Chapter 8: Countdown

Bonus chapter. Enjoy.

"Is everything ready?" asked Scrooge. "READY!" All cheered. "Good. Good. When the clock strikes midnight, you know what to do?" asked Scrooge. "We know. We know because all of us are holding bottles of champagne." said Louie. "And I wonder what it taste like."

'You might not wanna know because first, champagne can be pretty strong in the taste and second, you're too young to drink this kind of drink." Huey stated specifically.

The family waited until, "10 seconds to midnight!" Dewey exclaimed. "Then it is time! Countdown when the second hand is 5 seconds to midnight!" Scrooge announced as Donald stood by his side. So when it is time...






And at that moment when the clock struck midnight, "NOW!" The triplets, Webby, Lena, Beakly and Launchpad shook their bottles of champagne and after that, "OPEN FIRE!" Dewey shouted as all released the corks.

Waves of champagne were sprayed out an for some reason...
















Scrooge and Donald were being drenched out and drowned out from the vast amount of the alcoholic liquid.

Once the bottles are empty, all laughed at them. "That was gold!" said Webby. "Way too much wine for them lick off." Lena joked. The triplets hi-5 each other and Beakly and Laucnhpad did the same thing to each other.

As for Scrooge and Donald, they were coughing and sputtering from the wine and ruffling their feathers. "What in the blaze?" Scrooge exclaimed. "This wasn't what I've planned!"

"Well, it was Louie's idea." said Dewey. "Yup. He's after all the evil triplet." Webby added in to support Dewey. "Seriously..." Louie thought.

Just then, they heard loud explosions. "FIREWORKS!" Webby screamed excitedly. All went to the window to check it and soon enough, they can see multiple, colourful flames and sparks exploding in the air forming various shapes. All were amazed as it went on until no more.

After that, "Well, we've entered the new year!" said Scrooge. "Soon, new adventures await us!"

"More road trips!" cheered Huey.

"More adventures and love!" Dewey and Webby cheered together.

"And more treasures!" Louie cheered as his eyes became dollar signs.

"Ha! Ha! Ha! This is going to be a great year fer us all!" Scrooge cheered. Then, "And also, Happy New Year to those who wrote great stories about us and the show!"

"Oh yeah. I remember many stories written about me and my girl." said Dewey. "Yeah! We want to thank you for supporting us!" Webby thanked. "Whether it's canon or not. I'm not so sure about that..."

"Ah who cares?" said Louie. "But like what Uncle Scrooge said before, thanks for supporting us!"

"And have a great year!" Huey ended it as all cheered and partied until 12:30am.

Short and simple. Yeah! I say we try a challenge that we keep writing stories about the reboot. Make the archive reach a 1K!(If possible) And...don't think it's a new year's resolution! (Unless all of you had the guts to take on this challenge...)

So, Happy Early New Year to not only the Ducktales writers but to all writers in this brilliant website! As we enter 2018, we make use of our creativity to write out our ideas! Because I already planned out one or two! (Wait...I dunno what I'm saying...)

Okay never mind, stay cool everyone! Woo-oo!