ok so here it is i rewrote this three times and short as it is its the only way I could write it sorry.

Chapter 7

Skull did not want to break the silence that filled the air as his new amber Sky Flames petered out of existence. Each and every one of the Arcobaleno, past and present, had their eyes focused on him and he knew it was only a matter of time before they started demanding answers. Answers he just didn't have the energy to give, he could feel the curse of the Tri-Ni-Sette deep in his bones and it was sapping him of his strength with every breath.

"Lackey?" Reborn demanded but Skull did not say anything, he just turned his head to face the Sun. Those black eyes held his for a long moment until his arms crumbled beneath his weight and he slumped to the ground.

He didn't even try to right himself, perfectly content to remain right where he had fallen even as the others gathered around him in panic. Skull was turned over carefully, Reborn and Checkerface knelt beside him partly blocking out the bright blue sky that filled eyes that were too tired to close. They were speaking but their voices and words were swept away in the throbbing silence that filled his ears. Death shifted closer, more real and distinct than ever before.

Reborn grabbed his shoulders and shook him, his breath trembled in his lungs. Skull smiled up at the man with the taste of copper and Death coating his tongue as the planet's great thirst drew every drop of magic and Flame from his very cells. He was dying and no matter how much pain his body was feeling his soul felt like it was flying. The mask that was Skull broke and it was Harry James Potter, the Master of Death, who stared into Checkerface's sad knowing eyes.

Death smiled, eyes bright and happy, as they reached a hand into the huddle of people that Skull had both known and not known. Their hand was soft and warm against his cheek and the well of power, that was his and wasn't, brightened in his mind's eye. For a moment the world stilled, quivering with anticipation and thrumming in near silent demand. Until with a weak, bloodsoaked smile the man who had worn a million faces and went by countless names, but who had always wanted to be Just Harry, shattered into an ocean of rainbow light.


All around the world people woke up, went to work or school, spent time with family and friends and went to sleep, just like they did every day. Babies were born, people got sick and loved ones died, just like they did every day. The blue planet slowly spun, the sun rose and fell and time passed, just like they did every day. It was a normal day for most people who had no clue as to the great changes that had been wrought on the fabric of not only their own universe but all of those that were connected through the Tri-Ni-Sette.

They wouldn't notice the effects of the Cloud Arcobaleno turned solitary Curse Holder's sacrifice for a few years as the deserts and crops bloomed as they hadn't in known history and animals of every shape and size breathed a confused sigh of relief. Most of them would never know why after years of a slow creeping decay the world seemed to shake the dust from its ancient bones, they just shrugged and mumbled something about how it was probably the scientists who had done it.

But for those who did know, who had borne witness to the death of the titan, Skull de Mort was a selfless fool who was never more alive then as he died. As far as their best minds could figure he had taken the curse that had stretched across the entirety of space-time and condensed it down to a single blinding point inside his own body. The mineture orbs of pure Flames that had surged from Skull had sunk deep into the fabric of the world, staying a hunger heavier then eternity.

The Arcobaleno, all restored and whole in ways they hadn't been in a long time, drifted apart. But everytime they saw a cloudy sky they knew… knew that they woud always be a little bit broken.

The End