You get the gist.


"The ants go marching one by one, hurrah, hurrah…"- A nursery song, I think

Durant, the steel ant Pokémon. Hey there homeowners, do you know what's worse than your typical termites and cockroaches? Metal ants! And to make it more fun, flamethrower pyro anteaters will come on over and destroy your home to get those ants, burnt to the ground and ruined for life! Sounds like fun for the HOA! :D

From looking at the scores, the attack and speed is a six, the defense is a five, the HP is a three, and the specials are a two. The move set includes: knock over, mountain munch (solid Mountain Dew), scrape down, chip off, X-scissor, gnaw, hard crunch, call for backup (ya'know, police n' shit), metal jail (see the last move), pull out, iron head, devour, and vice grip.

The typing is bug and steel with the weakness being 4x the damage from fire.

Notes: So these things do swarm around the pyro anteater Heatmor from the last entry, but nobody cares what happens afterwards. Aside from that, the annoying bastards actually cause problems like eating up your house, causing blackouts, constantly robbing you blind, and especially stealing your credit card number… OOOOO I still remember when I got that call that I rang up 3000 dollars of Durant food! And I didn't even know what the hell that was anyway!