Author's Note.So this is the new story I had told you about on 'Overwhelming Darkness' (my other story).I've wanted to write this one for a while as I love the Victorian era, and especially love the idea of a Victorian Dimitri!PLEASE LET ME KNOW WHAT YOU GUYS THINK.So I know if I should continue with it.Please enjoy,E xxx_


But they continued clawing at me, trying to rip off my clothes.

The little short portly one snarled in response.

"You know you want it, Little girl.

I can see it in your eyes, you're practically gagging for it."

I tried for the life of me to get out of their grip, but the three men had me pinned up against the wall.

The tall, lanky one lowered his head, dangerously close to me ear.

I could feel his rancid breath as he spoke, and I wished to God that I had stayed at home.

No…. I didn't regret my decision to run away. Not with what mother planned on doing to me…

But this situation… it was less than ideal. It had been a week since I left my quiet little home town, and I was already struggling to make it in the busy bustle of the city, with just the small amount of money and measly few possessions I had taken with me.

His breath became heavy in his ear as he pressed himself against me, quickly becoming aroused.

"Don't try to fight it whore, you'll enjoy it all the more if you just spread those beautiful little legs of yours."

All three of them laughed. It was a dirty, heinous sound, that seemed to make my skin crawl, as if infected with some terrible disease.

"I swear to God if you so much as…"

"So much as what?..." The third bulky one asked. He scared me the most. I think I could have taken the other two, but this man was a beast.

His race was covered in ragged, filthy black hair, and his eyes seemed to glow malevolently, even in the dark of the alley.

The small lamp, at the end of the street cast a light shadow on his face, revealing a very ugly, very long jagged scar that stretched from the top of his left eye, right down to the bottom right of his lip.

He took a step forward, and hitched my legs up, pulling at my dress as he slowly lifted up the underskirt.

"... Do this?" He continued. He smirked maliciously, and I gulped, truly scared for one of the first times of my life.

The life I had lead so far… it meant I had to grow stronger, become tougher.

I was used to frequent beatings, periods of being locked away, starved for days, my mother and father took a strong dislike to me, ever since I could remember.

So, I had become stronger, more resilient. I found myself in situations similar to this quite often, men trying it on with me, and taking it too far.

But this time… I feared for my life. Or what my life would resemble after they did whatever they had planned to me.

I frantically kicked my legs out, longing for the reassuring contact of the cobbled stone ground, but his grip was too strong, and his huge, hairy hand continued sliding up my leg, I could feel his long, disgusting fingernails bite into my thigh, and I let out a moan in pain. One that I instantly regretted.

Something seemed to ignite in his eyes at the sound that escaped my lips, as they suddenly became black with lust. A soulless, frightening sort of black, and he became rougher with his exploration of me.

His hand reached my inner thigh, and just before he could go any further, a noise from the end of the street attracted all three men's attention. It was only a drunkard knocking over bin, causing it, and all of its contents to flatter loudly to the floor, but it was enough at that moment in time.

I used the opportunity to headbutt beardy, and when he dropped me to the ground, I didn't waste a second in trying to sprint off into the light at the end of the dingy, narrow alley, that led onto the main street, where I could scream and call for help.

But the found of footsteps followed, and a race ensued.

All three men bounded after me, and just as I neared the end of the street, the bearded man grabbed me, wrapping his arms around my waist and pinning me to the ground.

So. Godamn. Close.

I screamed as he tore at my corset, my heaving cleavage becoming more exposed as he ripped the flimsy, cheap fabric in two.

One of the other men prised my legs apart, and the final man pinned my arms.

I continued screaming wildly, tears streaming down my face as I realised I was truly trapped, like a caged animal.

I didn't know how even the Rose Hathaway bravado and logic could get me out of this one.

I felt one of the men roughly grab the exposed part of my breasts, just above the nipple, and he began squeezing it.

Another had fully lifted up my skirt, exposing the undergarments underneath.

The final man began licking my neck, the loud sucking noise as his tongue slipped over the soft skin repulsed me even more .

I didn't even know which man was which now, as they continued to assault my body, I was paralysed and couldn't open my eyes. The only thing that gave an indication to them that I was still alive, was the continuous stream of tears flowing down my face.

I thought I could hear a man clear his throat behind me. But I must've been mistaken. It quite possibly could've been the grunt of one of the scumbags assaulting me.

But no…. I heard the sound again, louder this time. And all three men stopped temporarily and must've looked up towards the sound.

A deep, well spoken voice spoke out next, and I soon realized it did not belong to any of the three men attacking me.

"I suggest that you step away from the girl, and scarper before I do something terrible to you. Leave now- it is the proper and gentlemanly thing to do."

All three men paused, and then a fit of laughter erupted amongst them.

"You…." The voice of the portly one sounded breathless from all the laughing, and struggled to string together his words.

" think that we would "scarper" and leave such a fine thing here.

After all, we wouldn't want such a pretty face, and pretty body being left here for anybody to take. That wouldn't be the "proper and gentlemanly thing to do" at all!" He said the last bit, imitating the posh, foreign voice of the man telling them to clear off, and it only made all three men laugh harder.

Without any sort of warning, the man flew off me and into the brick wall beside me. I squinted my eyes open slightly, but I could only see dark shapes on top of each other.

It looked like one of the was getting the shit beaten out of them.

The beating stopped, and I quickly shut my eyes again.

And I began to pray in my head.

'Please Lord help me now. I know we haven't always seen Eye to eye…. Okay. That's an understatement. But I also know you would not leave a poor defenseless soul to these predators here. Surely, you're not that much of a gigantic ars…."

My prayers, albeit somewhat unconventional, were interrupted by the sound of more fighting, as one by one, the men were pulled off me, and beaten within an inch of their life.

If they were even alive. I couldn't hear a sound.

What if… what if he had died, my saviour? Protecting me? How could I possibly live with the fact that someone sacrificed their life for me?

Maybe my father was right. I truly am a useless, worthless piece of shit, that only made everyone's lives all the more miserable.

"Wake up" relief that he was still alive flooded over me. The voice was sweet and soft at first, with hints of sympathy.

I remained still, although the immediate danger was over, the fear was still coursing through my veins from the situation a few minutes ago.

"I said wake up woman!" The voice was harsher now.

And wow what a voice. It was deep and sensual. Powerful and incredibly sexy. It seemed to be laced with a slight accent.

"Don't you dare confound me! I tell you to get up now. Don't you know who I am?!"

The voice became really angry, and despite me supposed to being grateful for him saving my ass and all, it brought out the fire in me.

"Gee, I guess with me having my eyes closed, I really ought to have figured out who the hell you are just by your voice" my words dripping with sarcasm.

I opened my eyes to continue to confront the man, and gasped loudly, all snappy retorts dissolved on my tongue at one glance at him.

Oh. My. Lord.

He was quite possibly the most incredibly handsome, striking man that I had ever seen in my life.

He was tall,and I mean really tall, and had the most beautiful, soft looking brown hair that fell to his shoulder.

I had seen men with long hair before, what with me being temporarily homeless and all… but he looked so much… different. He looked like a God with it. I suppose it helped that it was clean and perfectly kept as opposed to dirty and ridden with lice.

But it was his eyes that caught my attention, so deep and bottomless, and the way they pierced into me right now, it felt like he could see into my soul.

The rest of his face though, it was as if he had a mask on it. One that was stern, serious and hard to read.

His voice interrupted me, and I absentmindedly checked the side of my mouth for drool.

"I take it by your exclamation of surprise, that you do, indeed, recognise me."

My genius reply came "huh?" As I looked at him blankly. Smooth Rose. Real smooth.

"You mean you don't recognise me?! Lord Belikov of Mainstem Manner?!"

He looked at me in utter shock and I merely nodded my head in response.

Why and how was I supposed to know who the hell he was? I came from a quaint, poor little town, where the most exciting thing that happens is the annual butter churning contest. Which, I can tell you, is not as exciting as it sounds.

His face showed more surprise for a second, before quickly slipping back to that serious, deadpan mask of his.

"Then why on earth did you gasp when you saw me, woman?"

Ohhhh. Yeah. How to explain that I was completely taken aback by his astounding and awe inspiring good looks?

I decided to have a bit of fun with him.

"I was completely overwhelmed by your God-like looks, my breath caught as I took in your stunning beauty. Never before have I ever seen such blinding strikingness. The way the dull light cast upon you to… you look like an angel, my guardian angel." I looked up at him in mock adoration. Batting my eyelashes over dramatically, sarcasm lacing my words.

He didn't need to know it was true.

He gave a frustrated grunt in reply, and forcibly hauled me up to my feet, dragging me roughly by the arm towards the lit street.

I started to protest, and he just gave a look as if to say 'really?'

I stumbled over the cobbles, I felt completely weak and exhausted, but he continued at his ridiculously fast pace, looking straight ahead the entire time.

"Woah woah woah, slow down. Damn man. We don't all have crazy long ass legs like you!"

He didn't look at me once.

"Do you always use so many profanities? Didn't your parents ever teach you manners?"

I scoffed loudly. "As if, my parents were the ones I got it from. Besides, some men find it sexy."

He glanced down at me, and I wiggled my eyebrows suggestively.

He snorted in disdain "Most men with any sense of class do not find it attractive, I can assure you."

Wow. Harsh.

Wait a minute…..

Where the hell was he taking me?!

I began to panic…. What if he knew who I was, and my parents had employed him to bring me back?!

I struggled against his iron grip, and had just got loose when he grabbed my forearm again, pushing me towards him.

"What on earth are you doing Miss?! You think I plan to bring you harm? Pray tell then, why would I save you from those foul men back there?"

The panic had turned my brain to mush… "you…. My mother…. He, my father. You can't take me back there! You can't! Please I beg of you!"

He looked at me incredulously. "What on God's planet are you on about? You don't wish for me to take you back to my manor for the night?"

"Your… your manor?" I asked dumbly.

"Yes. But only for the night, I do not wish to be associated with such…" he looked at me and turned up his nose in disgust "inferiority".

Yup. Definitely not hired by my mother or father.

Why the hell did I even think they gave that much of a shit about me?

But then the magnitude of his words hit home.

"So….wait a minute. You're just gonna kick me out straight after? You don't care what happens to me? You save my ass only to throw me back to the wolves again!"

He whirled around at me with such speed, it nearly knocked me off my feet.

"I DO NOT have to help you so far. I could have left you in that alley to get killed and abused.

This is a favour, and great one at that.

I suggest you shut that pretty little mouth of yours, and be grateful that my generosity has stretched this far.

I am not a patient man, and I advise you not to cross me."

His voice was so deep, so serious and formidable, that I merely gulped in reply and kept quiet.

I knew that he had done a lot for me tonight, and it was the first sign of kindness I had seen from anyone in such a long time. I suddenly felt embarrassed for the way I had behaved.

"Thank you." I said so quietly and softly, that I hardly recognised my own voice.

He glanced down at me again, this time in shock, his dark eyes boring into me, and for some reason, the intensity of it was too much, and I bowed my head, ashamed of the way I had acted.

"You're welcome" came his simply, short response. I looked at him from under my eyes lashes and smiled slightly, and I swear his eyes took a slight softness to them as he looked at me.

The moment was soon ruined, however, when a carriage pulled up.

A broad cockney accent sounded from the top of the carriage, where the drive sat, bowler hat on his head, with the horse's reins in his hands.

"Aaaah Sir! I was beginning to worry about you. I didn't like stoppin' for you to get out, and leavin' ya there on ya own. No, I didn't care for it very much my Lord."

"It is quite alright, Benson, I am evidently fine, and have rescued the woman without so much of a scratch. If you should be so kind as to take us back home now, the evening has been rather tiresome, and I wish to retire to my quarters immediately."

"Very good Me Lord. Pardon me saying so Sir, but what a beauty you have found tonight! No wonder those men did take a fancy to her! Blimey. Makin' me a bit hot under the ole collar it is Sir!"

I blushed furiously, having had quite enough attention from the male species, and Lord Belikov seemed to notice my discomfort and scolded him for his inappropriate behaviour.

"Must I remind you Benson, that I can quite easily replace you, there is no shortage of drivers I can hire to escort me."

Benson's face paled and he began stuttering out a form of apology, and I immediately waved him off and told him I accepted it.

"It is quite alright Sir, you are not the first man to have commented upon it.

I was not greatly offended, and do not wish you to lose your job over it."

I felt his stare on me, and I looked up, only to see his mouth gaping open, as he shook his head.

A small smile growing on the edge of his lips.

"So you can be polite when you want to be?" He muttered amusedly, to himself more than me.

I laughed "Perhaps first appearances are deceiving, my Lord" I said, winking at him.

This earnt me a light laugh from him, one that made my skin tingle and blush again violently.

"It appears so Miss, it would appears so."