This was awkward. Like, really, really, awkward.

And Gabriel was not sure how he was going to get out of this with his dignity intact. Or even if that was possible considering that his other half, his adoptive family and his girlfriend were in the same room. Not to mention the Winchester brothers, who were also sitting at the conference table, a couple of seats away from his.

Loki was resting his chin in Sam's shoulder, just because he could –and maybe because it made Dean go nuts and his reactions were very funny- as he glared at the goodness that once a time had been Gabriel´s partner.

Of course, any relationship that could have been between them had been forgotten, because Kali had conspired with Baldur to kill him and steal his sword so she could go to war with his brothers. And that was something that neither he, nor Loki, could forgive.

"Really, Gabriel? Of all the gods and goodness in the world, you had to choose Kali. What were you thinking?"

That remark of his other half made Kali look murderous. To Gabriel, it was kind of cute, as she was so far from their power that an angry Kali was very similar to having an angry kitten meowing at you.

The gods and the humans, were both muted and frozen, as Loki was not interested in hearing their stupid words. A very good trick, if Gabriel was being sincere. Once he was going to ask Loki to teach him once they had finished with this.

"You know, I don't think this is the right time to discuss my love life…" He started but was interrupted by the chilling sensation that gets through his grace.


Gabriel gold eyes were covered with fear. And Loki's green eyes narrowed in anger and concern.

"He's here" The god of chaos stated what they both knew in a soft whisper, his body muscles tensing.

He eyed the gods reunited in the hotel and saw many faces, he didn't know much of some of them, but other were so familiar that it hurt. He sees the friends and lovers here. But at the same time all of them were strangers.

Not that it matters, because for Gabriel, these pagan gods were the adoptive family he had chosen to belong to. And that was enough. They wouldn't let them be slaughtered just because they didn't get in the nightmare they had got themselves when they agreed to come to the hotel.

"Lucifer is here and he would exterminate all of you." He said to the gods in a commanding and dark tone. "You don't have a chance to survive his wrath. Nor the wrath of any of us for that matter, so I´m going to give you an advice: Hide in your own world, leave earth and pray to yourselves if you have to, that Angels and Demons stay occupied with their war to focus on you, because that is your only hope to survive"

Then, he glanced to his other half.

"Gabriel. Take them to the nest, they can get themselves to safety from there" He ordered at the same time he got up.

That would make the young archangel felt useful and retrieve him from the danger at the same time.

Gabriel nodded and put his hands on the shoulder of Odin and Baldur –family first and then the others– before he disappeared.

Loki got close to the Hindu goodness of violence and put his hand around her throat, squeezing just enough that she couldn't breathe for a few moments. "If you ever try to hurt Gabriel again, I´m going to destroy you, Kali. Don't test your luck. If you want a glimpse of what I can do to you, remember what happened with the Egyptian pantheon" Before letting her go, in time too, as one instant later Gabriel appeared and took her and Tsukuyomi, they being the last two.

With the pagans gone he focuses his attention on the human vessels.

"Castiel must love you very much to ask us to keep you safe in his absence" He declared in a soft tone, a tone that it was out of place with the anger in his emerald eyes. "And that we are here, is the proof that we still love him. But don't mistake this as we pledge ourselves to you or your cause."

He had not let them be able to talk as he really didn't like the mortals that were what his brother could have been. Loki hates the Winchester brothers, he really does. Because, if Michael had been more like Dean and Lucifer more like Sam, they could be still in home, being a family.

He hated that the humans could do better than his own brothers. Even if for the same reason he is actually interested in the Samuel, much in the same way Gabriel is. Much like the interest he had had in Stark or Barton, like they were cute pets.

But Castiel had begged them to protect the brothers when he was away in his search of God. A search, that he and Gabriel, both, knew was futile –God was gone. No one could find him if he didn't want to be found; And he clearly didn't want to be found– but they had promised, and the trickster never broke a deal. Because they did have honour, no matter what other may think.

"So try to keep yourselves out of trouble until Castiel returns and he can babysit you. Understood?" He then pushed them to a portal that sends them to a hotel in Missouri, a save place for the humans were his brother wouldn't able to follow them.

Heavens bless Frigga and her lessons. Loki would always love her for the spells and rituals she had taught him as all of them were very really useful. Really! Much more than the way the angels used their powers at any rate.

He was tense. He hadn't wanted to meet with his brothers, even if he knew that they would face each other in battle sooner or later, because he still love them. Every one of them, even after all the pain they had caused them and the idea of murder them hurt…but Loki knew that he would do it with a second thought if they threaten Gabriel´s life.


The door opens and his brother froze at the door, their gazes connected and the energy inside the room grows cold, but tense and heavy. Ready to explode and get violent. Both of them take stances that would allow them attack or defend in an unconscious way, a first instinct that had been a reflect of their training at noticing what could be a treat to their wellbeing.

His brother is just as Loki remembers, even though, the vessel is new; His brother is a storm that struggles at the chains that try to keep it contained; he smells of ashes and sulphur. Ragged wings, ripped feathers and corrupted grace.

"...Who are you?" Lucifer asks; his tone being a mix of curiosity and suspicious.

"What? Don't you remember me, Lucy?" Loki asked, playfully and with a dark smile on his face.

Lucifer's face twists into something ugly before he hisses "Gabriel." in shock and incredulity; with a sense of horror and pity.

Loki chuckles and says "Long time to not seeing each other, brother." confirming what Lucifer had inquired.

"A shame we´ll not be able of catch up." He says as he extends his wings, letting his grace spill over all the place. Making the entire building tremble at the force. "Because you´re going to die right here, right now."

Lucifer eyes grow as he senses all the fury and anger Loki had keep inside his heart all this centuries. A rage so terrible that not even Michael could recreate something like that; not even when they had warred against each other in heaven.

Lucifer can´t believe what he´s feeling. What he´s seeing.

And he hesitates, because there is no way that the terrible being that is in front of him is his baby brother.

That hesitation is a mistake.


The shadowed wings on the floor mark the death of his older brother. Lucifer´s grace had snapped and faded as Loki pierced his heart with his sword, putting an end to their tragic story once for all.

Loki doesn't mourn.

He can't.

His hearth doesn't feel anything at what he had done. Just a terrible void.

But at his side, Gabriel sobs and cries over the vessel that had contained their brother. Feeling the loss of the archangel in his very core.

He stands there, waiting. His eyes never leaving the marks.


"Brother." Castiel says, his voice full of concern and sorrow.

"Hello, little one." Answers Loki, a little and soft smile on his lips. He´s tired, having killed Lucifer broke something inside him. "How are you? Are you returning to the host now that the Apocalypse is over?"

Castiel shook his head, starting to get closer.

"I will stay here, on earth. With the Winchesters…" He admits, opening his broken wings in a silent question for a hug. Smiling when Loki accepted and covered with his biggest set of wings. "But I wanted to know if you and Gabriel would mind if I came to visit."

"Of course not, little one. Both of us would be delight to see you around."

Having Castiel near was doing much for his peace of mind, which surely was what Gabriel had intended when he went looking for the seraph.

They stay like that in a comfortable silence by many hours, just enjoying being able to be with another anger, being able to connect in that intimate and special way that they haven't had the opportunity to do after they leaved the Host.

"What do you plan to do?" Castiel ask, curios blue yes looking up to see Loki´s face.

"I´m not sure…" Loki admits after a few seconds.

And that´s the point. He had always knew what he wanted to do, he was a mischievous spirit, always playing, always bringing chaos and enjoying the reactions of people around him.

But now…

He felt lost.

"Well, darling" Gabriel´s voice pops, bright and carefree. "There is nothing that we can´t do. We are free and powerful, we can do whatever we want. Let´s enjoy all this world had to offer and when it gets boring, let´s us move to the next one."

Loki´s gaze connects with his other half´s.

And his lips forms a smirk, the live returning to his green eyes.

"You´re right, of course, my dear. "

Gabriel smirks right back at him.

"Could I go with you?" Castiel inquires, sounding just like he did when they left Heaven.

This time, their answer is different.

"Of course, baby bro."

This time, there´s nothing to fear.

Nothing that could separate them.