A Friends POV

Sadly all fun has to end sometimes and so we are finally back in Bulmas hovercar and on our way back to Capsule Corp. The whole day we've been away and it's getting dark outside. The boys are both fast asleep in the back and as I watch them in silence I can see the broad smiles on their features. Especcially Trunks. He's basically grinning from ear to ear as he silently mumbles :

"Thanks papa ..."

It's clear as day the boy won't ever forget this day. But neither will I. Not only did I have a ton of fun, I had a ton of fun with my little son. I got to know him even better today.

With a smile I stand up from my seat and move towards the cockpit where the Briefs are sitting side by side.

"Bulma?",I gently tap her shoulder, causing her to let go of Vegetas hand she had been holding tight.

A sight I still couldn't get used to. After all, seven years ago they pretty much hated each other. I mean ... Trunks was certainly not conceived out of love.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing. I just want to speak to your husband. Nothin serious. Just about today.", I hear the prince snort next to his wife and know he's not in the mood to talk to me. I'm not surprised.

"Of course, buddy.", she answers with a gentle smile, switching the engine to auto-pilot and walks past us to the back of the plane.

"What a day, huh?",I start as I slide into the pilots seat, Vegeta observing my every move.

"Quite stressful. But what is there left to talk, Kakarott? Be assured, if you start talking about the day of the tournament again, I'm going to kick you out of the plane."

"What? No no no. Though I'm really glad you're still a dick, I was afraid the whole ordeal made you grow soft! I mean, you acted like a really nice guy today."

"Don't be rediculous. I take you on and gladly beat you to a pulp any time."

"Always up for the challenge.",I say with a grin and I'm glad he didn't loose his fighting spirit.

"Anyway. What I was about to tell you is 'thank you'."

"Are you finally loosing your mind? Why should you thank me?"

"For this day of course. It was amazing from start to finish and I've spent a great time with my little son. We had so much fun today!"

"Stop the sentimental crap. You know why your company was nessesary in the first place."

I shake my head with a smile.

"Yeah, to stop you if you loose control. But it never came this far. You've been amazingly calm all the time! I could've stayed home and nothing bad would've happened. I mean I'd miss a lot of fun but ... "


"It's true and you know it. All of us knew you were stressed out. But you stayed with your family all the time! And look at the kids. Look at Trunks! He's still smiling from ear to ear and mumbles his praise towards you. He's beyond happy!"

My words cause his features to soften up and again I am amazed at how gentle this former killer could look. I can still see his cruel smile as he stood before my broken form and beat my son again and again. I can still remember his murders on Namek and the way he died at my feet, begging me to avenge his people.

He is a completely different man now.

"You've really changed over the last seven years, my friend."

"I ..."

With a sigh he watches the world rush past us and it's like he's somewhere entirely else. A few moments pass before his gaze returns to me.

"Seven years are a long time. I couldn't run away from my crimes anymore. Couldn't rely on my pride anymore since all it brought me was the death of my son. I had to ... I had responsibilities."

"Big Trunks really had an impact on you, eh?"

Closing his eyes the prince let out a long breath and shook his head.

"That's none of your concern. I just didn't want my little son to grow up without a father too. But only time will tell if I did a decent job raising a child."

"You're a great dad from what I've seen today.",I say honestly and put a hand on his shoulder, watching him take a deep breath and look outside.

"Hey, Vegeta."


"Thank you for taking care of Goten for me. I mean it. Had I known Chi-Chi was pregnant I'd never choose to stay dead."

"Don't dwell in the past. Isn't that what you're trying to say? Goten was pestering me all day, yes. But he's my sons best friend for whatever reason and I rarely talked to him anyway. Where he got the idea to call me 'uncle' is beyond me. But he wasn't the problem. He never got to know you after all. But Kakarott ..."


"You should go talk to Gohan. He was the one who almost drove me insane."

This is picking my interest. In the twenty-four hours I've been alive I talked a lot with him and never heard anything about throuble Not even from Chi-Chi."

"What ... what happened between you two?", I ask cautiously to wich the prince reacts by massaging his neck with a sigh.

"You know how Gohan is. He was quite emotional. And only a child. He blamed himself for your death and his guilt often lead to aggression."

"Wait, what? ...", This is the first time I heard about that. Gohan blamed himself for my death?

"Listen, I'm not going into detail. It was bad. Really bad. But that also lies in the past and I know over time he's gotten over it. Don't worry. Go back to your seat, return home with your brat and just stop talking. My head hurts from your blabbering.",Vegeta says and then yawns aloud.

"I'm tired. This day may have been a dream for you guys but to me it was quite stressful."

"Y ... yeah. Of course. Thanks again, Vegeta.",I say and return to my seat. Still in thought about the pain I caused to my son. I really have to talk to him.

Why should he blame himself for my death?

The Kings POV

"What did you tell him? He's looking like he saw a ghost!",

"Nothing. I just implied the trouble his first born caused after his death. But don't worry. I didn't go into detail. He doesn't have to know that ..."

"Gohan almost killed you?"

"... Yeah ..."

For a few moments my wife and I sit there in silence and watch the clouds fly past us as she takes my hand and puts her head on my shoulder with closed eyes.

"Don't think about it. Just look forward and be assured we all appreciate your effords. You really helped Gohan back then."

Her eyes meet mine and I loose myself in her gaze full of trust and love.

"Honey ... today was one of the best days of my life. Same goes for our Trunks. We'll never forget how much trouble you endured for us.

Speaking those words her lips gently meet mine and I close my eyes at the touch.

Yes, I had to endure a lot today. But it's alright now.

I am finally at peace again. My hands are no longer shaking, my ears not attacked by shouts and screams from countless people and the smell of chlorine is not longer burning my nose. I promised my son to go to this place again next year. And the years after that, maybe I'll make it a yearly 'tradition'.


Still ... today I learned a lot about myself and my family and those new memories I will cherish forever.

My family means everything to me. More than my own life amd everything I ever possessed.

Again I jawn followed by a loud rumbling from my stomach reminding me I didn't eat anything since breakfast and the sound is causing my beautiful wife to chuckle amused next to me.

"I'll prepare you a huge meal, honey. Whatever you desire. Just wait a bit longer, we'll almost in West City."

And truth be told I soon spot the dome-shaped building of Capsule Corp.

"Home, sweet home ..."I whisper a cheesy earth phrase and stretch my sore muscles. I'm craving a long shower and my bed.

Craning my neck I close my eyes untill the moment we land. As the door opens the smell of fresh grass surrounds me and I sigh in content and peace.

"Honey?",my wifes voice reaches out for me as she's gently tapping on my shoulder.

"Could you take our boy? Better we bring him to bed. He's out like a light.

"Yeah.", I nod and stand up to lift my little son up. Almost immediately his arms wrap around my neck and he whispers:

"Best day ever.", in his sleep and a smile creeps onto my lips as I shake my head in amazement. I've really grown soft.

"Guys, I'm on my way. Chi-Chi's surely worried sick already.",Kakarott says with a crooked smile as he also lifts up his son."

"Already? Don't you wanna come inside first? Get some snack?"

"Nah. Don't worry Bulma. I'll come visit you tomorrow. I'm pretty tired too."

"Alright ... Thanks for entertaining our little boy. Hope you guys had a great time!", My wife says with a smile and embraces the clown tightly before he dissapears into thin air.

"He's really shocked. You just HAD to mention Gohan, eh?"

"I've been his babysitter long enough."

"You're a dick."

"I didn't ask him to stay dead for seven years. He has to start acting like a grown up and take care of his sons.

"He was sure it was for the best to stay dead! Using that as an argument against him is not a nice thing to say and you know it."

"Former space pirate."

"Don't use that as excuse for shit-talking!"



In feighned anger she jumps out of the plane and I follow her closely into our house with a smile.

Home, sweet home.

The Queens POV

Maybe two hours later I'm sitting on a bench on the balcony and watch the stars over West City, clad in only my soft pink bathrobe and take a sip of campagne. What a beautiful night, I think with a smile. The perfect ending for a perfect day.

"Already drinking again, woman?", I hear the deep voice of my husband as he appears next to me, wearing only a black towel and joins me.

"Want some? You liked it when we were in that Jacuzzi earlier."

Snorting softly he nods and I pass him a glass he drains in one go, letting out a content sigh.

"Honey, slowly! You have to savor the taste. That's exquisite stuff, not cheap beer.",I say with a grin.

"It's alcohol. Honestly I don't understand you humans. Does it make you feel like something better if you need half an hour for a single glass?"

"It has to do with class."

"You're basically the queen of the planet. Why should you care about 'class'? You're better than everyone else anyway."

My mouth hangs open at his bold compliment and I watch him down another glass before finally realizing what he said and freeze with reddening cheeks.

"W ... what are you looking at? Give me another one!", he orders and drains another glass as I can only stare at him in awe. He rarely ever said something like that. Not this open atleast.

"You've really changed ... You're like a different person altogether ...", I whisper and watch him take a deep breath and stand up. Leaning against the balcony railing his gaze travels upwards to the stars. Did I say something wrong?

"I am. I have changed. And for the better I hope. Isn't that what you always wanted? For me to become ... different?"

"Honey ..."

"I already told you I had a lot to think about in the afterlife. Who I am. Who I was. All the ... shit I put you through. You and Trunks. When I was sent to hell I looked into a mirror of myself. It showed every sin, every crime I ever commited. It let me experience my deaths time and time again and showed me every time I failed the both of you as husband and father. It was one HELL of a ride ...", he says with a crooked smile and my heart dares to stop at the horrors he'd been through. Tears shoot into my eyes as I jump to a stand and embrace him tightly from behind. I always guessed the underworld was cruel but this sort of torture is unimaginable!

"You don't have to change a thing! You never failed us! We love you just the way you are! I wouldn't want you any different!",I almost shout and feel his shoulders tense.

"Yes it was difficult and I often wanted to slap your face for driving me insane but everything else would've been boring. I always knew loving you would be a challenge and I love a good challenge. I love you. More than you could ever imagine. And so does Trunks."

"Bulma ..."

The next thing I know is the feeling of his lips against mine as he lifts me up and throws me against the nearest wall.

Before he shows me just how much my words moved him and how much he loves me. Time and time again.

The Kings POV

Her head on my chest my wife is sleeping next to me, mumbling unintelligible things in her slumber. As I watch her, her words from earlier continue roaming around in my head. I still can't believe what I did to deserve her. Especcially now, after hell made sure I wont ever forget every of my flaws. Everything that went wrong.

And yet here I am. Tangled in the sheets with the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. Blessed with her trust, with her undying love, and a son I am so incredibly proud of.

And the knowledge I archived all of this on my own. By just being myself. And that fills me with pride and joy.

As I close my eyes, waiting for sleep to come I wrap my arm around her naked shoulders and carefully intertwine our fingers before I whisper into her ear.

"I love you, Bulma Briefs."

And as she then holds on to me even tighter in her sleep I could swear she heard me.

Maybe she is a witch after all.