With Bishamon…

I never pulled my crows away from Sasuke. I ma have been the one to make him wish to kill me, but it would like to know in advance if he's deserving to kill me. I would love to leave this sick twisted world.

"Hey, Bishamon, they've got the one tails. Let's go."

I nodded and trailed after the fish man. It was time for the extraction of the one tailed raccoon. Soon the Kazekage would be dead and the sand would be without a leader.

I took my spot on the finer or the right hand and be bagan the process of extracting the tailed beast and sealing it back into its true form. The ten-tails would be recreated, and the akatsuki were the ones bringing it back.

At the village…

"The Kazekage had been kidnaped by the Akatsuki, and they sand village is requesting or aid in rescuing him." the team assembled before the Hokage scowled. Naruto looked furious, and finally serious about something.

"They'll pay." he turned tail and ran. The rest of the assembled team had no choice but to run after him or be left behind.

"I remember my youth, though I don't remember having to run around so much like they seem to do." the Hokage's trusted assistant laughed, "what do you find so funny?"

She held her breath for a moment to stop laughing, "Sakura is always complaining about her team being annoying, and now after seeing how Naruto is when he's unhappy is understand."

The Hokage smiled, "he's certainly got a lot of energy to spare."

Three days latter…

Sand village…

"Please Sakura! You have to hurry! Kankuro's been poisoned and none of our healers can help him!." Temari was near tears as she forcefully dragged her pink haired kunoichi from the leaf to where her brother was being held.

Kakashi, and Naruto trailed after them, knowing full well that if they were left behind they'd get lost and then get in trouble later.

"Get me some water now." like flipping a switch Sakura was in medic-nin mode and was treating Kankuro. She extracted the poison then headed to the herb room to collect plants in order to make a antidote.

Kakashi and Naruto were just about to follow after her when an elderly lady, that looked as though she had one foot in the grave launched herself at Kakahi.

"White fang!"

The room was in a frenzy, and the elderly man who had come in with her had to restrain her. Her also looked as though he had one foot in the grave already, "haha, actually i'm his son."

She blinked then laughed, "i knew that!" The room was silent for a seconds after, "ok, ok, I blame it on the bad eyesight."

The man that stood next to her chuckled at that, "we can not argue against that." it would seem the elders of Suna had quite the humor.

"Aw man, why are the elders here so much fun! The elders in Kahona are boring!" of course Naruto would complain, and be able to lighten up the atmosphere with a stimle and stupid statement.

"Meh, some old fools seem to have a bit of a sour outlook on the world. Must be about how Kahona shinobi also have a tendency to have loud personalities." the blond thought it over for a second then shrugged. It was over his head.

Kakashi chuckled lightly, he knew plenty well that the elders in Kahona were a pain. They were always telling him to continue the Hatake line, "So what are the plans for rescuing Gaara? Is there anything you could tell us so we can find them?"

Kankuro who has just woken up stretched his hand out, a piece of fabric laying across his palm, "i got this from the one claiming to be Sasori of the red sand." his voice was scratchy and he was clearly in need of some water.

Granny Chiyo, the older woman who had tried to attack Kakashi was at his side in a split second, "Sasori of the red sand? Are you sure?"

The poor poisoned boy nodded, "He used puppets. It was definitely him."

"I thought he was dead, but this changes things." She shared a look with the older man who was behind her then looked to the Kahona team, "we'll send you out as well as one of our shinobi. The other team Tsunade is sending will meet us where we need to go as soon as we end them the location."

"We'll definitely get Gaara back!"

With Bishamon…

"Who is going to take care of the approaching teams? The nine-tails should be among them."

Kismane smirked and sent a look towards the team that had caught Garra, "i vote they do it. The two of them were the ones to catch him anyways." Deira set him a withering glare but then let up and shrugged.

"I wouldn't mind, un. What about you Dana?" the puppet user sighed. If his partner was for it there was no way he was going to get out of it.

"Let's go Kismane. We still have to find the three tails." the projections of the other Akatsuki members vanished, and the four of us were once again alone, "we shall see you later. Though if you die, don't expect me to be sorry."

Deliara scowled and sent me a glare, "i wouldn't want you to."

I rolled my eyes, "if you blow up a clone or something, Tobi and Zetsu will be the ones picking you up. Just try not to lose anything."

Ot waiting for his reply I turned and walked out to where Kismane was waiting for me, "You took bit longer than normal to tell them the plans. Were you bothering the crossdresser or something?"

"I have no clue what you're talking about."

"U hu," he send me a courtois glance and we began to pick up speed so we could get away before anything happened. I was wondering when he was going to return to his name calling.

"Lets go Kismane. I don't want to get stuck in the fight. It may take us a while to find the three tails." after we slipped out the secret back entrance I tossed a explosion seal at the exit and made it cave in. With the exit gone there would be no way for them to follow us.

Kisman wisled in apreseation, "you see this is why I don't ever challenge me. I'd hate being turned to fish food."

With Kakashi…

We spent most of our time chasing after Naruto who clearly didn't understand that the rest of us had as much energy as he did. On our way to leave the village the old lady who tried to attack me earlier jumped from the top of Suna's walls and insisted on taking Temari's place in the team, saying something about Temari had to watch out for Kankuro because he was ill.

I didn't mind her something with but she was a bit curious. When we were starting to feel the burn in our legs he was still pulling ahead of us and showed not even the slightest amount of tiredness.

That had caused her to become curious. She didn't seem to care about what he was and apparently she had been the one who sealed the one tails in Garra. She was able to understand what Naruto was going through simply because she had watched Garra grow up into the person he was today. They may have done it differently but they had both started at the same place.

"Naruto! Slow down we can't keep up with you!" At Sakura's yell, Naruto looked over his shoulder and frowned. "Come on Naruto! You're being stupid. Rushing in won't do any good against missing-nins."

"But we have to get Gaara back!"

Sakura put forth a quick sort of speed and a few seconds later Naruto was holding a bump on the back of his head. "Baka."

I chuckled. "Don't hurt him to badly Sakura. We still need him for later,"

She glared at me. "So you're ok with him moving so far ahead."

"Huh? No, of course not, we do need him to get Gaara back. If we didn't need him i'd be fine with you beating him to a pulp." Naruto let out a betrayed whimper.

"Oh, good. Well then, i'll just beat him up later."

"Sakura! We need to get Gaara back! We can't go slow!"

He whimpered once more at the glare that was sent his way. "We're nearly there, just stop being so annoying." we continued on our way in silence, Naruto finally staying with the group..

The silence didn't last long because just as we entered a clearing we are intercepted by one of the Akatsuki members. I glared at him. It was Uchiha Bishamon, the boy who once had been working under me when I was a Anbu captain.

He simply stood there calmly and watched us calmly, his Sharingan spinning, "I'm afraid I can't let you pass."

Naruto snarled and I glared at him harder while sliding into a fighting stance. I lifted my Kahona headband and watch him with my own sharingan. I already was feeling the drain it had on my chakra.

Not waiting to give him an opening to attack I began attacking him. I was thrown aside quickly and Naruto took care of him for a minute. He wasn't using any Taijutsu, but instead throwing ninjutsu at us nonstop and holding us back with Kuni.

"Naruto, Sakura! Use Taijutsu!" both my genin sprung into action and he was flat on his back in a few seconds.

Not even a second later there was a kuni through his throat. He went up in smoke and all that was left was a man from Suna with a scratched headband wearing a Akatsuki cloak.

I looked towards the elder who had made a ticking sound in the back of her throat, "that's one our shinobi, they must have used some weird puppetry thing to replicate a bit of themselves."

I nodded and frowned, if they had such an ability within their group it could cause a bit of trouble. They could create millions of clones and fight with them.

"Let's get going. We still have to get Gaara back."

We took of once again. We must be nearing their base if they found it necessary to send these people out. It would seem my assumptions were correct, for not even five minutes later we arrived at a rock with a singular seal tag halfway to the top.

And now Sakura…

"I got this." i strode forwards and pulled back my arm. I threw my arm forwards and punched the boulder. Silence followed the punch and i stepped back shocked. The bolder remained, not even dented.

"WHAT!" Naruto screashed running up to the boulder and studying it, "HOW COULD YOU HAVE NOT DONE ANYTHING TO IT! ARE YOU WEAK AGAIN!"

My eye twitched and in the next second Naruto flew into the boulder with what i assume are a few broken ribs.

Kakashi-sensei signed and sent Naruto a pitying look before returning his attention to the boulder. Team Guy showed up just as he started explaining. "This is a five way seal. This is one of the five so there should be four more somewhere around here. Once we get rid of all of them who should be able to enter."

"How youthfull! My team shall go find them! We have our youthful Neji and can run faster than your Youthful team!" Sensei sweatdropped and nodded.

"That's fine. You go do that."

I wonder how Guy became so weird. After healing Naruto back up i watched as Neji used his Byakugan to find the other four seals and the team took off. Kakashi-sensei walked up the boulder using chakra and prepared himself to rip the seal off and then jump off so i could break it.

At a countdown of ten i punched the stone again and it cracked into millions of pieces.

"Alright!" Ugg. Couldn't Naruto just shut up for a second?

I gasped as the dust cleared and Naruto glared fiercely at the two missing-nin wearing black cloaks with red clouds. One of them was sitting atop a lifeless Gaara, and was the cause for Naruto's angered glare.

"Hey Sasori-Dana. With one is the nine tails?" the blond grinded and the hand mouths we had just caught sight of did as well.

Of course Naruto chose that moment to yell out, him whisker marks becoming more pronounced and aa deadly chakra surounding him, " ! ! ! "

"Looks like Bishamon was right. The nine tails is the one who speaks up first." the puppet man sighed and sent his partner a blank look, "You take care of the pinky and the old one. I got the other two."

"Uh! No way, un! I'll take care of the nine tails and the scarecrow." the missing-nin sitting on Gaara didn't give his partner a chance to react. He built a clay bird and feed Gaara's body to it then jumped on and took off through the opening behind them.

Naruto ran after him and Kakashi-sensei had to run after Naruto before he did anything to foolish. We were left to the puppet user and granny Chiyo was saddened for some reason.

"Granny Chiyo is everything alright?"

She looked up and nodded, a small smile stretching across her lips. "I am fine Sakura. I simply though he was dead." i blinked. What could she mean by that? Did she know this guy before he became a missing-nin. "He's my grandson."

My jaw fell unhinged and i stared at her blankly. It didn't last long though, because he launched his first attack after summoning two of his puppets.

With Naruto…

How could they do this to Garra! He's the Kazekage! There are so many people in his village that will be devastated if he died! Why! Why did they do this!

From somewhere behind me i faintly heard Kakashi-sensei shouting for me to stop because we were out of range of the radios, but i paid it no mind. He didn't understand the way Garra used to be!

He has people precious to him now! I can't just let him lose all of that so soon after he was doing better! The man on the clay bird continued to fly away and gradually picked up speed.

It didn't matter though because i would just speed up as well.

"Naruto! If you do this, you'll hurt Gaara as well as yourself!" i looked over my shoulder to see a worried Kakashi-sensei and slowed my pace to match his, "We need a plan to get him down from that bird."

"Ok. So then come up with one."

He sighed and pulled up his headbanded revealing his Sharingan. The three spinning toame morphed into something else and the missing-nin sitting atop the clay bird vanished in a swirl disoriented air. He reappeared on the ground stumbling from the disoriented air. The clay bird fell from the sky with nobody to control it and i sent a few clones to catch it.

The pulled Gaara from the clay bird after ripping it open and then shook their heads. He's dead. Gaara's really dead. I turned to the Akatsuki member and snarled. All my thoughts focused on killing him for what he did.

I don't care if Kakashi-sensei wants a better plan! This man had to die!

From Kakashi's view of things…

Naruto lost all sense of reasoning and launched himself at the blond haired bomb user. Red chakra slowly coated his being and i reached into my pocket to search for the seal Jiraiya gave me for when this happens.

The nine-tails cloak does so much damage to its surroundings and to Naruto. I need to top this as soon as i can, but i'm exhausted from using my sharingan like i did. I watched helplessly as his cloak continued to evolve and he attacked the bomb user.

He landed in the center of a crater and i took the opportunity to slap the seal on his forehead. The cloak reseeded just like i'd been promised by Jiraiya, "Calm down Naruto! Don't rely on the nine-tails like this!"

He looked at me with clouded eyes as the chakra reseeded leaving him scratched up and bleeding. He collapsed soon after it vanished and i was left to face the injured Akatsuki member.

"He's done for now, un. What's your plan now, un." i looked at the blond and sighed. Jeez Naruto had to over react and he's left me to deal with this. Though at least he did injure him desently.

"I shouldn't have to do mutch. You're already injured."

He glared at me and threw a bunch of clay spiders at me. I dodged all of them and they exploded whenever they got in range of me. He soon ran out of clay and jumped back a few feet to put more distance between us.

Naruto was beginning to wake up now and his injuries were all healed up. The bomb user snarled and glared at the two of us for a moment before pulling off his akatsuki cloak. The shirt he was wearing followed it soon after and he bagan pulling out the thread that sealed the mouth over his heart.

"This is my ultimate technique, un! You'll never survive this one, un!" he fed the mouth his remaining piece of clay and began swelling. I cursed and looked at Naruto.

"Dang it Naruto! Get up!"

He looked at me but there is no response as he slipped back into unconsciousness. I mentally cursed and used my newer sharingan technique to get both of us out the the proximity of the explosion.

I grabbed Garra at the last second and stumbled off balance as we fell from the other dimension i was able to travel through. Sakura and Granny chiyo were there alone with a few shinobi from Suna.

Naruto finally woke up just in time to see granny Chiyo placing her hands over Gaara's chest.

He rested his own hands over hers to lend her some of his restored Chakra. Granny Chiyo still fell over unconscious when whatever jutsu she was doing was over and Gaara sat up match to my growing surprise.

"Naruto? What are you doing here?"

"Hey Gatta! I'm here to save you!" he groaned as the redhead's eyes traveled over to granny Chiyo, "She just fell asleep, but she'll be up soon!"

Sakura frowned and looked at Naruto a bit sadly, "No. She's not going to wake up anymore Naruto. She's gone." he stared at her with wide eyes and her frown grew, "She used a life transferring technique to bring Gaara back to us."

Naruto's eyes saddened and Gaara's widened, "Welcome back."

With Sasuke…

I found him. I finally found him! Bishamon would die today! The boy that once was my brother stood watching me, his partner already gone, and facing my team.

"Sasuke." he nodded in greeting as if he had done nothing wrong and i snarled.

"You have no right to greet me like that you traitor!"

He sighed, "Is that what you think? How unfortunate." he gazed at me carefully and looked me over before commenting. "You've grown."

I glared at him harder but he didn't look fazed by it, "Stop acting like you're innocent! You killed them!" i charged at him with a fit ready to hit him and he smiled lightly and sidestepped. "So now i'll kill you!"

A light chuckle escaped his lips and my glare hardened even further as my hatred for him slowly increased, "It was for the better. If i had not done it then Itachi would have been the one to kill them."

I swung at him with my tanto and he blocked it with an armguard. His other arm flew forward and punched my side sending me back a few feet. I went through a few hand seals and summoned a few snakes.

"You've really taken a liking to Orochimaru's jutsu haven't you."

"It doesn't matter! I killed him!" i threw a few kuni at him and activated my sharingan. He quickly used his as well and we went back at it. It was a blur of taijutsu and one or two ninjutsu before i finally landed a punch as he had to cough into his hand.

"So you've become a Murderer just as i have." he wiped it on his pants where i couldn't see it and went through a few hand signs for the grand fireball jutsu.

I copied him quickly and created a fireball of the same size just a few seconds later. They collided closer to me than him and i was sent flying back. It must have been his adjective because as i was airborne and preparing for the impact with the stone wall behind me he punched me into the floor.

"I am nothing like you." i spat glaring at him with as much hate as i could muster. I released killing intent and flips onto my feet as soon as i was able. The traitor was wiping his hand on the back of his pants again.

He smiled lightly, his sharingan eyes never leaving me, "You may say that Sasuke, but you are quite like me." i ran forwards at the same time he did and we met in the middle.

None of my punches landed and none of his did either, "Stop it!"

He lept back and stood calmly a few feet away from me and frowned. "I am not a traitor Sasuke. It was for the good of the village. They would have died anyways, and many good Kahona ninja with them."

I snarled and rushed towards him. We began another taijutsu dance. "Stop lying! You said you did it to test yourself! So why are you saying something different now!"

"You were to young to understand then Sasuke. The clan was planning to take control of Kahona, and they wouldn't have succeeded. It was my orders to kill them." He tilted his head to dodge my first before continuing. "I saved more lives that day then lives that i took."

"Stop it! You're a filthy liar! I saw you there when you killed mom and dad!" for a second i thought his eyes changed as they met mine but it was gone a second later.

"It's not a lie Sasuke, and i'm sorry you had to see them dead." A split second later he had me pinned to the wall i had nearly crashed into earlier, "I should take your eyes just as i took Itachi's."

I fought against his hold. "You're a monster!" i poured as much of my hatred into my words as i possibly could. You should have just killed yourself and let the clan do what they wanted!"

His hand covered my eye and i let out a pained screams as his fingers curled around it and ripped it out. The pain was unbearable and it felt like my face was on fire. The blood flowed from my face like a river and with my remaining eye i watched him and he dropped my eye to the ground.

"And now for the other one." i screamed once again as he repeated the process to my other eye. Then all of a sudden i could see again. The very person i had just seen pulling my eyes out was using me to support all of his weight.

He was coughing and this time i saw the crimson red color coating his hand, "Sasuke i want you to inplant my eyes into yourself when i die. It'll save your sight." my mouth fell open in shock.

"Big brother!" he smiled and laughed once again. What was i doing! This man was a traitor and he deserved to die!

He closed his eyes and more of his weight fell onto me. He was so light. "It's been forever since you called me that."

I laid him on the ground and knelt at his side. "What's wrong!"

His breath was paned and came in short clips, "I'm sick."

"Why haven't you gotten a medical-nin to heal you!"

"It's no use. All they could do was prolong my death. I wanted you to be able to get the revenge you were seeking." he paused a moment to cough up more blood. "It's to bad i have to go like this when we were in the middle of your battle for vengeance."

I looked him over. How can i be so foolish! I came to kill him! I should do it already! While he's still down and weak! Despite how firmly i was telling myself to kill him i couldn't bring myself to do it.

"Big brother…" i whispered nearly soundlessly. I feel like he's telling me to truth but… how can i just forgive him for what he did to the clan and Itachi-nii."

"You can kill me Sasuke. Get revenge for what i did to the clan and end all of this. I have no home to return to after this. All i have is the criminal group with a stupid idea for what the future should be like."

Bishamon's breaths were slowly becoming more pained and every word he spoke caused a fit of coughing.

"I'm sorry big brother." i pulled out my tanto and looked away. Seconds later i brought it down upon his heart. In his final moments he spoke his last words.

"The clan is proud of you Sasuke. I can hear them now." he smiled then said his last four words. "I'm proud of you." with that he passed from this world to the next.

"I'm sure now that the clan was more proud of you than they ever will me." i kissed his forehead in the same what he had done when i had been younger and i we wouldn't see each other for awhile.

I finally got my revenge on the man who killed my family but in the end i was no better than he was.

Bishamon's view…

I watched him as i suddenly disconnected with my body and was greeted with open arms by my clansmen. The third Hokage was there as well greeting me with a wide smile.

"Nice to see you again. You don't look much older than the last time i saw you."

I smiled at him and looked over my family. None of them had the injured i had given them and all looked to be in perfect health. Father and mother stood side by side arms open for a hug.

I was enveloped in their warmth and i felt Itachi's arms wrap around me as well. He looked the same age as the day i killed him. None of them were ageing any longer, and it felt weird to actually appear older than him.

Mother smiled into my hair, "Welcome back to the family Bishamon."

Father hugged me tighter. "I'm very proud of you my son. You chose well."

"I love you big brother." Itachi teased, and i poked his side.

"Don't call me that. It's Sasuke's thing." we both laughed and soon the entire clan was laughing along with us.

Perhaps i was wrong to fear death so much.