Hello there. Just so you know, in this story, Serena will travel with Ash, but it won't be Amourshipping. I do not own Pokémon, all rights belong to their respective owners. I only own my OCs, Art, and storylines.


We see Ash Ketchum, along with his partner Pikachu, and Serena arrive at the docks of Altomare. Ash had been hoping to come back sooner, but professor Oak would give him a break, until this week that is. Ash and Serena got off of the boat and started to head into the city.

"Ash, do you know where you are going?" Serena asked Ash.

"I can't remember which way to go. Do you remember Pikachu?" Ash asked his partner.

"Pika!" Pikachu said, nodding his head before jumping of Ash's shoulder and lead the way.

They walked through the twisting, maze like city, and after a few hours, Serena started to get bored, asking every now and then if they are there yet, only to see Pikachu shake his head.

"Ash, where are we going anyways?" Serena asked.

"You'll find out when we get there," Ash said as he headed into an alley.

When Serena started to walk into the alley, she noticed that Ash walked through a wall. After a few minutes of wondering if he was okay, she went in after him. When she went through the wall, on the other side was a garden. Serena then noticed Ash was talking to some people. Ash then turned around and noticed Serena.

"Hey Serena! Come over here!" Ash said, waving one of his arms in the air.

"I'm guessing she's a friend of yours," one of the people Ash was talking to said.

"Yes she is, Lorenzo," Ash said to the man named Lorenzo. "Serena, this is Lorenzo, and his granddaughter Bianca."

"It's nice to meet you," Serena said to them.

"Nice to meet you too," Bianca and Lorenzo said back.

"Don't keep Latias waiting now, Ash," Bianca asked.

"Alight! Come on Serena, let's go find Latias," Ash said excitedly.

"Okaaaay..." Serena said, feeling confused, before they started to look for Latias.

"Hey grandpa, do you think that Serena has a crush on Ash?" Bianca asked her grandfather.

"If she does, then she might have some competition in the form of Latias," Lorenzo said quietly.

Somewhere in the garden, we see Latias painting something, and by the looks of it, she's doing pretty well. She then set the brush down and examined the outcome of her work.

"This is my best yet!" Latias said to herself.

Ever since Ash left, she has been learning how to speak, so that one day, she can tell Ash how she feels about him. Suddenly, she heard rustling in the bushes.

"Is anyone there?" Latias asked, waiting to see if there was a response. Then the rustling started back up and Ash came out of the bushes.

"There you are Latias. Did you just hear a voice just now, or was I imagining things?"

"That would have been me speaking, Ash," Latias said, surprising Ash.

"You can talk? That's Awesome!" Ash exclaimed. "Anyways, what have you been up to, Latias?"

"Other than learning how to speak like a human, I've been taking art classes, and the teacher doing those classes said I was very talented at it. This is what I was working on just now," Latias said, pointing at the painting with one of her claws.

In the painting were very well painted versions of Ash, Pikachu, and Latias in the garden, with Bianca, Lorenzo, Brock and Misty in the background.

"Wow, this is amazing! You did a truly awesome job, Latias!" Ash said, causing Latias to blush a little.

"Th-Thanks, Ash," Latias said, stuttering a little.

"Are you feeling okay?" Ash asked Latias.

"Y-Yeah, I'm fine," Latias said.

Ash then put his hand on Latias' forehead.

"You have a fever. You probably should get some rest," Ash said, feeling worried about Latias.

"Ash? Can I tell you something?" Latias asked as calmly as possible.

"Sure, go ahead," Ash said, putting a thumb up.

"Well... I... I..."

"Ash!? Where are you!?" Serena yelled as she continued to walk down a path. "Where in the world could he be?"

A few minutes later, she reached the end of the path, and noticed Ash sitting down by a painting with a Latias. Before she could speak, she heard the Latias say something that made her heart sink.

"I, love you Ash," Latias said, blushing really hard as she said it. About 30 seconds went by until Latias said something else. "You probably hate me now, don't you?"

But he didn't hate her, he was just speechless. The only one he had those feelings for has the same feelings for him? After 20 more seconds, Ash finally spoke.

"Do you really mean it?" Ash asked.

"Yes. I really do," Latias said back.

After a minute, Ash spoke again.

"I love you too, Latias," Ash said, causing tears of joy to form in Latias' eyes, while Serena was standing there quietly. Once Ash and Latias started to kiss, Serena started to sniffle, and she ran off to somewhere else in the garden. Ash and Latias stopped kissing, and where wondering if they were the sniffling came from, but didn't see anyone, so they headed off to see Bianca and Lorenzo after Latias handed Ash the painting, saying it was for him.

"IT'S NOT FAIR!" Serena said as she hit a wall. "Why? Why does he love a pokemon and not me!? It's not right. It's just disgusting!"

"It seems that I was right about you Serena," a voice said from behind Serena.

She turned around and noticed Bianca standing there.

"How long have you been standing there?" Serena asked.

"Long enough to hear that you despise that Ash is in love with Latias, and not you. Just get over it," Bianca said to Serana.

"Hm! Maybe I could if you tell me three reasons why she deserves to be with him,"

Bianca then told Serena about the fact the Latias was an orphan, and that she had been depressed until she heard that Ash was coming back to Altomare.

"What's the third reason?" Serena asked impatiently.

"I don't want to talk about it..." Bianca said, looking glum.

"Alight, I'm going to go separate the two of them," Serena said as she stood up and was about to start walking away.

"Fine, I'll tell you," Bianca said, frowning. "Latias isn't an only child. She used to have a brother."

"Used to?" Serena asked in confusion.

"He sacrificed himself one day to save the city, and now he's a gem called the soul dew, which keeps the city safe," Bianca said in a sad tone.

"Why didn't you want to tell me that?" Serena asked, now understanding a little more about what Latias has been through.

"It's because, because..." Bianca said before she burst into tears. Lorenzo end up hearing this and ran in the direction of Bianca's crying. Once he saw her, he ran over to her.

"What's the matter Bianca?" Lorenzo asked Bianca, who eventually cried herself to sleep. He then noticed Serena.

"Did you cause her to cry like that?" Lorenzo asked Serena.

"All I asked her was why she didn't want to talk about something," Serena said.

"Alight, I know what happened now," Lorenzo said. "You got her to talk about the Latios that saved the city when Ash first came here, didn't you?"

"Yes, I did," Serena said, not understanding what was going on.

"Well that Latios just so happened to be in love with Bianca," Lorenzo said, feeling frustrated with Serena.

"Oh, I didn't know," Serena said, feeling disappointed in herself now.

"Please make sure to apologize to her when she wakes up, okay?" Lorenzo asked.

"Sure," Serena said.

After Bianca woke up, Serena apologised to her, and Bianca excepted the apology. The three of them then noticed that it was getting late.

"We should probably go back soon," Lorenzo said.

"But we should find Ash and Latias first," Bianca stated.

"Already found them," Serena said, pointing towards Ash and Latias.

"So Ash, did you ask Latias if she wants to be your pokemon?" Bianca asked Ash.

"Yep, I did on the way to find you guys, and she said yes," Ash said. "Buuut I forgot to get pokeballs."

"You can use this love ball if you want," Bianca said, handing Ash the love ball.

"Sure," Ash said, taking the love ball. "Are you sure about this Latias?"

"Yeah," Latias said with a smile.

"Alight. Go, Pokeball!" Ash said as he threw the love ball at Latias.

After Latias went inside, it instantly caught her.

"Latias come on out," Ash said as he threw the love ball in the air.

Latias came out of the pokeball, and after that, the six of them headed to Lorenzo's house.

"Pika?" Pikachu ask Ash.

"I haven't forgotten about you, Pikachu," Ash said with a smile on his face.

"You saw that, right?" Jessie said.

"Yeah, the twerp just caught a talking Latias!" James exclaimed.

"Well, it's getting late, and I'm getting tired. Let's catch dat Latias as well as Pikachu tomorrow, den give them to de boss," Meowth said before yawning.

"Team rocket snoozing off at the speed of light..." the trio said before they feel asleep on the rooftops.

So what does everyone think of the story so far? Please leave a review if you want to tell me what you think.