Sup guys! Fluffnights is back :3. I finally have more angst for you! I've started an instagram hetalia fan account, and at 200 followers I opened up a post for requests and someone requested this story as a RP post and I was like I can do you one better so here we are. A new story. So blame the tears on them because it wasn't my idea. Also I don't know if their comfortable with me releasing their name so for now they're nameless.

Disclaimer: Y'all you really think I own hetalia? I'm flattered but come on

Alfred checked his phone to change the time, switching the music blasting through his earbuds before taking a seat on a bus bench to wait on the bus to arrive. The last world meeting ended yesterday and now everyone was gone again. So he had some time to just relax in the town before going back to his own house. He tapped his foot to the beat for a while before there was a gentle tug on his sleeve. He glanced over to see a teary eyed woman. She had blue eyes like him and blonde hair, except hers was loosely curled and quite a bit longer. He started to take a bud out, cut off by being pulled into a hug. "O-oh my god K-k-kyle!" She started sobbing into him. Alfred wrapped an arm around her, pulling an arm up to pull the earbuds out. "Uhm….who are you?" She moved back, tears leaving tracks down rosy cheeks. "Y-you do-dont remember? It's m-me! Your mom! Y-youve been gone fo-for so long Kyle oh b-baby i don't bl-blame you oh god sweetie a-are you okay? I p-promise you'll remember me s-soon!" Then she pulled him back into the hug. He patted her back. He honestly had no idea who this woman was, but it didn't take the special nation-citizen connection to feel the desperation for this Kyle rolling off her.

He started to try and explain to this woman that he wasn't Kyle, but then stopped himself. She didn't need anymore heartbreak right now. He could stay for a little while, then maybe tell her the truth. At least something to give her a break. He took a deep breath. "...Mom?" She gasped, squeezing him even tighter. "K-KYLE YOU RE-REMEMBER!" He nodded, grinning. "Yeah mom. I remember you." The woman sat up, keeping a shaky hand on him as a reassurance that he was real. "C-come on. I-I'll take you b-back home, okay sweetie?" He nodded. "Y-yeah that's perfect." He got up, helping the woman up with him. "Are we going to go in a car or by the bus or walk?" "W-well walk. Home isnt far okay?" She clung to him, shaking more now that she was up. He kept a hold of her so she would fall and let her lead the way home.

She led him back to a suburb, stopping at a certain house and going up to the door. It had a wooden sign saying "Hudson", probably the family's last name. She rang the doorbell. A few minutes later it was opened by a big burly man with hair like Alfred, but red and sans Nantucket. He glanced at them, eyed widening with concern for the woman - presumably his wife - then he turned to glare accusingly at Alfred, He obviously looked ready to attempt to beat his guts out but the woman gave him a big smile. "H-henry. Its him. K-kyles home." Henry glanced him over before his eyes softened. He pulled them both into a tight embrace. The woman started crying again and Henry could be heard sniffling. Alfred smiled, squeezing them back gently. "I've missed you guys." Henry kissed his head. "We've m-missed you too. G-god you've grown. You're eighteen now, right?" "Um...I think so? I've lost track of it. I don't even remember what happened."

Henry sighed. "We can talk about that later okay? Lets just get caught up for now alright?" Alfred nodded. They were brought inside and Henry shut the door. "Maria, why don't you sit down okay? I'll take Kyle up to his room." Maria nodded, moving to the couch to sit and try to wrap her mind around it all. Henry led Alfred upstairs to Kyle's room. He opened the door to let him in "I'm sure this is overwhelming. I'll give you a minute, alright?" Alfred nodded. The second the door shut back her started looking around. It looked like the room of a young teenager. Maybe thirteen. There was a couple pictures of the kid with his friends. And, admittedly, he looked a LOT like Alfred. He wasn't surprised they had mistaken him for Kyle. He started looking for clues about what would sell him as Kyle. He found out he had played baseball. It looked like he liked reading or studied a lot from all the books. He had some posters up and had pretty casual clothes. Overall it was a fairly empty room. Alfred sat down on the bed taking it all in. For the next few days this was all his. Then he would have to go.

He frowned when he remembered that. It wasn't REALLY his. This was stealing the place of someone else. This was leading on a poor family to think their long lost son was back then ripping it away from them just as soon as they had gotten it. Just to get a sense of belonging for once in his life. Was that a crime? To want to fit in? To have a family? It's not like he had a chance to be a kid, even when he was a kid. He grew to fast for that. Now he was a world super power with the weight of EVERYONE on his shoulders. He wasn't even 250. Hell he was still a kid himself. His body was only nineteen. He earned a break. He nodded, trying to convince himself on the matter as well. And besides. Henry and Maria just got their son back. It could wait a few days. Alfred stayed there for a few minutes before getting up and going back downstairs. It was just Maria there now. "Hey… wheres dad?"

Maria glanced at him with a weak smile. "He went to pick your sister up from school." Alfreds heart sank at that. Not only was he going to break these two's hearts but now some little girl? "O-oh alright. Um.. if you dont mind… i dont exactly remember what happened? I think I either hit my head or repressed the memories." She took a shaky breath. "W-well we dont know much either. You were home alone and when we came home the house had been broken into. There was no blood. Nothing was missing except you." "Oh… alright. Thank you." He moved to sit beside her. She scooted close to him again. "I love you Kyle." Alfred smiled softly. "I love you too." She grabbed his hand and squeezed it. "Well do more once your father gets back with Ariana." "alright." Alfred relaxed a little. It would hurt but they needed Kyle right now. This was what was right.

Supppp! Its been AGES! I promise look i have another story im writing currently but this got requested so it took precedence to something i just thought up. But i will get the other one done eventually. (Its also angst.) Please leave a review! It brightens my day to see reviews because god its just so pleasing to get little pieces of support. Thank you so much for all the love and support. The next chapter will be up soon. Also please check out my other stories some of them arent crap I swear. Later!