Chapter 2

"My my." This is quite a pickle Rin has gotten himself into this time." Mephisto said. "A very wonderful pickle indeed."

"What do you mean by wonderful? I got a freaking cube growing out of my head!" Rin cried out.

"Rin that's enough!" Yukio scolded. "I'm sorry Mephisto. He's just upset about this development."

"Of course." said Mephisto. "I wasn't too keen on my curl when it first popped up but eventually it grew on me." The demon eccentric laughed himself sill while Rin and Yukio watched in dismay.

"Get it? It's a hair pun!"

"I get it, I get it!" Rin shouted. "Just tell me how to get rid of it!"

"Now why would I do that? That cube is part of your demon heritage and as you-" Mesphisto was silenced by the blue-flaming tip of Rin's blade. "Now listen here, weirdo, you have five seconds to tell me how to get rid of this thing or else!"

"Rin calm down!" Yukio pleaded

"No! I can't let the others see me like this!" Rin whined.

"Oh what's the matter!? Afraid that little Shemi might think less of you?"

Rin blushed. "Shut. Up. Now!" He pressed to blade closer to Mephisto's face.

"Tell me now!"


Rin looked behind him just long enough for Mephisto to throw a pink smoke bomb and escape.

"Dammit!" Rin shouted "He got away!"

"Well that's what you get for threatening someone with a sword." Yukio scolded.

"What am I going to do!" Rin cried out.

"I guess we can try to cut it off ourselves."


"Why didn't we think of that first?"

"I don't know! Let's just go!"