Brotherly Advice

Corrin paced back and forth just outside of Xander's room at a loss of what to do. His stomach performing all manner of acrobatics, the Nohrian prince had spent the past few days thinking about him and Charlotte's upcoming visit to her parent's home. His nerves were shot and he needed someone to give him some sound advice. Someone he trusted. Someone who he knew would steer him right and guide him down the best path. Someone who understood his problems and could answer any questions he had to the best of their ability.

But Camilla was called to oversee the orphanages she commissioned and wasn't expected back home for quite a while. So instead, his hopes rested on Xander.

In retrospect, he was possibly the best choice the whole time. Xander was the only member of the royal family who was married and therefore had experience in dealing with his significant other's parents. Of course, Xander was now a King, meaning that talking with him was no longer the free and easy task that it used to be. While not needed to schedule an audience or anything of the like, Corrin was mindful of the responsibilities his brother had to shoulder and was apprehensive about disturbing him most hours of the day. His pacing outside of his room was a testament to his considerate thinking. Still, he was desperate and if nothing else, just needed someone to ease his frayed nerves.

Exhaling, Corrin came to the decision to just get it over with. He knocked on his brother's door a few times and waited for an answer before he himself spoke.

"Enter, and make it quick." He heard. Although stern, just hearing his brother permit him entry already lifted Corrin's mood.

Stepping into the room, Corrin saw Xander sitting at his desk signing off on document after document. His eyes were bloodshot and bags were starting to form under them. Clearly he had been at this far longer than usual.

"Corrin?" The tired royal asked, rubbing his eyes.

"Yeah, it's me Xander... Are you okay?" Corrin stepped forward and took a seat before his brother's desk.

"Ugh. I will be after I finish up these last few papers." Xander rubbed his temples and blinked his eyes to try and keep them moist and clear.

"I could come back in a little while if you'd like?" Corrin began to rise from his seat.

"No, it's fine. Actually, I would enjoy having a break." Xander set his quill pen down and ran his hands through his hair to try and freshen himself up as best he could. "Now then, do you need anything?"

The prince nodded sheepishly and rubbed his head. "I do. I needed some advice and I think you're the only one who can help."

"If you say so. Tell me what troubles you, brother."

"So, you know me and Charlotte have been seeing each other romantically for a while now, yes?"

Xander nodded. "Of course. I never hear the end of it when Elise is around."

"Well, recently, I asked her a favor. I told her that if we plan to continue our relationship, I would like to meet her parents."

"Ah-ha." Xander understood where the conversation headed, but waited for Corrin to finish.

"Thing is, I'm really nervous about meeting them. I have no clue how I'm supposed to go about this." Corrin rubbed his thumbs together as his mind raced with so many questions. "For starters, how do I even talk with them? Should I wear casual or formal attire? Perhaps I should bring a gift? Do I invite them to the castle or-"

"Hold on for one moment." Xander interrupted. "Let's begin with a deep breath."

Corrin humored his brother and inhaled sharply before exhaling, then another just for good measure. "A-Anyway, to cut to the point, how did you handle it when you told Felicia's parents that you and her were to be wed?"

Xander's eyes drifted to the ceiling as he considered an answer. He hoped what he came up with would help, although given his situation, he doubted it.

"I suppose I can spare some words on the matter. Although, I feel I must preface my advice with some perspective."

Corrin tilted his head curiously.

"I had already proposed to Felicia long before I met Chief Kilma, Corrin. But you already know this."


"Well, when you find out your daughter is going to marry your nation's crown prince, how can one refuse?"

The prince's expression sunk with disappointment. "So, you're saying you don't have any advice to give me...?"

"Certainly not. I was simply letting you know that our situations differ greatly. That is to say, I was next in line for the throne. I could have proposed to any woman in Nohr and her parents would never bother refusing."

"I don't quite follow." Corrin raised an eyebrow, puzzled.

"What I mean is, I never needed to make an impression on anyone. It matters not if I were Nohr's greatest gentleman or it's worst tyrant. So long as their future son-in-law was going to be the King of Nohr, who would say no to that?" Xander noticed that Corrin stayed silent and gave him a blank stare. If only he weren't dead tired, he could see himself wording this better. "Let me put it a simpler way: You have the chance to make Charlotte's parents actually care about you. Whereas I did not. So I cannot spare any words on what it was like to meet Felicia's parents."

Again, Corrin's expression spiraled downward with a dejected "Oh..."

"However," The King quickly added. "I can at least tell you how to act so you can leave Charlotte's parents with a good first impression."

"Oh!" The prince quickly perked up when he heard that last part. "Okay then! So what should I do?"

"To begin, do not let them know you are royalty outright. First, give them a chance to know you as a person."

"There's just one problem with that." Corrin quickly replied. "Not to overstate my importance, but I'm kind of a big deal now, Xander. Commander of an elite troop of soldiers that toppled Hoshido? Possibly one of the greatest tacticians of our time? How would they NOT know me?"

"That is where you are in luck." Xander actually managed to crack a smile it seemed. "Charlotte's parents have no knowledge of you. Or most of the royal family, for that matter."

"Huh? How would you know?"

"After you and Charlotte told me about your relationship, I took the liberty of finding out who her parents are. For safety's sake, of course."

"Safety?" Corrin narrowed his eyes, unsure of how to take that comment.

"Easy, brother." Xander raised his arms up in defense. "It was just to make sure you weren't getting into anything unsavory."

The prince pursed his lips a bit. Even if it was out of good intention, he wished he were informed of such background checks. "Well, at least the information helps. Thanks, Xander."

"Of course. Is there anything else you would like to know?"

There was. One crucial question that weighed on Corrin more than the others. "I do, though I don't expect a proper answer for it."

Xander waited for his little brother to ask, ready to answer it to the best of his ability.

Corrin held his arm out before him and after a brief moment, it began to morph into a long, menacing claw. "Eventually, they have to know about my powers. What should I do if the time comes?"

"Hm..." Xander eyed the black and white, scaled claw Corrin presented him with. This was indeed a difficult question. He wanted to tell Corrin that he should bury that part of him and never say a word of it. On the other hand, he did have the heart of a dragon, and the body besides. It was part of him, and it seemed that Corrin was thinking about letting that part of him be known eventually. "Honestly, I think that should be left up to you. Your dragon powers are your own. Whether you choose to keep it between you and Charlotte or whether you wish to let her parents know is all up to you."

"I thought you'd say something like that." Corrin reversed his arm's transformation and rested it back upon the chair's arm rest. "Doesn't hurt to ask though."

"I'm happy that you bother to ask at all." Xander smiled again. "I may be King now, but family will always come first. Never forget that, little prince."

Corrin rose up from his seat and bowed respectfully. "Thanks, Xander. I'll leave you to your work then. And the day after I visit Charlotte's parents, let's all have the family together so we can talk about it."

"I would love that. I am looking forward to it."

Waving good-bye, Corrin left his brother's room and closed the door behind him. As he walked down the hall, he looked around. No one seemed to be around. At least, from what he could see.

"Jakob?" He called, raising his voice a bit.

Silence. At first. Seconds after simply saying the name, rapid footsteps were heard down the hallway and from around the corner, the dutiful butler appeared, ready and waiting.

"You called, milord?"

"Yeah. I wanted to ask if you could bring some tea to Xander. He looks like he could use it."

"Certainly. I shall have it delivered myself in no time." Jakob bowed and turned on his heel, immediately heading to the kitchen.

"Oh, and Jakob?" Corrin called down the hallway. The silver haired man stopped in his tracks and turned with full attention. "Make it chamomile tea."

"As you wish." Once again, Jakob turned and headed off to prepare the finest cup of chamomile tea for the King.

A/N: Just another short, interlude-y chapter before the next big one.

So has anyone found it odd that no one in Nohr questions why Corrin has dragon powers? No one seems to bring it up or express concerns about it. I dunno. It's especially jarring if you're like me, and you love using the tanky dragon form and magic damage from it but everyone acts like it's no big deal at all.

Anyway, next week, Charlotte and Leo will have a chance to see eye to eye!