This is a rewrite of my original story, no major plot points have changed, but I'm hoping the overall quality has improved. The story is now mostly written so there should be weekly updates.

I looked out of the plane window and wrapped my arms tightly around my legs resting my chin on my knees. Flying sucked, I always try to avoid it but I had little other choice. I was being shipped off to Forks, Washington in America to live with my biological father and half-sister that I haven't seen since I was eleven. This fucking sucked, one tiny slip up and I was stuck on a plane next to some old guy who wouldn't stop snoring.

I already missed my home, my mother wasn't the warmest of people and we never seemed to have a stable place to live but I loved her. My step-dad, Dave, was okay- he wasn't a complete idiot so I had no issue with him, we tended to stay out of each other's way. For once I was glad that I had no friends it would make the move harder, I'm not a very friendly person, and I'm too awkward for most people to want to be around, so even when we stayed in one place for a long time the other kids tended to avoid me.

I reached into my pocket and pulled out my small mirror checking that I didn't look to awful. My short brown hair was sticking up in all directions like always and my eyes had -as always- dark circles under them, I didn't like my eyes that much, they were an odd shade of greeny/hazel which made them look like a swap. I tried to force my face out into a more neutral expression. I don't want to upset Charlie with how little I want to be here.

At that moment, the plane jolted as the wheels touched the ground. I put my mirror away and grabbed my bag waiting to be allowed of the plane, Charlie had called me to tell me that he had work so Bella would be picking me up. Time to meet the big sister I hadn't spoken to in five years.

I grabbed my rucksack of the overhead compartment and quickly made my way off of the plane. Following the crowds of people, I ambled to the inside of the airport, looking around I saw my black suitcase and quickly grabbed it. It may not be big but it contained all my belongings.

I looked around for Bella, Charlie had assured me that Bella was happy to give me a lift "home". I was starting to lose patience when I spotted her. She looked the same as last time I saw her though she'd grown in to her beauty rather than the awkward young teenager she'd been in our last encounter. What surprised me though was the two insanely attractive people next to her. One was tiny, barely taller than my 5"1 frame and her jet black hair was even wilder than mine, she was stick thin and was beaming in my direction. The other was a male, he had bronze hair and was looking at me with an unreadable, though not unfriendly, expression. He had one arm around Bella's waist and the other in his pocket. They were both beautiful but something about them made my hair stand on end and I felt the familiar tinge in my chest as power surged though my veins.

I took a deep breath, now was not the time to accidentally kill a few hundred people. I walked over to Bella and her friends. Don't be weird. Don't be weird.

"Hi" I said glancing at Bella, I didn't really know what to say to her. It had been years since we'd seen each other and even then, we weren't exactly close. I began to run my knuckels together, a nervous habit that I picked up.

"Hi, umm, this is my best friend Alice" she said gesturing to the black haired girl next to her "and this is my boyfriend, Edward"

"It's a pleasure to meet you" Edward said, smiling gently at me.

"Right. Can we go now?" I asked looking at Bella.

"Let's go! I'm driving. Just wait till you see my new car!" Alice gushed, speaking at 100mph. She grabbed Bella's arm and made a bee line towards the exit.

Edward smiled at the two of them, glanced at me and then followed them I paused trying to understand what had happened before doing the same.

I walked slowly behind Edward, Alice and Bella into the Car Park looking to where Alice and Bella were. My jaw dropped, the car behind them was a bright yellow Porsche who the fuck owns a Porsche?! How loaded are they?

"Isn't it Gorgeous?" Alice said beaming whilst stroking the bonnet.

I stared at her trying to remember how to speak, I loved cars, especially fast ones. "Shotgun" I finally managed to say. No way was a giving up on a chance to ride shotgun in such a nice car. This was way better that the awkward journey back in Charlies cruiser that I had envisioned.

"That's fine with me" Edward said, pulling Bella close to him on the back seats.

I looked at them for a moment, it was clear that they were in love.

"Come on! I can't wait to show you how fast it goes!" Alice said hopping in the drivers seat and pulling me out of my thoughts.

"So Ellie, are you looking forward to school?" Edward asked

"Fuck no. I have to do some stupid entrance exam to find out what year- I mean grade I'm going to be put in." I said, it was so stupid. I mean, what the hell does freshman even mean, in England we just called it yr10. Not that I went to much school in England, I was home schooled most of the time and the times when I was enrolled in school, I usually didn't turn up. Authority figures and I didn't really get on very well. Just my luck I was going to live with the chief of police.

I was pissed off. Or that's what I told myself, it's easier to be pissed than shit scared.

Alice sped out of the Car Park and I watched as the speedometer rose up to 100mph. I was use to fast speeds and enjoyed driving dangerously fast off road on the motorbike I owned back home. What I wasn't use to was driving on the right, I guess it was something I'd just have to get use to and with any luck I wouldn't spend the rest of the journey flinching every time we passed a car.

"Charlie, asked me to tell you that you start school on Monday, which gives you two days to unpack. Umm, you'll be sharing a room with me or one of us can take the couch till Char- I mean Dad clears his study out." Bella said quietly

"I'll take the couch, I'd rather not be subjecting to the view of you two shagging" I said, I've slept on worse than a couch so it wasn't that big a deal.

"We don't- I mean, we're not..-" Bella stammered.

"I really don't care" I said putting my earphones in to signal the end of conversation. I know I'm being rude but I'm jet lagged and Bella's friends were making my hairs stand on end. I sighed as the greenery blurred past as the music washed over me.

After about 40 minutes we arrived at Charlies, the house hadn't changed much, and by that, I mean it hadn't changed at all. We silently got out of the car and I grabbed my bags from the back, slinging them over my shoulder I headed towards the door. Entering the house, I was struck again by how nothing had changed, It had been at least 5 years but even the furniture was in the same place.

"Are you sure you want to take the couch?" Bella asked with her usual sound of worry.

"I don't care, I think about it" I said, rummaging through my bags I grabbed a pair of shorts and a tee-shirt as well as my gym shoes.

"Where's the bathroom? I want to go for a run" I asked, my body was twitching and the idea of being in the house all day sounded massively unpleasant.

"Second door on the left" Bella said automatically, pointing up the stairs.

I was about to start walking when Edward shared a look with Alice as if they were having a silent conversation.

"Problem?" I said looking at them expectantly.

"No, it's just, there have been a lot of animal attacks recently, maybe you should stick to the open." Alice said still looking slightly cautious.

"Sure, whatever" I replied already halfway up the stairs, for some reason I was sure she was bullshitting about the 'animal attacks' but to be honest I really didn't care.

I entered the bathroom, locked the door and quickly stripped to my underwear. I wasn't stick thin but I wasn't fat, years of working out had left me with a decent amount of muscle, too much to be conventionally attractive, but not enough to be obvious through my clothes. I had scars littering my body like a memory of the fights I've been in over the years, there was a burn along my ribs that was still pink, serving as a reminder of my reason for being here.

"What did you do?!" My mothers' voice penetrated though my mind like a sword. The smell of smoke was over powering. I couldn't breathe. My eyes burned. I was gasping for breath. Fire.

A knock on the door brought me too my senses.

"Ellie, are you alright in there?" Bella's voice drifted through the door.

"Yeah, I'm just getting changed" I said quickly pulling my clothes on. Folding my old clothes, I open the door and ran downstairs putting them away in my bag.

I looked towards the kitchen and saw Edward looking at me oddly.

"What?" I snapped. I wasn't in the mood for this shit, not with the smell of burning flesh in my mind.

"Why did you move here?" He asked, staring at me in concentration. Bella and Alice were chatting in the kitchen about some shopping trip, oblivious to our exchange.


"To see Charlie and have a more stable education" I lied. He stared at me for a moment before letting it go with a nod.

"I'm going now, see you later" I said to Bella heading towards the door.

"Okay, I'll be at Edwards house, Charlie won't be back till later so if you need anything call, my numbers written down by the phone" Bella called out after me. I didn't respond. Instead started running, ignoring the warnings I headed into the woods.

I'd lived in a wooded area of England most recently so was used to the ground and smells and sounds, I picked up my pace. Running faster and faster, sticking to the weaving track I ran till all sounds of the urban world had gone. All I could hear was me and the wildlife around me. After a while I reached a nopening in the crowded wood. There was a small stream that lead on to a small waterfall that could have been more than 7ft high. The stream was shallow enough for me to stand in with out my shorts getting wet and the waterfall lead on to a lake. The lake was beautiful, the gap in the trees allowed some sunlight to pass though glinting of the water. The trees still solid around it made a wall, protecting this sanctuary from the outside world. It felt safe, unaffected by human pollution, as though the real world didn't exist here. The lake was clear; I could almost see the bottom which was several feet down. I resisted the urge to jump in, I didn't want to get my clothes wet and wasn't about to go skinny-dipping on my first day here.

I sat down on the roots of a tree that branched over the stream, it would be perfect to make a swing that went over the lake I mused. Well, so long as I was in a private place I may as well practice some control.

I sat down taking a deep breath, feeling the power surge into my body, feeling it tingle in my heart. slowly I breathed out, allowing the fire inside of me to reach my hands. Nothing happened. I increased the pressure inside of me before letting in pool out into my hands, hotter and hotter. With a final surge if power my hands were alight, burning a bright orange slowly crackling away as my flesh remained unharmed. This was a gift I'd had since I was little, my hands always got hot when I was angry but I first made fire when I was eight.


I'm on my bed drawing, I love to draw especially people. At the moment, I'm drawing my mum, her face glowing and smiling at me but I can't get her nose right. She is out shopping for food for dinner tonight and her boyfriend of 4 months is babysitting me for a few hours. I don't like him at all, he's rude and gets angry quickly, whenever mum is out he shouts at me loads more than usual sometimes he grabs my shoulders and shakes me, his face so close to mine little droplets of spit hit my face. I haven't told mum, she's happy with him and I don't want to ruin that for her.

Sighing I get up and make my way downstairs to get a glass of water and see him, Mick, on the sofa watching football. I know he'll get mad if I make any noise, I try and reach to get a glass but knock it off the side. I watch in horror as the glass fell then shattered on the floor, there was a pause before I heard Mick swear and the sounds of him getting up.

"What the fuck are you doing!?" Mick shouted shoving me backwards.

"I'm sorry- it was an accident" I stammered trying to regain my balance.

"Well fucking clear it up! I told you not to bother me. You're just as thick as you slag of a mother aren't you?" He raged hitting the counter. I flinched at the noise but anger boiled inside me and I felt my insides get hot.

"Don't speak about mum that way! She's nice and caring unlike you, you mean bastard!" I shouted, my fists clenched in fury.

"What did you say to me?" He asks, his voice going deathly quite. Stalking closer to me he started unbuckling his belt."It's about time someone taught you you a lesson about being polite to your elders" he said shoving me to the floor.

I gasped, he raised the belt high above his head then brought it crashing down on my back, "Ahhh!" I yelled out.

Hearing him raise the belt again I turned around and grabbed the belt before it hit me, sending pain searing through my palm. The pressure inside of me built up, heat surged through my veins I pointed my hands at his face as fire shot out from my fingers.

"What the fuck?!" Mick cried as he grabbed his face. "You crazy little-" He stumbled backwards and ran out the house, the smell of burnt flesh still hanging in the air.

(End of Flashback)

For some reason Mick never came back and visited.

Since then I had been able to master control of my 'gift', I could now set things on fire with just a look.

I practiced a few more tricks before heading back into the woods and running back to the house.

I got back to the house feeling a little calmer with some more perspective on things. I was being an asshole to Bella and her friends, me being tired and freaked didn't warrant taking it out on them.

Charlie was home by the time I arrived.

"You really have grown" he said fondly looking me up and down before pulling me into a brief- yet slightly awkward hug.

"I guess", I laughed. "It's been too long; I've really missed you dad." I really had missed him; my dad was the one constant in my life. He wasn't around much per say but he was always there hovering in the little town in America. He's always been good to me.

"Bella's at her friend's house by the way. She said she wouldn't be one too long" I said pulling my muddy shoes off, pausing to glance up at him.

He frowned slightly at that. "I thought she'd stay with you, keep you company on your first day here. I'm really sorry I had to work- it's just been so busy recently with what's happening in Seattle..." he trailed off.

" I really don't mind, it was nice to get a few hours to adjust by myself, get use to the new surroundings you know?"

Charlie smiled and shook his head at me.

"I've set the camp bed up in Bella's room for you- I'll get my study cleared out soon, it's not big but at least you have your own space."

"The camp bed?", I questioned. "I really don't mind crashing on the couch for a while, I don't want to impose on Bella".

Although I was convinced by my previous conversation with her that Bella wasn't sleeping with Edward, I really didn't want to make things harder for her, she shouldn't have to give up her space- or anything else- for me.

"Don't be crazy- that couch is barely fit to sit on, let alone sleep. I'm sure Bella will love to spend some time with you and catch up" he said making his way into the sitting room.

I followed behind him, I had the feeling he'd be easy to live with. He really doesn't hover. "If you're sure." I conceded. "I'm gonna go upstairs and get settled."

"See you later, Elle". He said nodding at me, now fully absorbed in his American football match on TV.

I grabbed my bags for where I left them and made my way upstairs to Bella's room. There was now a camp bed taking up most the floor space in her room, fully set with a duvet and pillows. Charlie really was a stand-up guy.

Dumping my bags, I rummaged around in my suitcase and pulled out an oversized T-shirt and shorts to wear to bed. It was still early but jet lag was hitting me hard.

I showered, taking the time to slowly wipe away the sweat and anxieties of the day before wandering back to the bedroom.

Bella lay on her bed reading a book and glanced up at me as I entered.

"Hi." She said quietly, looking up from her book. I smiled in response.

"Sorry for being such a bitch earlier. I think I owe your friends an apology. And I really don't mind sleeping to the sofa- I mean couch- if you want".

"Don't worry about it. I'm sure you're tired, I know that moving to a new place sucks- but you'll get used to it here. It's not too bad."

Shit. Her being so nice really wasn't helping my guilt.

"I'm not really hungry so I'm just gonna sleep now if that's cool with you?" I questioned with a smile- trying to hide the sea of emotions I was feeling.

"Yeah, sure. That's fine. Is it okay if a keep my lamp on to read?" She asked, gesturing to the tall lamp illuminating her bed.

"Okay". I said softly- I need sleep. At this point a little light didn't bother me.

Ollie was my boyfriend back in England.

If you could call him that. It was a causal relationship- we hung out. Drank and smoked a bit, and the occasional recreational drug wasn't unheard of.

Most of the times it went the same way. We drank. He slid his hands over me. I ignored it. Sometimes he got the hint. Mostly he continued and I drank till I didn't care enough to argue.

He wasn't violent. He was just a fucking wanker.

This night was different. He was being rough. It was hurting. He was hurting me.

"Slow down, babe." I whispered. He responded with a slobbery kiss.

"Ollie, stop." I said clearer. He was gripping me so hard one of his hands pushing up my top.

"Stop." My hands were burning. No. More pressure built. Please. I was getting hotter.

Stop. No. Please. No. Get off me. Your hurting me. Please. Slow down. Ollie. No. Wake up. Wake up.

I hope you've enjoyed! Drop me a review and tell me what you like/dislike. I'm trying to decide whether or not to have a Ellie/wolf pairing ship, any thoughts?