It's My Life Now

Chapter 8

Harry and Ranma made their way up to the Griffindor common room along with the others. Harry was not looking forward to meeting with Dumbledore the next day. No sooner than they got to the common room than the renewed Spanish inquisition started.

Ron started it off with, "Bloody hell Harry! Why haven't you been answering our letters! We haven't heard from you for like weeks!"

"Yes Harry what is going on! And who is this he might be working for You- know-who!! He certainly isn't your brother, he looks nothing like you so why did you say he is?" Hermione continued.

"Yeah! Did you put Harry under a spell or something! I AM SURE YOU DID! THAT'S WHY HARRY HASN'T BEEN ANSWERING US!"

It continued on like this for a bit and really entertained Ranma and Harry with their childish assumptions based on only their imaginations. Just before they were about to curse Ranma to oblivion, who was just about to fall over laughing from the idea of it, Harry spoke up.

"It's been nearly three months Ron not a few weeks. What I want to know is what took you so long to notice. After all you and I both know that the Dursley's weren't too pleased with the little prank Fred and George pulled last year why weren't you thinking of that?"

Fred and George, who were over in the corner of the common room selling their pranks once again heard this and looked up with guilty looks on their faces.

"Sorry about that Harry." Started George

"If we would have thought it would have gotten you into trouble." Fred continued.

"We wouldn't have done it."

"We have seen what those muggles do to you."

"And we wouldn't want to see you hurt or anything soo...

"We're sorry."

"Apology accepted." Said Harry with a smile.

"Hey don't you try and pin this on my brothers! Obviously you did something to provoke them so take your punishment like a man! You may be the boy-who- lived but you can't get out of everything." For some reason Ron took insult at the twin's apology. And Ranma who had been smiling at the twins for their honesty after all it was just a prank meant for laughs turned around and glared at Ron for the insult on his brother.

Ron continued, "And look at him!" pointing to Ranma, "I bet he is just some dark wizard you picked up to protect you or something! You couldn't do anything on your own you have always needed our help and now you have betrayed us! You are no better than Wormtail"

Harry was busy holding Ranma back from killing Ron, Hermione was holding Harry back, and the twins were trying to hold all of them back while wondering what that comment about Wormtail meant.

Hermione took that time to shout back at Ron whose jealousy had come back up again and was being backed up with pride and ego and a head full of half thought out perceptions of what was going on.

She said, "You better watch what you're saying Ron or so help me you are going to regret it!"

The room then split the Griffindors who believed the papers and thought that Harry was insane and those that thought that Harry didn't deserve what Ron was saying to him and lastly a bunch of confuse first years.

Just before Harry and Ranma were going to let all hell loose and beat the shit out of Ron Professor McGonagall came into the common room and yelled.

"What is going on here! Ms Granger tell me what is going on!"

"Ron just went off on Harry saying a bunch of lies about him and stirring up trouble."

"Is this true Ron?" McGonagall asked him.

"Stupid little stuck up mudblood." Ron muttered under his breath.

Ranma held Hermione back from attacking Ron. He whispered into her ear.

"Don't worry he'll get what's coming to him." He had a large grin on his face when he said that.

Hermione finally took a good look at him then and nearly swooned. This was the man who has had no less than three fiancés after him at any point in time. He had deep blue eyes that she could get lost into and he was strong too by the way he held her back. They were obviously looking at each other for a while because Harry cleared his throat and gave them a huge smile. Ranma just glared at him but he was blushing at the time so it wasn't very effective.

Ron just saw red from the way that they were acting and started up again only to be chastised by the professor and given detention for his actions. The professor just turned to look at Ranma and Harry and said that Dumbledore was expecting them after dinner tomorrow. Harry and Ranma nodded at her and went up to their rooms to sleep. They had just spent the whole day running to Hogwarts.
The next morning the two boys were up at dawn training. If you were to call training beating Harry into a pulp. Well, at least Ranma was enjoying himself that morning. Harry had come a long way in only three months. Just as they were finishing up they saw Herimone walk up to them and greeted Harry with a quick hello and a smile, but she frowned when she saw the injuries on Harry. He quickly explained that it was just some training that he was doing so that he would make it through the year.

"Hi, I'm Ranma. I guess we weren't properly introduced last night due to some complications but here we are I guess." Ranma started looking a bit nervous.

Hermione was staring at him. The boys had taken their shirts off while they had been training and it was apparent that she was pleased at what she saw. They were once again looking at each other for a while until Harry burst out laughing. Ranma then proceeded to chase after him to teach him how to properly respect his teacher. Hermione was laughing at their antics it seemed to her that they were great friends, she was glad Harry found someone like him. She could tell that Ranma had been through some harsh realities too, she'd seen the same look in Harry often enough especially after the fourth task.

They finally made it to breakfast after cleaning up and the like. The other houses could tell by the way the Griffindors were sitting that once again they were having split loyalties. They just rolled their eyes at their attitudes and took an interest in the new guy.

At the table Ranma, Harry, and Hermione were looking at their schedules.

"Just great," Harry moaned, "Potions with Slytherns the first day back. Then we have DADA and charms."

"I wonder who the DADA professor will be this year." Just as Hermione finished Professor Dumbledore stood up and announced.

"This year's DADA shall be last year's Tri-Wizard Tournament member Ms. Fleur Delacour."

"This is defiantly going to be an interesting year." Harry stated.
AN: don't beat me don't beat me! Sorry my Mom just had knee surgery so that meant that my Dad got to be a Dictator for a week while my mom was out. It was scary so very scary. That combined with the fact I had a bit of writer's block. I have decided to make it Fleur/Harry and Hermione/Ranma. I had no idea how to make it Ranko/Harry. Just remember otaku likes input and ideas. I'll try and keep this going. Ja ne for now.
BTW: I challenge you authors to come up with some more Ranma/ Harry crossovers. The possibilities are endless! I think it would be great if Proteus came up with one he's a great author!