Oliver was currently standing in Star labs, observing his sister, who still hadn't shown any sign of improvement, but at the same time, her condition also had not deteriorated either.

"Thank you for letting us treat her." Dr. Wells said as he approached Oliver.

"Thank you for keeping her alive, and for all your discretion with the other thing." Oliver said, since Wells and his team, which was currently made up of himself, Dr. Caitlin Snow and Cisco Ramon, knew about their double lives, since the same explosion that had put Thea in a coma had given Laurel some sort of power, a sonic cry, so Star Labs was also helping train her to use her power. Cisco had also taken it upon himself to create new suits for Oliver and Laurel.

"Our pleasure, considering you 2 saved this city, the least we can do is respect the privacy of your identities." Wells said.

"Have you come any closer to figuring out how to wake her up?" Oliver asked.

"Dr. Snow is working on it and we believe we might be close. Or well closer than we are to our other patient." Dr. Wells said, referring to the man lying next to Thea.

Oliver nodded and thanked him as his phone went off.

"I have to go, please, update me if there's any change in her condition." Oliver said and Wells nodded as Oliver walked away.

"Thank you all for coming. As you know, while the Undertaking may have been stopped, my family still owes this city a debt for the role it played in trying to destroy it. But today, I hope to begin paying off that debt. By announcing the creation of the Queen Cares Foundation. A program designed to revitalize the Glades by providing free job training for adults, along with recreational programs for kids to help them better focus their talents into more creative and product outlets. Hopefully, this program will help to minimize crime in the Glades and help the people who live there see a brighter tomorrow." Oliver said in front of the press, who all clapped as he walked away, towards Walter, who was smiling at his former stepson.

"Well done Oliver. Well done." Walter said.

"Thank you Walter. And thank you for getting the board to go along with this plan." Oliver said.

"It wasn't that hard honestly. Along with being a good way to help the people in the Glades, the board saw this as a way to get some good PR for Queen Consolidated." Walter said.

"That wasn't my intention, but it is an added bonus." Oliver said.

"Your father would be proud of you." Robert said.

"I hope so." Oliver said.

"Has there been any change in Thea's condition?" Walter asked.

"I was just there before I came here. No change." Oliver said and Walter nodded.

"I think that your mother would like an update as well." Walter said.

"I'd much rather visit her when there's an actual update to give her on Thea." Oliver said and Walter nodded.

"I don't mean to sound nosy, but what about you and Ms. Lance?" Walter asked and Oliver laughed.

"Are you sure that the divorce was finalized because you seem to be acting a lot like my father right now." Oliver said.

"You were always like a son to me Oliver and with Robert gone, I think he'd want someone to provide that sort of influence in your life." Walter said and Oliver chuckled.

"Laurel and I are great. Still going strong." Oliver said.

"Think you might make it official." Walter asked.

"Once Thea wakes up, yeah, but right now, I'm a bit too concerned about her." Oliver said and Walter nodded in understanding.

Sara had graduated from medical school and now she worked at Glades Memorial as a general practitioner, since she felt like the Glades were probably where she could do more good, but right now, she was on her way home, ready to drop.

"Hey baby." Tommy said as Sara entered their apartment.

"Hey. How was work?" Sara asked, since Tommy had taken control of Merlyn Global.

"Not good. Unlike Oliver over at Queen Consolidated, I am having a much harder time turning Merlyn Global's PR problem around, we lose more investors every day and we're facing a takeover by Stellmoor industries." Tommy said as he sat down on the couch and Sara dropped into his arms.

"Maybe you should see if Oliver can help with that?" Sara asked.

"No, he has enough on his plate between the club, the Queen Cares Foundation, his mother being in prison, Thea being in a coma and him and Laurel trying to keep the streets safe to worry about my company." Tommy said before turning the subject over to her.

"So how was work for you?" Tommy asked.

"Well, while I love the patients and actual work, the doctors there drive me crazy. I swear I get no respect from them." Sara said.

"Well, what if you were the boss?" Tommy asked.

"Tommy, please tell me you did not buy Glades Memorial just so I could be the boss?" Sara asked and Tommy chuckled.

"Relax, no. Actually, my company's big save is that I finally managed to get my mom's old medical clinic in the Glades up and running again and I'd like you to run it." Tommy said.

"Wait, what?" Sara asked.

"We'd be providing free basic medical care to the denizens of the Glades, just like mom did and you could run it all, especially since you've been trained to help with metahumans." Tommy said, since after they'd discovered Laurel was a metahuman, Sara had been taught how to better treat metas by Caitlin Snow.

"Are you sure about this Tommy?" Sara asked.

"I insist." Tommy said.

"Okay then." Sara said.

Oliver and Laurel were currently attending an event that the mayor was holding at City Hall and they were speaking with him and Laurel's new boss at the DA's office, Adam Donner, since while she could've kept working at CNRI, the number of cases she'd won in the one year she'd been practicing law had caused the DA's office to sweep her up and Laurel had accepted the job easily.

"Wasn't our country founded on a brand of vigilantism, Mr. Donner? The revolutionaries in the Boston Tea Party were certainly choosing justice over law." the mayor said, surprising Oliver and Laurel that the mayor was defending them.

"I'd hardly compare our founding fathers to the Hood or the Canary, Mr. Mayor, or these twisted copycats who have risen in their wake." Adam said.

"Ms. Lance. What do you think about vigilantes?" The mayor asked Laurel.

"I'd be foolish to disagree with my new boss." Laurel said and Adam smiled.

"I knew I was smart to hire you." Adam said.

"I'd heard you joined the district attorney's office." the mayor said and Laurel nodded.

"It was time for a change. While I loved working at CNRI, I feel like I can do more good in the DA's office." Laurel said.

"What about you Mr. Queen? What's your stance on the vigilantes?" Adam asked.

"I think that while what they do may be illegal, it might also be necessary, since it was the vigilantes who stopped Malcolm Merlyn's earthquake machine." Oliver said.

"Changing the topic, Oliver, I wanted to thank you for your initiative in helping people in the Glades." the mayor said.

"It's my pleasure really. The people in the Glades are just like you and me, so there's no reason that they shouldn't be treated as such." Oliver said.

Before the Mayor could respond, the Hoods, as the media was calling them, burst in and started shooting.

"You have failed this city, Mr. Mayor! The Glades descended into hell on your watch! You swore to protect all the citizens of Starling, not just the wealthy!" the leader said.

"We're sorry about this, folks. We'll have this sorted out in just a minute." the mayor tried to calm things down, only to be shot in the chest.

"We are the Hoods. And what was taken from us, we will take back." the leader said as the room descended into chaos.