"So, we were meant to die on that mission."

We had returned from the Commander's quarters and resided to the hallways, lost in our own thoughts on what was just dumped onto us. The end of the world. Eggman's final attack.

Rouge was left leaning against the wall sullenly, arms crossed and gaze elsewhere. Omega, who supposedly has no understanding of biographic emotions and couldn't possibly grasp the severity of our actions that triggered a catalyst for our impending destruction, was silently observing us from a few feet away.

Me? Nothing fazes me; I can outlive everyone and everything on this forsaken planet, I don't care about what could happen to me. I was created solely to protect this world, despite it's selfishness and dying prosperity; I will not let Maria's sacrifice be for nothing. Rouge's statement however had an ominous tone to it that sent an unfamiliar chill up my spine.

"No," I murmured. "The Commander may be an arrogant bastard, but even he knows that we're too much of a valuable asset to be wasted. This was to see how far the Doctor would go in order to protect his classified information; information on how to roboticize everyone in one flick of a finger. My guess is that he is planning on doing a sneak attack, a subtle approach that doesn't require commotion. An assassination."

"Interesting," Rouge mused as she stroked her chin in thought. "So he's decided to drop the Death Egg, because obviously that'd grab Sonic's attention quicker than anything and most likely take it down before it even made it to the city. Instead, he's going to avert everyone's attention elsewhere while he silently kills them behind their back." She shook her head in disgust. "Sly dog."

"Hm." I replied as I turned around. "At least we know his plan, that's a start. The best that we can do is track the infected robot to determine their next move, so we can intercept them. We'll destroy each and every base that we encounter, and when it's time, I will destroy the Doctor once and for all."

Back in the bed I lay, facing upwards at the dark ceiling. Stuck in my protruding thoughts with nothing to do. I had just returned from the practice rounds from releasing my anger out on the helpless targets, until my Glock was empty seven times. I didn't particularly feel like bearing the same presence as my comrades, with their judgemental eyes and loathing sneers. If I didn't want to prove their suspicions of me being a ruthless murderer who's deprived of humanity, I would have gladly chaos blasted their condescending attitudes away. Rouge is certainly out of the question; I can only tolerate so much of her perversions and flirtatious tendencies.

So, I have retreated into my dorm room. Alone.

I am quite content with that notion.

The Doctor. The base, as only one of the thousands of hidden facilities that have been implanted across the globe. Those are insignificant however. The seven alpha bases that have been carefully constructed in every continent is the threat. They all align up perfectly with the equator, so when activated, they will connect and create a deadly wave that will roboticize everything in it's path. A ghostly sphere of electric poison around Mobius. Truly horrifying.

None of this concerns me, of course. The idea is disturbing in itself, but I am not afraid. Never have been, never will. There are no doubts in my mind that I will defeat Eggman and continue to uplift my role as protector of Mobius.

Sonic will just have to wait out on this one.

"Hope has gathered up more intel on the whereabouts of Eggman's next infiltration. We have decided to keep the infected robot in the hands of the Doctor to remain alerted on their movements. Currently they are making their way to Metropolis, the reason why is unknown. Team Dark, you are to travel to Metropolis and protect both Mobians and Overlanders of any form of pursuit from our attackers. Hope will continue to monitor any other movements aside from Metropolis in case this is a decoy and will inform you otherwise." The Commander ordered stiffly while avoiding any eye contact with me. It seems my confrontation with him shook him up a little. I stifled a triumphant smirk.

"Seems pretty easy to me," spoke Rouge with a slight clip of her voice. "Of course, so did the other mission. You sure this isn't another trap of some kind? More suicide missions?"

Seeing Rouge being comically petty can be amusing when bored, except when you're at the other end of the abuse. I should know.

"I assure you Agent Rouge," the Commander grunted, "you are completely safe from any unexpected occurrences. However, that's up to you on how you deal with this mission."


"Another order that you must take into account while on your journey, is Sonic the Hedgehog. If any interactions with him are made, make sure to persuade him into coming back to Headquarters immediately."

"What?" I said, narrowing my eyes at the Commander, daring him to face me. He did, though it was deliberately slow.

"You heard me Agent Shadow. We need as many allies as we can possibly get to conquer Eggman's plan of invasion. We cannot allow that to happen. Sonic the Hedgehog is to be permitted, no one else. Do you copy?"

No. Absolutely not. We do not need the faker's help. His irresponsible and immature behaviour would jeopardise our precision and order, as well as drive me crazy. I cannot bear his annoying upbeat attitude and cockiness, it would essentially cause me to shoot a bullet through that thick skull of his. Not to mention the liability he would become, the fact that his stubbornness to follow orders will consequently risk our succession.

I couldn't voice this to the Commander, knowing full well that he was right. I grinded my teeth at the thought, but protecting Mobius comes first, and Sonic can be useful in taking down the enemy. Sometimes.

I managed to gutter out a "Yes sir" before swiftly turning and departing.

"I'm starting to now see why you hate the General so much Shadow." Rouge commented as we weaved ourselves through hurdling crowds. A cacophony of rumbling cars and conversation reverberated through my ears and made me wince. Station Square was merely a small town in comparison to this bee hive. What is wrong with a little brush and scenery?

"I'm surprised you haven't noticed sooner." I replied, growling at a passerby who shoved his way pass me. He flattened his ears and quickened his pace to wherever he was going. Mobians in the city have lost their awareness, too involved with their own little worlds that they have no idea of the danger that stalks them. It's Overlanders, humans, who belong in the mindless realm of the city life. It's sickening to see Mobians sink to the same level.

"Yeah, yeah, Mr. Broody. You hate everybody though, so it doesn't really count."

I grunted. "I don't hate you."

Rouge gave a too sweet of a smile my way, slipping and sliding through the lively crowds with snake-like grace. I had no trouble keeping up, but it frustrated me to no end having to squeeze in between people just to get to the other side. A hovercraft of a car flew passed our heads while others didn't do so much as a glance at the vehicle, while I flinched and snarled in response.

"Screw this." I began to run through the chaotic hoard, grabbing Rouge in the process.

"Whoa, Shadow. Take it easy there, Handsome." Rouge purred. "Why so on edge, hmm?"

People cursed at me and flipped me off for nearly barging through them but as usual I ignored their aggressive gestures and continued onwards.

"We're getting to someplace where I can actually hear myself think."

"That shouldn't be hard for you," she sighed and twirled her finger through her hair.

A few minutes later I rested Rouge down on a more seclude part of the city, away from the central buildings. Metropolis is a nuclear powerplant, their roads operating on nuclear energy that enhances speed of any moving object. It's more advanced than anywhere else in the world that I know of, with the latest technology and expansion of infrastructure. A cybernetic world with no robots.


I scanned the outskirts of the city, searching for any signs of artificial intelligence. Nothing has disturbed the peace yet, but I refuse to let my guard down.

"Alright, Shadow. I'll go fly ahead, see if I can spot them from afar. If I see anything, I'll let you know." Informed Rouge while she waved her wrist containing a communicator. I nodded in approval and with one flap of her wings, she was gone.

I began my search, listening in for intrusion, scrutinising every alleyway and street for Eggman's armies. Everything seemed normal and in place, a few Mobians and Overlanders walking and driving by, the everlasting echo of faraway traffic being a constant ring in my ears. For some reason, I remained on the tips of my toes, my fur standing on end. There was something watching me, and I could feel it.

With a growl, I swiveled around, my hand sizzling with chaos energy, and with a yell I shot a chaos spear through a swatbot that had been stalking me. I watched in satisfaction as it crumbled down onto the pavement in an undisguisable mess. After I made sure it wasn't coming back up, I examined my surroundings in case of another sneak attack and found none. The Doctor seems to like his new stealthy approach.

My ears flickered at the sudden sound of minor explosions that was accompanied by a familiar cheer of triumph. I groaned inwardly, knowing all too well that the Faker was here to disrupt the mission. Which meant that it was up to me to recruit him for the upcoming war. I balled my fists in slight agitation and scowled to myself. No one tells me what to do, not even the Commander. As much as I despise that Faker, it would be wise to take him back to Headquarters; however I will be doing so on my own accord.

Reluctantly, I turned and forced myself to head towards the commotion to see that Sonic was pouncing around the remaining robot. It fought restlessly, desperately trying to capture its target with little to no success. Sonic side stepped and jumped over it with ease, laughing and taunting it, clearly enjoying his torment. He was so caught up in his manipulative game that he stumbled over a lonesome limb that had been torn from its occupant. I mentally rolled my eyes from his stupidity.

The robot took this mishap to its advantage and went to attack, only it hadn't gone far as I chaos speared it to the ground. Sonic looked flabbergasted for a split second then composed himself back into his cocky self and smirked at me.

"We seem to be always bumping into each other, Shads," he commented while rubbing his nose. "it must be fate."

"Hmph. With your constant misconception, I'd say it would always be fate that I have to save your ass from your own mistakes."

Sonic pouted and crossed his arms in a childish manner. "I didn't need saving Shadow, I had everything under control."

Out of habit I also folded my arms and narrowed my eyes at him. "If it weren't from me Faker, that Eggpawn would have used your idiocy against you and attacked. You should be thanking me."

"Aww, you care about me Shads?" Sonic mocked while wiping away an imaginary tear. "How sweet."

Before I could give him something to really cry about, a high-pitched squeal snapped both of us out of our reverie.

"Sonic, I've finally found you!"

A few feet behind the Faker was a small, petite hedgehog running towards us with her arms outstretched. I recognized her as one of his friends, Rose I think her name was. I heard a slight groan of dismay from Sonic and remembered that Rose tended to be infatuated with him. How she was attracted to this fool was beyond me.

She came down like a tidal wave, pounding Sonic with so much force that he had to step back. She giggled, nuzzling into him with a beaming smile.

"Oh, I've missed you so much!" she announced, unaware or ignorant of Sonic's discomfort and ignored attempts to pry her off him.

"Amy, get off, I don't have time for this!" he grunted.

I watched with detached amusement. The famous Sonic the Hedgehog can take down thousands of Eggman's armies but cannot fight off an over obsessed fangirl. Pathetic.

Although, Rose -Amy's- hugs were quite powerful, I had the 'pleasure' of receiving one when she mistook me for the Faker. A little annoying and upfronting, I understand his unease.

After what seemed like forever, Rose finally gave Sonic some space. By space I meant that she clung to his arm instead of his whole being. He shot me an exasperated look that begged for my interference, as if expecting me to help. I glared back, saying that saving him once was enough for today.

"Shadow?" Amy inquired, confused. "What are you doing here?"

"It's none of your concern, Rose. I am here for Faker." I kept my stance and gaze directly at Sonic as he blinked in confusion and slight caution. Rose answered for him like he wasn't capable of it himself.

"Why?" her voice transitioned from curiosity to an accusing tone. "You're not here to fight him again, are you? Well, in that case, you will have to go through me!"

Annoyed now, I shifted my glare onto her. She didn't even flinch, her determined gaze bored into mine. Her eyes were a jade green, shining through her anger. For some reason, seeing those irises jogged up another buried memory that I had yet to endure, and the next thing I knew I was washed away with it.

"Please Shadow," came her voice. Rose I think her name was. "Please, help Sonic defeat the Black Arms and save Mobius."

I didn't look at her. A mere female mortal will not stop the wrath of the Black Arms, the laser will destroy the world and the humans will pay. It was what Maria wanted. What she needed. I will serve her desires till the end.

"Shadow, are you listening?"


"Listen to me, now!" Rose grabbed my arm in fury. In response I snarled, filled with the intention to shove her off me, until I saw her eyes. The sorrow, the desperation and despair that corroded them spoke to me. They reminded me… they reminded me of her. The sadness in her eyes. The tears…

Rose is crying now. Just like she did.

"Please Shadow…" she whimpered, lowering her head to rest her forehead on my hand, grip firmly in place. "Please save him…"

Please save them, Shadow. Shadow!


I blinked, the memory fading away into nothingness once more. Sonic and Rose stood in front of me, staring at me like I was some sort of freak. I growled at them.


Sonic must have thought that I had become a threat for he finally held Rose back, more in a protective stance than anything romantic.

"You completely zoned out, Shads. We called your name hundreds of times and you wouldn't answer."

Hundreds of times was an extreme exaggeration, predictable for him. I never let my guard down, ever. How, by even looking at the pink hedgehog, I've conjured up a significant memory that caused me to lose my focus is disturbing. That should never happen again, I won't allow it. I need to distance myself from this girl immediately. Without saying anything, I turned my back on them and sent a signal to Rouge.

"Please tell me you've found something." Came her dreary voice.

"I have," I replied. "The Faker took care of the invading robots, I will proceed to do as planned when you arrive. I'm sending the coordinates."

"Sure thing, Handsome."

Letting my wrist drop to my side, I faced the Faker and Rose again. Sonic was no longer emanating nonchalance, his mouth set in a grim line. I didn't dare look at Rose again.

"Care to explain what's going on?"

I crossed my arms and composed myself.

"There is something more severe happening as we speak. G.U.N has discovered that the Doctor is planning another attack, and it is crucial that we are prepared."

"What?" said Sonic with a laugh, losing some of his edge. "That's all? I don't know if you've noticed Shads, but I kinda ruin Egghead's plans of world dominance for a living."

"This is not a game, Sonic," I growled. I knew this would happen. "This is beyond anything we've seen, he's serious this time. If we make one mistake, the whole of Mobius will pay for it."

"Please," Sonic rolled his eyes. "It's like this every time. 'It's serious,' or 'This is your final stand Sonic', in the end I will still kick some robot butt. You're being uncharacteristically concerned, Shadow."

"And for good reason." We all looked up to see Rouge swoop down and land gracefully before us. From the corner of my eye I saw Rose glare at her upon her arrival and caught myself for wondering why. "Commander Towler ordered us to retrieve classified information from one of the Doctor's abandoned facilities. Let me tell you that we were nearly blown up during the process. However, I suppose it was worth it, because what we uncovered was something entirely imperative to our survival, and we need you, Big Blue, on our side to accomplish a decisive defeat against Eggman."

"So, that's why Team Dark was all huddled together there," said Sonic while glancing between us, still being annoyingly stubborn. "Say if I do come with you, what restrictions am I under?"

"We only ask for your corporation, hun. That's all." Rouge replied.

Sonic stayed quiet for a moment. It's obvious that he doesn't work well under constraints. The only similarity we have is that we tend to rebel against our superiors; rules and regulations aren't our thing. Other than that though, he is a hundred percent fake.

"Let's compromise." Says Sonic.

"Oh?" Rouge replied with a raise of her eyebrow.

"I'll only agree to help you guys if I see that this 'threat' is worth buddying up for. If not, we'll split ways as unlikely acquaintances and I suppose it'll be a race to see who can take down Eggman the fastest. Deal?"

Have I ever mentioned how irritable I become while in the presence of this moron?

"No, you are coming with us an that's final." I warned, one step away from losing my temper.

"What Shadow is trying to say," Rouge intervened while giving me an exasperated look, "is it's a deal."

I glared at her and she glared back. A silent message passed between us, and I sighed and complied. Once Sonic is at Headquarters, he's staying there. Deal or not, we will do whatever it takes to ensure freedom.

"Great!" Sonic exclaimed, seeming to enjoy my torment like the robot from before. Except, he is about to learn that I am not a creation to be toyed with.

"Hold on," Rouge said while holding up a hand. "She cannot come with us."

"Excuse me?" It was the first time I heard her talk since the memory and it surprised me. The look of defiance had returned as she tightened her grip on Sonic's arm. "I am staying with Sonic, and nothing, not even all of G.U.N and Eggman's forces combined is going to stop me!"

"Is that right, hun? Well then, that's hard to believe when a shorty like you can't even grasp the fact that Sonic wants nothing to do with you."

"What!" Letting go of the Faker, Rose took a step to lunge at Rouge before Sonic grabbed her back. Shocked, she looked up at him with such adoring eyes it made me silently scoff.

"Listen, Ames, you have to stay back. This is too dangerous for you, let me handle it." He soothed to her, which in somewhat cooled her down. Although Rose did manage to stomp her foot indignantly.

"You don't think I can do anything, can you?" She asked fiercely. As annoying as she was, Rose doesn't allow anyone to put her down and will do whatever she wants, regardless of anyone else's opinion. I began to find that I was started to admire that about her.

"Ames, that's not what I meant. You're a brilliant fighter, just this seems a little more serious, don't you think?" Sonic asked, attempting to persuade her to oblige. Frankly, I believe he wants to remove her away from him. Rose smirked and bent her arm up as if to show muscles that weren't there.

"I'll take them down, just watch me."

We were getting nowhere.

"Fine, she can come."


"Shadow," Rouge warned, "she can't."

"She isn't authorized to know about the situation, but at the time being she can accommodate at the Headquarters until further notice." I glanced at Rouge and waited for any rebuttal. Her lips sealed shut and she glared at me, knowing I was right. I risked it and stole a look at Rose to find she was staring back at me. "She can be treated as an inconvenience and someone to not worry about. After all, the Faker is all that matters at this point. Let's go."

It was late when we got back, so the Commander saw it fit that we shall wait until tomorrow to officially recruit Sonic. I thought it was ridiculous, that war isn't going to wait till tomorrow, that Eggmn would unleash hell whether it's passed ten or not. Commander's orders are Commander's orders however, and I was forced to go to my dormitory whilst fuming. This whole situation is frustrating to say the least. It took a long while to convince the Commander that Rose will have to be taken into account. She was given one chance to prove her worth her else she would be forced to leave. It was easier than arguing with her since she's extremely stubborn and refuses to back down for anyone; not even the Faker could tame her.

That memory… How could she have possibly triggered it? It was the memory that caused me to realise Maria's true desires, the promises that I made. I once thought that destroying every last human was the answer to her salvation, but Rose… that Amy Rose somehow guided me to open my eyes and see the truth. My amnesia is cured… but what to do with the memories I've unlocked? I don't why Rose has this effect on me, and I'm definitely sure that I don't like it.

With the time that she has with me now, I'll make sure she won't have that chance to redeem herself.