Ever wondered about some of the names and places in the Ranger's Apprentice world? I have too. Here are some of the similarities I have found to the real world.

1) The Map. This one is the most obvious, but still should be mentioned. The map bears a strong resemblance to old drawings of Europe and Asia. When looking at it this way, the following matches can be made:


Gallica and Spain

Iberion and Portugal

Toscano and Italy

Arrida and Northern Africa

Hibernia and Ireland

Skandia and Norway

Picta and Scotland

Celtica and Wales

Araluen and England

Aslava and Austria

Alpina and Germany

Teutland and Belgium

Nihon-Ja and Japan

Skorghil and Denmark


Eastern Steppe and the steppes of the Ural Mountains in Russia

Narrow Sea and the English Channel

Stormwhite Sea and North Sea

Constant Sea and Bay of Biscay

Sea of Rostov and Adriatic Sea

Frozen Sea and the Arctic Ocean

Endless Ocean and Atlantic Ocean