Firstly, I want to thank all of you for your reviews, favorites, and follows. I'm so grateful that people actually like what I write, you are the motivation and foundation to this story. Thank you so very much!

The primary reason for this notice is to apologize for not posting last Monday, as I had intended previously. Due to Christmas and some family affairs, I was unable to post last week and will unfortunately, probably not be able to post until a week after Christmas (nothing's a guarantee for me, but most likely that will be the case). I apologize again for not having a chapter up for you all to read during the holidays, but I will have the next one up soon. Thank you so much for your support and understanding.

Have a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!



A Teaser for Chapter 5:

The explosion rocketed the helicarrier, sending Allea off the chair and onto the ground with a dull thud. Alarms blared overhead, an animal-like roar came from somewhere inside the helicarrier hull. Something was terribly wrong. Scrambling to her feet, Allea moved back to the monitor, staring at the screen with widened eyes.

Loki was exiting his cell, authoritative and arrogant as ever. Brigham was strewn to the side, no longer near the control panel, with another agent towering over him. An agent who did not look the least bet concerned as to the situation. An agent with unnatural blue eyes.

Allea's heart skipped a beat, and her hands clenched together tightly.


She didn't linger at the monitor. Swirling around, the agent bolted to the door, sprinting out of the room and down the hall. Pressing two fingers to her earpiece, she switched it on. "Loki is escaping the detention cell. I repeat, Loki is escaping. Requesting backup." Someone else would have seen Loki escaping on the monitor, she knew, and would already be on their way to the holding room. But would that really help against him? Allea had a sickening feeling that whoever answered the distress call or tried to hinder Loki's escape in any way probably wouldn't last long. Brigham was most likely already dead, and she was no exception to the possibility.

The helicarrier shifted again suddenly, throwing the young woman off her feet. Her back slammed into the adjacent wall, ripping the air out of her chest. She wheezed, fighting to regain breath. A beat passed, leaving her huffing on the ground, and then air returned to her lungs with a gasp. Grunting in pain, she rolled over, attempting to get to her feet despite the awkward angle the craft was tilted at. She had to get to the holding room, now.

Even if her chances of success against Loki were low, she had to try.

There was no way Allea was going to allow him to walk out of the craft without resistance.