What's Pete up to? He was ditched at the party, so how is he going to react to Tweek and Craig? And Red is still there, so is she going to cause trouble? Oh boy, I'm dying to find out, aren't you?

Chapter 14 – Confrontation

Craig carefully moved to stand in front of Tweek, blocking Pete's view of him. He wouldn't let the goth talk to him. "I'll take the front counter," he murmured, "You should make the drinks."

Tweek nodded. "Ok," he replied solemnly. He moved over to the coffee machines, trying not to look at the goths. He still wasn't really sure if he believed that Pete was as bad as Craig said he was, but he also loved and trusted Craig, and didn't want to argue with him.

As Tweek did that, Craig approached the front counter where Pete and his friends were waiting. Pete visibly scowled when he saw him.

"What are you doing here?" he hissed. Craig narrowed his eyes at him.

"I work here, stupid," he countered angrily. The goths all narrowed their eyes at him, but Craig remained unphased. "What can I get for you?" he asked stiffly.

"Just get us four black coffees," Pete replied, his eyes never leaving Craig's face. Craig had to suppress the urge to roll his eyes.

"Of course," he said, and told them the price. Pete handed him the money, and when Craig went to take it, his grip on it tightened. They locked eyes for a moment in bitter hatred before Craig wrenched the money from Pete's hand.

"Four black coffees!" Tweek announced a moment later, breaking the tension. The goths walked over and took their cups. As Pete took his, he deliberately brushed his fingers against Tweek's and the blond felt a shiver run up his spine.

"We need to talk," Pete told him quietly, "Text me when you have the time." Then the goths went over to a secluded corner and sat down to sip their coffee in an overly brooding manner.

"God I hate them," Craig muttered as he started wiping down the counter. Tweek didn't say anything and tried not to stare over at them too much.

After that things seemed to quiet down again. That is, until Red decided she wasn't done being annoying yet. She and her friends got up from their table and approached the counter.

"Craig!" she cried in a whiny voice, "When are you done with this stupid job? I want to spend time with my boyfriend!"

"I don't get off until seven," Craig replied nonchalantly, not even looking at her. Red gave him a pouty look.

"You don't spend time with me anymore!" she whined. Craig rolled his eyes.

"I spend plenty of time with you," he said, "Now can you please sit down? I'm kind of busy and you're disturbing the other customers."

Red frowned at him. She looked like she really wanted to argue with him but didn't actually have anything to say. She pouted out her lower lip.

"The girls and I are going home," she announced loudly, "You'd better text me when you get done or I'll be so mad!" Then she snapped her fingers, turned on her heels, and the left the shop with her friends following.

Craig rolled his eyes. "Whatever," he muttered. As he went back to wiping the counter, Clyde walked up to it.

"Red giving you a hard time again?" he asked. Craig sighed.

"She just won't give it a rest," he replied, "I don't know why she has to try to put on this façade that we actually like each other. I mean, as soon as we graduate I'm ditching her."

Overhearing, Tweek couldn't help but smile to himself. He wondered if Craig would consider looking at colleges with him so they could go together. Somewhere cheap that they could afford, but still out of town so they could escape their parents.

"Don't worry about her," Clyde lowered his voice, "What about Pete? What did he say?"

"Nothing," Craig replied, also in a low voice, "He just ordered boring coffees for his friends. Of course, he was extremely hostile while doing it."

"Typical," Clyde scoffed, "I wonder what he wants?"

"Well, I took Tweek away from him at the party last night, he's probably still mad at me," Craig pointed out.

Clyde couldn't help but snicker. "Wow, I bet he was pissed!"

"He was," Craig said, looking over to where the goths were sitting, "I'm sure he's going to try to get back at me in some way. I don't trust him."

Pete was staring at him from the corner of his eye.


Craig would always remember when he first met Pete. The goth was on his own in the corner of the cafeteria, looking rather lonely. Since it was one of the few times when Red wasn't in the same lunch as him, he decided to go over and chat with him. He didn't know how much that decision would change his life.

"Hey," Craig greeted as he approached, "Mind if I sit with you?"

Pete looked up, slightly startled, as if no one had ever bothered talking to him before. "Uh, no I don't mind," he replied.

Craig smiled and sat down across the table from him. "I'm Craig, by the way," he said.

"Pete," the goth told him, "Sorry if I come off as a little cold. I don't have a lot of friends." Craig smiled at him.

"That's all right!" he exclaimed, "I can make friends with anyone!"

And that was the start of Craig and Pete's friendship. Pete would follow Craig around, but he would avoid Craig's other friends, especially Clyde. Craig just dismissed this as Pete being shy. He tried to get the goth to break out of his shell a little, but to no avail.

Sure, Pete would sometimes accompany Craig and his other friends to events and gatherings, but he would mostly stick to Craig's side and not interact with anyone else. In Clyde's opinion it seemed like Pete was obsessed with Craig.

And then Pete tried to change Craig. He tried to get him to pierce his ears and start dressing in black. He even tried to get Craig to get a tattoo. At first Craig went along with it to humor him but the more Pete persisted and tried to change him, the more Craig resisted.

It all came to a head when Pete suddenly kissed him and declared his love for him. Craig reluctantly told him he didn't feel the same and that he didn't like that the goth was trying to change him. Angry, Pete stormed off and vowed revenge, swearing that he would get him back.

When Henrietta moved to town, she was a shy nervous girl and picked on for her weight. Craig befriended her, determined to make her feel welcomed. But then Pete swooped in and lured her over to the goth side and completely changed her.

And now he had set his sights on Tweek.

-End of flashback-

At the end of the day, Craig, Tweek, and Clyde went together to the treehouse after closing up the coffee shop. Craig was excited to tell Clyde that he and Tweek were dating now. Clyde smiled wildly at them.

"That's great news!" he said, "Craig's been needing someone to distract him from his fake girlfriend for a while now. And he wouldn't stop going on about how much he wanted to date you, Tweek."

Craig blushed and hit his friend on the arm. "Shut up, Clyde," he muttered, embarrassed, "No, I didn't."

"Yeah, you did!" Clyde laughed, "You kept asking me if I thought he was cute, and wondering if he would like you the same way and-"

He was cut off when Craig socked him hard on the arm. Tweek smiled gently at them.

"It's all right, Craig," he said, "I can't believe you were that nervous about me. You're so cool and handsome. I should be the one nervous about you!"

The of them laughed and joked until late into the night when Tweek and Craig remembered they still had work in the morning and they went to sleep.

I'm sorry with how short this chapter is and how long it took to get out but I had severe writer's block with this story. I have no idea what to do next. So it may take a while to get updated again. Sorry. In the meantime, please leave a comment.