Hi there, I found I rather like this sandbox, so I'm back for another round. For those of you who read my JAFF, fear not! I am still working on a new full length story for you.

For everyone else...This is my second HPFF. It's my take on an HP / SS mentor/friend relationship. No slash here. In this story, Harry is forced to care for a de-aged Professor Snape. I know, it's been done...repeatedly. But not by me. Enjoy...

Oh...Harry and all his magic are the property of JKR. I'm just playing with her very lovely toys.

Two weeks. It had only been two weeks since Harry returned to Privet Drive and he was already convinced he would not survive the summer without being expelled, arrested, or both for violating the Decree for the Reasonable Restriction of Underage Wizardry and the Statute of Secrecy. It was clear to him that whoever wrote those ancient laws had never been forced to spend a summer with the Dursleys.

Summer holidays had never been Harry's favorite time of year. His magic hating family alternated between ignoring him entirely and treating him like the Malfoy's house elf. This summer had been the worst since before he started at Hogwarts. Following the death of his godfather, members of the Order of the Phoenix had taken it upon themselves to escort Harry from the train and have a word with his relatives. At the time, the warnings to the Dursleys that they should treat Harry well had seemed like a boon. Things didn't quite work out for his benefit. His uncle, Vernon Dursley, was enraged at having been threatened and the family had scarcely made into the house before the beefy man grabbed Harry's arm, yanked him roughly up the stairs, then threw him into the bedroom and locked the door. Harry's trunk was locked up, presumably in the cupboard under the stairs. He only just managed to keep his wand, largely because he lied and swore it was in his trunk even as he hoped it wouldn't fall from his oversized sleeve. In the two weeks that followed, his family had achieved new levels of torture for every perceived infraction of their ever-changing rules. His list of chores was longer than ever before. Failure to complete the impossible list every day resulted in loss of food, a cuff about the head, or both. He had even been on the receiving end of Vernon's belt a couple of times. Outside the house was no better. Despite, or perhaps because of the events of the previous summer, Dudley and his gang had resumed their previous favorite game of 'Harry Hunting.' They took great delight in landing kicks and punches at whatever part of Harry they could reach. His dolt of cousin had even gone back to sabotaging Harry's work whether indoors or out, just to see what the consequences might be. Harry spent his days cooking meals he wasn't allowed to eat in a kitchen he was forced to clean for people he couldn't stand. His relatives spoke to him only to offer insults or give orders and on the whole, Harry wished they had just locked him up for the summer. He didn't even have the presence of his beloved owl, Hedwig, to keep him company. At the train station, Uncle Vernon said he would kill the bird before he would allow it back in the house. Harry took him at his word and released Hedwig before he even got in the car, telling her to spend the summer at Hogwarts with the school owls.

Now it was nightfall in Little Whinging and Harry was sitting at his bedroom window idly twirling his wand and contemplating the assorted risks and rewards associated with hexing his family into oblivion. He wouldn't do it, of course. He couldn't. Although, a nice stinging jinx or perhaps something to make their food taste like ash didn't seem unreasonable. Maybe he could remove their lips for a day or cast Ginny's renowned bat-bogey hex. He touched the still tender spot on his ribs from his last encounter with Dudley and sighed. It was going to be a long summer.

Three Weeks Earlier…Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

Professor Snape was supervising his last detention of the term. A group of sixth years decided to skip their final potions class in favor of a picnic by the Black Lake. Unfortunately for them, they were discovered and were now required to serve detention and brew the aging potion they had missed in class. The students were not paying especially close attention to their work and subsequently, Snape's mood was souring by the moment.

"Pritchard!" Snape yelled as one of the boys, a Ravenclaw, began stirring the potion in his cauldron in the wrong direction. "This is an aging potion, Pritchard, not a deaging potion! You stir the mixture clockwise! One stir for each year in a drop of potion. Pay attention!" Pritchard was not the only student to make the error, but before Snape could say anything or vanish the sub-standard work, there was a loud bang as a cauldron behind him exploded. He yelled for his students to get down even as he moved toward the disaster. When Pritchard leapt away from the incoming debris, his cauldron went flying and its contents splattered over the Potions Master. Not only was he covered in the mess, but a good amount had flown into his open mouth. Moments later the intimidating professor was replaced by a small, unconscious child in over-sized robes.

Professor Snape was moved immediately to the hospital wing, the student witnesses were sworn to silence on pain of expulsion, and the school was told that due to an accident in the potions lab their professor would be unavailable for the remainder of the term. In the hospital wing, Professor Dumbledore raged for hours against the instructor. Snape's services were needed for the Order. The man had made a vow and now due to his carelessness would be unavailable indefinitely.

Privet Drive

"Get down here, boy!" Uncle Vernon's voice thundered up the stairs.

"Coming, Uncle Vernon." Harry replied quickly. He thrust his wand up his sleeve and raced for the stairs.

When he reached the bottom, he wasn't quire fast enough to duck the incoming fist and his head snapped back hard from the blow. "Move faster when I call you boy!" His uncle shouted.

Harry didn't move to protect himself or inspect the injury before answering. "Yes, Uncle Vernon." He raised his eyes to meet those of his uncle and wondered how the man would look with antlers. Those were too dangerous, perhaps feathers instead of hands would be better.

He was so focused on the various hexes he might employ that he nearly missed his uncle's next words. "We're leaving!"

"Sir?" Harry asked. "Um, where are we going?"

You aren't going anywhere!" His aunt said as she passed by.

Uncle Vernon continued, "We have been awarded a family vacation in Majorca and we are leaving tonight. You are not to step food outside the yard, You are not to touch our things. You are not to eat our food, and you will not send or receive any messages from your freaky little friends. We will return the end of August. If you have kept to the rules we might take you back to that freak school of yours. But mind me boy, if you put a toe out of line, you'll wish you'd never been born! Do I make myself clear?" Vernon kept leaning in closer as he spoke, spittle flying everywhere as his face turned an alarming shade of puce.

"Y-yes, Uncle Vernon," Harry stammered. He could hardly believe his luck! An entire Dursley-free summer stretched before him like a promise. No Mrs. Figg and her smelly cats, no Aunt Marge with her vicious dogs, maybe this summer wouldn't be so bad after all. He could pick the lock to the cupboard and actually get his simmer assignments done. He could go to the store and buy whatever food he wanted to eat, he could even call Hermione and ask her to help get Hedwig back for a few weeks. Harry was careful not to let his excitement show. "I'll do my chores and stay in my room," he said agreeably.

"Too right you will! Now go! Get out of my sight!" Vernon grunted.

Harry nearly sprinted up the stairs and to the relative safety of his room. He spent the remainder of the day watching from his window as his family unloaded and reloaded the car several times. It was as they finally backed out of the drive that an owl swooped from a nearby tree and headed straight for Harry's room. He opened the window in time for the bird to fly in. It landed importantly o his desk, puffed out its feathers and extended a leg to Harry.

He took the proffered scroll and said, "Can you wait a minute? Or do you have to leave?" The bird regarded him, then settled back to wait. "Brilliant. I'll be right back." He left the room and returned moments later with a bit of water and some fruit. "There you go. They only said I couldn't eat their food, they didn't say anything about feeding to a bird. Besides, it isn't like it's going to keep until August anyway." Once the bird had been cared for, Harry opened the letter.


Forgive my intrusion on what I am certain was the beginning of an excellent summer holiday. The Order is in need of assistance. It is a matter that will require the greatest delicacy in handling and after careful consideration I have determined that you, mu boy, are best suited to the task. I will confess that I had initially hoped an older order member might assist me, however due to circumstances I cannot explain in this letter, that avenue is no longer available to me. You can expect my arrival this evening at 8 p.m. I will explain everything then.

~A. Dumbledore

Harry turned the letter over, looking to see if there was perhaps a second page or a missing paragraph. He looked at the bird. "Is this all then?" The owl hooted softly and cocked its head. "I guess so." Harry wrote a quick acceptance and included a request to have Hedwig return to him. As he watched the school owl take flight, Harry wondered what it was the headmaster needed and whether he would really be able to help.

I know the chapter is a little short, but hey, the story is only 17K words, is fully written and will be updated daily. There are a total of 7 chapters and a short epilogue. Please review! It feeds my muse and makes me want to write more!