Hello everyone ^~^

I do not own Harry Potter -.-

Warnings slight torture nothing to gore.

I love reading reviews 3

Happy New Year!

Fingers drummed one after the other, almost a melody, elegantly the slight tapping noise on the table ringing in everyone's ears. No one made a noise. Complete silence filled the room apart from fingers tapping. Their attention focused wholly instead on not attracting the dark lords wraith but miserably failing.

"No one? No one knows?"

Fingers stopped for a moment, hesitating in their actions as one, before starting up again.

"No one wants to explain?"

"Master? If we can explain. " Dear dear Bella looked at him with wide eyes. So innocent. So monstrous. Where once had been a powerful witch now left a broken women with a mad mind. A pity.

"So my most powerful inner circle servants decided to disobey direct orders." Voldemort spat coldly.

"N-no m-my Lord," Bellatrix stuttered in fear. "We wanted to find Potter for you and we heard from someone that he would be in the muggle town."

"Crucio" Voldemort uttered quietly. He held the curse for only a moment before speaking again.

"This is extremely disappointing and inconvenient, Bella. Not only have you failed to obey me but you brought unwanted attention to ourselves.."

"Forgive me, my Lord" Bellatrix pleaded, her voice barely above a whisper. "We underestimated the situation, not to mention ittyy biitty Potter wasn't there. Our information source was wrong it was a mistake."

"Then you must be taught not to make such mistakes in the future. I do NOT enjoy disappointment Bella.."

"Crucio," he hissed, and everyone watched as their fellow Deatheater fell off her chair with a scream of pain, and writhed on the floor in pain and agony, unable to stop the cries.

Everyone remained silent as her punishment went on.

Finally, after a moments that felt like hours, Voldemort lifted the curse. "Regretting your decision yet.?" he asked softly, but didn't wait for an answer. "Crucio," he hissed again, and more screams filled the room.

The Dark Lord stood up from the marble table. They were in a safe house he had used in the last war he wouldn't bring them to where his pawn was. Not to Harry. Not for the time being.

"Oh Bella."

The Dark Lord, changed his tones so fast from soft and sweet, and almost lovely but, Bellatrix knew not not to believe. For she was dealing with the devil. She wanted to believe that his extended hand and his use of her pet name indicated forgiveness, but she had known her Lord too long for that. He would not forgive that easily. She could not expect him to. She had killed countless muggles when he had specifically requested nothing.

"I think the dungeons will do you some good. You'll be able to leave when I think you've learned your lesson Bella. You're all dismissed."

With a swipe of the Dark Lords, wand heavy rusty chains appeared out of thin air wrapping themselves around Bellatrix. But they weren't regular chains one Bellatrix, could tell you. These were magical dark magic chains that caged your magic until the owner took them off. The more you struggled the more magic they took. If you struggled to much against the chains well, it simply turned you into a squib. Draining and draining.

That night blood chilling screams filled the dungeons.

If you listened hard enough you could hear Bellatrix begging for mercy... saying why my

lord why.

In another part of the wizardly world.

Harry had became acclimated and used too how things were run in the manor.

He'd wake up, usually next to Voldemort sleep, eat, and practice magic from necromancy to dark magic. Some of the spells Harry would use were translated into Parseltongue Parselmagic to be exact.

In was one normal day for Harry when he decided he would surprise the Dark Lord.

He concentrated on feeling his magic and found the Dark Lord. Quickly he began to perform the complex hand motions while quietly speaking the words to activate the shadows calling them to him.

With a flash of black and red his entire form was engulfed in darkness. His body shifted to a pure black silhouette, you could see the outline of his body but nothing else. He was a shadow it was like he was there but not there.

Lord Voldemort was in shock for a moment. "Incredible simply incredible," he whispered hoarsely and Harry could see a shiver run through the man at the powerful amount of Dark magic that Harry was emanating it was filling the whole office it was everywhere it intoxicatingly.

"Oh Harry. I'd give you anything." Drawled a intoxicated Dark Lord.

"…"Anything?" Harry says slowly.

"Anything. You are above the law. You are technically considered property of the Dark Lord.."

Lord Voldemort could sense it, every second he was next to Harry, his once perfectly pure aura had began to twist and morph into something beautiful. The magical aura of Harry Potter was completely dark. There wasn't a ray of light in it. While he wasn't as magic sensitive as Potter was he could sense Harry's aura it made him shiver.

"Give me Pettigrew the rat, and Bellatrix the bitch."

"You've done a good job keeping Pettigrew and that bitch away from me." Harry, said lowly, his tone purposely cold he was high on his necromancy. It was almost like this person was Harry but not Harry at all. If he was property of the Dark Lord he would use it to his advantage.

Lord Voldemort stiffened, slowly the Dark magic haze was disappearing.

"Why, why why why."

Harry, went on slowly, pacing around while still in his shadow form his voice still cold and flat.

"How do you allow that pathetic rat to live and bow at your feet?

Why is he alive, Voldemort? Does he do anything useful you don't have much favor for him in the first place?

Didn't he fulfill his usefulness with my parents deaths. It makes me sick to think of someone so worthless and pathetic bowing down for you. You surround yourself with powerful, people not weak wizards who can't even cast spells right. He is the epitome of weakness he is a disgrace to the title of death eater.."

"And don't even get me started on that bitch. She killed the last part of family I had. I admit maybe she had some usefulness to your cause back in the day. But as of now she's irrelevant. Because you have me. I am everything." Harry, leaned into the dark lord personal space.

Harry, was almost watching himself from a third person view. He felt bloody amazing. He could feel everything he was everywhere he knew he could forcefully go for them on his own. But he wanted the dark lords permission before he proceed on his plan. He would make them both his test subjects. He would try every dark spell curse ritual on them both. They would be his testing rats.

The Dark Lord let go of the hold on his magic letting it swirl and touch everything in the room. He leaned in closer to Harry, wrapping his hand around the small of Harry's throat.

"I will give you them both but, you let me see how you torture them my dear Harry." The Dark Lord drawled.

Lord Voldemort watched Harry's face as it rapidly cycled through emotions and expressions. Disappointed, realization, denial, acceptance, anger, something a bit like hurt or frustrated, and then it settles into an expression like glee and enjoyment.

"You could always let me deal with them."

The Dark Lord, knew his magic was effecting the teen just by the way he was trying to hide his swaying.

Harry Potter smiled wickedly, all sharp teeth and mischief.

Anyone, who could see those emerald dark eyes would've been frighten Lord Voldemort even shivered ever so slightly.

"NO no I am glad you asked tho I'd love to have you watch while I play." He practically purred, leaning forward even with the dark lords, hand at his throat, he was looking the Dark Lord directly in his wine red eyes.

"I don't understand you, Harry Potter," The Dark Lord, said seriously, but the corners of his mouth were lifted in a slight smirk.

"You don't have to understand me all the time, but call Peter and Bellatrix for me please."

Harry replied giving the Dark Lord puppy dog eyes.

The Dark Lord rolled his wine red eyes, at the pleading puppy dog eyes. Letting go of his hand that was around Harry's throat he looked at Harry once more.

"I can get you Peter. You see Bella was being a bad girl, so I got her in "time out" if you could say."

"Oh." Harry, lifted a eyebrow.

"I'm shocked your most loyal death eater disobeyed the big bad dark lord."

Harry gleefully clapped his hands together.

"We'll, just have to go get her then I can play with my pet rat.."

Lord Voldemort, sighed.

"Fine cocky brat. We have to take a portkey."

Before Harry, could respond the Dark Lord stood up grabbing a wine glass pulling Harry close to himself portkeying them both to his safe house.

They landed in the middle of a forest that could've rivaled the forbidden forest. In the distance Harry could spot a Manor surrounded by trees and other wildlife.

Then Harry sensed it they were at the edge of the wards. He could see rays of green yellow and orange. These weren't wizard wards.

They were inferius made wards.

"How many wizards did you kill to make these wards." Harry spoke quietly. He ran his hand through the air. Feeling the wards they cling to his skin they could feel his magic.

The Dark Lord blinked.

"This was my second safe house that I ever made in the first wizardly war. I killed over 300 mud bloods and traitors."

"I figured as much. You manipulated their magic before they died. I can see it in the wards you must've killed some strong mudbloods and traitors to your cause. They're well made."

With that being said Harry, started walking towards the Manor in the distance. The Dark

Lord silently following behind him.

After what felt like hours to Harry, more like a couple of minutes. They were at the front door of the Manor.

Before Harry touched the doorknob.

The Dark Lord stopped him.

"It's cursed."


Harry, smirked looking up at the Dark Lord.

"Of course you would make it to be in snake tongue, so no one could get in."

"What can I say I'm a paranoid dark lord."

The door opened with a soft click showing a foyer with a hanging chandelier from the ceiling. The carpet was black the ceiling was black too. In the distance Harry could see dark stains in the carpet which he could only assume were blood stains. It didn't bother him being a dark lord meant a lot of bloodshed to opposers.

They walked in he followed the Dark Lord who was leading him deeper into Manor. They went down two three flight of stairs till they were at the dungeon. Harry wiggled his nose the smell was horrible.

It smelled like piss feces and other body fluids that he didn't want to think of.. The Dark Lord walked up to the first cell Harry stood behind not showing himself yet. He was at the doorway of the dungeons. And, That's when he heard it.

"Please please my lord I'll be good I'll be good no no no no I know I I must be punished. Please, my Lord, I'll be better my lord please I can, fix it for you I can do it, and I will do so much better my Lord! I would never again dare to fail you, I I"

Strangled gasps filled the air. Then screams.

Harry looked like a lord, black robes covering his body and his cloak swirling around him. He still held a tight reign on his magic. He decided he'd show himself to the bloody mad witch.

"Itty BITTTTY POTTER come to die. My LORD CAUGHT YOU HAHA." She laughed a insane cold laugh filling the room.

"Quite." The Dark lord spoke coldly.

Mad sliver glazed eyes look up at Harry. He looks right back.

He casts the first spell that comes to mind he just almost doesn't expect it to hold it's his first time playing with death magic. He let's go of his hold on his magic. The red light of the curse hits her dead on, and she twitches on the chair writhing in blood induced pain. A sort of warmth spreads through him, and he suddenly understands why The dark lord is so fond of torture. He doesn't know how long he holds her under the curse, but he cancels it when he stops hearing screaming, and blood starts trailing out of her ears, nose, mouth, and eyes. He falls to his knees on the floor with a giggle similar to her own had been, and she lays quite still in her unconscious state as he catches his breath again. He looks at the Dark Lord who's looking at him in a mixture of amusement and glee.

He walks over to her, and slaps her hard enough that she turns over, she still isn't waking up. He casts a reviving spell until her dark eyelashes flutter weakly, and her sliver eyes shoot open with unadulterated fear written across them. She reaches for him but Harry moves before she can even grab him. She begs then, complete silence only little pleas barely escape on her lips making a noise and, Harry feels another rush flow through him. He doesn't torture her then, no matter how he wishes to. Instead he drags her up by her chin, at her forehead, and calmly, sweetly, caresses her face in an almost mockingly loving manner.

"Oh Bella. We'll have so much fun. Forever. Our Lord didn't catch me I came to him."

Because even if he ever killed her. He would just bring her back to play with over and over.