Chapter 1: The Presence

Hello. this is my first story and it's a trial to see how everyone likes it. Whether I continue it or not is still being decided.

Disclaimer, I do not own any of the My Hero Academia characters. I only own the OCs I put in the story.

I'm sorry if any characters are OOC

Chapter 1

Walking through the streets, on a cold winter night, a dark figure stalked along. His golden googles was the only thing that stood out against the dark background of the city. Looking around and seeing no villains, Aizawa decided it was time to head home. However, just as he was turning back, the pro hero felt something. Whether it was a someone's presence or something's power, he didn't know. Though, the sleep deprived hero knew he was being watched.

As the hairs on the back of his neck stood up, he looked around wildly hoping to find the person despite the darkness. Aizawa activated his quirk to make sure it wasn't an enemy using a shadow quirk. Once he concluded no one was around him, he looked up to check the surrounding buildings. Nothing, not even a bird, was there. Deciding to mark off the one watching as a rat, Eraserhead deactivated his quirk and walked home. As he got further away from the street he where felt the presence, it slowly faded, but he was on high alert as he headed back to the apartment.

The creature that was watching the pro hero stayed where it was, blood shot eye glaring at the back of his head. As soon as the man disappeared from sight, it jumped down from the roof it hid on. Pitch black scales gleamed in the street lights, when it landed silently on the ground. Growling, the beast went in the opposite direction of the man who almost saw it. Flying into the night, the monster left no trace of itself. No foot prints, no claw marks, no destroyed property…except for maybe the security camera on a nearby building that caught everything on video.

The next morning, Aizawa woke up early to swing by the street he was on last night. Sighing heavily, he grudgingly got out of bed and got ready for the day. Leaving his apartment and heading into the city, he tried to figure out what could have been watching him. Arriving at the destination, police cars swarmed one building. With closer inspection, anyone could see that the security camera was destroyed. Laying on the ground covered in teeth marks and saliva, everyone wanted to know what did that and why.

After getting a closer look at the torn-up recording device, Aizawa walked into a coffee shop that was across the street. He asked the manager if they knew what happened to the security camera. After hearing that it was just like that when everyone got there, Aizawa ordered a drink and looked around as he waited. Almost everything seemed fairly normal, despite the fact that he felt the same presence as last night.

Eventually, his eyes landed on what appeared to be a young girl. Aizawa didn't know why his gaze was drawn to her. It could have been anything from her platinum blonde hair heavily contrasting her dark skin, or the fact that she had white medical bandages running completely up her left arm. Yet the pro decided that it was her aura that was drawing his attention to her. It seemed abnormal, even for a superhuman society.

Even as this girl sat alone in the corner of the shop, he was put on edge. Aizawa stared at her until he was given his drink. Just as he was about to leave, something shifted in the corner of his eye. Suddenly, everyone had stopped talking and all eyes were now watching this girl. She moved past a trashcan, threw her cup away, and made her way to the front. Once there, she ordered a coffee, payed for it, and left. Walking around Aizawa like he wasn't even there.

As soon as the girl was out of the building, everything returned to normal. Aizawa however was now majorly set off by the person that seemed to frighten everyone. While he walked to UA high school, the teacher decided to head back to that coffee shop tomorrow to see if she was back.

She was there. In the same shop, at the same booth, with the same vacant expression on her face. She left the same way, and everyone stared at her when she left. Just like the day before.

Aizawa went to that same shop for three weeks, and nothing had changed. Aside from the fact that he never felt that presence while patrolling at night anymore. Eventually, he asked the manager about the girl.

"She's been coming here every day for the past five years and does the same routine every time." The manager didn't seem to off put by the lady that seemed to visit his establishment everyday day without fail.

"And what exactly is the "routine"?" Aizawa was still trying to find out why she scared everyone and why she seemed so different.

"She waits outside every morning for someone to open the door, orders a Frappuccino with extra chocolate, pays, dumps several spoonsful of sugar into it, then sits at that booth for about an hour before coming up to order a coffee and leaves." The answer was swift and practiced, almost like it had been said before. Clearly, the hero wasn't the first to ask about this strange visitor.

"She's been doing that for five years? Why?" Aizawa was confused as to why anyone would do that for as long as the girl had. He could tell something was wrong.

"I'm not sure. After the first few weeks I was confused, but it slowly became normal. And she pays for the drinks, so there really isn't any reason for me to tell her to stop coming." The manager looked at the person they were talking about, and Aizawa could tell that he wanted to know what was wrong with her just as much as hero did. But the man would never admit that. Deciding to end the conversation, the manager left with, "I need to go back to work now."

Aizawa watched the retreating figure then looked back at the blonde. Sighing, he walked over to the girl. She seemed even stranger as he got closer. Her eyes were blood shot and looked tired. One was a glowing jade green; the other was an amethyst purple and had an X shaped scar over that eye. Her breathing was heavy and sounded almost like a snore. She was completely spaced out while he walked over and didn't notice the person standing near her.

"May I ask you a few questions?"

All right. That was the first chapter. I hope you all liked it.

My OC will be introduced in the next chapter. If there is one.

See y'all later