Disclaimer: All Characters belong to their original owners.

Author's Note: I am Handicapped so please bare that in mind if my spelling is off. I use spell checker. I also have a slight mental disability so please excuse any mistakes. I do the best I can with writing these stories and trying to post chapters.


What if Harry was more sure of himself from being at Camp Half blood and takes interest in his affairs from the start. The goblins tell old him he has betrothal agreements that he would need to fill out before his 15th birthday. How will Harry handle it? How will he go be telling the Order he is Married? How will Married life will be at Hogwarts? What will everyone say when they find out he was a demigod turned god? Weasley Bashing, Dumbledore bashing. Not totally bad Dumbledore and Weasley's

Harry Potter/Percy Jackson/Avengers

Warning: Large HAREM

Author's Note: No Civil War

Loki was controlled and now good.

Bucky is free from Mind Control

Ultron didn't happen and Wanda and Pietro joined the Avengers in a different way

Percy Jackson Series has happened.

Zoe didn't die

Chapter .1.

Harry was a busy man. As he prepared for his weddings. Yes weddings. And preparing his Island Nations.

He had been acting at Hogwarts since he arrived. He knew who he was for ages. Since he had been a demigod turned god. He had a lot of fathers including James Potter with the essence of Apollo, Hermes, Hades, Poseidon, Ra, Thor and Loki. His mothers were Lily Potter with the essence of Hera, Athena, Persephone, and Amphitrite.

He had a blood adopted father who was THE Tony Stark. Tony Stark had taken him in from his abusive relatives when he was 4. After that he was found by a satyr and learned his huge parentage and magical abilities.

He met at the Camp Half-Blood his best friends Draco, Blaise and Neville. Both were magically like him. And they truly began his best friends.

He also found out all his titles, soulmates and creature inheritance (He knew he had some as he already had retractable wings) at the age of 8. And it was truly a shock to him.


Harry sat in King Ragnok of the Goblins office with his adopted Dad Tony and his soulmates. He was doing an inheritance test and a creature test. His Godly parents had suggested it. His Fathers Thor and Loki was also here.

"12 drops of blood", King Ragnok says

Harry cuts his palm and lets 12 drops of blood fall on the parchment. And he was shocked with the titles that came up.

Inheritance Test

Henry James Sirius Arthur George Philip Louis Nicholas Richard Albert Joseph William Tiberius Cyrus Galahad Octavian Leonidas Darius Julius Charlemagne Potter


Emperor of Nightstar (Caribbean)

Emperor of El Dorado (Atlantic Ocean) (Capital: Manoa)

Emperor of Stormhold (North Atlantic)

Emperor of Diablo (Mexican Gulf)

King of Silvermoon (Mediterranean)

King of Avalon

King of Whitehaven (Pacific Ocean)

King of Golden Shores (Pacific Ocean)

King of Magical Troy

King of Magical Persia

King of Magical France

King of Magical Spain

Sultan of Goldsand (Tyrrhenian Sea)

Sultan of Whitewaters (Indian Ocean)

Sultan of Orasis (Mediterranean)

Tsar of Magical Russia

Kaiser of Crestview (Near Germany)

Pharaoh of Magical Egypt

Hereditary Grand Duke of Salamanca (Mediterranean) (Magical)

Duke of Golddust (North Sea)

Duke of Normandy

Prince of Alfheim

Crown Prince of Asgard

Prince of Jotunheim

Lord of Vanaheim

Guardian of the Hunt

Lord of the Northern Marches of Asgard

Wolf Prince

Prince of the Draconis

Keeper of the Queen's Peace (UK)

Knight of the Order of the Round Table

Magical Titles

Lord of the Imperial and Most Royal House of Romanov

Lord of the Imperial and Most Royal House of Emrys

Lord of the Imperial and Most Royal House of Le Fey

Lord of the Imperial and Royal House of Pendragon

Lord of the Imperial and Royal House of Phoenix

Lord of the Most Ancient and Most Royal House of Gryffindor

Lord of the Most Ancient and Most Royal House of Ravenclaw

Lord of the Most Ancient and Most Royal House of Slytherin

Lord of the Most Ancient and Royal House of Peverell

Lord of the Most Ancient and Royal House of Illvermorny

Lord of the Most Ancient and Royal House of Koldovstoretz

Lord of the Most Ancient and Most Noble House of Potter

Lord of the Most Ancient and Most Noble House of Sayre

Lord of the Ancient and Noble House of Stewart

Lord of the Ancient House of Triple

Lord of the Ancient House of Shafiq

Lord of the Ancient House of di Vinci

Lord of the Noble House of Fawley

Lord of the Noble House of Holmes

Lord of the Noble House of Barnes (By Adoption from James Barnes)

Lord of the Lesser House Rogers (By Adoption from Steve Rogers)

Lord of the Lesser House of Banner (By Adoption from Robert 'Bruce' Banner)

Lord of the Clan Evans

Lord of the Clan Blackthorne

Lord of the Clan Stark (By Adoption from Anthony Stark)

Lord of the Clan Potts (By Adoption from Virginia Potts)

Muggle Titles:

Heir of Stark

Duke of Ross (UK)

Duke of Norfolk (UK)

Demigod Titles:

Prince of Atlantis

Prince of the Underworld

Hero of Olympus

Part of the Twelfth Legion

Muggle Seats

House of Lords Potter Seat

Hogwarts Board Seats:

Potter Seat

Gryffindor Seat

Slytherin Seat

Ravenclaw Seat

Emrys Seat


Pharaoh Rameses III of Egypt

Pharaoh Cleopatra of Egpyt and Mark Antony

King Charlemagne the Great

King Darius the Great of Persia

King Arthur of Camelot and Queen Guinevere

Sir Galahad of the Round Table

King Leondias I of Sparta

King Alexander III of Macedon the Great

King Robert II the Wise of the Franks

King William I of England, Duke of Normandy and Queen Matilda

King Louis XIV the Great of France and Queen Maria

King Ferdinand II of Aragon and Queen Isabella I of Castile

Queen Victoria and Prince Albert

Tsar Nicholas Romanov Through Anastasia

Empress Catherine the Great of Russia

General Julius Cesar

Emperor Augustus Octavian of Rome

Crown Prince Hector of Troy



Creature Inheritance

Part High Elf

Part Shadow Elf

Part Blood Elf

Part Summer Fae

Part Winter Fae

Part Exile Fae

Part Light Veela

Part Dark Veela

Part Vampire

Part Wolf-Folk (Fur Colour: Gold and Silver)

Part Werewolf

Part Draconis (Form Colour: Black, Gold, Violet, Turquoise)

Part Dwarf

Part Goblin (Adopted)

Part Phoenix (Form: Shadow Phoenix)

Part Star

Part Nymph

Part Druid

Part Dryad

Part Naiad

Part Oceanid

Part Siren

Part Mermaid

Part Angel (Wings: Black, Brown, White, Gold, Turquoise, Teal, Violet)

Part Demon

Part Fury

Part Kitsune

Part Elemental

Part Asgardian

Part Jotun

Part Vanir

Part Demigod: essence of Apollo, Hera, Athena, Hermes, Hades, Persephone, Poseidon, Amphitrite, Selene, Ra, Thor, Loki, Freya


Morgana Le Fey (Minor Goddess of Mystery) (Daughter of Hecate) (Gave up Magical Title)

Daphne Greengrass

Susan Bones

Padma Patil

Lilith Moon

Su Li

Eleanor Branstone

Tracey Davis

Megan Jones

Luna Lovegood

Helen Dawlish

Gabrielle Delacour

Isobel MacDougal

Alexandra Diggory

Ever Runcorn

Libra Lestrange

Leta Kama

Nozea Tremblay

Ivy Prince

Lady Artemis

Lady Hestia

Lady Eris

Lady Hemera

Lady Harmonia

Lady Hecate

Zoe Nightshade

Reyna Ramirez-Arellano

Hylla Ramirez-Arellano

Eternity Stone (High Elf)

Infinity Stone (High Elf)

Princess Sinistra Redbird (Fury)

Nairobi Oakage (Dryad)

Ever Waterfall (Mermaid)

Ziggy Myer (Star)

Dakota James (Phoenix)

Rikki Tanner (Draconis)

Nicolette Eden (Dark Veela)

Ziva Washington (Demon)

Mulan Shang (Kitsune)

Raffy Battletide (Blood Elf)

Forest Nixon (Daughter of Demeter)

Clarisse La Rue (Daughter of Ares)

Stellamaria Cortez (Daughter of Aphrodite, Descendant of Apollo)

Kaleidoscope Scamander

Perenelle Flamel II

Nightingale Nixon (Daughter of Demeter)

Svetlana Ivashkov

Zathura Holmes

Wanda Maximoff

Natasha Romanoff

Shuri (Princess of Wakanda)

End Flashback

Harry had been shocked by all of that then. He couldn't believe all his titles. And not to mention all of his soulmates which King Ragnok told him at the time he had betrothal contracts with most of them and that he would be required to marry the ladies by his 15th birthday. And it was a shock that a person he considered an Aunt was his soulmate and that was Natasha Romanoff.

He was also shocked at his wealth he was the richest Man and Wizard in the world. He had been shown his 'Kingdoms' and told by the Stewards he could take up the titles of King/Emperor/Sultan/Tsar/Kaiser/Pharaoh when he was emancipated.

It was difficult with some of his soulmates as Zoe and Lady Artemis hated men. But Harry had made promises not to betray them or force himself on them. He would marry them and they would only be his wives in names unless they choose to change.

Neville also had royal titles and was basically a brother monarch to Harry.

When he arrived at Hogwarts he decided to put on an act. So nobody could tell he was a demigod and a intelligent boy. He had to pretend to hate Draco when he was one of his best friends.

He fooled everyone but his true friends. Which were of course Draco, Blaise, Neville, Fred and George. He hated the fact he had to put up with Ronald and Granger. They really annoyed him. He would never be there friends under normal circumstances as Ronald was lazy and always jealous. Granger had to be a nag and always thought she was right. Then Ginevra came along and she was annoying as time went on and tried to spend as much time as possible with him.

He found out by the Goblins that Molly Weasley had made a illegal Betrothal Contract with them. Which when Harry's name came out of the Goblet of Fire made him emancipated so he dismissed the contact and came into his FULL inheritance.

Going back he fought against Kronos and Gaea when he was 12 and 13. He fought one of the man evil gods and saved Lord Zeus. When everyone was getting awarded he was given a Godhood and so were Fred and George, Draco, Neville and his Girlfriend Zoe.

He was the God of Life, Runes, Loyalty, Duels, Battles, Honour, Bravery, Chivalry, Daring, Courage, Valiance, Knowing, Heartbreak, Swordsmanship, Marksmanship, Shadows, Time, Strategy, Survival, Oaths, Boundaries, Hurt, Pain, Reality, Trustworthiness, Dedication, Hardwork, Protection, Destinies, Mystery, Change, Immortality, Lakes, Rivers, Thoughts, Secrets and Minor God of: Magic, Fire, Water, and Archery.

Fred and George were the Gods of Tricks, Pranks, Jokesters, Mischief and Resourcefulness.

Draco was the God of Cunning, Ambition and Determination.

Neville was the God of Forests, Earth, Plants and Fairness.

Zoe was the Goddess of Perseverance, Stars, Galaxy's, Comets and Planets.

So the years had been eventful as he got used to everything that had happened to him. Including his Adopted Dad marrying his soulmates they were Pepper Potts, Bucky Barnes, Steve Rogers, Bruce Banner, Betty Ross and King T'Challa. They all blood adopted him but King T'Challa because Harry was the soulmate of his sister Princess Shuri.

Now Voldemort was back and Dumbledore was insisting in keeping him in the dark. Harry was angry at that and the fact that his 'supposed' friends Ronald and Granger weren't writing to him. But Harry knew everything that was going on. In his kingdoms he had an intelligence service and they had been telling him everything.

Now it was days before weddings would take place. Tomorrow he was hosting the wedding of Fred and his three ladies. Then the next day George and his two ladies. Then Blaise and his four ladies. Then Draco and his five ladies. Then it was Neville and his seven ladies. Then at last would be his wedding.

He was hosting Fred, George, Blaise and Draco's weddings. Neville's wedding was happening on one of his three Kingdoms.

He was looking forward to the day he married his ladies. He had fallen in love with all of them over the years and finally in just a few days they would be married.

And this year at Hogwarts he wasn't going to pretend. It was time he showed who he truly was. And the same went for his friends.

So Hogwarts was going to have to watch out. A Sovereign was coming to Hogwarts…

Author's Note: What do you think? Please review:)