"O-oh my…"

Such risque acts had never been revealed to Pyrrha in all her life. This book was an open testament to her sheltered childhood in her short yet accomplished life as the four-time tournament champion. The initial romance between the male lead and the female lead was enough to bring a blush to Pyrrha's face, but when the second female lead was introduced, she wasn't prepared for the pictures appearing in her mind.

...she took an experimental taste of the delicate flower set before her, gazing up at her lover as she took the bud into…

"I-I can't read this." Pyrrha pushed the sinful text away, albeit a bit reluctantly, into the ninja Faunus's hands. She shuffled in a bit deeper into the comfy beanbag chair, hoping to ease her embarrassment at reading such filth (many thanks, Rubaby).

Blake was quite happy when the champion asked her about her taste in her 'unique' literature and was keen to entrap… *ahem*... bring her into the amazing storytelling and relatable characters of the best selling series, "Ninjas of Love". She and Pyrrha had spent much of the day together, diving further and further into the meat of the story, with more than a few blushes from Pyrrha along the way, yet despite a couple of risque scenes that had already come and gone, Pyrrha had remained relatively quiet, it wasn't until the female lead and her female friend had a tryst with one another that Pyrrha started to make a fuss.

"Why? I know you've already read through two scenes already," Blake commented, "What's so different about this one?"

"B-because they are both of the same sex." With that phrase, her blush increased tenfold.

"And?" Blake, still not getting the point.

"T-That's just… Aren't physical umm... i-interactions only supposed to be shared between a man and his woman." Pyrrha questioned with as much seriousness a cherry colored girl could muster.

Blake could only stare with a deadpan expression at the redhead. Is it possible for someone to be this sheltered? "Pyrrha, you do know homosexuality has been a common thing for years?"

The look on Pyrrha's face obviously showed she didn't.

Blake just sighed, was it really her job to explain this to her. "Ok, Pyrrha. What exactly do you know about sex."

Pyrrha looked away in thought, she began, "Well, my mother always told me that sex was a thing you could only share with one man. That it was only with a person who you had the utmost trust and devotion to, and when you were ready to reproduce, the two of you would partake in intercourse and you would then you would bear his children as he wished, it is so important that you find the most trustworthy man because once you begin to reproduce, your whole previous life is over and forgotten." Pyrrha looked up at Blake like it had answered everything.

If Blake was one of those characters in the comics Jaune read, she was pretty sure a sweatdrop the size of a baseball would be falling down her forehead. She pinched the bridge of her nose, feeling a headache approaching. "Didn't you have friends to talk about this stuff to at Sanctum?" She asked.

"I-I never really had real friends before I attended beacon," Pyrrha responded sheepishly, "and I was always requested at home immediately after my schooling to continue my training."

Oh, Oum, why me. Blake shook off her shock and took a deep breath, preparing for the explanation of her life. "Ok, Pyrrha let me give you the real talk about how sex works."

A half an hour, four books, and one tomato colored Mistralian later, Blake had finally given the in-depth explanation of the mental and physical aspects of the intimate act of intercourse. Needless so say Pyrrha eyes were opened, both figuratively and physically. Blake was sure if her eyes got any bigger, Ruby could have a new place to put her cookies.

"So… what you saying is, sex is actually a response of the body, in reaction to stimuli throughout specific points on the human anatomy," Asked the spartan tentatively, "and that a person does not necessarily have to have one intimate partner that they interact with?

Blake shut and threw the used anatomy book over her shoulder, nodding in confirmation with a small smile. She then leaned back in her bean bag chair and stretched her arms above her head, in a manner much like the cat she represented. Her work here was done.

"I find myself still having trouble grasping the concept of two females holding an attraction to one another."

Blake the sex justice ninja was yet again called to pick up her arms against the forces of innocence.

Blake spoke to the clueless redhead, "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Everyone has their own defined sexual preference."

Pyrrha shook her head, and let out a small laugh, "I don't think I could ever be attracted.. i-in that way to another girl."

Blake's ears perked up at that thought, slightly devious thoughts beginning to enter her head, a miniature Cheshire smile graced across her features, "And what makes you so sure of that?"

"Well, I-I mean I have always… admired the male physique," Pyrrha turned away with a blush, This whole experience is so embarrassing, "I just don't see how I could find someone of similar body and mind to be attr…"

Pyrrha turned around to see a pair of bright yellow, cat-like irises mere inches from her own emerald ones. The catgirl had used her years of espionage experience to sneak up and pin the distracted protege while her head was turned. Feeling the cat side of her personality working overtime, Blake stared directly into the eyes of the girl beneath her and asked her a question, "Can you honestly look into my eyes, and tell me you don't find me the least bit attractive?"

Pyrrha should have said no, she should have pushed the Faunus away from her and stormed out of the library, that is what the Nikos family would have expected of their daughter. She, however, did not react as would be expected of her, in response to the black haired girl, instead, she took the opportunity to process the question and respond to the Faunus who currently had her pinned down in her now less comfy chair.

Her attention was first brought to the piercing yellow eyes which seemed to search her soul for the answer that Pyrrha was trying to provide. She moved up to the black bow nested in Blake's raven hair. This seemingly normal fashion statement hid the two cute ears that when revealed would sell out the secret heritage of the girl in front of her. She could see them twitching subtly now and then, much like when a cat picks up a mouse scurrying across a floor. Her attention shifted back down to the slender neckline, the closeness of it made it seem so vulnerable, there's a reason savage animals such as the Grimm favored it so much as a weak point, with the china like quality of her skin it was hard to imagine the immeasurable number of nerves and veins that ran down its seemingly endless length. Wasn't it one of those stimuli points talked about in the book she was shown. As her eyes went up, so did the heat of her cheeks as she locked onto the Faunus's pink, seemingly inviting lips. Pyrrha needed to stop this, this was too much for her to take.

She pushed Blake away as gently as she could and stood up from her seat. "I-I-I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me, I-I think I'm done for the day. T-thank you very much, Blake for showing me…"

Blake was pretty much ignoring what apology Pyrrha was muttering out as she stalked toward her prey, she had seen the answer she needed, it was written all over the blush on Pyrrha's face.

Pyrrha felt a tap on her shoulder, surprising her out of her stupor and ending her half-hearted apology, she swiftly spun toward the girl behind her, only when she did, she felt her surprise increase even more.

Blake cupped the now completely red and stunned face of Pyrrha, as she pushed all she had into making this kiss feel as genuine as possible, for the confused and overwhelmed champion, and for the most part, it was working.

Pyrrha head was swimming with thousands of thoughts both good and bad to the point where they all blended into one another, creating a blaring white noise in her head as the girl… no… the attractive girl pushed the kiss even deeper on the redhead. Slowly, at least in Pyrrha's mind, she closed her eyes and began to add more and more to the kiss herself. Awkwardly placing her hands on the cat Faunus's waist, completing the circuit between them.

It was only a few seconds before the two of them broke their lips apart, Pyrrha with a cute unsure look on her face, and Blake a smug look that would make any cat proud. "So.. I think that answers the part about finding me attractive or not," the cat teased.

Pyrrha's blush deepened, and opened her mouth to retort, but was interrupted as the cat took her open mouth in her lips once again. Pyrrha quickly forgot what she was going to say and resumed kissing the Faunus with equally as much passion. Blake moved her hands around the neck of the warrior and rested them on her shoulders, she felt it was time for Pyrrha to get a lesson in just how far behind she was in the kissing department.

Pyrrha was enjoying the feeling of the kiss, when suddenly something wet pressed against her lips, knocking on them like a battering ram, demanding entrance. She was taken aback at first, but relaxed, remembering reading about the French kiss from one of the more… extensive books Blake had brought up, she opened her mouth not fully prepared for the onslaught that Blake's tongue was about the bring upon her mouth.

As soon as the entrance was granted Blake's tongue wasted no time in exploring the new area which it found itself in, and making itself acquainted with Pyrrha's own tongue. Pyrrha could barely keep up with the more experienced muscle, as they fought for dominance between the two, and the nigh-invincible Pyrrha Nikos, for the first time was gladly fighting a battle she didn't mind losing.

The two continued until the both of them could hold their breath no more, and broke apart. A trail of saliva connected the two together still as they both struggled to get their breath back. They stared at each other in a moment of silence, before a sound was made from the redhead.

"That was... exhilarating," Pyrrha panted, still on a bit of cloud nine.

Blake smiled, "Yeah… It's been... a while."

Blake contemplated her next move, if the hours of reading the book with another didn't make her hot and bothered before, then this surely sealed the deal. She needed a release right now, and this was her opportunity to share it with someone else, something she hadn't done in a long time. She broke apart from her embrace with the athletic girl, and offered her hand to her, "Come on, let's go somewhere else."

Pyrrha Nikos was knowledgeable now to at least understand the hint at what Blake was insinuating. All her life Pyrrha had lived under the overhang of her family's judgemental eye, now she was finally free to experience the world like a normal girl in Remnant, even if it only was for a short while. Pyrrha made her decision and grabbed the hand of the Faunus, who had opened her mind to new possibilities and was going to show her a whole new experience of life.

A/N: I made a thing.

Let me know if I should upload the next chapter. Peace.