Character Bio :

Name: Katarina Love

Age:25 (DOB 2/14/1992)

Hometown: Philadelphia,Pennsylvania

Personality: She's smart, calculated, conceded, and loyal. She's not the most social person but she treats the few people she's close to like family. She's not afraid to fight anyone and is a queen at holding grudges. She considers herself "The Queen Of wrestling" and makes it her duty to prove that every single night

Portrayed by: Blac Chyna

Description: Long black curly hair, light brown eyes, 5'8, nose piercing along with a small heart tattoo on her shoulder

Companies prior to WWE: Chikara, CZW, WSU, Shimmer

Main Roster Debut: February 24th, 2014 (Raw after Elimination Chamber)


Finishers: LoveLock Down (Liontamer), Lovebuster (F5), Cupid's Bow (Shiranu)

Raw October 16th, 2017

"You ready for tonight?" Seth asked rubbing my shoulders, I smirk as we both stare at our reflections in the mirror.

"I'm always ready to kick ass babe."

"That's my girl." He replies kissing me on the forehead, my smile dropped when I took another look at the shield gear.

"I don't trust them for shit." I admitted, Seth had betrayed them yes it was awhile ago but Dean especially was super pissed off about the whole thing.

"Well I do." Seth replied I held my tongue and nodded."I'll see you after."

"Okay, be careful out there." I replied pulling him into a tight hug." I'll be back here out of sight waiting for my moment."

"If you want to ruin the element of surprise you have right now, be my guest and come along." Seth replied sarcastically.

"So sassy." I said snorting."Go before they start without you." Seth gave me a small smile before leaving our locker room. With a sigh I plopped down and took a seat on the couch, I had plenty of time to devise my plan. Alexa on our last match on Smackdown made it her mission to take me out, and she succeeded. I spent 6 months side lined with a torn rotator cuff unbeknownst to her, I was informed last week I'd be heading to RAW.

The show really drags on when you're just sitting in the back, I changed out of my dress and heels, and into a pair of blue high waisted skinny jeans, a Seth Freakin Rollins croptop and black timberland boots. I tied my long dark hair up into a ponytail as I watched the last seconds of Seth & Deans match, Ambrose put Cesaro away with a Dirty Deeds to retain their Tag Team Championship. Shortly after Seth came back to the lock with Dean & Roman in tow.

"Look who it is." Roman smiled, as I looked up from the TV, Dean gave me a nod and the two sat down on the chairs not to far away from me.

"Roman, Dean." I said with a tight smile turning my attention back to the tv, Alexa's tag match had just started so I should have a few more minutes to kill.

"You've been here all night?" Roman asked, while Dean chuckled."What's funny?"

"She's about to kick Alexa's tight little ass." Dean replied in a duh voice.

"Yeah, I've been watching the show away from everybody nobody but Seth knows I'm on Raw now." I replied with a shrug."I'm going to stomp her face in."

"You know what would be better?"Dean asked with a smirk leaning forward slightly.


"You should rip out her extensions."Roman suggested I considered it while Dean growled slightly.

"More than that,embody the CZW spirit." Dean finally said.

"No."Seth said shaking his head."You encourage that and all four of them out there right now will get hurt."

"A small price to pay." I retorted with a shrug as I stood up and moved toward the door."I won't be that vicious but she'll pay trust me." And with that I hurried to the gorilla making sure to let the sound guy know to play my music.

Climbing out the back door

Didnt leave a mark

Noone knows it's you,

The crowd erupted into cheers as I emerged on the stage glaring down into the ring, Alexa took her attention off of Mickie and stared in shock back at me.

"You might wanna turn around." I said pointing behind Alexa who turns herself around right into an iconic Mickie DT, Mickie pinned her while I inched closer to the ring, by the 3 count I was leaning against the apron staring Bliss down.

Mickie and Bayley celebrated for a moment before exiting the ring, I climbed up onto the apron and slithered into the ring. Alexa sat up on her butt and attempted to scoot away from me.

"Katarina!" Alexa said with a fake smile as her back hit the corner."Welcome back so good to see you."

"Its even better to see you." I smirk evilly and pull her out the corner by her hair she lets out a yelp as I toss her into the middle of the ring. Emma tries to slide into the ring to help her but Jojo clocks her in the head with her mic. I turn my attention to Alexa who's slowly getting up holding her hair.

I run at her but she drops down and rolls out the ring, I shrug as she backs right into Mickie who sends her right back into the ring. I pulled her up by the hair and forced her up onto my shoulders before slamming her to the mat with my LoveBuster (F5). My music starts to play again as I leave Alexa crumpled up in pain in the ring.

"That was amazing sis!" Sasha smiled as soon as I got backstage, she looked a little sore from Alicia's attack but she still had a big grin plastered on her face.

"I know right." I smirk as we begin walking to the locker.

"So you're on Raw now?" She asked curiously.

"Yes, I really miss Nao already." I replied with a frown. I had been friends with Sasha and Jojo since NXT once the Divas Revolution started Naomi became the 4th member to our inseparable clique.

"Me too." She replied, I lightly knocked on the locker unsure of whether or not Roman and Dean were still there.

"You don't have to knock on your own locker babygirl." Roman replied opening up the door.

"Didn't want to walk in and see you guys all in the nude." I said with a shrug as we walked inside.

"Speak for yourself."Sasha smirked.

"Down girl." I joked as I flopped into Seth's lap."Why do I feel like you guys did something evil without me?"

"Curtis asked for it." Dean shrugged taking a swing from his bottle of water.

"I've gotta get ready for my match." Roman said we all uttered a bye/goodluck to him as he left and we turned our attention back to the TV.

"Oh my god I have an idea." Sasha said after we watched Roman's entrance.

"And it is?" Dean asked waiting for her to continue.

"Kurt banned both of you from ringside right?" She asked Seth and Dean both nodded."Katarina isn't banned."

"Absolutely not."Seth said without hesitation.

"She may be into something, I know Miz has something planned." Dean replied siding with Sasha.

"You want to send my girlfriend down into the ring with someone over 200 pounds heavier and a full foot taller than she is?" Seth asked in shock.

"I'm tough but I'm not that tough." I finally replied making Seth sigh in relief, we watched the rest of the match in silence at the end of our seats we all shared matching angered looks as Braun pinned Roman after Kane interfered making him the 5th member for there team this Sunday.

I decided to travel back to the hotel with Sasha and Jojo, so the guys could start planning for TLC immediately. Sasha was driving while Jojo rode shotgun and I was stretched out in the backseat.

"So are you planning on challenging for the title?" Jojo asked turning down the music.

"If Mickie wins nah." I replied. Mickie James actually helped train me at one point, I had nothing but loyalty to her and wouldn't dare."Although if Alexa somehow retains I'm right at her on Monday."

"Bring it back home to Team Bad girl."Jojo joked.

"Between the four of us, somebodies bringing a title back home." Sasha replied with a snort.

"True that." I smile sipping my Gatorade.

"So how come you got traded to Raw so late?" Jojo finally asked, my smile dropped as I sighed.

"Orton drama."Sasha replied

"Bingo, I actually was backstage at Smackdown live 3 weeks ago." I started before choosing my words."He caused a huge scene, a week later Stephanie calls and says I'm headed to Raw."

"Is he still hung up on you leaving him?" Jojo asked in shock.

"Yup." Sasha and I said at the same time as she pulled into the parking lot.

Most of the week flew by in a blur since I wasn't scheduled for anything until next week. I helped everyone prep for TLC, I wished I had a spot on the card but I came back at an awkward time so it wasn't really possible. Kurt gave me the option of valeting either Sasha or The Shield but I turned it down since they all had something to prove.

TLC 2017

I arrived to the arena early since Sasha was on the pre-show, I made my way to the Female Superstar's locker room. I stepped into the room and placed my purse down next to Sasha's.

"Kat!"Bayley cried appearing from almost out of nowhere and engulfing me in a tight hug."I haven't seen you since Mania."

"I missed you too Bayley." I laughed as she finally released me. Dana gave me a nod before turning her attention back to her phone.

"So how do you like Raw so far? Are you happy? How's life?" Bayley asked quickly, the girl was full of energy and it was the most adorable thing ever. I hooked arms with her and we walked out the locker.

"Its okay, I really miss Naomi and Becky though" I said with a small smile as we headed toward catering."I'm pretty happy though, life's great right now."

"Great, I'm really happy you're back." Bayley grinned as we finally made it to catering. I spotted Jojo talking to Renee while an angry looking Emma stomped her way over to her.

"I'll be right back." I said walking over to the trio while Bayley grabbed something to eat. Emma was about to get into Jojo's face when I got over to the two.

"Emma back up." Jojo warned her pretty face twisted up in annoyance, while Renee looked nervously between the two attempting to keep them apart.

"How about you make me!" Emma yelled trying to shove at Jojo.

"Emmalina" I smirked as she turned her attention from Jojo to me."You keep trying to fight my girl here and we'll have a problem."

"Do I look like I'm scared of either of you?" Emma spat shoving Renee backwards out the way."When I'm done with Asuka, I'm going to send you back to Smackdown." She jabbed her finger in my face before storming off.

"You know I could have kicked her ass myself." Jojo said with a raised eyebrow. I shrugged as we both looked over Renee."You okay?"

"I'm fine, she barely touched me." Renee said brushing it off.

"Well hopefully I get to kick her ass tomorrow night in your honor." I smiled ignoring the annoyed glare coming from Jojo.

"Why did Emma just walk past us with smoke coming out her ears?" Bayley asked appearing with Sasha, munching on a granola bar.

"I have to go, goodluck Sasha." Renee smiled before walking off.

"She tried to get in my face and Katarina stepped in." Jojo replied sounding annoyed, Sasha gave me a sympathetic look.

"It's my first instinct to defend you guys even if you can defend yourself, sorry Jojo next time I'll let you knock her out." I apologized Jojo, shrugged before smirking.

"Let me wrestle her then instead."

"I'll think about it, she did threaten to send me back to Smackdown." I replied shrugging."However that would keep her from distracting me from going after Alexa."

"I'm gonna go kick Foxy's butt, wish me luck." Sasha smiled hugging us all before walking away. I grabbed a bottle of water and we all sat down by the closest TV to watch her match it was a nice little back and forth but of course Alicia tapped out to the Bank Statement.

"I'm gonna go see what Seth is up to, see you guys later." I slowly stand up smoothing out my dress.

"Bye." Jojo says staring at the TV intently my guess, taking notes since Emma vs Asuka was next up.

"See ya Kat." Bayley hugs me again before sitting back down next to Jojo. I laugh as I turn on my heel and head toward Seth's er, The Shield's lockerroom. My phone vibrates on my chest and I pull it out smiling assuming it's Seth I answer without checking the name.

"Hey babe."

"I'm Babe again, Katarina?" Randy's voice filled my ear making my smile fade as quickly as it appeared.

"Why are you calling me? You got me off Smackdown you don't ever have to hear my voice again." I sneered. We had broken up back in 2016 I was out for a broken wrist compliments of Carmella while Seth was out for his knee injury, despite us being in the authority together we never had a non-business related conversation until then, and the rest was history.

"I can't stop thinking of you." He replied in a low voice making me sigh."Survivor Series is next up, I'll get to see you again."

"Don't call me again." I said hanging up as I got outside of the locker room. I shoved the door open and it hit the wall with a loud bang startling Seth.

"What's wrong with you doll." Dean asked wrapping up his hands.

"Nothing, just got into it with Emma." I swiftly lied, I remembered standing by Randy's side when he attacked Seth while we, were in the Authority I image if the two cross paths again with how messy the break up was, Seth might be a goner.

"Go to Kurt and ask for a match kick her ass tomorrow." Dean replied with a shrug while Seth eyed me skeptically. He'd never seen me get worked up instead of fighting it out then and there.

"Jojo's got it." I replied taking a seat on the lone chair across from Dean.

"Oh I have to see that." Dean replied with a chuckle."She's a such a tiny person."

"Only champions in my clique." I replied flipping my hair."She'll snatch Emma bald."

Emma as expected lost to Asuka, Alexa sadly retained but Mickie said she wasn't done with her after the match. The Shield (Featuring Kurt Angle) kicked Miz's teams ass so the night wasn't a total fail.

Seth and I cuddled in bed while watching some Netflix, he laughed slightly as he showed me his phone, it featured a series of back and forth tweets from Emma to Jojo and Sasha.

EmmaWWE: I'm gonna make Katarina regret coming to Raw, And I'm going to teach the little ring announcer to stay in her place, INTRODUCING ME!

SashaBanksWWE: - EmmaWWE don't be afraid to use the at sign baby

ItsJoseann: SashaBanksWWE , EmmaWWE sis, she's scared but I've spoken to Kurt and I'm going to make YOU regret not staying in you're place, see you tomorrow night in that ring.

EmmaWWE: Challenge accepted little girl, ItsJoseann

EmmaWWE: I love how Katarina's friends came to her defense but she's still nowhere to be found #Pathetic

"Should I even respond?" I asked with an eye roll, here I was trying to enjoy my day and Emma wants to go all Twitter Fingers on us.

"Naomi just shut her down." Seth said before bursting out laughing, he showed me his phone again and my eyes went wide at Naomi's savagery.

NaomiWWE: XoLoveKat is clearly in bed with her man on this nice Sunday night like the rest of us. EmmaWWE #Bossup #Bitter #AsukaKilledYou

XoLoveKat: EmmaWWE, you're a non-factor I don't have to say anything to you. Jojo's gonna KO you while Sas,Nao and I laugh. Now would you mind shutting up you're ruining my Netflix and Chill.

"Put down the phone now." Seth smirked taking his phone back and putting it back down onto the nightstand."Since we're no longer watching Netflix." Seth trailed off and wiggled his eyebrows at me making me giggle before he started to passionately kiss me.