"Well Dasha, it seems you are in fact pregnant. I am unable to tell how far along, but I will get you set up with an OBG-YN, she is someone I know personally and I think you will like her. I am going to give you a name of prenatal vitamins that I want you to start taking…"

The doctor's voice trails off, not that Dasha is actually paying attention to what she is saying. She really is pregnant. It wasn't a false positive but she really is going to have a baby! Steve or Bucky's baby…

"Dasha? Are you okay dear? You've gone pale, are you feeling sick?" the doctor, Dr. Hayes questions Dasha with worry in her voice.


Dasha looks up at her dumbly, still in a daze from the news. Dr. Hayes gives Dasha a worried look, reaching out to take her hand,

"Dasha, is this something want? Because if not, there are options for you." The woman informs gently.

Quickly shaking her head, Dasha replies, "No, it's not that. Well, I don't think so. I'm not really sure how I feel right now. I want children, I do, but I've only been with my boyfriend(s) for four months now. It's still too early for us to have talked about children. This is a lot to take in, big changes, and I'm not sure how they (plural)… HE will take the news."

Dr. Hayes gives Dasha a motherly smile, patting her on the hand. "You just have to talk to him dear. If he decides to not be there for you but you still want the baby, there are support groups to help you get through this. No matter what your boyfriend says or wants, this is your body, your choice. Do not let this man dictate what you do."

Dasha manages a small smile, "Thank you. I just need to get my head around this, it was so unplanned… But I think in the end, I'm going to want this baby, no matter what my boyfriend(s) says, I'm going to keep the baby."

"If that is what you want, I can give you a list of support groups that aimed at helping single parents, and anything else you might need. Just ask and I'll help you the best I can, or point you to someone who can." she gently says. "Now, to repeat what I was saying before."

She goes on to reiterate the previous information to Dasha. Only this time Dasha is playing close attention to everything Dr. Hayes has to say. Leaving, Dasha is in a slightly better mind set than when she first went in. Talking to her doctor helped a lot, but her mind is not completely put at ease; that won't happen until she talks to Steve and Bucky.

There is no telling how they might react, like she told the doctor, it is still early in their relationship and the topic of children has never come up. Not just in a relationship with her, but in general. They have never said if they want children at all. And with what they do for a living, the possibility of this being something they want is fairly slim. And the fact that the three of them are in a relationship that is slightly complicated in its dynamics, what would it mean to bring a child into the relationship as well?

Then there is the thought of what if just one wants the baby and the other doesn't? Dasha loves Steve and Bucky equally; it will kill her to lose just one of them. She can't image not having both of them in her life. But, what if they can't handle the idea of one being the father and not the other? Or what if they do want the baby, not caring who the father is but somewhere along that line, it doesn't work out? Then what? How would they know who the father is and would they just abandon the child just for not knowing who the father is?

With all of these thoughts swirling around Dasha's mind, she ends up avoiding Steve and Bucky for the next few day. Those days ends up turning into two weeks. Two weeks of avoiding phone calls, text messages, not answering the door if they stop by, and even taking as much time off work as possible just so she did not have to confront Steve and Bucky.

In the two weeks, instead of thinking about how to tell the men about her pregnancy, Dasha was coming to terms on how to deal with being a single mother. She was even looking into the supper group that her doctor had suggested; she hasn't gone yet, but is strongly considering it. In her mind, it has already become a sure thing that Steve and/or Bucky is going to leave, not wanting the baby. And if she loses one she will eventually lose both of them. Better to just be prepared to accept the inevitable now instead of having it sprung up on her later.

Dasha knows that eventually she will have to face them, especially since they have become frantic in trying to get in touch with her, but she isn't sure she is ready to just yet. Though, she might not have much of a choice if Steve and Bucky have it their way.

"Where is she? It has been two weeks Steve. What if something has happened to her? She could be seriously hurt or what if she has been kidnapped?!" Bucky exclaims, pacing around the living room.

Steve sits on the sofa, rubbing his temple, "I know Bucky. But we have tried everything to get in touch with her. Tony has been keeping tabs on her; she is still in the city. I want to get to her just as badly as you do Buck, but for some reason Dasha doesn't want to see us right now. Something must have happened for her to lock herself away like this. We just need to give her her time and space. She will come to us when she is ready."

Bucky stops and glares at the blond man, "Two weeks, two fucking weeks. She is ignoring all calls and messages from everyone, including Wanda! She has stopped coming to work Steve! Even if something happened for her to lock herself up, that is all the more reason for us to be there for her! We should not be letting her go through whatever is wrong alone!"

Steve sighs, running his hand through his hair, "You're right. Let's go. Even if we have to break down the damn door, Dasha is going to see is."

The race off to Dasha's apartment with pure determination at finally getting to Dasha.

Upon arriving to the apartment complex, they realize they chose the perfect time to come by. Dasha is just getting out of a cab, seemingly lost in her own world.

"DASHA!" they shout, trying to catch her attention.

She jumps at the sound of their voices. Dasha quickly hides what she is holding in her hand behind her back.

"Steve! Bucky! W-what a-are you, you do-ing here?" she stutters out, slowly backing away from them.

Bucky reaches out to gently grab her arm, stopping her from leaving, "You know exactly why we're here Kitten. No more running and hiding. You've been avoiding up long enough."

Dasha lets out a small sigh, nodding, "Okay. Come on."

She is careful to keep the paper in her hand hidden from their sight. This is probably not the best time to tell them her news. Not just yet…

They make it up to Dasha's apartment, "Um, yeah, just make yourselves comfortable. I, I'm just going to go change real quick."

She hurries off to her room, not even taking notice of something falling out of her coat pocket. Tossing her things on her bed, she strips off her jeans and blouse and pulls on a pair of black leggings and a loose yellow batwing sleeve shirt. Even though she is not showing right now, she does not want to take any chances. Plus the clothes are just really comfortable. She pulls her hair up into a messy bun and takes a deep breath.

'Okay, you can do this Dash. Don't mention the baby right now. Make up some kind of excuse of… family problems? They'll buy that right? Maybe I should just blurt it out… yeah, cause that'll go over great! "Hey guys I'm pregnant and I've been hiding from you for two weeks cause I'm scared you'll reject the baby and me." Yup, that won't hurt them at all. Ugh, this is going to be hell…This was a really bad pep talk.'

Dasha thinks with a roll of her eyes. She turns as heads back to the living room to face her boyfriends, her stomach feeling queasy, and she's not sure if it's from nerves or if morning sickness just has really bad timing.

She forces a smile to her face, "Would you two like any… thing… What are you looking at?"

Steve and Bucky are huddled together gawking at something that Steve is holding. They look at her with wide eyes and Dasha is able to get a better look at what Steve has. She grabs onto the wall for support,

"W-where did you g-get th-at?" she quakes, eyes filling with tears.

Steve holds his hand out, "Dasha, is this what we think it is? Tell us the truth." Steve demands in a stern voice.

Bucky takes a step closer to her, worried that she might pass out any second as she has suddenly gone extremely pale.

"Kitten, tell you can tell us. Please tell us. Is this real, is this yours?"

Not trusting her voice, Dasha nods her head. She wraps her arms around her stomach, leaning against the wall. Bucky moves closer, stopping in front of her and goes down to his knees. He gently moves her arms away from her stomach. He places one hand on her lower belly, looking up at Dasha with tears in his eyes,

"Really Kitten? You're really pregnant with our child? Truly?" Bucky croaks.

Gulping down the knot in her throat, Dasha manages to answer, "Yes Bucky. I'm a little over a month pregnant, about six weeks. The ultrasound is from today. It was my first ultrasound since finding out."

Steve stares at her in disbelief, "W-when did you find out?"

She looks off to the side, unable to meet either of their eyes, "Two weeks ago," she mumbles.

Bucky's eyes go wide, "Why didn't you tell us Kitten?!"

Dasha moves away from Bucky and the wall, moving to sit down on the couch. She wipes her eyes but tears just keep falling.

"I was scared! I'm worried that one or both of you wouldn't want the baby! We've never talked about children before, I've never even heard you say anything about wanting any in the future. A-and, we've only been together for four months. I panicked. Then I just got to thinking about how we would make it work you know? The three of us and a baby; I thought that it might bother you both not knowing who the actual father was. And what this doesn't work out, you both will leave. It wouldn't be just me you would be leaving either, you would be leaving our baby. Without knowing who the father is, the child would go from having two fathers to none. I know that if I lose one of you I lose both of you; and that will just kill me. I thought it would just be better to get used to the idea of being a single parent than getting my hopes up."

Dasha chokes out a sob, "I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! I know I should have told you sooner but… but… but…"

"Shh, breath Doll. Breath for me."

Steve coos, wrapping his arms around Dasha, pulling her into his lap. Bucky comes up to sit next to them to place her legs in his lap, rubbing them soothingly.

"Doll, calm down. We understand, you're fears are valid. You're right we've never talked about children, but like you said, we thought it was a little early for that. But even though it is still fairly early in our relationship that does not mean that the baby is not wanted. He or she is very much wanted." Steve says, trying to calm Dasha.

"Yeah Kitten." Bucky speaks up, reaching his hand up to stroke her hair, "never be afraid to come talk to us. About anything. And we do not care who the father is, that is never going to be a concern. Steve and I knew way back before the war and everything, us going into a relationship with any woman, if there were children involved, we both are the father. This child will always have us, even if for some reason the relationship does not work, we will still be here for our child, and for you. Please never doubt that."

"But if the paternity test is something that you want, we will do it. But for us, we don't need one. Okay?"

Steve tilts her head up to look at them, wiping away the remaining tears. Dasha gives a small nod,

"I'm sorry," she sniffles out her apology, "I shouldn't have ignored you."

Bucky smiles, taking her from Steve,

"Worry not Kitten. We are not mad; we are actually really happy, right Stevie? This is much better news that what we came here expecting. We were thinking the worse Kitten. Please don't shut us out again. It was torture not knowing if you were okay or not. I just wish we had come to you sooner, put you mind at ease and squash your doubts early on. Then you could have been there with you to see our little one with you. We love you Dasha. We're not going anywhere unless you tell us to. Even then, we are going to put up one hell of a fight."

Dasha laughs lightly, snuggling closer to Bucky and holding Steve's hand tightly in her own.

"Thank you. I love you too, both of you, so so much. And I shouldn't have tried to run away from my fears, not a great show of communication in a relationship. I promise I will do better to talk to you from now on, no more avoiding. I just hope you guys feel this way when I'm really hormonal, crying over everything one minute and biting your head off the next."

Steve chuckles, leaning over to press a kiss to her forehead, "We'll get through it. Together…" he pauses for a moment, glancing at Bucky who gives him a nod. "Move in with us."

"Wait, what?!" Dasha asks with wide eyes, she was not expecting that to come out of his mouth.

Steve stares her right in the eyes, a smile playing on his lips,

"Move in with us. Let us really be there for you every step of the way. And speaking for myself, I don't want to miss a thing. Watching and experiencing every change your body goes through as our child grows in your womb. You are going to be so beautiful carrying the little one."

Bucky tightens the grip of his hand on her hip, "Oh Kitten, you have no idea how much it would mean to us to keep you close and take care of you. Be there for every doctor's appointment, every sonogram, anything and everything. We want to be there."

Dasha smiles up at them, her eyes filling with tears once more, but this time they are tears of happiness.

"Okay… yeah, I'll move in with you… or we can look for a place of our own, have enough room for us and our little sweet pea."

Steve and Bucky grin widely at Dasha, loving the idea. Bucky gently cups her cheek, kissing her lips passionately. He lets her go only for Steve to take his place, pulling Dasha in for a deep kiss. Their hands come to rest on her stomach; she covers their hands with her own. They are going to be a family, and as long as she voices her concerns and get better at communicating, they are going to be a very happy family. Odd dynamics, but happy family none-the-less.