A/N: I'm really excited about taking my next few steps in writing and I'm hoping to post more often. There will be a lot more short stories and drabbles! This will be the first fic that I'm actually calling a drabble. So, I hope you guys like it! Thanks for reading!

Okay so maybe he wasn't really thinking. But come on, he had been doing dangerous things since he was able to walk. Like honestly, if you think you can perform on a trapeze without a certain amount of danger then you're crazy. So...who cares if adults say not to play with matches. He wasn't some ordinary kid that didn't know how to handle himself and dangerous objects.

And, okay, matches are one thing but he just had to take it one step farther and get the hair spray. In his defence, he was only nine. Technically he could still use the "I'm-too-young-to-understand" excuse but Bruce probably wouldn't fall for it. He was a smart kid and he knew exactly what he was doing, or at least he thought he did. He had handled more dangerous things, he was sure he could handle a little fire!

And that is how Richard John Grayson came to find himself sitting on his bathroom floor, holding a can of hairspray and a match. He had been told how to do this before but he couldn't really remember the details. Did he light the match then spray the hairspray? Or was it the other way around? Actually it probably didn't even matter.

Dick lit the match and held it before pushing down on the nozzle of the hairspray. He slowly pushed the flame into the path of the spray and...POOF!

A small explosion went off right in front of him! He let out a small yelp and hurried to throw off his jacket. He quickly stood and proceeded to stomp on it until the small flame was extinguished. He then threw the match into the sink and put the cap back on the hairspray before sinking back to the floor. Okay so maybe light the match then spray the hairspray onto it then. Wow...he hadn't expected that.

He glanced down at his t-shirt and rolled his eyes at the small singe marks running down the length of it. He stood and pulled it off with shaky hands. Sadly, Bruce chose this as the time to walk into Dick's room and was immediately suspicious of the smell of burnt hairspray.

"Dick?" He asked, suspicion coloring his tone.

"Heh, um, hi Bruce." He stuttered with an innocent smile.

Bruce narrowed his eyes at the child before him and scanned the boy's bathroom. They settled on the can of hairspray laying on the floor and he took a few steps closer to pick it up. He set the can on the counter and as he did he noticed a small, burnt piece of wood in the sink. A match.

The older man crossed his arms as he looked down at Dick.

"Really? How many times have Alfred and I told you not to play with matches?! Dick this is ridiculous, I thought you were smarter than this!" He ended on a note of exasperation because honestly he was just glad the kid was okay even if he had just done something incredibly dumb.

The young acrobat looked down at the floor, his face flushing faintly with shame, "I...I just thought it wasn't really that dangerous though Bruce. Honest! I do more dangerous stuff than that all the time! But...I just...well i guess I didn't really know how to do it right."

When he ended his sentence he looked confused, like he wasn't quite sure how he had missed something so simple.

Bruce sighed and knelt down, it didn't help much as he was still taller than Dick even like this. "Dick, I know you're curious and you are very smart, but that doesn't mean you are invincible. When Alfred or I tell you something is dangerous or not to do something, I need to trust that you won't do it. We don't tell you those things because we are being mean, we tell you them to keep you safe. Do you understand?"

Dick sniffed and nodded before suddenly rushing forward and hugging his guardian. Bruce, who still wasn't quite used to the boy's need for physical contact, awkwardly patted his back. The boy soon broke out of the hug and looked Bruce in the eye, "I'm sorry Bruce. I won't do it again."

Bruce almost, almost, allowed a smile and nodded." Good, now let's go get some dinner. I think Alfred made spaghetti."

"Yessss!" The boy shouted then ran past the still crouching billionaire and out the door.

Bruce sighed and stood before walking out of the room and down the stairs. How a boy that small was so hard to keep up with, he didn't know. But Bruce had a sneaking suspicion that he would be having to keep up with the boy and his crazy stunts more and more often as Dick got more comfortable with Alfred and himself.

He smiled to himself as he walked into the dining room and saw the boy bouncing in his seat. He decided he wouldn't really mind having to keep up with the acrobat.