Hey, there. I've finally managed to put together the next chapter.

There will be lots and lots of Christmas fluff. Taking care of Sean and the next angsty part were sadly pushed to chapter 9 by... Christmas, cookies and our boys getting ideas in their head.

That said, this story is officially containing smut now. If that's not your cup of tea but you still want to read it without those parts, I have encased the scene in:




And now, before we proceed: Thank you all for your support, reviews, favs and alerts! You are the best!

Chapter 8:

PW 30:

During the night from Wednesday to Thursday Nick manages to gain some useful insights. With pregnancy's progress his sleep patterns have become erratic, showing their face in one or the other sleepless night. Between reaching globe shaped proportions out front, near constant pain in the back and healthy baby movement in the middle it doesn't take a genius to know why. But he has used his time well. Has lain awake and studied every inch of his magnificent zauberbiest at length.

He's not overly concerned with the lack of sleep. A Grimm's robust nature accounts for a lot and the still persistent 'pregnant Grimm sleep attacks' do their part to equal the odds.

He leans over onto his side to get a better view of his sleeping mate. Over time he has become proficient at moving without a single sound. It seems that the stealthy hunter in him still trumps clumsiness of late pregnancy. A small mercy. No. Not quite. All this is immeasurable mercy bestowed on him. To have a baby inside of him. To have Sean and look his fill. This gorgeous man lying in relaxed repose, tension absent while deeply asleep. He licks his lips as he lets his gaze wander over an aquiline nose, that likes to bump and nuzzle him, and a strong jaw line, that feels just right under his hands. Over broad shoulders and a well muscled torso.

I should have known.

No desperate shout, no self-recrimination. A realization, nothing more, nothing less.

Lust curling low in his belly. An almost foreign feeling. Certainly a welcome one.

I really should have known.

Relish. Not taking his eyes off his powerful 'biest for even one moment. If anyone could rekindle his desire for more, it would have been this man.

They have done the kissing, the touching and cuddling. Their attraction to each other hasn't been a spur of the moment thing, couldn't have been with what has happened to Nick. It has slowly grown just like Nick's desire for his big man.

He looks down on Sean with a slow smile playing around his lips.

I want him. To share the future, to raise a baby... And to do some very enjoyable things that I will need to read up on in the very near future.

What he let's out then is not a lover's moan or a lustful sound. It's a relieved exhale. An almost laugh. He sinks back into the pillows with a happy sigh, a weight lifting off his chest he hasn't known has been there until now. Until it isn't anymore.

The freedom to desire human touch – that very special kind of touch and activity, too – and to feel not revulsion but happy anticipation! He rolls over lazily, slipping his hand to the back of Sean's neck and feeling his independent, always guarded Prince unconsciously leaning into the touch. Into that soothing, repetitive motion that lulls not only him into deeper sleep but his pregnant Grimm as well.

And while warmth, affection and love fill his whole being – going out to his mate and baby along that ancient bond – an idea for the perfect Christmas present for Sean forms in his head. It's safe to say that when at 4:17am Nick Burkhardt falls asleep he is by a few insights richer.


It's Thursday morning and they have just watched the video tape from Hank's interview with Elmar Norton, the reinigen who has been arrested with help of Wu Tuesday night.

"Letting slip that your partner is a Grimm and then making him stew over it for another day? Sneaky."

Nick dodges the cuff to his head cheeky grin non-erasable. To his defense, Hank is smirking as well although he valiantly tries to hide it.

"What can I say, we can get him for robbery, violent assault and dealing with stolen goods – he knows it and we know it – but I have the feeling there's more. Look. This is the report from crime scene unit after they've searched Norton's car."

His partner hands him a folder and Nick skims the content, eyebrows rising to his hairline when he spots what Hank's been referring to.

"They've found traces of cocaine in a hidden compartment of the car trunk!"

"Exactly. So how high are chances that he's not selling drugs on the side...?"

"...Or not so much on the side. Well, I would say chances are close to none."

"My thoughts exactly, which made me think: What about his buyers and suppliers?"

"So you let him stew over the fact that a Grimm is working in direct vicinity to his holding cell in order to get him to make a deal and rat out – no pun intended – his buddies when we talk to him today."

Now Hank is grinning alright. Like a Cheshire Cat.

"So wanna go in there, interrogate a baddie and with a bit of luck catch many more baddies?" Hank wags his eyebrows for effect. Nick snorts with a shake of his head but Hank knows better. He knows that look. Sure enough Nick quips "You bet!" as he rises from his seat and takes up the case file.

"That's what I wanted to hear, partner."


Nick regards the criminal in front of him with a steady gaze, drawing conclusions and getting an initial picture of their perp. Skittish, suspicious, meek looking but not to be underestimated. There is a gleam in those beady eyes that tells of a violent history and little scruples to speak of. Pictures of Norton's latest victim rise up in the Grimm's memory: Bruises, deep scratches... no, slashes littering his body. Almost enough to make him bleed out. It's clear that even though hiding behind a diminutive facade Elmar Norton is a vicious man who belongs in prison for what he has done. He lets the Grimm come forth, scratch at the surface of his being. It's just a trace, like a dark shadow creeping up on their perp.

"Mr. Norton, I am Detective Burkhardt. I'm sure my partner has already mentioned me."

He shuffles a sheaf of papers into order, playing for time to let the fact sink in. The reinigen crosses his arms in front of his chest – as best as he can while still cuffed – putting up a defiant act but failing where unconscious ticks are concerned. He's leaning slightly to the side, in direction of the door, and his rapid breathing is given away by twitching nostrils and the quick rising and falling of his chest. He's nervous and not very good at hiding it no matter what he believes.

"Tuesday night you were caught in the act of selling stolen goods. You have also committed an act of violent assault on a man, unprovoked and nearly resulting in the victim's death."

He pauses, eyes growing cold and hard. Norton twitches almost imperceptibly.

"We have the attack on security tape, so there's no getting out of that either. And lastly there were traces of drugs found in your car. You have some explaining to do, Mr. Norton."

The other man swallows thickly, looks between the two Detectives in barely veiled agitation. Nick leans forward, resting his elbows on the table between them, menace encompassing him like a dark cloud. This time his primal side surges forth without needing to be coaxed.

The reinigen's flickering woge becomes a full one and he barely manages to reign himself back in. If possible his eyes have grown even wider and no enhanced olfactory sense is needed to notice that he's sweating profusely.

Nick concentrates to let his Grimm aura swell. He has no bad conscience about intimidating him into telling them more. This is the very man who has viciously attacked another in order to satisfy his greed and then left him unconscious and bleeding on the ground. It's only been lucky coincidence that the victim has been found quickly, otherwise he would have died of his injuries. So without showing an outward reaction to the man's obvious fear he continues calmly

"Of course, there are other options than going to prison."

He sounds innocuous enough, Norton's imagination supplying what his mouth has never even hinted at. The man all but squeaks, looking seconds away from trying to make a run for it. They let him stew for a bit before Hank takes up:

"Of course, there are other options... Like a deal."

"A d-deal?"

Norton looks frenzied. Having already imagined a violent end at the hands of the local Grimm, this is not what he has expected. Nick rises from his chair slowly, which causes their oh so brave criminal to veer backward. The Grimm, however, only moves over to the wall to lean casually against it as Hank takes his partner's former position. He seems far more approachable now – the voice of reason – while Nick becomes the evil being lurking in the shadows.

"Yes, a deal. You see, to sell drugs you need someone supplying you and others to take the stuff off you. If you were to give us detailed information about those you deal with, then we might be able to convince the district attorney to argue for extenuating circumstances."

Norton looks like they've gone crazy... And like he himself has done as well for actually considering to take them up on their offer.

"You may think that these people will be out to get you, if you were to tell us about them now, but believe me, going to prison with the chance of a reduced sentence... is by far your safest option."

This is Nick speaking from the sidelines, words a cold drawl in comparison to Hank's stern but reasonable tone. It doesn't take long for Norton to decide what he wants to do.

"Okay, okay, I might know something. I could give you names, locations... whatever!"

Hank nods in grim approval while Nick gets back into his seat to take notes of what their perp tells them.


An hour later both Detectives are back in the bullpen, Hank assembling their notes and Nick calling drugs division.

"Hey Devi, this is Nick. We have a case belonging to your area of expertise. Interested in detailed information about a local drug dealing ring?... Yes? Brilliant. Want to come over tomorrow to hear what we have?... Okay, then let's meet tomorrow round noon in Tina's Diner and talk... Sure thing, I'll pass greetings on to Hank as well."

Nick ends the call sporting a smug expression. Devi Kellerman is a cop from drugs division and together with her partner Brad Kershaw one of the few wesen in PPD who know about his Grimm heritage. The four of them get along well, going for a bear from time to time and helping each other when possible like just now.

"Greetings from Brad and Devi. Wanna go report to the Captain now?"

"Thanks. And are you honestly asking that after we've just successfully cracked a case and then some? Of course I want to report that!"

"That's what I thought. Let's go."


The rest of the day is dedicated to paperwork, which is dead boring but at least it has them leaving on time for once. Seeing that it's still early, Nick makes a detour to the Spice Shop. He has some planning to do after all and he's giddy with happy anticipation all of a sudden. Like a small child he cannot wait for Christmas to arrive but first there's work to do and friends to nag.

Arriving at the shop he finds the main room vacated. Brilliant. A quick glance to check, if there's really no customer in attendance, listening closely for any sounds and finding only the familiar ones of his friends, then: "Rosie, Rosie, Rosie, Rosie, Rosie, Monroe!"

His enthusiastic shout manages what the doorbell hasn't. Rosalee steps inside from the backroom, eyes sparking with fondness, and hugs him.

"Is a certain someone in a good mood today?"

"Hmhmm. I…."

"Hey why is there only one Monroe in all those Rosies?" That's the blutbad, sticking his head inside through the doorway his wife has just come through and frowning.

"Because you look at me like you wanna say 'What do you want this time?' whereas Rosalee hugs me hello."

The clock maker huffs irritably but ventures over to hug him as well. Nick has noticed that Monroe does this more often lately. So either his pack instincts have been peaked by his pregnancy or he's just the big softy he likes to hide behind his gruff exterior… or a mix of both. Nick doesn't care what it is, he just hugs him back (because pregnancy hormones are as good an excuse as any) before following them into the backroom and taking a seat at the big work table in the middle. They join him after Monroe has closed the shop for the day and Rosalee has turned down the heat below one of her brews.

"So what has brought your good mood about?"

"If it has happened in a bedroom and involved Renard, we don't want to know!" Monroe looks so comically panicked that the Grimm is tempted to elaborate and be it only to tease his quirky friend. In the end he takes pity, but then again Monroe nearly twitches with nervousness and a nervous blutbad can be... tricky to say the least.

"Actually I need your advice on a non wesen matter."

"Hah, I knew it!" Monroe pumps his fist in the air, which gets him an evil glare from the pregnant party in the room.

"Too much glee by far. And totally the reason for one Monroe against five Rosies."

"You've counted them?"

That question just begs to be answered with the epic, hackle raising Grimm eye roll, so here they are.

"Monroe, I'm a Detective. I am expected to retain that kind of information."

At this point Rosalee leaves the boys to their banter in order to prepare tea.


While she sets water to boil and measures out herbs her sensitive ears pick up the conversation from the other room:

"Sooo, any new developments on the munchkin front?" That's her husband asking idly.

"Not really. Other than feeling like one half of a giant Easter egg and fun things like 'operation piggy' there's nothing new."

"Huh. Still not able to spit fire?"

"No. And admit it, you would have liked the idea of that happening."

"You spitting fire? Oh no, dude. The work hazard would be far too great."

"Hah! Says the man who has gone all dreamy eyed upon asking about it. And anyway, I'm a Grimm, I know how to wield weapons."

Rosalee chuckles at that. Yes, the dreamy eyed gaze is one she knows well.

"Tze... Not sprouted wings either?"


"Uhm... developed super sight?"

By the sound of it her husband is warming up to the subject.


"Super hearing?"

"I already have that. Being a Grimm and all, you know?"

And their resident pregnant Grimm is snarking right back. Most entertaining to listen to. Just now Monroe is huffing in clear disappointment.

"Learned anything new?"


"Hey, that was German! So you did learn something new."

"Haven't seen that coming, Mr. Know-it-all-wolf, have you? And it wasn't that hard to pick up considering that a certain someone likes to impart little German lessons into every second lecture he holds."

Another one of Monroe's meaningful huffs that can express anything from approval or disbelief to smugness and irritation. Ah yes, and of course there's more: This time it's indignation. In the small kitchenette Rosie smiles fondly.

"Well, someone's got to instill some knowledge into that thick Grimm head of yours."

"Monroe, du nervst."

"See? Not particularly nice to tell me that I'm annoying you but passable in regards to grammar and pronunciation."

The ensuing silence tells the experienced fuchsbau that Nick is either smiling smugly or is flipping her husband off. Going by Monroe's grumbling he's most likely done both.

Just as she takes the tea pot and mugs over to her two troublemakers Nick inquires succinctly: "And you, Monroe? Learned any new tricks? Like, I don't know... chasing a ball and bringing it back to Rosie? Something enjoyable like that?"

Rosalee beats her husband to an answer: "The only new tricks Monnie has learned are ones you really don't want to know about."

The gleam in her eyes and slow smile parting her lips paint an all too clear picture of what she is referring to. Or maybe that's Monroe spilling tea over half of the table when he jerks in shock and embarrassment. Nick isn't overly fazed. Well, being a Detective and Grimm it figures.

"If it is anything like canoodling...", Taking up Monroe's earlier line of conversation he throws a significant glance at the sputtering blutbad whose face has acquired the color of a ripe tomato: "... Then I'm all for not knowing details. Really, not everyone is hell bent on learning what new things their friends can do. Isn't that right, Monroe?"

Her husband nods vigorously at which point Rosalee takes pity on him, ruffling his tousled locks and pressing a light kiss to his flushed cheek.

"Nick, why don't you tell us, what question you wanted to ask?"

Monroe mumbles something like 'Brilliant idea!' into his tea cup and Nick starts talking.


Seeing their faces after he has explained matters confirms that it has been the right decision.

"Oh Nick, that is a wonderful idea for a present!"

Rosalee's eyes are suspiciously bright and even Monroe nods in clear approval.

"It combines good craftsmanship with... Well, with the right message."

Nick nods along, his own smile becoming a little dopey in eager anticipation of what his beloved Captain may say when he hands the thing over.

"And you really think, it will work? No weird reactions or something like that?"

He looks to his fuchsbau friend for final confirmation of what they've already discussed in length. Smiling indulgently she takes up his hand and squeezes it gently.

"Yes, I'm sure. As far as I know there isn't any bad reaction to be expected. The books which I have consulted also support that."


It's safe to say that her words have made one pregnant Grimm very happy.


With the matter of Christmas presents out of the way, that leaves only talking to Wu on Friday evening.

They meet up with him in one of their favorite bars, choosing a secluded table where nobody can easily overhear their conversation. Wu arrives last, taking off scarf and stiff outer uniform jacket before sliding into the booth with flourish. He accepts the proffered bear quite readily and looks between the two Detectives with apparent curiosity.

"Well gentlemen, what brings us together on this fine December evening?"

"Not your talent for reciting lyrics, that much is clear", Hank quips with a grin. The Asian's brows draw together in a theatrical frown.

"This hurts me so much."

They clink their bottles together, one of which Wu notes to be coke instead of bear. He files that information away for later and instead of commenting on it rather states the question that has his curiosity piqued.

"So to repeat the very query that's brought unjustified ribbing my way: What brings us together this evening besides me collecting the debt from a certain stake out?"

He lifts his bottle once again in the approximation of a toast and observes with interest that Nick starts – not outright fidgeting but displaying subtle vibes of nervous agitation. It's not more than a hunch. Nick is a trained Detective, after all, yet there isn't much that escapes Wu's notice. Hank is obviously content to let his partner do the talking while said partner seems in need of a moment to work up the courage. Maybe a bit of levity in order to make things easier, Wu thinks:

"Really, the way you two look I am half expecting revelations about long hidden feelings going from bromance to romance and, although I would support you no matter what, this isn't really what this is about. Or is it?"

This gets him at least a weak smile from Nick and the attempt of a head cuff from Hank. It also tells him two things: One, this is about something serious as their local Grimm hasn't lost all tension set in his frame and, second, Hank is in the know or he would be displaying curiosity of a whole other level. It's Hank after all.

Nick takes another sip of his coke before looking him straight in the eye. There's determination and – almost completely hidden – some trepidation. It's safe to say that Wu is very close to fall off his chair in a veritable mimic of 'curiosity killed the cat'.

"Wu, I've got something to tell you... as you most likely have guessed."

A small smile lightens up serious features of his colleague and friend.

"Okay, I'll make it short. I'm going to adopt a baby."

The Sergeant does the sensible thing and sets his bottle of bear down instead of taking a swallow and spraying the table. Cocking his head Wu decides what he's going to say. In the end he goes for: "Not what I excepted, man."

Now there's some fidgeting on Nick's part. Busily peeling off the label of his drink his gaze strays between the table and him, trying to gauge his reaction most likely.

"Just so you know, this isn't some spur of the moment thing. It's not like I've suddenly slid into mid-life crisis and thought, hey, I need to adopt a child..."

Wu holds up his hands in a slightly soothing manner, catching the other man's eyes as he says: "Easy, Burkhardt. Not saying that you did. I'm still sitting here listening. A bit awestruck maybe, but still not freaking out."

A sardonic quirk to the Asian's lips assures even Nick that he's talking in good humor and really prepared to let him explain.

"Okay." Nick huffs a laugh, takes another sip. A glance to Hank then, who gives an encouraging wink.

"Well, I've always wanted kids and once upon a time... (He glares at the Sergeant for his way too amused smirk at the unintended fairy tale pun.) I thought it would be Juliette I would be doing it with. Obviously that one didn't come to pass. I hadn't necessarily thought about adoption but round the beginning of July a friend of mine from way back has called me."

Any levity has vanished from the young Detective's face and Wu knows better than to be anything other than serious right now.


Nick knows that this is it. This is the moment when he'll have to tell a false story about a very real problem. He takes a last deep breath to gather himself, then he starts speaking.

"We've met in high school after I've moved in with Aunt Marie. This girl... she's helped me through a really rough patch in life and ever since she's been my best friend. After high school Aunt Marie had us move again – because of the whole Grimm stuff in her life I guess – so we've sadly lost sight of each other. It was quite a surprise when she called some months back. Turned out she's in a bad way. In a very bad way... and pregnant. So..."

For all of it being a lie Nick feels his throat close up with very real feelings. There's been a reason for choosing this kind of cover story. It involves every fear and emotion that he has felt over the course of the last months. He makes cautious eye contact with Drew, who is still focused entirely on him and his story.

"She didn't know what to do but didn't want to abort the child either. So she asked me to adopt and take care of the baby once it is born, because as matters stand she doesn't feel in any way able to give that child the life it deserves and there's... no father to speak of. I've thought about it long and hard. She's been three months along when she's told me. I would have involved Juliette from the beginning but things between us had been strained already. Over the course of the next months I've made up my mind and..."

Here he needs a moment to find his voice again. Talking about that day when Juliette has left is still wrought with heavy anguish for so many reasons. A friendly nudge. Shoulder to shoulder. That's Hank and Nick has to smile despite himself. With a tiny nod he goes on:

"By September I had myself talked into hoping that maybe she would do it with me regardless. After all we were still a couple and she... and I thought she still wanted a future with me despite everything the Grimm world dished up."

"But things didn't go that way, did they?", Wu asks quietly, his voice grave like it rarely is. Nick shrugs and the look they exchange is one of silent understanding.

"No, it's safe to say they didn't."

"Is this why you were on sick leave for a few days at that time? Did she have anything to do with that?" The Asian's brows are drawn together, showing a protective streak and subtle anger on his part.

"Yes. She didn't take it well. Any of it. It would have been one thing for her to be against adopting a child not her own. I would have understood. But it seemed there's been quite a few things she's been angry about..."

"Let's just say that it all ended in Nick being the throw dummy to test the coffee table's stability."

At Hank's grim assertion Wu only raises an eyebrow but they know him well enough to see the emotions churning behind his neutral facade. He leans back into the bench, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Why not file a complaint?"

Before either of them can respond he answers his own question: "Ah, let me guess: There's been a grimm angle to all that, which made going through official channels impossible."

"Right on first try. Well, to conclude this tale, I want to do it regardless. I want to give this kid – going to be a boy by the way – a good future and I want to help my friend like she did when I needed it. But I'm not only doing it for her. I really want to do this even if I'll be doing it as single dad."

Nick knows that his expression – finally hopeful and happy instead of fearful and wary – will tell the perceptive Sergeant more than any words could and he doesn't try to keep those feelings from showing on his face. If anything can persuade Wu that this is a good decision it is seeing all that. He feels he only has to add one thing before he'll be quiet to let Wu make up his mind:

"It will be a closed adoption, which is why what I've told you so far is all I can tell you about her identity."

Silence ensues. A thoughtful one as Nick is relieved to note. He waits patiently for Wu to think this through and hopes to God that their friend won't suddenly take a stand against him and his decision after all the understanding he's shown throughout his narration.

"Yeah, I can see your reasoning..."

A slow smile comes to their friend's face.

"And I can see you with kids. Definitely seeing you with kids."

He gives a slight nod, almost as if to himself, before his curious nature gets the better of him:

"Uhm, not like I want to be a killjoy but does the Captain know? I mean, it might not necessarily be his business on a private scale, but it's going to impede on work."

Nick has expected that question to crop up somewhere along the way and is quite happy to answer it.

"Actually he was the one encouraging me to go through with it."

Wu's mouth is very close to falling open.

"An again I repeat myself: Not what I expected, man."

This time it is Hank taking up the narrative.

"If you had asked me a year ago I would have said 'impossible' but over the course of the last months and with everything that's happened, our Captain has been more than decent."

Nick rubs the back of his head in embarrassment, clearly uncomfortable with what he's going to say next: "Once I knew that I wanted to go through with this I went to Renard to inform him. Turns out that I've been harboring a whole lot more fears about it all – the shit with Juliette included – and somehow he ended helping me through a lot of it. He's been unexpected but great help. And along the way we've become friends."

Wu shakes his head in mild disbelief but it is with his usual sardonic smile, which really does a lot to put Nick at ease.

"So...Yeah. That's been the newest piece of mind boggling news. I've wanted you to know... and I've wanted to ask, if you would take over as Hank's partner for the time of my leave? It won't come to pass for another few months but I wanted to get it settled now. Cannot leave my partner with just anyone, after all. He needs someone clever enough to keep him out of trouble..."

At that point Hank ends his speech with a friendly cuff to his head and an indignant: "Hey! I'm not that bad. And look who's talking!"

Wu smirks the smirk of true evil, rubbing his hands and saying: "It will be my utmost pleasure."

While Nick is relieved, Hank looks for all the world like he would like to put in a last minute veto.

"Oh, and it won't be a real leave, I hope you realize."


The Asian grins broadly, leans over the table to get closer and whispers:

"Why, you're our weird-shit-o-pedia, of course, no matter if on parental leave or not."

Nick rolls his eyes while inwardly a warm feeling spreads through his chest. Out loud he only says: "And here I thought that was Monroe's work description."


They've gone over details, had another few rounds of drinks and are just donning coats and other protection against the cold when Nick finds himself asking one last time: "So, you okay with this, Drew?"

In response the Asian draws him in a rare one armed hug.

"Sure. As long as you're gonna tell me about the other part some day, I'm cool with you being a dad."

They look at each other and much is said that words cannot convey.

"That part I will tell you about as soon as it's safe to do so. Deal?"

He holds out his hand, which Wu takes without hesitation.

"Deal. I'll hold you to that."

PW 31:

Christmas is approaching in leaps and for once even Portland criminals (which according to Wu sounds like a sports team) seem to be in a peaceful mood. Although on Sunday Hank and Nick get called to a crime scene, they have solved the case with minimal fuss by Tuesday noon.

Which is fortunate for the rest of the station because that way their secretly pregnant colleague finds the time to bake loads of cookies... And the taste of Nick Burkhardt's chocolate chip cookies is almost legendary among cops of South Precinct. It's a tradition he has started some years ago: Bake a ship load of the stuff and take them to the station on the day before Christmas for all of those to enjoy, who have to work over the holiday. It's become a well loved tradition and one for which Captain Renard would have let him call it a day early, even if they hadn't been an item.

What can the zauberbiest say? It's good strategy (and not at all personal preference of certain baked goods or a certain pregnant Grimm). It raises the moral among his men and, honestly, those cookies are worth dying for.


Sean comes home to find Nick still in the midst of baking. Even while unwinding the scarf from his neck and slipping out of his thick wool coat he cannot tear his eyes away from his Grimm puttering about in the kitchen. He wears sweatpants that might not be as tight as the jeans he's worn before pregnancy but that still afford him with a nice view of his shapely butt. He's also having his womb truly out in the open instead of under the zaubertrank's disguise – a sight Sean thinks he will never grow tired of.

True, the kitchen looks like a pack of flour might have met the wrong end of an explosion but as soon as his lovely boy throws him a smile over his shoulder, half sheepish, half mischievous, any irritation is replaced by fondness. The fact that there's a speck of dough clinging to the tip of his nose just makes him more delectable. With a slow smile he steps up to his mate and buries his own nose into the crook of Nick's neck, which is allowed with obvious delight and by tilting his head for better access.

"Three questions, my dear Grimm", Sean murmurs against warm skin.


"First one: Do you want to explain why the kitchen looks like a war zone after a flour bomb has been dropped on unsuspecting counter tops?"

"I could... But it would be embarrassing. If I were to do that, you would have to promise not to laugh."


"I'm not sure I should believe you."

"And I'm very sure your delectable ass will get a swat, if you don't start explaining soon."

As if to tease him, Nick presses said ass against his zauberbiest's front and wriggles in a decidedly naughty way. Large hands slip to his hips to keep him still.

"Careful, my boy."

Nick's answering grin is downright cheeky but shifts to sheepish as soon as he starts explaining: "Well, you see, today was a zaubertrank day, anyway, and so I decided to wait with taking the next dose until after baking. So when I leaned over the counter to reach one of the topmost cupboards and then leaned sideways to grab eggs as well I might have miscalculated the width of my girth... and bowled over the pack of flour... which has then spread its contents across the whole counter top."

There's a suspicious absence of an answer leading Nick exclaim in faux indignation: "You are laughing!"

"No, I'm smirking."

"Hmpf. Smirking like the devil you are."

"I may admit to that. Now to my second question: Why is there a thick speck of cookie dough on your nose?"

Nick blushes and makes to wipe it away but Sean catches his wrist before he can do so.

"I'm afraid I cannot let you do this", he intones quietly. Nick's interest is certainly piqued and he sneaks a look over his shoulder. The way his mighty 'biest is looking at him...


"It would defeat the purpose of my third question."

He is turned around then so that his butt is resting against the counter and his flour covered belly gently touching Sean's front. Nick cocks his head, smirking.

"Oh, we cannot have that, now can we?"

Sean snakes his arms around his lover's torso, moving deliciously close and somehow fitting Nick's womb in between.

"No, we cannot. So?"

"You are a very nosy man."

Leveling him a steady gaze Sean quips: "Calling me nosy may make me come back to the swatting part but it won't make me forget my question."

"It was worth a try. So to satisfy your curiosity, I was just concentrating hard on portioning out globs of dough on the baking tray when Toisie decided to do a Chuck Norris worthy round house kick and I jerked in surprise and right into it. I intended to wipe the stuff away after I came back up but then I got distracted because it felt like Toisie was wriggling his tiny butt inside of me... and I admit I was momentarily paralyzed by the cuteness factor... and by that time you had arrived. Sooo, that's all."

"Hmm. I see. And that leads me directly to my next question."

The way his Prince looks down on him, pupils blown wide and gaze slightly unfocused, it doesn't take a genius to know what he will ask and the way Nick smiles and tilts his head up clearly says yes. Sean asks anyway, huskily and with his hands settling heavily onto his shoulders: "May I?"

The eager noise tumbling from the Grimm's lips is all permission he needs. Delicately and slowly he dips down, lips and tongue descending on the bridge and tip of Nick's nose, tongue probing and mouth suckling. When Sean comes back up both are ridiculously dreamy eyed and smile at each other like love drunken fools.


"Me or the dough?"

"Both. Certainly both."

Nick looks very satisfied as he presses up to his powerful 'biest, buries his fingers in close cropped curls and pulls him down for another deep kiss.

In the end it is the alarm indicating that the next batch of cookies is ready which interrupts their kissing session. Nick pulls away to throw the oven a baleful look that only vanishes once Sean has bestowed another light kiss on his lips.

"I think someone has a task to finish."

Nick sighs and with a last swat to his rear he is pushed in direction of the waiting oven.

"Maybe you're right but you'll have to go into the living room for some downtime. Otherwise I fear I will be too distracted not to let those cookies burn to cinders."


After getting into more comfortable clothes Sean uses the rare opportunity to stretch out on the couch with a good book. There are muted sounds coming from the other room. It is peaceful and... domestic. Half listening to those sounds, half concentrating on the words in front of him, he manages to relax like he hasn't done in a long time. Envisioning his future life he has never seen this but now, hearing Nick hum some mindless tune or talk quietly to the baby in his womb while moving trays and putting out new dough, there are few things he would want instead.

The evening gets even better when a while later Nick leans down to him over the back of the couch and catches his lips in a kiss that leaves him slightly dizzy and with the taste of dough and chocolate still on his tongue.

"Hmm. Finished?"

"Jup, all done and the kitchen squishy clean."

"That's what I wanted to hear."

He beckons Nick around to the front side of the couch and draws him onto his lap – an action with that his Grimm complies all too gladly. Call it a serious breech in his defenses but the zauberbiest is so enraptured by sparkling gray eyes and glowing cheeks that he misses Nick always keeping one hand out of sight until he murmurs:

"Can I interest you in tasting a cookie still warm from the oven?"

"You could certainly try to."


Watching Nick brandish the formerly hidden cookie and break off a mouth sized bit Sean doesn't know what's better: Seeing utter delight on his boy's beautiful face at the prospect of feeding him or seeing half molten chocolate ooze slowly out of the cookie chunk. They manage to get the piece into his mouth without mishap but, honestly, even if something had gone awry he wouldn't have cared because, oh God, this is heaven. His eyes close almost on their own accord.

Contained inside a crispy outer layer soft cookie dough and molten chocolate merge on his tongue and make him forget his surroundings for a moment. Only upon reopening his eyes and catching sight of Nick's smile – half delighted, half devious – does he notices that the sounds he has emitted have been very telling... and rather obscene.

"Liked that, my Captain?"

"More than liked it. Want me to return the favor?"

If his voice is more gravelly than usual Nick doesn't call him out on it, but that's maybe because he's occupied with nodding vigorously in answer to Sean's question.


On the day before Christmas both Nick and Hank have to work but otherwise they are in luck. No new case lands on their desk and with a ship load of cookies delivered and all of their paperwork completed, 48 hours off and Christmas may come.

Admittedly, finding their home tastefully decorated for the season where it hasn't been in the morning makes Nick wary at first. However after silently checking the rooms for intruders and reading the note a certain housekeeper has left on the breakfast bar, he is soon grinning like mad. Walking through the main rooms again he describes what he sees to his little boy. That may be sentimental and the general wisdom of telling an unborn child any of this may also be disputable but that doesn't keep him from doing it. Somehow it feels right and what can he say: The little boy that is not inside his womb but in his heart, the small boy Detective Nick Burkhardt has once been, is delighted.

Bits of greenery here and there, a string of lights along the banister of the balcony overlooking the forest, and last but not least in the living room a small Christmas tree decorated with silver baubles and softly glowing fairy lights. Nothing overbearing and no mistletoe (which is a pity but Nick isn't choosy). In short, it's brilliant!

Taking out his phone he types a short message to Renard:

/Hilda is sneaky but I like it./

An answer isn't long in coming.

/She's a true lioness. No one moves as silently as her, so what did you expect? Oh, and should I have mentioned that she likes to force a minimum of seasonal cheer on me?/

Nick can almost hear the smug tone through the text. His completely non-sentimental zauberbiest has wanted to surprise him. And his plan has worked.

/Nah, that's okay. I'll just do the little boy thing now./

Although Nick is careful not to write anything too conspicuous about their living arrangements and relationship, he is sure that Sean gets the message anyway, and that right now the Captain is subtly smirking at imagining his mate sitting on the floor in front of the tree and staring in awe.


To top things off, even Sean makes it home at a reasonable time. They suspect that this is Wu's Christmas present for he has somehow managed to put off all of the Captain's appointments until after the holidays. They certainly haven't planned for this and Wu isn't even aware of their relationship but it seems that they'll get the chance to celebrate their first Christmas together.


With fairy lights and hearth casting a warm orange glow around their living room and temperatures outside below freezing point it's easy to get into the right mood for lounging on the giant couch together. Even Sean, though he has done his best not to show it, likes the atmosphere and the opportunity to have his mate all to himself. Nick watches some game on tv – touching his globe shaped middle with an implicitness that's endearing – while Sean gets on with his book, and at a satisfying pace no less. He can honestly not remember the last time he's even managed one chapter of a book without being interrupted by either Police or wesen or Royal matters.

Seems that a certain Grimm has a good influence on my down time score. Oh well, better not tell him, otherwise any reprimand about giving me gray hairs will forever fall on deaf ears.

When said positively influential Grimm nods off in his arms for the third time that evening he checks the time... And snorts in amusement.

Barely half past nine. Cute. Pregnant Grimm sleep attacks, indeed.

Sean bumps his nose gently against the side of his face to wake him. Nick blinks, shakes his head and makes to go right back to sleep but the zauberbiest speaks up before that can happen: "Hey. I think my pregnant Grimm needs to go to bed now."

"You mean so I don' catch Santa 'pon eatin' cookies an' milk after droppin' off presents?"

Sean raises a questioning brow more at the content than at the sleepy mumble.

"We've never put out cookies and milk."

Nick perks up at that.

"Huh? Santa's loss then. My cookies are great."

The zauberbiest smirks.

"Yes, they are. Even though collateral damage to civilian counter tops was devastating."

Nick mock frowns, acting as if he has eyebrows as bushy as Monroe's to use.

"Hmpf. There always is a prize to pay. Be happy you get delicious cookies."

A kiss to his temple and the hint of a smile.

"Oh, I am."

Nick kisses him back and then makes to cuddle up for the long haul.

"That's good because the pregnant Grimm needs his grateful big man to come to bed with him."

"Oh, does he now?"

"Uhuh... That or stay with me right here on the couch to sleep. And ignore what time it is. I know it's ridiculously early."

A jaw cracking yawn interrupts an adorable pout.

"Hmm. Who am I to deny this lovely boy a wish, if he asks so nicely?"

Nick's sleepy, utterly happy smile is the only answer Sean needs.

"Come on. Let's get us into bed then."


Waking up on Christmas morning brings about a level of excitement that Nick has rarely felt in the past. Nonetheless they laze around in bed for a while. Or rather when Nick is unable to contain himself any longer and tries waking Sean with a sneaky tickle attack, his 'biest takes the challenge and responds in kind. Before Nick can so much as squeak Sean has him wrapped in a tight embrace, entangled their legs for good measure and keeps him immobile and more or less docile despite his incessant wriggling.

"Oh no, my cheeky brat, I think you're in for a bit of down time."

Another valiant attempt at wriggling free, a teasing nib from Sean at his neck to dissuade him. Nick is laughing breathlessly, which somehow defeats the credibility of his next words:

"But Sean, that's evil."

"No, it's evil to wake your mate by tickling on a rare day off."

When Nick pouts, Sean manages for all of 10 seconds to seem unaffected. The trace of a smile from the Bastard Prince. More than enough of a hint for a smug one to appear on the Grimm's face.

"It was for a good purpose because I really need to get a certain someone his present and that certain someone has to be awake when receiving it."

He is embraced just a little tighter, his neck and bare shoulders given some more attention by warm lips and a hot tongue.

"Wouldn't you say my present is right here in my arms? I remember someone saying that it comes as a double pack and wants to spend its future with me."

This is murmured against his skin in between kisses and nibs. Nick looks torn between agreeing wholeheartedly and getting his way and it is a true testament to Sean's above average persuasion skills that he manages to keep his over-excited mate in bed for another half an hour.


"Off you go, impatient twerp."

Nick's face lights up like the sun has just risen. A last peck to the zauberbiest's cheek then he is clambering out of bed with an agility as if he weren't more than seven months gone. On that account, at least the back pain has lessened somewhat. Seems that a Grimm's muscles are rather quick at adapting to a change of physical strain.

Sean cannot help smirking fondly as he watches his mate retreat. If he had known that Christmas would transform a capable Detective and powerful Grimm into a little boy... Oh, who is he kidding? If he had known, he wouldn't have done a single thing differently.

"You won't regret it!", the man turned boy shouts from what must be the kitchen.

"Hmhmm." The Bastard Prince is confident that those sensitive ears will pick up his answer albeit its quietness.


Nick is still grinning broadly when he leans sideways against the kitchen counter, assembling sandwiches and waiting for milk on the stove to heat up. Aunt Marie may never have had a taste for seasonal decoration but she's certainly tried to make up for it by teaching him all the Kessler Christmas family recipes there have been to know. One of them is hot chocolate with spices and cream, which is what Nick is cooking up right now.

Finished with the food he takes his present for Sean out of its hiding place and puts it on the tray along with everything else.

"Did you hear that, little one, we are his present", he murmurs down to his middle: "But he's going to get another present, anyway, doesn't...?"

The ongoing father cocks his head, listening closely. Then: "Sean Renard, I hear you. Get back into bed because in a few moments I'm going to return with a tray full of delicious things and you might like the idea of breakfast in bed."

He doesn't listen for a verbal answer but for telling sounds instead. A lithe body moving, rustling of blankets, a barely there chuckle.

With a satisfied smile he continues stirring real life chocolate into hot milk.


After they've enjoyed food and drink and Sean has indulged in another sweet caress of Nick's bulging middle – much to Toisie's kicking and wriggling delight – it's finally time for opening presents. Sean is well able to detect his mate's excitement, so he just smiles mysteriously and says that he may go first because his own present cannot be handed over but rather needs to be shown.

Nick looks intrigued, inquisitive gaze searching his face for an answer. Sean however is not coaxed into revealing anything, so he nods with a little huff and finally hands over a small, rectangular shaped parcel. Now its the zauberbiest's turn to be curious. A last glance into gray eyes brimming with excitement, then he starts unwrapping. For Nick it is a marvel to see that formidable mind, that absolute focus and attention to detail set on something so tiny. Something Nick has taken time and effort to choose.

Oh, God, I hope he likes it! What if he thinks it silly or too sentimental?

Time for second thoughts has just run out because Sean lifts the sleek capsule pendant out of the box by its chain and holds it up for closer inspection.


The pendant is made of burnished silver, its design simple yet tasteful. Sean spots an opening mechanism... a screw cap of some sort, if his guess is correct. A smile has come to his face wholly without his notice but when he looks up at his Grimm and sees his expression, he knows it is there. Few other things can turn Nick's gaze this tender.

"It's beautiful", he murmurs and makes to unscrew the top only to be stopped by a hand wrapping firmly around his own.

"It's not time for that yet. For you see... this capsule...", Sean notes with interest that his mates is blushing.


"It contains the last dose of the antidote to the shadowing trank... because when the time has come for Toisie to be born I want you to be right beside me and I will need to take that antidote so that Dr. Cransbury can see my womb for what it is and..."

The rest of his rushed speech is silenced with a deep kiss of love and devotion! The pendant is carefully put down on the blanket while Sean's lips never leave those of his lovely boy. He pulls him in tight, understanding what he wants to tell him without any more words necessary. Nick wants him to be there every step of the way. More importantly, he trusts him to be. It is a gift greater than any piece of jewelry could ever be. It is trust and love.

"I love you, Nick. If anyone had asked my a year ago, if I would ever feel the pressing need to say something so sentimental... and repeat it... I love you... I would have scoffed at them. But you make me want to do so. You make me want to do a lot of things I've never thought I would or could do..."

"Love you, too, Sean!", Nick echoes before he can say anything more and they smile against each others lips.

It's safe to say that for another half an hour the Grimm and his 'biest forget the world around them and indulge in a very extended kissing and cuddling session.


Nick has just closed the chain's clasp and they watch the sleek silver capsule slide down to rest on the center of Sean's naked chest.

"Hmm. Looks good on you."

"What can I say, being a Prince does have its advantages. Good looks and charisma are just two of them."

Sean smirks smugly, giving a veritable impression of a over confident Royal.

"Arrogant twit", Nick quips with a laugh.

Leaning over Sean presses another kiss to the crook of his neck, making pleasant shivers run down his spine.

"What do you think, shall this... what did you call me so insolently... arrogant twit... show you to your own present now?"

Nick's smile turns mischievous, eyes sparking with it.

"Why not. At least my guide will be good looking."

"Certainly. And do you trust me to blindfold you?"

"I can smash melons in flight while blindfolded so I think I'm safe. Hmm. This gets ever more exciting. Toisie thinks so, too. He's pushing his bum against my front as if to urge me to get up already."

"Then we shouldn't keep him waiting."


Blindfolded Nick is led through the house. The way isn't long. Just across the hall, if his estimation is correct. A door is opened.

The guest room?

He is gently pushed inside, Sean standing right behind him and slipping the length of cloth off his head. They are in the guestroom, indeed, and it is completely bare. No furniture, the walls painted in an unassuming white. There's nothing at all. Before Nick can voice his puzzlement, Sean explains:

"I should say that my present to you is a delayed one and just like yours there's more to it than meets the eye. As you know very well at present date we can neither make our relationship official nor may I proclaim to the world that I want to raise your son with you. So – and feel free to call me sentimental – I thought that once the time is right we could decorate and furnish this room together... as a nursery for our son."

Nick cannot get out a single word. He doesn't need to. His 'biest is near enough to feel the minute tremor, to hear the slightest hitch in his breath. He steps closer still, envelopes his beautiful boy in a tight hug from behind and murmurs into his ear:

"I take it you like my idea?"

A jerky yet vigorous nod is the only warning Sean gets before Nick turns around in his arms and hugs him as if his life depended on it. When they kiss, there's wetness but if his mate's reaction is to cry from joy then there are truly no words necessary. A warm feeling settles in the Bastard Prince's chest and deep inside even his zauberbiest rumbles in contentment.


By early evening they head over to Christmas dinner with Rosalee, Monroe and Hank. Nick has been surprised but delighted when Sean has accepted his invitation to join them. That dinner has been planned long before the two of them have ever been considered a twosome and Nick would have been loath to let his friends down. It seems his perceptive 'biest has known because there's been a mildly indulgent look on him, that Nick cannot even begrudge him. For a solitary man like Sean Renard it must be quite the concession and leap out of his comfort zone to do this just like it would be for Nick to attend some fancy political dinner.

They take separate cars, no need to risk exposure of their living arrangements. It's a given to both that at some point they will make their relationship officially known but before that's the case they're going to keep things under the radar.

Nick arrives first, ringing the doorbell, waiting on the doorstep for someone to open and taking his time to look around. The pair's Christmas decorations are... opulent as always.

"Detective, I think you should call this in to the Department", the calm command is issued from close behind him. The Grimm has heard his Captain approach but he's confused nonetheless. He turns around.

"Sir?" His eyes ask for clarification, cop appearing the moment he hears that special tone of voice. Renard looks down at him, expression an inscrutable mask, and even when he resumes speaking there's only the cool countenance of a Police Captain: "Well, don't you think that for wielding that much Christmas decoration a weapon license is needed?"

It takes a moment to register and another to spot carefully veiled amusement. Nick wants to do what he would have done at home but out here he can only grin and mutter: "You're a mean one, Mr. Renard!"

To get in a halfway decent Dr. Seuss quote makes up for it, though. Monroe would be delighted... Their host chooses that moment to open the door. And Nick thinks, it's a true testament to Sean's royal upbringing that he looks completely at ease and like the epitome of a polite guest whereas an instant before he's been glaring at him for the Grinch reference.


They have all gathered in the cozy living room. Though accepting that Sean might be uncomfortable with public displays of affection Nick's been delighted by one or the other close contact or chaste kiss. He wouldn't have pushed his Prince to do any of the sort but he sure as hell won't refuse if Sean initiates it.

There have been funny moments, too, like their conversation about Christmas cheer with him proudly brandishing a foto of their small Christmas tree and matters going typically crazy from there...:

"Look, Monroe, our first try at spreading the cheer for the munchkin."

"Admittedly that looks nice but somehow you've forgotten to put up the ogre heads with tinsel. Really, where is your sense of tradition? I'm sure dear Aunt Marie would have been delighted." For his valiant try at sounding scandalized he looks entirely too comfortable with his glass of hot eggnog and seasonal self-knit sweater.

"Nah, was a bit too rustic for the modern interior of Sean's house."


They have continued in that vain, occasionally being joined by the others adding their own. Only Sean has seemed content to watch, listen and sedately meander around the room. That is to say when he hasn't been engaged in subtle displays of possessive behavior that Rosie's seemed to find absolutely adorable. And of course until…:

"Are these the famous Wichtelmann Figuren from Niederbayern?" Sean is standing by the window and examining a set of porcelain figurines that does look suspiciously like the aforementioned dwarfs. Monroe sidles over at once, eyes shining like those of a child on... well, Christmas.

"Oh, you know of them? Aren't they beautiful?"

The two Detectives in the room snicker and even Rosalee has a quirk to her lips while watching the two very different men. Nick even tries to warn his over eager friend that Sean might have discovered a mischievous side previously unheard of: "Monroe..."

But the clock maker is in Wichtelmann-Land and not to be stopped. Meanwhile their inscrutable zauberbiest gives every impression of listening closely, head cocked and expression perfected by a polite smile.

"Look at the craftsmanship displayed by the details..."

Nick and Hank exchange a glance. Maybe a more direct intervention is needed.

"Monroe, he's taking the mickey with you."

The Blutbad frowns, bushy brows in motion and eyes swiveling between them all.

"No way, how would he know of them otherwise?"

The 'knowing' party looks the epitome of innocence and polite interest. Really, that kind of poker face is enviable. Hank tries to come to their blutbad's rescue, anyway, never mind the mischievous glint lurking in his eyes.

"Just to bring up something reeaally far fetched: Nick might have told him. He told me. And look, our Captain sports the same expression like when he's managed to get one over Captain Robertson from North Precinct with the man none the wiser."

Monroe looks back to the tall Prince in suspicion, finally spotting a trace of what must be amusement. Throwing his hands in the air he grumbles at all of them, finally coaxing an openly teasing expression out of Sean. At first Monroe huffs and puffs but at seeing his wife's tender gaze he cannot keep it up any longer. He knows what has her looking like that: For Renard to show this kind of levity is extremely rare and he wagers that they have to thank a certain pregnant Grimm for it.

"I apologize, Monroe. In my defense I must say: Everyone has their own way of coping with a magnanimous amount of seasonal cheer and this, I am afraid, is mine. Oh, and of course, seeing that you are the host this evening and under supervision of three trained Officers of the law, I'll refrain from asking, if you have a weapon license for all this…."

With that last bit delivered as deadpan as it is, it takes a moment for the others to react. Nick is the first one to crack, dissolving into helpless laughter and getting poked in the rips repeatedly for 'too much amusement by far' by their local blutbad. He swats at Monroe's poking appendage half-heartedly to stop the assault, which only seems to spur the man on.

"That's no way to ensue that you actually get Christmas presents, Mister... Or you, Captain, for that matter!"

This stern grumble is accentuated by another poke and further show of bushy browed disapproval. If Sean is surprised that he is now included in the couple's Christmas present list, he doesn't show it. Hank sidles over to him murmuring: "You're not going to help him, are you?" There's entirely too much glee for any serious reprimand to come across.

"I have found that Nick is well able to fight his own battles. And building a Detective's problem solving skills in real life situations is always a worthwhile endeavor."

"If you say so, Sir."

Renard gives a decisive nod, mien giving nothing away. Hank just shakes his head grinning. Typical for their shrewd commander: Start something drawing strings from the back and then watching amused as events unfold.


Dinner is ready soon after. Sean and Monroe are seated across from each other, as are Nick and Rosalee with Hank taking the head of the table. While eating a delicious meal, that Nick swears the little one likes just as much, they talk easily and enjoy themselves. Out of them all Monroe takes longest to warm up to the new addition to their inner circle - whereas Sean himself surprises them all by being fairly open and at ease - but by the end of dinner at any rate they are happily exchanging witticisms.

Between bites Nick whispers to Hank: "Those two are fairly fluent in speaking sarcastic, aren't they?"

"Jup. What d'figure, there a course for that at Portland State Uni?"

"If there is, what might it be named?"

"Why, think of joining the course?" That's Rosalee from Nick's left side.

"No need for that. Ever since living with Sean one could say I'm getting home schooled."

"Too true."

"Now, lady and gentleman, back to course name suggestions. Any ideas?"

Hank looks between the two of them, ignoring Sean and Monroe who have stopped talking in favor of listening in. Grimm and fuchsbau are really warming up to the topic, unheeding of their growing audience:

"Sarcasm for beginners. Find your own approach to a foreign language."

"Your inner sarcastic voice: Make it your outer one."

"Uhm... Oh, yes. Sarcasm, end the tabu and tell the world."

"Oh, oh, oh, I have the perfect one!"

Their Grimm is grinning like a loon.

"Well, let's hear it then."

"Sean Renard, daily life experience."

Nick tries ignoring his scary big man's subtle glare, Hank tries keeping his amusement at bay... Rosie doesn't, her laughter a warm sound in the joyously decorated room. She chances a glance at their respective mates, fully aware of their close attention, still chuckling and eyes alight with merriment.

"He could give courses on that, couldn't he?"

At that point Monroe ventures in Sean's direction: "Are they making fun of us?"

"Yes, I think they are. Well, I for my part can put my two Detectives on penitentiary desk duty for insolence. What are you going to do?"

Renard raises an eyebrow as the blutbad contemplates the question.

"Sleeping on the couch most likely, if I were to decide to do anything."

He huffs theatrically but they can all see that he isn't into it. Rosie indulges him, anyway, ruffling his hair and giving him a loving peck on the cheek.

"Oh, my poor Monnie."

If he hadn't already been mush before, her words at the latest have him melting on the spot and entirely forgiving her for that very satisfied smirk.


After dinner they are all in a post meal haze, sitting on the couches with drinks (nonalcoholic for Nick, of course) in hand and quite content to talk or just be. Some minutes ago Rosie has asked Sean, if he would help her with some things, which leaves two Detectives and a blutbad to sit in the cozy living room. Monroe looks for all the world like on the verge of slumber, the epitome of content, sated wolf with his hands resting on his belly. Hank snickers and quietly comments to Nick: "He really looks like the big bad wolf after eating Red Riding Hood now, doesn't he?"

Nick grins, rubbing over his own belly in clear contentment and feeling his baby boy lazily respond.

"Jup, totally cliche."

Monroe opens one eye, glares half-heartedly and mumbles: "No dudes. No big bad wolf vibes here... Only people with children inside of them... are Nick an' Rosie."

It may be attributed to Nick's and Hank's own state of haze that it takes them as long as it does. They nod, they stare first at Monroe and then between themselves and finally the penny drops. It's about the same time that their clock maker realizes what he has unwittingly revealed and suddenly they have a very much awake, slightly panicked blutbad on their hands.

"Ignore I've ever said that! Just like... I don't know, Nick, ... when I tell you that you still owe me like ten vegan frappucchinos or whatever. Just don't tell Rosie I've ever said this!"

"Relax, Monroe, our lips are sealed. Cannot risk you dying of heart failure after all. Just answer one question: Is it really true?"

By now both Detectives are grinning like mad, clearly excited at the prospect of their friends having 'cubs' in the near future. Monroe can only nod mutely which is of no matter because the soft shine in his eyes tells them all about a father's pride and unadulterated joy. For secrecy's purpose they only mouth their congratulations silently but they are no less sincere and they all know when the time is right they will give their friend all the manly hugs such an announcement deserves.


"Thanks, Sean. It's nice of you to help me. You looked to me like the least sleepy one, so I thought, the more alert my helper the less dropped plates."

The Captain smirks briefly, looking more at ease than ever before in their acquaintance.

"It's no hardship, really. And I agree. Those three in the living room looked to be closer to sleeping than waking."

They share an amused look.

"Apropos sleeping, is Nick doing well?"

"Yes." The answer is prompt and there's a flicker of something so tender that Rosalee feels a lump form in her throat. It's from joy and when her voice is just a little clogged at responding, Sean certainly doesn't mention it.

"I am happy for the two of you. And I hope being with us all – loud bunch that we are – isn't too overwhelming."

The zauberbiest seems to be honestly contemplating the matter and Rosie knows that now is the time to let him make up his mind and speak.

"To be frank, it can be slightly overwhelming… but it is also a kind of friendship… or should I say chosen family… that I haven't got to experience up until now."

He pauses – untypical for him – and both find themselves grinning ruefully. The powerful Prince finds back to his usual self soon enough but the fuchsbau feels privileged to have been privy to this.

"It's safe to say that I'll manage. And as I've said before, everyone has their own way of coping with such things."

The flicker of a barely there devious smirk makes Rosie chuckle and appeases any doubts she may have still harbored.


Rosalee knows that the cat… or should she say cub… is out of the bag when her pregnant friend of all people asks in concern, if he should carry the heavy pitcher of punch that she's just fetching from the pantry. Fortunately they are alone in the hallway so she has all the time in the world to wheedle the truth out of him.

Pinning him with a stare that has him squirming on the spot and patiently waiting for it to cause just the right amount of tension she asks:

„Nick, is there something you want to tell me?"

„Uuuh… no…?"

The raised eyebrow makes an appearance along with hands being pressed into her hips. It takes Nick a moment longer to crumble than it would have for her husband but in the end she's satisfied that she hasn't lost her touch.

"Damn, you're as bad as Sean. Taking up everything and looking at me like that."

He huffs at the injustice of it all and it nearly makes her laugh. She keeps her expression stern, though. No need to for Nick to know that she isn't as fearsome as he may think right now.

"Well, what did Monroe say?"

"Umm…. Why would you assume...? Oh damn, he said that Toisie might get a playmate some time in the near future."

Wry amusement makes its way onto her petite face.

"Did he say exactly that?"

"Err, no. But I hope that this is what it will amount to."

Her Grimm friend gives an adorably hopeful smile.

"Of course it will, Nick. Nothing would make us more happy than that."

"Whohoo! So it's true? You're with a child?"

Nick is fairly glowing with excitement and in face of this Rosie finds the last of her reserve melting away. With moisture gathering in her eyes she nods vigorously and is at once wrapped in a tight embrace. When she grows aware of Nick rubbing her back she realizes that some of her joyful tears must actually have spilled over.

"Rosalee, this is brilliant! Really, you're going to be great parents!"

"Yes... Yes, I think we will. Right after I've had a few choice words with my dear husband about keeping secrets."

Now Nick feels bad, so he tries defending his friend.

"Don't be mad at him! Odds were against him. He was in post meal haze when he accidentally revealed it. Honestly, he wasn't in his right mind."

Unfortunately Monroe chooses exactly this moment to rediscover his above average hearing skills. Sticking his head in through the doorway from the living room he grumbles indignantly:

"Hey, Mister. Why would you say I'm not in my right mind?!"

Nick glares, rolling his eyes in a mix of exasperation and desperation.

"Monroe, I'm trying to help here!" This is stage-whispered as if Rosalee were in no way able to hear him. Finally becoming aware of his wife's less than amused glower the blutbad swallows audibly, pulls his head down between his shoulders like he's awaiting lightning to strike from above and scurries off with the proverbial tail between his legs.

"Uuh, was that Hank calling for a drink? I must be off."

Well, that's a feeble excuse if there's ever been one. Nick chances a glance back at Rosalee only to find her looking quite satisfied with herself and leaving even him a tiny bit creeped out when she calmly says:

"Maybe I don't need to have a talk with Monnie, after all. Sometimes silent messages come across so much better."

Seeking a slightly safer topic Nick asks quietly how far she is along already. Her smile this time is tender, cheeks glowing with tentative excitement.

"It's just six weeks now... which is why we wanted to wait with telling you all... but now that you know. Well, now I'm kind of glad because... uuh... I cannot even begin to imagine how you've managed to keep it all to yourself all that time. To think I would have had nobody with whom to talk about it all... Oh Nick, I'm so excited but I try not to be because this early on so much can still happen."

Nick does what Monroe and Rosalee have done for him countless times over the last months: He calmly reassures her and promises to be there for them no matter what. If her eyes are suspiciously bright at the end of his whispered speech, nobody mentions it.


Nick's short period of alertness after lounging in the living room earlier with Hank and Monroe ends as soon as he retakes his seat next to Sean on the sofa. He stays awake long enough to think that Monroe and Rosalee love each other to pieces no matter if sometimes Monroe is a klutz and Rosie a bit scary, then he leans more heavily into his powerful Prince and decides it's time to make himself at home, public displays of affection or not. Sean raises a brow but Nick can see fondness lurking deep in those jade green eyes. Throwing him a cheeky grin he cannot help asking: "Sean, do I get a belly rub?"

The Captain responds typically deadpan, something that Nick knows by now means he is teasing the hell out of someone... or this close to ripping off heads but this time his bet is on the first one. Sean even quirks an infamous eyebrow as he asks: "What are you, a dog?"

And true to form there's just a hint of warmth and fondness – reluctant by pretense – no matter how snarky the words. Nick doesn't miss a beat.

"No, I am a pregnant man with needs."

Sean rolls his eyes in mock exasperation.

"Why didn't you say that before? Now that changes everything."

Despite all that he pulls his Grimm just a little bit closer.

"Do I detect a smidgen of sarcasm there?", Nick asks with his eyes widening in mock disbelief.

"Smidgen? I for my part detect a whole avalanche of sarcasm there", Monroe mutters under his breath and is swatted by Rosalee though she's laughing all the while and rubbing the spot at once, which her blutbad seems to like exceptionally well. Sean doesn't pay attention to the others and just says faux innocently:

"I have no idea what you mean. You must have misheard."

There's a playful spark in his eyes even if the rest of his face is completely serious.

"Uhuh. Anyway, yesterday you've said, you couldn't deny me anything, if I asked nicely, sooo..."

Hank smirks and his expression clearly says: Captain, he's got you there.

With a put upon sigh and a glare that includes every single person in the room and dares them to let any of this get past this very living room, he slips his hand under Nick's shirt surreptitiously, starts rubbing what they all know to be a nearly globe shaped baby belly and allows him to settle comfortably against his side.

It's safe to say that their pregnant Grimm is asleep even before any of them has spoken three sentences and that Nick's car will be fetched at a later date so that Sean may take his mate home with him in his own car.


Second Christmas day is spent just between the two of them. It's almost a miracle in itself that nothing interrupts their time together. Early in the morning they take an extended walk through the wintry forest stretching out for miles below the house. A house that's become a home. No longer a high end building to house the wealthier than normal Police Captain, no longer a home to only a single person. Deep in the forest on rarely walked paths they are away from prying eyes and enjoy their freedom.

Nick is enjoying the outdoors with great enthusiasm, Sean is laughing at his mate's antics. Nick couldn't enjoy it more. That rich sound speaking of a man finally at peace with himself. The zauberbiest's eyes have lost their calculating edge – the drive and need to think up plans and counter measures in case life deals another blow.

The Grimm himself is also changed. Gone the constant worry, that gnawing fear that he isn't good enough... hasn't achieved enough to offer his baby boy a good life. There's liveliness and hunger to take on the world – and to share all that with his mate and the child in his womb.

Around midday they return, happy and hungry, prepare a light lunch and take it with leisure that they rarely allow themselves. Afternoon is for sitting on the thick rug in front of the fire, enjoying hot chocolate (which Sean has bribed Nick into showing him how to prepare) and each others company. It's all very cliche but who's there to judge them or begrudge them their own little dip into Christmas fluff. Not that Sean would ever call it that. In fact, he's careful not to put any name to it least doing that may burst the bubble. They have faced enough harsh reality and real life blows to last them a life time, the zauberbiest thinks and gathers his pregnant Grimm closer. Nick gives a content hum, leaning back into him and obviously enjoying the close contact.


Nick is happy like he hasn't been in a long time. He hasn't expected this. Or anything that's happened over the course of the last few months. He closes his eyes, smiles. Cannot help doing so. He feels at home with his big man and it's this feeling of belonging, safety and honest to God love that makes him take the next step.

Okay, in retrospect maybe he should have waited with his revelation until Sean has finished drinking...

"I have read up on a few matters… like sex during pregnancy", he murmurs, tone conveying the lazy contentment of a relaxed day as well as all the excitement such a statement deserves. Nick expects something typically smug like 'Oh have you now, my dear Grimm?'. A tiny part of him even prepares for rejection….

He doesn't expect his zauberbiest to cough and sputter because in his unending surprise he has sucked in a harsh breath and gotten hot cocoa down his windpipe. His reaction of concern is instantaneous as he half turns in Sean's arms while the other man leans over to cough properly.

"Oh God, Sean. I'm so sorry!"

He claps his hands over his mouth in true dismay but he cannot for the life of him hide the bout of helpless laughter that wills out at seeing his mate mop his face with a hanky and all the while throwing him a royal death glare. Half a year ago he would have believed it, now he knows to look deeper. There's no real heat behind it and they both know it.

In the end he does what any decent mate would do, helping to mop up cocoa from practically everywhere and valiantly trying to keep further signs of amusement hidden. With his thumb he brushes away a stray tear from when Sean's eyes have watered and that at the very least seems to appease him. He also doesn't mention that Sean's eyes remain suspiciously bright even after death by hot drink has been avoided. After all he believes to know the reason for that and pointing it out would embarrass his proud 'biest.

And it really is a testament of how much their relationship has grown that Nick's first response to Sean's sputtering has been amusement rather than fear of rejection.

Apparently his mighty zauberbiest has recovered now because he pulls him close again in clear possessiveness and starts nipping at his neck and ears. These nibs – noticeably sharper while still playful and loving – seem to be the Royal's way of telling him that his indisposition hasn't been half as funny as he makes it out to be and Nick guesses he deserves that. Especially because intermittently he's still shaken by small bouts of helpless laughter.

"So my dutiful Detective thought it prudent to do a bit of research… on certain matters?" A purr if nothing else. A mix of smugness and teasing that Nick loves.


"Hmm. Such a good boy." That velvet drawl is right by Nick's ear, conveyed on a soft breeze of warm air against the shell and going right to his nether regions, doing the most wonderful things.

"Do you want to hear what I found out, Sir?" It would have sounded deferential if it hadn't been for that decidedly naughty streak and slow smile. Sean moves his lips to explore further. Ghosting over his ear shell once again. Eliciting pleasant shivers that don't go unnoticed by the ever perceptive zauberbiest. Sean's answer is a husky whisper: "I would be most pleased if you did, my dear Detective."


Sean finds himself very much intrigued by what his Grimm has outlined. This isn't only about desire. This is a leap and a sign of healing that makes him glad that any gravelly quality to his voice can be attributed to his special interest in the matter... Not in any way to being moved on such a deep level that his voice goes out on him. He makes an effort. A smile on his lips that is felt not seen. Felt by Nick because Sean has buried his face in the side of his neck. When he's sure he has himself back under control he says quietly:

"Nick, I won't ask if you really want this because I know you to be a man who wouldn't have brought the matter up, if you weren't sure, but I have to ask, have you done this before?"

Nick throws a cheeky grin over his shoulder. There may be a sliver of uncertainty but mostly there's just that easy confidence which makes him such a capable Detective.

"Having sex while being pregnant? That's a clear no. Having sex with a man? Well, I've never been one to shy away from trying new things and College... When to better do a bit of exploring if not then?"

Sean's own smile is appreciative and whatever doubts he has seen, he knows to place now. To place and dispel.

His hands slip under Nick's shirt and onto his beautiful bulging belly, splaying possessively over its expanse. He dips his head to Nick's neck to start suckling gently at his pulse point. Where to better put his lips than right where blood rushes through his carotid artery? It's like a double echo. That fast and steady beat against his lips and two heartbeats reverberating through the magic bond. There's nothing more reassuring. Sign of life and strength. His two boys being hale and healthy.

A low moan comes from the man he loves. That beautiful head is tilted to the side, access granted and, most importantly, Sean's reassurance accepted. Nick isn't shy or a prude. Any doubts he may have left would be attributed to his pregnant appearance and not the act itself. And one thing is for sure, by the time he has made his way to the Grimm's lips there's no doubt left whatsoever about how much Sean appreciates him... With all that he currently entails.


"So what about you, my high and mighty Prince?", Nick asks in between lazy kisses while he is still safely wrapped in his big man's arms. Sean smirks in a way only a man of higher breeding can. That mix of self-confidence and natural ease about such matters.

"A certain level of wealth makes allowance for some experimenting even within the rigid boundaries of royal expectations."

"And it most likely helped that by the time you were old enough to be interested in such things, you were well away from your stuck up relatives."

"Yes, that too."

Chuckling Nick turns around, kneeling in front of his 'biest on the very spot where so many important steps in their relationship have been taken, and draws him into a deeper kiss showing all too clearly what he wants. Between kisses, nibs and added tongues Sean cannot help murmuring:

"You have in your detailed and... highly informative explanations... forgotten to... Hmm. Mention one thing..."

"Really? And... what would that be?"

He cocks his head, playfully moving out of reach when Sean wants to continue kissing. Those jade orbs gleam.

"You have forgotten to mention that in order to try any of that one should start by undressing the object of his desires."

While Nick ponders this intriguing proposition, Sean gets to steal his kiss, after all, and suiting actions to words he starts unbuttoning Nick's shirt. One by one. Taking his time and kissing every inch of skin he lays bare. The Grimm sinks back onto his elbows with an appreciative groan and Sean moves with him. Kissing his collarbone, his chest, the point where Nick's belly starts to bulge.

"You are right. How remiss of me. But...", he's just a little breathless: "I'm all for you showing me how it's done right."

Sean looks down on him, studying every inch and in a single moment revealing all those emotions normally hidden. Possessive pride, desire and love, only a few in between.

"I see you are, indeed, dedicated to learning new things."


Nick relishes in Sean's exploration. Those lips ghosting over skin; that tongue licking its way. A moan wills out, he tilts his head back further. Sean leisurely dips down while his hands are roaming over his chest, coming upon already hard nipples. Rubbing, tweaking. Drawing sweet sounds and a gasp from Nick. Sean's mouth is sucking and nibbling at the throat presented to him. His shirt slid off his shoulders and he is pressed back onto the plush rug with such tenderness that his breath catches. The gaze of his powerful 'biest – once again taking in all of him as if to commit it to memory and never forget – draws him in like nothing else could. Gray and green meet. There's no discussion, at least not a verbal one. It's so easy. Happiness shines on their features even though it's never expressed in so much as words.

Sean's fingertips wander lower, Nick following the movement as if hypnotized, and they come to rest on the waistband of his jeans. He chances a glance. Sean's intent is clear yet he's waiting for permission.

He could kiss his 'biest for this alone.

Hell, there's no could about it. I can, I will… I want him all the way and this is the start.

Rolling back into kneeling Nick does just that. Sean is very forgiving of the interruption, chuckling into their kiss when Nick's hands develop a devious life of their own to return the favor of undressing. The Grimm is delighted, finding that unclothing Sean Renard is like unwrapping a very large, very gorgeous present.

„Hmm. Now I get to unwrap presents after all."

„I cannot say that I'm complaining."

Nick only listens with half an ear, more preoccupied with other things.

That bronze skin, well defined body all ridges and dips. Power coiled within a well muscled frame. Hmm. Throwing his mate a quick mischievous glance he does his own bit of exploring and draws the softest of sounds from his Prince. Barely there, almost entirely hidden under tight control yet more than he would ever have hoped to elicit this early on. Definitely worth the effort. Apropos effort...

Still kneeling Nick wriggles his butt just so, no longer shy and safe in the knowledge that his zauberbiest loves him just the way he is. And Sean has the gall to smirk evilly, which Nick rather enjoys because it promises fun and excitement.

"Is there something you want to tell me, my boy?"

Teasing. Smug. Just a touch of royal superiority. Or is that the Police Captain peaking through? Whatever it is, Nick finds it most arousing. No need to let his Prince know, however. He is drawn close and suddenly the evidence of their mutual arousal is more than clear. Somehow managing to fit snugly together despite Nick's bump it can be felt where their bodies meet, undeniable and very welcome. Nick moves in to nib at Sean's throat, murmuring: "Arrogant twit", and laughing. His Prince responds without missing a beat: "Do you realize that you've made me want to swat you quite a few times these last days? For various reasons?"

His buttocks are squeezed in emphasis and Nick has to work hard to give a verbal answer instead of an abandoned moan. To think that there's been a time when he couldn't have born such closeness and touch. A shudder of dark remembrance is repressed in favor of a cheeky retort: "Yes, I've been told on numerous occasions that I tend to elicit that wish in other people."

Sean's eyes lock with his own, all intense with mock reproach yet different from anything he would ever have shown at work. Nick is fast falling head over heels for this mirthful, teasing Prince in lieu of cool commanding Captain.

…Although that one has its very own appeal. Seeing Sean all in control, focused on handling things…. Hmm.

A velvet drawl interrupts his thoughts: "And proud of it, aren't you? Cheeky brat. But you're lucky. I'll let you off the hook this once... because I have much better things in mind about what to do with you."


"Hmm. That's what I wanted to hear. Why don't you tell me more... Show me more." Tender, warm, husky with apparent desire. Sean could have plowed on and taken it as all consent needed. A year ago and with anyone else he would have done so but this is Nick. His lovely, pregnant mate and - excuse these sentimental thoughts - his everything!

He pauses, just holding his mate close, allowing the double heartbeat of his boys to cool his lust for a moment of contemplation. Despite his earlier words a question rises up: Wouldn't it hurt so much more to overwhelm Nick now than to wait a little bit longer?

He has to be sure. Damn sure that this is what his lover wants and can handle.

Decision made he looks back up only to find Nick already watching him, expression turned tender by an insight into his thoughts even before he has voiced a single one. Of course Nick has perceived the change. He wouldn't be the man he is, if he hadn't.

In for a penny, in for a pound. He has bared himself to Nick so many times before now that this latest touch of over protectiveness is only a minor blow to his pride.

His fingertips brush gently over Nick's cheek, tracing the outline of a cheekbone, feeling a hint of stubble that he likes very much. For an instant he loses himself in that face, then:

"Nick, I know what I said earlier but I need to ask now, anyway. Do you really want this? I'm more than happy to proceed, but if there's only a slight possibility that this is too much too soon, then we will..."

The pad of a thumb is gently pressed against his lips, halting his words, and now it's the Grimm's turn to caress his 'biest's cheek. He puts their foreheads together, a thousand feelings swirling through that sea of stormy gray. His cheek is nuzzled, gesture so tender and loving that the mighty Prince's throat constricts. A moment of absolute stillness.

"Yes, Sean. Yes, I want to do this with you. Right now, if you'll have me. It's okay. You are what makes me feel safe. And loved... And appreciated with every curve I've gained over the last months."

And with a huff of laughter: „Call me a sentimental fool, I know you are itching to do so. But I don't care, I want you right now and all the way..."

Sean presses his lips against Nick's, sealing off further utterances.

"You may be a sentimental fool, but you are my fool…. And I may have to admit to similar afflictions coming over me."

"Then why don't we quit talking and continue where we have left off?"


Sean gives a slow and seductive smile. It would have brought Nick down in a swoon, if he hadn't already been kneeling.

And actions speak louder than words, isn't that what they say?

Continuing where he has started his zauberbiest pauses one last time before opening the fly and pushing Nick's jeans and boxers down. Slowly. Reverently. Two pairs of eyes drawn to the downward movement.


They are both naked, have all the time in the world. Nick is licking and kissing his way, indulging in something that has once seemed a lifetime out of reach. Sean growls low in his throat, primal need just beneath the surface. It's sending pleasant shivers down the Grimm's spine and stirring his arousal. His buttocks are cupped by large, capable hands, he's pulled close, kissed deeply and then they sink down. Nick ends up lowered onto his back, bare skin against heavenly soft rug and his magnificent 'biest hovering above him. Touch. Pleasure.

Oh God, how good that makes him feel!"

"You are so beautiful, my boy." A soft whisper with a gravelly edge, laced with warmth and desire. It's in his actions, too. Every inch of him is laved with attention as if Sean were seeing him for the very first time. Nick closes his eyes in absolute bliss only to snap them open with a gasp as a hot tongue licks a slow stripe along the underside of his proudly straining cock and just like that he's drawn to follow every move his Prince may take. Not out of fear, though. Far from it.

Lips close around the head, sucking gently, and the sight of it is so lewd, so sexy, the feel so incredible that Nick emits a startled gasp. Sean's head bobs slowly down.

"Oh God, Sean. What… uuhh… are you doing to me? If I had known…."

Words die cleanly on his tongue. Another breathless gasp as Sean slides his hands beneath him, long fingers splaying... mapping the delectable curve of his ass and spreading his cheeks. Nick cannot help his hips bucking upward and considering his current girth and baby bump that's quite a feat. The Prince rewards him well for his efforts, smiling around his length in clear satisfaction and humming in approval. Nick twitches from need and sensory overload, cheeks flushed, mind in a haze of desire curling low in his belly.


Sean takes his time. What a beautiful sight. His Grimm spread out beneath him, evidence of his pregnancy right before him. His to touch and caress. To adore while his lips descend further on Nick's straining length and his eyes take in every reaction and change of expression. He prepares him slowly, delighting in abandoned moans, helpless gasps and legs eagerly spread open the moment his first finger makes contact with that quivering pucker. It's incredible. Natural. They are going with the flow and loving it. Every little push and pull elicits a minute reaction. Zauberbiest and human, both staring intently at their beautiful mate, this magnificent creature, relish in each and every one. And Sean himself isn't unaffected either. His own cock is straining, leaking just from the sight and feel of this.

He pushes deeper. Knuckle deep and must have hit true because from Nick's lips tumbles a most expressive shout!

"Oh God, Sean!"

A full body shudder. A sight worth dying for. With a wet popping sound his lips leave the hot and leaking length in lieu of speaking: "Yes, my love?"

Sean Renard is very satisfied with himself and it's showing in his entire bearing. He gives another slow push and pull of his finger just to see Nick's eyes glaze over, his legs falling open wider and deep moans speaking of wanton desire.

"Seems… that pregnancy… nggh… has its perks…." He huffs in a lovely breathless way.

"I am very… uuhh… sensitive right now. Do that more often and it will be over real soon."

"Hmm, we cannot have that, can we? We should take it nice and slow."

Belying his words Sean pushes deep inside, adding a finger and watching his love arch his back and strong hands fisting tufts of rug. He brings him slowly to the edge, preparing him well and truly for what is yet to come. When Nick's breaths become small shouts and whispered endearments - pleas even - he leans down to capture him in a kiss. And his Grimm gives as good as he takes, hands wandering and mouth responding eagerly.


To Nick it feels like drifting on a cloud. A cloud where that bundle of nerves low in his belly is stimulated over and over until he is panting and meeting every single thrust of his powerful mate. Sean is obviously enjoying himself. It's lighting his features, giving him a glow of happiness that he rarely shows.

And Nick hasn't lied when he's told him that he's more sensitive than normal. Every movement inside of him feels like a tidal wave washing over him! Sean has four fingers inside him and the aim of a sniper when hitting his most sensitive spot, leaving Nick in a haze of ever heightening pleasure.

He buries his own fingers in Sean's curly hair, pulling his 'biest close, enjoying those lips. His warmth and love. Body and mind are awash with incredible sensations. He gasps into their kiss. Everything seems more intense, his awareness sharpened.

And that's when he grows aware: His lovely baby boy is as docile as if he were in a pleasant haze as well. Despite all that he's read only this reassures him fully. This is right. What they are doing is not harming the little one and it's… breath taking!

Capturing Sean's eyes his message is clear.

I want you all the way and I'm not going to last much longer!

His silent plea is taken with a soft laugh and delectable lips moving near until hot breath is fanning over his ear shell every time a sound is uttered. Endearments. Moans. And then there's that velvet whisper:

"My lovely boy, you are a truly captivating sight when you are this close to losing it. I have another idea, though. One that you might like very much."

"Hmhmm." Nick can only nod jerkily. In this very moment Sean could have proposed anything and he would have gladly complied.


Those skilled fingers leave his tight hole and he moans with the loss, not ashamed in the least to voice it so. Then he is helped up, manhandled with care until he is straddling Sean's lap while his Prince is kneeling with his buttocks resting on his heels. Nick's facing away from him and wrapped in a warm embrace, one arm curving underneath his big bump in support and the other reaching across his chest. He feels safe and loved and once again a whisper by his ear suggests the most wonderful things:

"Why don't you take control, my strong Grimm. Why don't you ride me just the way you want to. Every move, every twitch is yours to decide and for us both to enjoy."

Nick throws his head back, shuddering and his cock leaking pre-cum at the very thought. At this moment his pregnant Grimm looks like a creature of archaic time: all primal need, raw power and breath taking vulnerability.

"Oh God, Sean. Yes, gladly. If you're…."

"Shh. Yes, I am sure."

He needs no more incentive. Aligning their bodies, cloaked in the warmth and protection of his zauberbiest, he sinks down onto Sean's impressive length. Slowly. The blunt head making its way. Stretching him, stimulating his hopelessly oversensitive channel every inch of the way. He's panting, gasping. Lost in sensations and nearly losing it. Finally full to the hilt.

God, that's amazing!

His eyes are squeezed shut, his body taut with tension and pleasure.

When he hears a long and drawn out sound - low, raw, wrought with emotion - he isn't sure what to make of it. Is it him, that primal expression of lust?

No, it is Sean. His lovely, powerful 'biest. Losing control right alongside of him. Showing deepest parts of himself. This alone is nearly enough to tip him over the edge. With these broken moans filling his being, he stops thinking all together. They move in sync like they've never been made for anything else. At every descend his breath catches in his throat, echoed by his Bastard Prince. It's too much, not enough by far. Supported and held he seeks release for them both. Penetration, pain. Pleasure overlapping everything else!


Oh God, he's never anticipated that it would be like this! This incredible feeling of push and pull. Of his pregnant Grimm moving around him, riding him! He's long since closed his eyes, dropped any pretense of control. He tilts his head back, vaguely aware of his parted lips, his needy sounds...

He gathers Nick close, rush of love overcoming him with wave after wave of pleasure. His Grimm may have an enormous baby bump, he may be all supple, skin silky and warm.

... But he is still strong! Able to take control without taking away Sean's own. He opens his eyes. Suddenly he needs to see Nick move and cannot for the life of him tear his gaze away.

What a sight. Incredible. He hurtles toward the edge, soaking up every moan, every gasp of his mate. Another rise and fall of Nick's body. His cock sucked, buried. Overwhelming stimulation. His hand fists around Nick's length, just a few strokes. Moans become screams. His arm is still curled protectively around that lovely baby bump.

Two heartbeats beside his own. The world awash with sensations. Their screams merge and mingle like their bodies do. Climax. Wild pleasure. Vision whitening, taking Nick over the edge with him! Filling him. A warm body shuddering around him, in his grasp. It prolongs his own orgasm; it mirrors what Nick is feeling right now.


A haze. Pleasant. Urgency ebbing away, making room for affection, the need to cuddle close and protect. They move, curl up, tangle up impossibly close. Awareness is a fickle thing. Sean kisses his mate. Lips, forehead, crown of his head as he wraps him safely in his arms.


Nick has never felt like this. His limbs are heavy with fatigue while his mind is still thriving on purest pleasure. He seeks his 'biest's warmth, buries close and is happy. His kisses are sloppy and, oh hell, he's sleepy all of a sudden. Sean is no better. They doze right there on the rug in front of the gently crackling fire and it is the most peaceful moment both have had in a long time.


What do you think? Our two favorite boys have taken the next step and are closer than ever. Which they'll need to be to face what lies ahead.

By the way, the thing about sex during pregnancy hasn't just sprung out of my head. I've read up on the matter just like Nick did and apart from a few situations where it's not advisable, it's said to be okay and up to the pair. Most often it depends on how the pregnant party feels health wise in general and in regard to that in particular. (And Nick's little sensitivity change has also been known to happen to pregnant women. ;D)

Okay, enough of my ramblings, I hope you have enjoyed this newest installment.