashlight as she opens her son's eyes "Now let me check how you're feeling." she said as she flashes his eye with the light.

"I'm fine, mom!" he grumbled as he blinks.

"You seem fine, and it's a miracle that you're not dead or charted with burn marks," she said with a sigh, as she hugs her son. "Oh my baby boy, I prayed that you'll be alright."

"Let go of my mom, this is embarrassing!" Garfield said as he struggles to let go.

"Sorry hun, I'm just so worried that you might have died from that lightning storm." Marie said as she kisses his forehead as she lets him go "Okay until we give you some check-ups, we can check you out of the hospital. Okay?"

"Okay," Garfield answered as he lays back in bed.

"Megan will check on you, stay here for a little while," Marie said as she and the nurse went out.

Garfield lay down on the bed, looking the window. After the lightning accident, he feels weird all the sudden. Even heard a voice across the street and then the halls.

"What's going on, what happened to me?" Garfield thought just time Megan came in.

"Hey there Garfield, how you're holding up?" Megan asked to sit by the bed.

"I'm cool, just do some check up my mom and the nurse," Garfield answered

"Then I sit by you until you healthy," Megan said

"Thanks, say what channels does the TV have?" He asked her as Megan's hand him the remote.

"Only CBS, guess we'll have to watch Wheel of Fortune," Megan said as they turn on the TV to watch a game show.

In the noon Garfield was finally let out of the hospital as he lay cozy on his bed. His room is filled with monster movie posters, anime figurines, manga, DVDs and video games. He also has a black flatscreen TV for his cozy room.

"Man, what a tiring day it is," he said as he hears the door opens.

"I'm back!" spoke a male's voice.

"Dad's back!" Garfield said as he suddenly sprints off the bed as he heads out of the room and head downstairs, but then he noticed the world around him is starting to slow down.

"What the, why everything so slow?!" Garfield said as he keeps running.

Garfield was now in the front living room, completely shocked that only takes minutes to get downstairs. Didn't pay attention to what he going, he hit the wall.

"Ow ow ow, now start to get scared!" Garfield said

The only one that sees him was her sister, completely surprise of what he did. "How'd you do that?

"I trying to piece that together," Garfield answered as soon someone came in.

The person is dirty blonde hair handsome man. He wearing a blue shirt with a red sweater, khaki pants, and black shoes. His named is Mark Logan aka Garfield and Megan father.

"What you two talking about?" Mark asked looking at them.

"Dad!" Garfield said as he suddenly speeds up to him leaving green static which surprises the family as he hugs him. "So glad to see you on your trip!"

"Nice to see you too, son." Mark responds hugging his own son "But I gotta know, how did you get so fast?"

"What do you mean?" Gar asked as he saw his mom trip and drop her coffee mug. He hurried to grab the coffee cup and from spilling and hands it to his mom "Here you go."

"Um...thanks, Gar," Marie said as the family looks at him.

"Whoa Gar, you can run that fast?!" Megan asked.

"Fast? What you are guys saying?" Garfield asked confused ad he tit his head.

"Garfield, can you bring me a book from upstairs?" Megan asked

"Uh, sure," Garfield said

As a spilt-second, he came back with a book of history. Now turn in shocked to see he did.

"Whoa, I am fast!" Garfield yelled in shocked.

"How that happened?" Marie asked

Now Garfield pops out his mind." The lightning!"

"Lightning?" Mark asked as Marie snaps her fingers in realization.

"Of course! that incident with the lightning must've given you super speed, making you a speedster!" Marie conducted.

"Wait, so does that explains how he can charge lightning when he runs?" Megan asked.

"Kind of like the Flash," Garfield said. "Oh man, this is awesome!"

"What talking about Garfield?" Mark asked

"I would be a superhero, or I can meet the Flash in person," Garfield answered in excitement

"I think the news won't let that happen, check it out," Megan said as she turns on the news.

On the news was Iris West-Allen, who is the news reporter for Central City News.

"One month after the '100 Rainbow Strikes' after 100 citizens of Central City was struck by multicolored lightning as about 30 citizens woke up from comas while the other 30 are still in comas, 40 of them turns into speedsters as they are seen running around the city, some even perform crimes. Luckily we have the Flash and Kid Flash to deal with them as the speedsters are being locked up in modified cells of Iron Heights."

"I can't believe some people use those powers to committed crimes," Mark said shaking his head.

"I heard the chief police wants every speedster, locked up and exclusive. I'm right chief?" West Allen asked towards the policeman.

"Yes, I do not trust those new runners. I trust the Flash and his partner. But those just people can do what they want and when they want! I gonna make sure those beings locked or exclusive. If you hear me speedsters, if you try to run away you just gonna hunt down and be dead. LOCKED UP OR DIE, that your choice!" The chief police said in anger.

"Well folks, I just pray to those people to locked up," West said as the news went to commercial.

"Oh man, they're executing speedsters just because of those people misusing their powers?!" Garfield said as he gulps.

"Let's just hope this doesn't escalate a witch hunt," Mark said with concern.

"So now what? How are we going to hide my speed without revealing it?" Garfield asked.

"We can't go to the Flash or any of his partners without getting arrested. What else is to do?" Megan asked.

"We have no choice but to moved somewhere that never expected Garfield have powers," Mark said

"But how I gonna control my speed?" Garfield said as he got lost control and hit the wall. "Ouch!"

"Maybe we can move to our old house station, I and Mark build a lab them when we have animals that injure. It has a great view of the city and maybe we gonna built a training course for you Garfield." Marie said

"Cool, cause I really need the training," Garfield said

And so the Logans decided to move out of Central City and keep Gar's powers a secret. Once they took a plane ride out they headed down to Northern Canada where they live off in the woods in a cabin complex.

"Wow, I can go on a long track around here!" Garfield said as he runs around to look at the house, and then the woods. Seconds later the speed back to his family as he said: "There's a big lake out there, and the water's clean!"

"I know you loved it Garfield, but you have to keep your speed near the house. But it is hidden when you go into town." Mark said to his son.

"Okay, I going to unpacked my stuff!" Garfield said as he grabbed his bags and speed to his new room.

"Well, I guess I have to keep an eye on him, make sure he doesn't get hurt," Megan said grabbed her bags.

"Well, Marie it's time for a new life for us," Mark said holding his wife's hand.

"And I loved it," Marie said as they walked in the house.

Soon Garfield starts training to control his powers, thanks to his parents built him a training course. Most of the time Garfield running around woods. Right now Garfield and Megan is the living room, Megan was on the computer doing her worked while Garfield was just playing his DS.

"I'm wondering what are mom and dad doing right now?" Garfield asked

"They doing worked in a new lab with employees in each country and after it they going on a date," Megan asked

Garfield grabbed the remote, and keep changing channels until caught his eyes on the news channels.

"Reports of a string of robberies and destruction of what looks like a large, spinning turtle shell comes and crash down cars like that Mario game!" Spoke the newsman of Canadian News. "Here's the live footage of the scene!"

The scene expands on the tv as it shows the villain in question. A large man wearing silver green armor, with a green metal helmet, pale skin, and ho his back is a hexagon patterned shell. He has green gloves and boots.

"No bullets or missiles can hurt the great Turtle!" The self-proclaim Turtle said overdramatically.

"Seriously?" Megan asked in deadpan.

"I know right, some people can't take out that man," Garfield said in deadpan

"I have breaking the news the Justice League are fighting the Legion of Doom. So they need every hero to they have. So no one can help us for now!" Newsman said

"Really perfect!" Turtle said keep destroyed the place.

"Someone needs to stop that guy," Megan said

Garfield realized what she said. "Maybe you right Megan, and I'm the person to stop him."

"But you don't have a costume!" Megan points out as Garfield ran up to his room and in a split second he came back in a different outfit.

He wearing a black and purple hoodie with a lightning symbol on the chest. Has a purple cap, with a domino mask. Has black shorts that have extra pockets. Black black shoes with the same lightning strike symbol.

"Like it? I got it when we went shopping last Friday." Garfield said to look in the mirror.

"You look great!" Megan comments. "Now go stop that steelhead from causing damage to the city!"

"On it!" Garfield replied as he runs off, leaving a green and purple blur of green static.

The Turtle continues to cause destruction as he flips police cars over with his spinning shell.

"You cops are too slow!" Turtle said as he comes out of his shell.

"Hey, Shell Head!" Shout a green blur as he knocks the Turtle to the ground with a trip "The Ninja Turtles called, you're giving turtles a bad name!"

"Why you brat!" Turtle said as he got into his shell and charge at him.

Garfield is standing in one place until he got closer Garfield kicked him so hard that send flying to the field speed right in the back of him and kick him to the ground. Now he spinning around and around until Garfield stopped him by holding his stomach. We see him has stars on his head.

"Mommy said I can have everything I wanted." Turtle said in dazzling.

"You momma I one crazy mess up woman," Garfield said tie him up.

Everyone started cheering for the new speedster, as they to him congrats Garfield and even the newsman.

"Looks like we here in Syrup City have a new hero that stopped the villain!" the newsman states as he confronts Garfield "Tell me boyo, what do they call you."

Garfield was thinking up a name, as he though for something cool. He then gives an answer to the news reporter.

"Call me...Sprint," he answered.

"There you have it, folks! Our newest hero, Sprint, has single-handedly defeated the Turtle, who will be locked up in Rockwells Prison." the reporter said as the crowd cheers.

"You take it here offers, my job is done!" Sprint said as he runs off.

"So a new hero is here in Canada." The chief offers who named James.

"What we do boss, should we get the others to follow him." Said a policeman.

"No, he maybe is one of them but his the only one that turns out to be a hero," James said


Making it back home, Garfield ran down to meet Megan and then finds Mark and Marie here as well.

"Oh uh, you've finished your date so soon?" Garfield asked.

"The restaurant we were at had an asbestos problem so we went home early," Mark replied.

"And we saw you on the news." Marie states as Garfield looks down.

"Sorry, but I can't just let that Turtle guy do what he wants in this city so I have to stop him from causing damage," Garfield said as he takes his hood off.

Just got hugged by his mother much his shocked, they looked at him with a smile.

"We just proud of you finally know what gonna do with your powers," Marie said with a smile.

"You two know this gonna happen?" Garfield asked

"Well I thought you gonna fight those top villains, but never fight that shell man," Mark replied as he shivers of that villain

"So you guys cool to me being a hero?" Garfield asked with a smile.

"Of course we are," Marie replied

"And we'll help you with anything we can if you have problems with a villain," Mark said.

"Thanks, guys," Garfield said relief that he has the most supportive parents a kid could ever have.

News about the new speedster spread like wildfire. The new speedster who calls himself Sprint has reached the news on television and the internet. So much so is that Sprint has been stopping burglars, saving people from burning buildings, and cats stuck on trees as his actions caught the wind in Central City, that is home to the speedster, the Flash.

"So what do you make of this, uncle?" Wally West asked.

"Well, the chief of police might not like it after our city was flooded with speedsters, knowing that one slipped away to Canada would spring his ego." Barry Allen replied to his nephew.

"Well, it's a good thing that we know how to dormant speedsters' speed. It's unnecessary to execute speedsters who just commit crimes just because they got powers, all they need is guidance." Wally said.

"I guess this Sprint has a lot of guidance to become a hero." Barry said as he got an emergency call "Captain Cold's out again."

"Alright, let's go!" Wally said as they get into costume and speed up.

Meanwhile, at Central City PD the chief frowns when he sees this new hero, Sprint, being praised for his actions in Syrup City.

"I can't believe a speedster just slip out from my grasp." the chief scowled.

"Um Chief that speedster doing good deeds all the time, are you sure you still wanna arrest him." Said a young officer who her named Sara

"Even he doing little doesn't change my mind. Whoever got speed will be arrested or executed." Chief replied as he walked out.

"That man sometimes just irritated," Sara said shaking her head.

As Sara watches the news, the scene pans down to the Chief's nameplate on his desk, Chief August Heart.

Meanwhile, at a tall building in Syrup City, a shadowy businessman stood out the window watching green lightning sprinting around his city. He glares at the lightning as he turns around and presses his intercom. "Josie."

"Yes, sir?" spoke Josie from the intercom.

"I need you to make some appointments. Tell the nerds down the lab that Mr. Glossom's shell armor needs improvements. Pick out some more of our employees to create more to take care of the Sprint." the boss said

"Of course sir," Josie said as the boss shut down the intercom

The boss walked to the chair and sit down, watching the newscast of the Sprint heroic deeds.

"You think everyone loved you because you're a guardian of my city? Think again Sprint cause I'm the true guardian." Said the boss with venom.

Then the boss brings out a gun, shoot the tv when it shows the Sprint in precast.


This is the start the journey of our green running hero! I just say this gonna be an X-Over cause some characters be in here. Why put Garfield's parents alive because they be in Team Sprint for how to control and master his powers! So stay tune for the next chapter! Sign out!