Disclaimer: J.K. Rowling owns Harry Potter etc, please don't sue me!

Warnings: AU after war, anti-Ron, some violence and language.

A/N: The war was building in fifth year, but instead of sending Harry to the Hall of Prophecies, Voldemort went himself and fell through the vail when Aurors were alerted to the breach and attacked. The Horcruxes deactivated when Voldemort went through the veil and he was deemed gone forever. The Death Eaters disbanded and slunk back into society once more. Blood purity became of less importance, especially after Voldemort's heritage came out.

Now on with the story...

Hermione's sight was blurred with tears as she rushed out of the Common room, the faces of the guilty onlookers watching her under eyelashes of lowered heads.

Hermione had just found out a secret that had been sealed within the Gryffindor Common Room walls for a full month. Gryffindors never snitched on their own, and so the secret had been held sacred by those in the know – which was most of the house thanks to the indiscreet revelling of the two involved.

Ron had been snogging Lavender Brown for just shy of a full moon cycle. And his girlfriend of seven months had finally walked in early from a study session to see the evidence in full slobbery glory on the couch. Tongues battling as he gripped Lavender on his lap, everyone going about their business looking unsurprised and unperturbed until she had walked in and froze with wide eyes. Her chin dropped in shock, creating a small 'o' with her lips. Quickly enough, her brain processed the scene and her teeth clamped shut with an audible click.

'You look supremely comfortable there,' Hermione had bitten out bitterly as she eyed Ron's grip on the girl in his lap.

Ron paused like muggle in a picture. He flicked a glance towards Lavender, still perched on his lap, looking like he was contemplating pushing her to the floor, but then his fingers tightened and dug tightly into her slender waist.

'Yes, we are, thank you,' he replied, building himself up with self-righteousness.

Lavender watched through challenging eyes as Hermione flushed red.

'And how long have you been ever so comfortable?' she hissed.

'A month,' Lavender simpered and pecked Ron's cheek. 'It took you long enough to pull your nose from a dusty, old book and figure it out. You really need to live in the now.'

Hermione had sucked in a sharp breath and then straightened her shoulders. 'Very well. Lavender, he is now single – enjoy his cheating, freckled ass to your heart's content. Although I feel I should warn you; he feels no regret and many psychological studies prove that he won't change his ways until he feels remorse, he'll cheat on you too.'

'I would never!' Ron burst in outrage.

'Gosh you just can't help being an insufferable bookworm can you! "Many psychological studies prove"' Lavender mimicked in a high-pitched, prissy voice. 'You're just jealous!' she scoffed, hand resting on Ron's chest to calm him.

'Jealous!' she retorted incredulously. 'I'm certainly hurt that one of my best friends' could do this to me. I'm very disappointed that you all knew about this and no-one told me. But I am not jealous. Keep him, I'm well rid of him.'

Hermione had then spun on her heel, casting a snarl at Harry as she turned, and then left.

As the door banged closed, the Gryffindors who had witnessed the reveal turned to look at Ron and Lavender.

'See, told you it would all work out in the end,' Ron said towards Harry with a shrug.

Harry sighed and rubbed his scar. 'Ron, what you said and did was downright cruel, you're thinking with Little Ron.'

'I'm not little!'

Harry rolled his eyes. 'You should have told her sooner. Privately.'

'It was never a good time. It's all out in the open now, so no-one needs to keep the secret any longer. What's the problem?'

'The problem, arsine brother, is that you still have the emotional range of a teaspoon and you should have handled it earlier,' Ginny replied with annoyance and disgust evident in her voice.

'Nothing I can do about it now. If you were so concerned you should have said something yourself.'

'It wasn't my place, Gryffindors aren't tattletales,' Ginny sniffed. 'That's a snake trait.'

'Snakes are pricks,' Ron muttered.

'You're a prick too, right now. Hermione won't ever forgive you for this,' Ginny warned.

'Sure she will. I'll get a house elf to pick some flowers and make some chocolates for her.'

'Mate, chocolate and flowers won't fix this,' Harry replied with a shake of his head, frustration gleaming in his eyes.

'Especially house elf laboured ones,' Ginny scoffed.

'She doesn't have to know,' Ron replied with a wave of his hand. 'Seriously, I know Hermione; once she calms down and I give her the gift, she'll forgive me and we'll go back to being friends and Lavender can be my girlfriend without all the sneaking around,' Ron answered, giving Lavender a leering glance that was happily returned.

'She's not materialist, Ron,' Ginny reminded.

'All girls like flowers and chocolates,' Ron replied flippantly.

Every girl, bar the perching Lavender, seemed to sneer in unison at the clueless redheaded boy.

'I don't know, Ron. You'll at least have to admit you were wrong and are very sorry,' Harry suggested.

'It'll be fine,' Ron insisted, eyes focused on Lavenders breasts that aligned with his eye-level.

'You're an idiot,' Ginny snapped and then shared a look with Harry.

'Think we should go and find her?' Harry muttered to Ginny.

'I think we will be hexed if we do, and Hermione packs a mean hex. Best to wait until the potion cools,' Ginny whispered. 'But I can't be around my twat of a brother anymore,' she added louder.

Harry nodded and pulled Ginny from the Common Room as Ron's lips joined with Lavender's once more.

Hermione stormed lower down into the castle, trying to find somewhere to avoid all the Gryffindors.

She reeled at the betrayal of trust.

The entire damnable house knew! And they kept it from me! No one told me. No one suggested I head to the Common Room to catch the prat. No one! Not even Harry!

A sliver of pain shot through her chest.

Harry. That one's the worst – how could he! Ron cheating sucks – but he's always was a bit of a selfish, emotionally-stunted prat. Ass!

An image of first year before the troll sprung into her mind, and third year with the broom, and that rat, then fourth year with Krum.

Harry always takes Ron's side in arguments and I stay true. I can't believe Harry would keep something like this from me. A month! A whole damnable month and he didn't suggest even a whisper. Ginny obviously won't tattle on her brother. But Harry, my best friend, lied!

Hermione swiped her face to remove the salty droplets trickling down before they splashed on her shirt.

She wanted nothing to do with anyone in that blasted house right now. She worked so hard to gain points and help the house to victory, to help people with their schoolwork, support the Quidditch team, and they had repaid her by covering her boyfriend's cheating ass.

I should have listened to the hat.

Her mind spun back to that fateful day so many years ago. The day she arrived at Hogwarts and was sorted.

The hat sat low and heavy on her head, just squeezing over her busy hair.

'Yes, I see you are extremely loyal, but Hufflepuff is not quite right for you. Brave and strong, Gryffindor traits, already have plenty of those, but the house is volatile – hard to be in if you are academically inclined. Hmm, very clever, exceptionally so. Ravenclaw would suit you very well, but your ambition shines so brightly. You thirst to prove yourself in this world, somewhere you finally belong... it would be a brilliant match for you, but you are Muggle-born; the Headmaster doesn't want a Muggle-born in Slytherin at this time - war is brewing and it could be unsafe if you aren't completely accepted. Pity.'

'Slytherin rarely even has Halfbloods,' she had thought back.

'My dear, the purebloods would have died out thanks to inbreeding by now if that were the case. No, any who isn't pure and is accepted marries another Slytherin and their bloodline is ignored from that point on. House over blood is the rule amongst the Slytherins. They would hate you if you weren't in their house, but inside those Slytherin walls is unity – if they deign to accept you. But the Headmaster does not believe it is possible right now. So another house must be chosen.'

'If I can't be where I will fit, then where will you put me?'

'You could be great in any house, but I think I know a future Gryffindor who will need your bravery, brilliance, and loyalty.'

'How can you know a future Gryffindor?'

'Because Gryffindor will be the only acceptable house for this person with the brewing war.'

'So you will send me there to help another?'

'Yes. Do you accept? Or shall I ignore my orders and put you in Slytherin instead?'

'Put me in Gryffindor, I will help this person.'

'Very well. Better be, GRYFFINDOR!'

Hermione leaned her back against the cool stone wall and sighed.

I wish I could change to Slytherin now. With Voldemort's sudden death and the Death Eaters dispersing, the blood purity has scaled back a bit, maybe it would be okay if I was just starting in Hogwarts now.

'Lost are we, Gryffindor Princess?' a clear and deep voice asked with amusement from down the darkened corridor.

Hermione started in surprise and stood up straight, chin lifted and facing the voice.

'Zabini,' she acknowledged curtly when she saw his face emerge from the shadows.

Malfoy appeared next to his friend.


'Hello, Granger, what brings you down into the dark and dangerous dungeons?' Malfoy drawled as he leaned against the opposite wall, his eyes, however, were on Zabini as the two males shared a speaking look. 'Lost your way?'

'I have lived in this school for years, I would be very dim-witted indeed if I were lost. It just seemed an unlikely place to run into any Gryffindors.'

'Hiding from the pack, are you?' Malfoy asked, picking lint from his robes.

'Avoiding would be more apt. I do not fear them, merely wish not to deal with the back-stabbing prats.'

'Back-stabbing – that does sound like Gryffindor house. But what have they done to turn their Gryffindor Princess against them.'

Hermione watched them closely for a moment.

Should I let them in on my secret? Screw it, why not.

'I'm hardly a Gryffindor Princess. I daresay that title could only belong to someone who the Sorting Hat wanted to place in that house.'

'You weren't sorted into your most suitable house? Missing Ravenclaw?'

'Actually, it was supposed to be Slytherin, but Dumbledore forbade the hat from sorting any Muggle-borns into that house.'

'Meddling, old coot,' Malfoy muttered under his breath.

'You mean that you were supposed to be earning Slytherin all those points?' Blaise clarified sceptically.

'The hat decided to put me in Gryffindor to help Harry out; since Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff weren't particularly brilliant matches either.'

Hermione glanced up and caught the look she couldn't read being shared between Malfoy and Zabini.

'You know,' Zabini began with nonchalance, 'you can request to be properly sorted.'

Hermione gave the boy a withering look. 'Like I would be welcomed with open arms.'

'You'd be welcomed if we demanded it,' Zabini replied, gesturing towards himself and Malfoy.

Hermione looked at Malfoy and scoffed.

He shrugged. 'I suppose I could oblige in a command of that sort – the extra points would be useful. That is, if you stop being a swotty Gryffindor priss and let your Slytherin nature shine.'

'Go fuck Zabini, Malfoy.'

'Rather crass order, no doubt thanks to the orangutan you called friend.'

'So will you be changing houses, or can we simply pretend this never happened?' Malfoy asked, disinterest screaming from every word and lithe limb.

I shouldn't make such a decision when I'm upset, but it is what I wanted. Perhaps some reassurance is wise.

'Alright. But I want your word that you will make the house welcome me in a friendly way.'

'Sure,' Blaise agreed easily.

'Your unbreakable word.'

Malfoy's face broke into a malevolently grin. 'Now you're getting it, Granger. Fine, unbreakable it is. Wands out.'

The three stood in a circle, wands pointed inwards.

Deep breath, Hermione.

'Say your piece, Granger,' Malfoy ordered.

'Do you both swear that you will ensure Slytherin house welcomes me into their fold to the best of your abilities?'

'I so swear,' they replied in unison.

'Do you both swear to do your best to stop physical or mental harm directed at me from Slytherin students while we are students of Hogwarts?'

'I so swear,' the young men replied.

Hermione nodded her acceptance.

'Hermione Granger,' Malfoy began, causing Hermione to twitch uneasily. 'Do you swear to embrace your Slytherin characteristics while you are a Slytherin student at Hogwarts?'

'I so swear.'

'Hermione Granger, do you swear to stand by the House of Slytherin while you are a student of that house?'

'I so swear.'

Malfoy nodded to show he was finished and the three spoke together. 'We so swear to be bound.'

A pulse of magic shot from the wands and wound around their wrists. Lowering her wand, Hermione battled to stop herself from rubbing her itching wrist as the magic bound her to her words as the two Slytherins showing no discomfort of their own from the magical effects.

'Let's go find Professor Snape,' Malfoy ordered and then led the way from the forgettable corridor to find the Head of Slytherin House.

After ten minutes of silence, Malfoy halted in front of a gold treaded tapestry and knocked.

The tapestry melted away, like it had been sprayed with acid, and a door emerged. It snapped open, Snape standing in the doorway, glaring at Hermione.

'What?' he snapped.

His eyes slid to Malfoy as the younger man explained flippantly. 'Granger here is apparently a true Slytherin – Dumbledore meddled – she would like to join our most noble house.'

'Is that so?' Snape asked, words rolling in his mouth like full-bodied red wine.

'Yes, Sir. I request your assistance in persuading the Headmaster,' Hermione answered.


'It is where I belong.'

'And what provoked this sudden desire.'

Truth or part-truth, he'll pick a lie. Hmm…

'The Gryffindors are back-stabbing and I want nothing to do with them. I was not aware until speaking with these two that it was possible to be resorted. Now I am aware, I wish to move.'

'Not aware of something, wonders never cease,' Snape sneered. 'Hmm… Very well, follow me,' Snape commanded, sweeping by them smoothly, his cloak flickering like black flames as he walked.

The three started to follow, but apparently not quickly enough.

'Hurry up,' Snape snapped. 'I have no desire to prolong this irritation.'

The three jumped forwards and followed more closely.

'Change houses?' Dumbledore asked with surprise, serious eyes turning towards Hermione with disappointment eyebrows and a frown on his lips.

'Yes, Headmaster. It is allowed if the Sorting Hat did not place me in my optimum house.'

'Well, yes, but it has been so long since that day. Surely you would miss your friends.'

'I was not aware I would be forbidden to speak with them once I move. However, it is of little matter – I have no friends in Gryffindor.'

'Miss Granger, Harry and Ronald are very loyal and must certainly be counted as your friends.'

'I have done my part of assisting Harry in his task, now I wish to be where I belong.'

'It is not something to do lightly.'

'I am not doing this lightly.'

'And it hasn't been done in over a century, really I do not see the need to upset the balance now. We can't have people changing willy-nilly.'

'Headmaster Dumbledore, it is my understanding that if a student requests to be placed in the house they should have been sorted into, then it must be done if the impediment for their placement has been removed. Mr Zabini and Mr Malfoy will ensure I am welcomed into Slytherin and Voldemort is gone - approve the change.'

'I think you should speak with Professor McGonagall first, Miss Granger.'

'No thank you. I would like to be resorted now.'

Dumbledore sighed wearily. 'Very well, Miss Granger. But know that you cannot return to Gryffindor if you change your mind. And you will lose your prefect role, as Slytherin already has a prefect of their own.'

'I accept those restrictions.'

'Sorting Hat, what is Miss Granger's optimal house?' Headmaster Dumbledore asked slowly.

'Hmm, well Slytherin was the optimal house for Miss Hermione Granger at the time of her sorting,' it replied.

Dumbledore slumped his shoulders slightly and waved his wand; her robes and tie immediately changing to represent Slytherin.

'Welcome to Slytherin House, Miss Granger,' Snape said from behind her.

'Thank you, Professor,' Hermione replied.

'You're belongs will be packed by a house elf and moved to Slytherin. I will come down with you and announce the change. Malfoy, Zabini, I suggest you gather the house for our arrival, I do not wish to have to repeat my announcement.'

The two young men nodded, clearly understanding the message to deliver warnings and demands for welcoming their newest member.

By the time Professor Snape and Hermione arrived in the dungeons, the whole of Slytherin house had been gathered and where staring at the entrance with silent anticipation.

'Slytherins, Miss Granger has been resorted into her true house, sadly she was excluded from our noble house by the Headmaster when she first arrived in the school. You will all welcome her and treat her with the respect due any Slytherin; I do not wish to be disturbed by petty name-calling and pranks, so make sure I am not. That is all.'

With that, Professor Snape swivelled on his heel and strode from the common room, leaving Hermione standing facing the entire house of green and silver. Eye watched her warily, not sure what to make of Gryffindor's Princess in their home, all wondering if it was a trick to learn their secrets.

Malfoy stepped forward, Zabini following immediately.

'Welcome to Slytherin, Hermione,' he said in a smooth, aristocratic drawl.

Zabini nodding his head with the welcome. The rest of Slytherin blinked for a moment before following suit and Hermione's mind whirled as she tried to decide how best to handle her childhood tormentors.

'Thank you all for the welcome. Pansy, could you please show me to my dormitory? I want to ensure the house elves have not missed any of my belongings.'

With Pansy's tilt of her head, she led the way from the room, Hermione felt a swirl of confidence build in her chest.

She stayed within the house walls for the rest of the night, getting to know her new house mates with the help of magical games, alcohol, and a never-ending supply of magical treats. Any hesitations on either side being wiped away by the time the sky started to lighten. Hermione had learnt that behind the insults and formality, were normal people who simply enjoyed different things in life and always had each other's back – there was a reason no one was poor in Slytherin; Slytherins looked after their own forever. And slowly, Hermione finally felt like she was home as they laughed at her jokes and listened to her adventures with awe and friendly jibes that they would teach her proper self-preservation to ensure no more werewolf howling or the like – after all, they claimed couldn't allow their newest asset and friend, the brightest student of the century, to fall before she truly shone.


A/N: hope you enjoyed this story! Did you want to see the Gryffindor students' reactions?