Ahsoka threw herself down onto couch with a chocked scream of frustration. So she knew this was probably not going to be the most relaxing stay back at the temple... but this... THIS was Nonsense! Ughhh.

When Skyguy explained to her that he did not technically have quartets of his own - never having the time to move out his Master's due to the start of the war- that they would be staying in Master Obi-Wan's quarters. She was fine with it. Anakin warned her that someone is going to have to sleep on the couch. Yeah, okay whatever. They have slept in worse conditions.

She was the one who got the couch. Nether her or Anakin wanting to make Obi-Wan give up his cot, regardless of his offers to. And she did not really want to stay in Anakin's room. There were many questions she held regarding her Master... she feared that if she spent too long in his room that she may find answers to questions she did not even want to ask, let alone know the answer to. So, she took the couch.

And it was a nice couch. Soft and worn down, and thankfully big enough for her to sleep on without gaining her a sore neck. And things where looking good. Some much needed rest and time to bond with her Masters.

She did not think it would end up being this frustrating however. She growled into her pillow.

She hears her Master approach her, his bare feet padding across the carpet towards her. "Ahsoka, come on... you must see how ridiculous this all is"

Ahsoka lifted her head from the pillow to glare at her Master. "No. No, it's not. Master... don't you think it is even just the littlest bit suspicious? Why would Obi-wan sneak around, AND OUT, his quarters in the middle of the night? It doesn't make sense."

Her Master looked at her with a sigh "Ahsoka,... he was probably off to a council meeting and didn't want to wake you."

Ahsoka looks away from him with a huff. "A meeting, Master? In the middle of the night?" 'Well' she thinks, 'it's not totally unreasonable. But, something doesn't feel right'.

She does not look to him when she hears him slowly start to walk away. She hears him laugh softly. If she was not so frustrated she probably would have smiled at the sound. "It could have been an emergency meeting, Ahsoka. It's probably nothing, really."

She does not respond to him, instead she waits for the sound of the door to shut closed. When he is gone Ahsoka sits up on the couch. Skyguy was most likely right, but she is not entirely shore. Something is up. Master Obi-Wan is hiding something. But what would he have to hide? What would prompt the need for the Council Master to sneak out of his quarters late at night when everyone else should have been asleep?




For those who are interested in my story "The Right Choice" I am still working on it. Chapter 4 is being an absolute pain, and I am getting to the point where I feel I should just start the chapter over again. I have not abandoned it.
Also Mental health has been a real pain the last couple of months... Sorry :(

On a more positive note. This should be a positive story ^^ And as I have had this floating in my head for a while, Updates should be fairly reliable (for once).

*Takes a deep breath* This is the first I have ever asked this on one of my stories but...
Please 'read and respond' I would love to hear your thoughts on this story.
Especially your guesses on who Master Kenobi is sneaking off to see ;P