Authors Note: This is a bunch of random drabbles put together, so sorry for the inconsistency

Disclaimer: I do not own InuYasha nor do I make profit off its storyline or characters. All rights belong to Rumiko Takahashi

He could smell it, running through the house, his favorite scent of all.

Rushing out of the bedroom a soft purring growl leaving his throat Sesshoumaru stripped off the clothes he'd put on, hardening for his Miko who was…

He pulled to a stop and snarled when he saw InuYasha in the kitchen, why was his half-brother at the source of the scent?

Spotting his Miko who was staring at him with wide confused eyes, he stalked towards her and sniffed her, frowning when the scent was not on her, confused he looked at his brother, knowing the scent wasn't from him, before he spotted the mug in front of him, and growled in annoyance.

"I hate when you make coffee." For his Miko, when wanting her puppy, smelled like a caramel macchiato.