Hello everyone!

This story follows the A/O/B trope

everyone is also demons with animal features such as ears and tails3

Kurama Uzumaki: 25

Naruto Uzumaki: 18

Itachi Uchiha: 30?

Sasuke Uchiha: 25


Naruto was a rarity amongst the rare, something is older brother told him frequently. Kurama cherished his baby brother more then anything, not because he was rare, no, he cherished Naruto because he was the only family he had left. Kurama was sure that he would've long ago given up if it had not been for Naruto. Kurama worked two jobs to afford there run down, one bedroom apartment, and the food they needed to live.

Kurama himself was an Beta male, he should've been mated off to an alpha or omega once he was of age, but if that happened, there was no guarantee that Kurama's mate would've also taken his brother in, or if his mate would've even been able too. Kurama was a red fox, and while this was uncommon in the demon world, Naruto was both a rare fox (golden) and an Omega male. Omega's a normally born female, and while every once in awhile a male was born, it was normally to large families or common breeds of demons.

Which was why Naruto was a Rarity amongst the rare.

A rare breed of demon, the golden foxes was an extinct breed of demons, one cropping up every once in a blue moon, and always born alpha. Naruto should have been an alpha or a beta.

Kurama smiled as his brother's baby blue eyes blinked at him sleepily, the morning rays of sun finally peeking in through the thin curtains into their room. God he loved his brother, the blond was small and adorable. Kurama couldn't hold back the small chuckle as Naruto smiled and cuddled closer.

"Otouto, what do you want to do for your birthday?" Kurama's voice was smooth and silky,

Naruto sighed, honestly he was scared. It was the first year he would go into heat, and the chances of him finding a mate were extremely high, he was likely to be claimed by a strong, ruthless alpha. He wasn't entirely sure what he wanted in a mate, but he was afraid of what he was most likely to find himself with. If only he was a beta like he had pretended, then he could stay with his brother forever. Naruto had been pretending to be a beta since he could understand his role in the world, he knew that if others knew he was born an omega, he would've been taken away from his brother by the village and either auctioned off to the highest bidder or used as a political pawn between the villages, the latter was the more likely of the two.

Naruto winced slightly, "can we get ramen?"


Kurama had lead Naruto through the village with ease, normally Kurama would have taken Naruto to the ramen stand by their apartment, it was cheaper then where he was taking him now, but the red head absolutely adored his baby brother. While he couldn't normally afford Ichiraku, he had put in extra hours at work so he could spoil his brother, even if it was just this once.

Naruto bounced happily, following his brother through Konoha, He could feel eyes following him, his ears flickering somewhat, he would not let this get to him, not today. Most of the demons in the village had animal features, both Naruto and Kurama had fox ears and tails, Naruto had two blond gold ears with white tips, and three silky beautiful blond gold tails; Kurama had red ears with black tips and nine silky red and black tails. Both of them kept only one tail visible, it would do no good to show how strong they could be to just everyone on the streets.

Naruto was practically vibrating with excitement as Ichiraku came into view, he had never eaten there before, as it was more expensive then they could afford, but he knew it was world famous for its ramen. Kurama was nearly purring as he held the door open for his beloved brother, for a brief moment he felt guilty. He wished he could spoil Naruto all the time, the waitress took them to a private table, her brown hair neatly tucked into a white bandanna

"Hello, my name is Ayame, and I'll be your waitress today."

The brothers smiled at her, both ordering Miso ramen and green honey tea, after collecting the order the girl disappeared. Kurama was worried that this would be the last time he could really spend with his brother, Naruto's mate was sure to find him after all.

Most alphas and omegas had a per-destined mate, someone chosen for them before birth, like they were born from the same soul. Although not everyone mated with who they were supposed to, and it was becoming more common that "soul" mates would end up mated to someone else either out of politics or greed. And it was becoming increasingly more common that "soul" mates were being born mate-less.

They both knew Naruto had a "soul" mate though, the blond had started feeling the pull when he was eleven or twelve, it was a little early, but not by much from what either of them knew. They were supposed to feel the pull around hitting puberty and then again, stronger when they entered their first heats as adults. Unfortunately for Kurama, Naruto's birthday signaled the blond's passing into adulthood, and Naruto having been extra clingy (not that he was complaining) were the first signs of Naruto's heat.

The adorable golden fox's mate was probably already feeling the pull to claim him, put wouldn't be able to pin point him until the heat was in full swing. Kurama didn't want his brother to worry, someone as cute and gentle as Naruto had to have a strong caring mate right?


Sasuke and been feeling antsy for the last week, everything was putting him on edge. His older brother's infuriating smirk said that the older wolf knew exactly what was happening, but his love for teasing his brother and being unhelpful left Sasuke a mess and clueless.

Itachi was a mate-less alpha, he could claim any omega or even a beta, if he had so wanted, but the man was married to his work, and picking a mate would only distract from it. He had wanted children once, after watching both his parents die when he was still a pup, and then taking care of his little brother had brought that to an end. If on the off chance that he and his mate died, he didn't want his children to suffer the same fate he and his brother had.

Sasuke had thankfully been at a friends house the night the fire swept through and destroyed everything they held dear, and if Sasuke had been in the fire that night, Itachi wasn't sure where he'd be now, Sasuke was the reason he kept going after that night. Itachi stiffened slightly at the howl that tore through the empty compound, it seemed Sasuke's mate was ready.

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