Chapter One: The Forest of Clow

Sakura Kinomoto found herself being hunted. The grey wolf was on her heels. She ran as fast as her legs would carry her, through the thick trees. The creature snarled with fangs bared, snapping at her ankles. The tree limbs barred her path, flinging herself forward, she managed to shove them out of the way. The forest was dark and soundless. Not even the chirping of a cricket or the hoot of a lonely owl filled the stagnant air.

Sakura's olive cloak whipped around her as she pressed on deeper into the woods. The toe of one of her leather boots caught on a loose branch. She stumbled, falling onto her delicate hands, and dropped the flashlight that she had weaved her fingers around. The angry wind tore at her auburn hair, and chilled her down to the bone. She shivered involuntarily from the cold autumn night.

Behind her the wolf growled. Terror pressed in on her lungs, she struggled to breath. She was going to die here tonight before her journey had even begun. She braced herself for what was to come, a hungry wolf ready to devour her tender flesh.

It stopped, watching her with it's empty yellow eyes. Its grizzled fur was standing on end and teeth protruded from its black rimmed lips. Its massive paws dug into the dying grass. With one swipe of them she could die. Tightly, she closed her emerald eyes. If death was coming for her than she didn't want to watch.

It lunged for her, she gripped her knuckles until they turned a pale shade of white. The killing blow never came. Several moments passed before Sakura reopened her eyes. The wolf had disappeared like it had never been. A sigh escaped her thin lips. Her heart fluttered erratically, panic still pulsing through her veins. The wolf spirit had stopped chasing her. She couldn't be sure why, but she was grateful.

A gentle hum caught her attention, and she glanced down. The ring she had been entrusted to her was glowing green dimly in the darkness. Perhaps it had protected her? It held some kind of magic that she had yet to understand. The ring had once belonged to her mother, before her untimely death. Her father told her it had been passed down in her mother's family for generations. He had given the ring to her just weeks ago on her eighteenth birthday.

Sakura had known little about her mother's family growing up. They were a mystery to her and her older brother Touya. Her father was never forth coming with information, even when either of the siblings had tried to pry it from him. Strangely, he had suddenly produced this ring, claiming that her mother had made him promise on his deathbed to give it to Sakura when she was of age.

She covered the ring tightly with her other hand. Thank you.

She needed to get out of this forest, but there would be no chance of that happening anytime soon. It was dangerous especially at this time of the night. Spirits were more active in the darkness, well usually the more aggressive ones anyway. Sakura forced herself back onto her feet. She stumbled at first but quickly righted herself. Bending over she ran her fingers along the fresh grass until she uncovered her lost flashlight.

Sakura trudged onward, further into the trees, this would be the only way to find safety. Ever since she was given the ring strange things had begun to happen to Sakura. The rambunctious spirits that inhabited the world had become drawn to her. It didn't matter if she took off the ring and hide in her sock drawer, they still came for her. She found that the ring helped to protect her so she made sure to have it with her at all times.

In this word there were few people who could control the spirits, Pact Keepers. These individuals could bind the creatures to their will, using their power as their own. They worked with the spirits to keep humans safe from other spirit's destructive powers. She needed to find one of these Pact Keepers to help her figure out what was going on. Sakura could no longer stay with her family. It was becoming much too dangerous to stay near. The spirits were volatile, and she never know what they were capable of. Sakura loved her father and brother dearly, and she'd do whatever it took to keep them out of harm's way.

She had heard stories of one of these Pact Keepers living within the center of Clow forest. This Pact Keeper was rumored to be so powerful he could survive living in the forest with only the company of his spirits. If anyone could help her with her problem she believed it would be him. So Sakura had left her family to search for this mystery person. She hadn't even been able to learn his name. She hopped that she would find him soon, Sakura had been searching for days and she was getting low on supplies.

Ahead of her there appeared to be a worn path. Years of neglect had made the trail almost unrecognizable, even with the light of her flashlight she had barely been able to see it. Perhaps, this was what she was searching for. She dared to hope it would lead her to the man she believed could help solve all of her problems.

She followed the trail, branches and overgrowth sporadically made the trek difficult. Sakura managed to go around part of it, but the rest she had to just push through. The girl hadn't thought to bring a knife or any instrument to cut through the brush. This wasn't a situation she had been trained for. All her life she thought she would live a peaceful existence as a preschool teacher. She had never thought she'd become some wilderness explorer in search of a spirit user.

Hours later, when the sun had begun to rise, she made it to the end of the path. A small cottage stood in a gap in the tree line. Then rays of the sun bounced off its glass windows. Sakura studied its shape. The building was crafted out of beautiful limestone. Rich green ivory sprouted up the sides of the structure. An oak door stood in a stone frame. This had to be the place she was looking for. She could feel it in her bones. Excitement bubbled through her, she'd been lost in this forest for days. Sakura had begun to think she would never reach her goal. Only hours before she thought a wolf spirit was going to shred her apart. Maybe there was a solution to her problem after all. Maybe she could get help now, go home to her family, and still live a normal life.

Sakura mustered the energy to run to the door. She raised her palm, pressing her fingers into a fist she prepared to knock. Before her fist connected with the door it creaked open. On the other side stood a man. He looked to be no more than a few years older than she was herself. Wire framed glasses covered his pale face, but somehow they were able to show off his brilliant violet eyes. His ebony hair was unkempt as if he had just woken up from a dream. He probably had, most people were usually still asleep at this time of day. The sun was just barely peeking over the horizon.

He was dressed in a long purple robe. His feed were tucked securely into black slippers. On his face was an amused half smile, and there was a sparkle in his peculiar eyes. The man motioned for her to follow him inside. She wasn't sure if she should take him up on the offer, after all he was a stranger. But if she didn't follow him she had come all this way for nothing. This man had to be the person she was looking for so she passed the threshold into his cottage.

"Hello, Sakura," His voice was calm and collected, not surprised in the least bit, almost like he had been expecting her. The fact that he knew her name startled her. It jolted her from the happiness she had felt at finally finding something in this vast forest. What if this was a mistake?

"Do I know you." She asked, puzzled by his words.

"Not yet," He told her honestly. "But I knew you were coming. I saw it in a dream."

The man cocked his head to the side, another grin spread across his pale face. It was then that Sakura noticed that porcelain cups of steaming tea sat on an elegant silver tray. He had been waiting, he'd even prepared them tea.

Sakura glanced around the cottage it was furnished in an older style than she was accustomed to. Woven oriental rugs could be found on the stone floor. The wooden coffee table where the tea cups were placed upon had curved legs. A couch with a yellow and brown floral design and matching loveseat were originated around it. Plush pillows with frilled edges sat in each corner of the couch. It reminded her of something one of her friend's grandmothers would have picked out.

There was a magnificent cuckoo clock hanging on one of the walls. It was her favorite thing about the room, Sakura had always liked the look of beautiful clocks. She couldn't see much of the rest of the house, except the front room. A hallway snaked away from the living room which she image lead to more rooms. She could see just a peak of the kitchen from her vantage point in the living area.

She forced her attention back to the young man in front of her. His eyes were watching her like a hawk. "Who are you?"

"First please have a seat. I've prepared us some tea." He gestured with had hand to the silver tray. "My name is Eriol Hiiragizawa, I believe you were looking for me."

Sakura lowered herself slowly onto the loveseat, and picked up a delicate cup in her fingers. Eriol did the same, except he took a seat on the sofa. She brought the cup to her lips and took a sip. It was camomile, her favorite.

She pressed her lips together, once again startled. "Yes, I think so. Are you the Pact Keeper who lives in Clow Forest?"

He nodded. "It appears you have a problem and were looking for some assistance, correct?"

"Yes," She said slowly. "I have a issue you see…."

"I'm afraid, my dear, you've come all this way and I fear I won't be able to give you the help you are seeking." A pained expression slipped onto his face.

Sakura hung her head, feeling the hope she had allowed to expand deflate. It seemed as if this had been a wasted trip. She tucked a strand of her auburn hair behind her ear. It had come loose from the green ribbon she had used to tie her hair up in on the journey.

"Don't worry," He told her in a low tone. "Your trip is not in vain. There are things I must tell you, things your mother wasn't able to tell you since she died so very young."

"Huh," The sound slipped out of Sakura's mouth before she could stop it. "You knew my mother? You're nearly the same age as me. That seems impossible."

"No, I didn't know her. Not when she was alive anyway. She came to me in a dream recently, and she warned me of your arrival. You were a bit later than I expected though, so I sent one of my spirts off to fetch you."

The wolf….he had sent that blood thirsty creature that had almost killed her.

"You sent the wolf?" She asked, trying to hide the anger in her voice.

"Yes," Eriol answered honestly. "Sorry if he seemed a bit hostile. I didn't want him to chase you like that, but he is a bit of a wild spirit. I think he was just trying to have some fun with you. He did chase you nearly all the way to the path."

Sakura supposed that at least he was trying to help her find her way. Without him sending the spirit how much longer would she had wandered alone and lost in that forest? Her mother, why had she contacted him? What was going on here anyway? Her heart thudded, pulse picking up its pace. She took a deep breath to steady herself.

"What did my mother want me to know?" Sakura was almost afraid of the answer, but words from her deceased mother, the mother she hadn't really known….she had to know what they were.

"Before I tell you them, there is something else." Eriol pressed the teacup to his lips and took a small sip. "It's not the ring that pulls the spirits close to you Sakura. It's your blood. It sings to them as does mine. You are not like everyone else Sakura, you have potential to become a Pact Keeper."

Sakura remained silent, taking in his words. Eriol placed his cup back down on the saucer with a dull clank.

"The ring is something your mother left to you because she sensed it should be passed down to you before her death. Your brother doesn't have the same abilities as you, he doesn't have the same raw potential to be a Pact Keeper, and your mother knew you would need the ring to help keep you safe." Eriol crossed his legs, stretching them out under the coffee table.

Sakura eyed him, this was a lot of information for anyone, but she believed this man was telling her the truth. She didn't get a sense that he was lying to her. He truly seemed like he wanted to help her, and if this wasn't the truth then how would he know so much about her...He knew about her name, her mother's death, the ring, and more.

"What does the ring do exactly?" She asked, her curiosity peaked.

"It will help you control your powers. Think of it as a conduit, as you will. It will both act as a barrier to help keep lower level spirits from harming you, and it will help you control your powers once you form your first pact."

"Is that all?"

"No, have you ever heard of the Spirit Prophecy?"

Sakura pondered his questions, placing one hand under her small chin. "Yes, we learned about it in school. It is said that once the glow of the emerald is awaken from its slumber the world will be thrown into chaos, two heros would rise to restore the balance between humans and spirits. If the heroes fail in their most sacred duty then the world will no longer cease to exist. That's just an old superstitious tale though right?"

"I'm afraid not Sakura. The emerald has awaken. It's on your finger now. It's been glowing correct? That's one of the reasons your mother left it to you. She saw this in a vision. Like me, your mother had the sight, and she knew you had your part to play."

Sakura swallowed hard. This wasn't what she was expecting. How was she supposed to help with something like this if what he said was even true? She hadn't doubted him before, but this seemed so far fetched. All she wanted was to go home to her family and become a normal preschool teacher.

"What is my role?" Sakura's hands trembled slightly, scared of the answer.

"I'm afraid that even I don't know. For now I believe you need to learn how to control your awakened powers. There is one person who I believe can help you do this. I will send you to him." Eriol watched her face, over his wired frames.

"Why not you? You're a Pact Keeper. Can't you just teach me?" She wasn't sure if she wanted to journey to meet someone else. She wasn't even sure if she wanted to be trained at all. Would doing this help keep her family safe?

"That is not my role to play." He said simply, a gentle smirk played on his thin lips. "I will send you to my younger cousin. He is a better teacher than I could ever hope to be."

"There isn't anything you can do to help keep the spirits away from me?" Sakura asked, desperate for another solution to her problem.

"No, but if you become a Pact Keeper you'll be strong enough to control the spirits on your own. That's the only way you'll be able keep your family safe."

Sakura sighed. Just what had she gotten herself into? She picked her cup back up and inhaled the aroma of her camomile tea to try to calm her startled nerves. If it was the only way to keep her family safe she'd do it.

"Okay, Eriol, just tell me what I need to do."

Authors Note:

Thanks for reading! I've been wanting to write a CCS Fan Fic for awhile. I'm working on writing some actual books that I'd like to publish in the future, but I think this will be a nice break from my current works. :) Please comment and let me know what you think!