Last chapter, let's wrap this up.

After Black Mask's arrest, some of his men agreed to testify against him in court in exchange for a lighter sentence, they also gave the names of the remaining members of his gang to the police as well. With Batgirl's help the police was able to track down the remaining members by the end of the week, shut down all of Sionis' companies and put a end to his power on Gotham once and for all.

After a couple of months Sionis was put on trail for his crimes. After a week he was found guilty of multiple counts of murder, criminal masterminding and other charges and was sentenced to life in prison.

"Scratch one criminal mastermind off the board." Sarah said as she flipped off the TV after the sentence was announced.

"I can't believe that man really thought he could plant fake bombs across the city to scare us like that," Harley complained.

"I can't believe he thought he could scare the city into killing Batgirl for him." Sarah replied

"But he failed, and Batgirl put a end to his reign of terror." Barbara finished.

"And the Batman," Sarah added "He was there too."

"True, but it was mostly Batgirl, because she is extremely awesome and kicks ass."

"So," Harley leaned back in the couch and turned to Barbara "You never really did tell us were you was at when all that stuff went down."

"What are you talking about?" Barbara asked nervously.

"After the attack on Wayne Manor, you said you made a police report and then went to do other things. What other things were you talking about?"

"Oh," Barbara chuckled nervously as her mind raced for a answer. "I... I went to see visit my mother." Barbara lied "She left Gotham after the divorce and I went to visit her to catch her up on everything that has been happening in my life."

"Did you tell him about us?" Sarah asked as she sat brought in three wine glasses and a bottle of red wine for the three of them to enjoy.

"Of course, you were one of the first things I mentioned."

"Well what does she think of us."

"Well she loves you Sarah" Barbara laughed "But Harley she is still needs a little warming up to the whole prankster thing."

"Hah in that case I'm going to mail her a bucket of fake vomit first thing tomorrow morning."


"I'm joking." Harley laughed "Did you also tell her you are working for the biggest, hottest and richest bachelor in all of Gotham, possibly the world."

"Are you fangirling over Bruce Wayne again?"


"I told her about Wayne Enterprise. But not the whole hot rich bachelor thing."

"Better hurry up and snatch him before I steal him from you."

"Wouldn't be stealing if I'm not even competing."

"You would be a fool not to. He's rich and gorgeous."

"Anyway I feel like this calls for a toast." Sarah replied handing them all the other two a wine glass each.

"What are we drinking to?" Barbara asked

"For our city being saved once again by our masked saviors of the night, and to having the two best room mates in the world."

"I'll drink to that." Barbara replied taking a sip of her wine.

Harley drank to the latter statement but she didn't know how she agreed with the masked savior thing anymore. For the past few months she had been secretly spending more time battling her feeling and opinion about the Joker and the Batman. And she now had came to the conclusion that the Joker might be in the right after all, and she was secretly planning something that she didn't dare tell anybody, not even her own room mates about.

Later that night Batgirl stood on the edge of a rooftop staring over the city. The Bat symbol wasn't shining and there was no sign of any danger but she wanted to make keep watch just in case. She was still staring over the city when Batman appeared behind her.

"You did good Batgirl." Batman replied

"Only because I had you watching my back."

"You were the one that put a end to Sionis though, I just provided the backup, you did the main work."

"That means a lot coming from you Batman. I still have a lot to learn though."

"You will learn in time. Gotham is in safe hands because of you and I am proud to consider you a partner." Batman held out his hand for Batgirl to shake. Batgirl was taken aback, Partner, seriously. She couldn't believe it.

"Thanks, Batman, I will not let you down."

"I know you want, and call me..." Batman removed his cowl to reveal his secret to Batgirl "Bruce?"

"Bruce Wayne?" Batgirl gasped "Bruce Wayne is the Batman? I work for the Batman?"

"Both with your day job and night job now"

"Bow Harley would freak out if she knew this. She has a huge crush on you Bruce."

"Well tell her she has some dangerous competition." Just then Batgirl saw the Bat Symbol shining from the top of the GCPD building

"You want us to take this one together?" Batgirl asked

"You got this Batgirl. It is time I return to the Watch tower. I have some unfinished business with the Justice League. Keep up the good work Barbara." Batman shot out his grappling hook and grappling off into the night. Batgirl watched as his shadow disappeared into the moonlight.

"Thanks... Bruce." Batgirl then grappled over to the GCPD where she was met by her father.

"What's the situation Commissioner?"

"Nothing," Jim replied as he shut off the Bat Symbol "I wanted to thank you for everything you have done. You took one of Gotham's most dangerous gangs off the street and put them out of business for good."

"Just doing my job Commissioner."

"You know Batgirl, I'm not one to get scared often, and I admit my fears even less, but when I heard that Batman had left Gotham I was scared. I was scared because for the first time in ten years Gotham was left without it's biggest weapon against crime. Before Batman came around Gotham was one of the most corrupt cities in the nation. Even the police force was filled with corruption and controlled by crime lords. Then the Batman came around and he helped sniff out the corruption and cleaned up this city better then any cop ever could. And even though many in the GCPD including me thought he was just as corrupt at first, he showed us all, me most of all that he was just here trying to help."

"I see that same spirit in you Batgirl," Jim continued "And when I see what you have done in just a short time, taking out Black Mask, I see that there is no need for me to be afraid. That Batman or no Batman, Gotham will always have someone out there to protect them."

"Gotham will always be safe on my watch Commissioner, you have my word."

"I know it will be."

Batgirl then glided away, Jim watched as she glided away with a big smile on his face, for he knew Gotham would not be left unprotected.

Barbara changed out of her Bat Costume in the Bat cave then returned home to see Sarah on the couch watching Stranger Things on Nexflix.

"Hey Barbara a package came for you in the mail. It's sitting on your bed waiting for you. Don't worry Harley didn't open it, she wanted to but I made sure she didn't."

"Really? From who?"

"Your boss, Bruce Wayne."

Barbara's eyes widened and she ran into her room where a box laid on her bed Bruce Wayne's name on the mailing address. She opened it and saw multiple gadgets for her to use during battle. There was a note from Bruce Wayne also hidden inside the box that Barbara picked up and read.

"So you don't have to steal from the Police anymore."

Barbara heard the sound of police sirens coming from her room and looked out to see a high speed chase in pursuit. Barbara smiled as she looked at the gadgets in her hand, she was going to have fun with these things.

End credit scene.

Harley woke up gasping for air. She had yet another nightmare about the Joker. She had having these nightmares every night and every night they all ended with Joker calling for her to join him. Harley had tried so hard to fight them, to fight him. But she couldn't any more. He had broken her, manipulated her, and there was no way she could fight his calling anymore.

Harley walked into the bathroom and taking out a case of face powder and a powder brush she started coating powder all over her face. Harley looked into the mirror when she was finished and saw her face was pure white, the same as the Joker. Staring into the mirror Harley gave a wicked smile, she liked what she saw.

Batgirl will return in Batgirl: Betrayal. Coming soon.

And that's it for story one. As promised though I am going to make this a four story Saga but story two won't come until I finish up one of my other stories. I am currently working on three other stories right now and I would like to finish at least one more of them before I start anything else.

Until then though stay tuned for Batgirl Betrayal coming as soon as possible.