Sathe woke up with curses for her right-hand man prowling on her lips. Why did she allow herself to get drunk on that demon wine for the second time? Her head felt like a war was waging inside and moving from her bed seemed close to an impossible task. Instead, she thought back to the night as she tried to will her eyes to see straight. She remembered much of their conversation, the laughs and jest. Then, she remembered flirting with Cullen; covering his lap with her legs, playfully touching his hair and constantly looking for excuses to brush against him.

"Shit." She cursed silently to herself, remembering it. What would he think of her now? She was angry at herself for letting her guard down, and at The Iron Bull for being the instigator. Then she thought about it some more, and really, Iron Bull was easily her closest companion on the field and off; in other words, he's noticed her lust. He was fueling it. She laughed to herself, leave it to The Iron Bull to be her matchmaker.

As she was trying to regain her senses she heard her door open below and a tentative Antivan voice floated up the stairs.

"Lady Inquisitor?"

"Yes, Josie?" She thought she spoke clearly but the words instead came out in a painedgroan.

"Um... are you alone?"

Now that was a strange question. Granted, she had no idea how she made it to her bed last night but for her ambassador to even feel the need to ask, she began to get worried.

"Of course I am!" She called back with more control of her voice. "Come up here."

She heard Josephine's delicate steps climb the stairs before her golden attire came into view. Sathe forced herself to sit up, aware she was still fully clothed. She noticed her boots were haphazardly tossed to the side, dangerously close to the fireplace. 'Iron Bull' she thought to herself with a smirk, no longer concerned.

"We are a little worried, you missed a meeting." Josephine quietly stated, obviously uncomfortable.

"Sorry, Josie. I may have had too much to drink with The Iron Bull last night."

"Yes, well, we heard. Cullen also missed the meeting... we... we weren't sure."

Ah. So that's the talk of the barracks this morning. Shit.

Sathe slowly got out of bed, a delicate hand against her temple as she groaned again.

"I... I know of an Orleasian tea that might help you. I think Cook may have some."

Sathe nodded. "That would be lovely, Josie. Now, if you could also, as my advisor and ambassador, attempt to quell the rumors I would appreciate it. I think I will go check on Cullen myself." It was, after all, her fault that he was likely feeling like a walking corpse at the moment.

"If I may, Inquisitor." She shifted on her feet. "If you want to put a stop to the rumors, then I would advise against going to Cullen's chambers."

Sathe snorted. "If people think he is in my bed now, then going to greet him at his office will only prove them wrong."

"Yes, well, perhaps."

"Damn it, Josie. What kind of bullshit is spreading now?"

"N-nothing to worry about. I will put a stop to it and talk to Cook. You can see me in my office when you please, I will also let Lelianna know you are fine." With that, the Antivan ambassador turned on her heel with a red face and quickly disappeared down the stairs.

Sathe stretched and began to collect her boots. She brushed her hair and washed up before heading through the main hall and out into the courtyard. Anyone she passed greeting her formally and with no hint of chatter on their lips; they knew better than to spin their web within eyesight of her, let alone earshot. She walked straight up the stone stairs to the battlements and walked into Cullen's office without knocking. It was oddly quiet, too quiet. She was used to hearing the footsteps of soldiers, Cullen's authoritative tone barking out orders and the constant shuffle of reports and maps. She was alone and no candle burned.

"Cullen?" She called out. At first there was no reply before she heard a dull shuffle above. She glanced up at the hole in the ceiling which situated itself right above Cullen's bed. Since coming to Skyhold Josie has turned her space into an organized, safe office and Cullen still sleeps with a bloody hole above him. Sathe couldn't help but giggle at how drastically different her advisors were.

She knew what she had to do, though. She grabbed ahold of the ladder and began to climb. Cullen was in bed but he wasn't asleep. His elbows were pointing skyward as his palms covered his face.

"Cullen?" She called again, much softer, afraid to go any closer. He was without a shirt and Sathe was surprised and saddened by how many scars decorated his well-toned body.

He groaned in response, a voice a little too harsh snapped "What?!" from behind his hands.

"You know, if you fixed the hole then the sun wouldn't be beating down on you in the morning. Well, afternoon now."

Upon hearing more than just his name, Cullen now knew who stood in his room. He quickly shot out of bed and at the same time fell back over, head returning to his hands. Sathe took a step or two forward, wanting to sooth the pain away but realizing how insanely inappropriate this was turning out to be.

"I'm so sorry." He quickly said, looking to her with his normally maintained hair disheveled. "I missed the meeting, didn't I?" He quickly asked, glancing at the sun coming into his chambers.

"Don't worry, so did I. I, uh, I think some of your soldiers were in the bar last night. Watching us drink."

Cullen rubbed his temples. "So?"

"I believe they have been talking, Josephine had reason to think I wasn't alone this morning."

Cullen stopped moving and began to look very embarrassed. "That is... I will have a talk with them." He stood up, broad and revealing his full height. "That is unacceptable."

Staring at his wonderfully muscled body, the sun reflecting of his curves and making his eyes look all the more like liquid gold, Sathe wanted to say 'we can make in acceptable', but she bit her lip and turned away from the sight before her.

"Of course. I guess... I will let you get your day started." She stood completely still for a moment, faced away from him, not sure how to move forward. When she finally convinced herself to move a single step towards the ladder she heard his voice, much softer than she has ever heard it before.

"Sathe..." Is all he said, her first name which she had actually never heard from his lips. It made her shiver. She looked back to him and saw something almost pleading in his eyes.

"Yes, Cullen?" She used all her mental fortitude to sound professional. He noticed it.

"Nothing... Never mind." He responded with a glance away.

"Cullen... I understand if... if you'd like to go back to the way things were before." She finally said, though it killed her to do so.

He shot his eyes up to meet hers, a mixture of shock and confusion laced his facial features. Sathe suddenly felt more stupid than she had ever felt in her entire life and again she turned away for the ladder.

She didn't hear him cross the room as she walked away from him, but she certainly felt his rough hands on her forearms. He spun her around and cupped her face within his hands in one fluid motion.

"I never want to go back. I want you." He didn't wait for an answer and instead encompassed her mouth with his own, tilting her chin to reach his lips.

Sathe's hands found the groves in his pecks and travelled them until her arms were around his neck, pulling him in. His hands dug and pulled at her back, exploring her frame.

He pulled away for a moment and breathlessly looked her in the eye. "I'm sorry... but I can't hide it anymore. I crave you." He nudged his forehead against her own like an affectionate puppy.

"Cullen," she whispered, "I feel the exact same way. I didn't expect to find this, not here, but I can no longer deny it."

She didn't need to add a single syllable, Cullen knew what to do now. As he swooped down to her lips again he grabbed her ass with both hands and hoisted her into the air, pulling her pelvis against his she wrapped her legs around his waist and he couldn't help but release a smothered groan of appreciation. He spun her around and in three long strides had her on her back, diagonal along his bed as he crawled on top of her, tongue and teeth lashing at the sensitive spots along her neck. Sounds of pleasure escaped Sathe's bit lip as her hands clung to the waves in his hair.

"Commander?!" A voice boomed from below.

Cullen hissed in disapproval as he rested his head against Sathe's prominent collar bone. "Maker's breath." He cursed to her. She giggled.

"What?!" He yelled over his shoulder as he pulled himself onto his palms. Sathe took this opportunity to dance her fingers along his abs and biceps. He purred in approval, trying to remain quiet.

"There are some reports you need to sign off on." The voice was getting closer and Cullen realized they were climbing.

"Don't you dare come up here!" He yelled again, there was complete silence and Sathe could picture the soldier frozen half way up the ladder. She laughed a little too loud at the thought. Cullen silenced her with a kiss and bite to her lip.

"Commander?" The voice asked again with thick confusion.

"You will stand guard outside my office." Cullen began to instruct as he tore at Sathe's shirt. "No one is to disturb me. I suspect I will be busy for most of the afternoon." He bit at her exposed breasts and she gasped and giggled again. No longer giving a fuck if the soldier knew it was her. Cullen seemed to read her mind. "And for that matter," Cullen continued, "The Inquisitor will also be unavailable."

The sound of the soldier racing back down the ladder was evident. He didn't even bother to acknowledge the command he was just given, no doubt proud and eager to be one with the latest piece of gossip.