A new Magi story!

So excited about this one, I will try to update more often than my last story 0.0'

Goes without saying, I do not own Magi! Only OC(s)!

Without further ado, here you go!

A smile creeped upon my lips as I toyed with a toddler crawling around. The toddler, with her puff of strawberry blond hair and deep brown eyes, attempting to grab the toy just out of reach of her hands. I kept pulling the toy higher till she attempted to stand. With widen eyes I held the toy in one place for a second before she fully stood up, grabbing it and walking as well as possible to run away with it.

I laughed at her balance, not understanding how complicated it would be for the first time. She stumbled a few times before turning back at me, moving side-to-side wobbly towards me. I caught her just as she was about to trip, standing up myself, using the full momentum. She liked heights after all. Weird child.

"Don't worry, I gotcha. I promise." I smiled widely before teasing her once more with the toy in her hands before she perfected her walking within the next week.

I was standing, talking with an old friend I had since preschool before I felt a tug on the bottom of my mid-thigh black and grey dress, a color scheme that soon turned into a bad habit, I turned half-way to look behind me to see my younger sister, who was eight. For only a two year age gap, the height difference was obvious.

Her head was downward but I sensed something was wrong by the way her shoulders shook, bending down quickly, I grabbed her shoulders gently, "Hey," I cooed softly, similar to what I remember mother doing, "What's wrong, Roy?" A family tradition of having a male nickname for a female showing that the genders are on equal grounds. Her real name was Aurora, after the princess who was protected by her parents from the evil witch. I soon realized that I was her protector instead.

Her cries soon pieced the air, straight to my ear, as she looked up with her balled fists trying to push the tears away from her flooded eyes, a few stumbled words that were interrupted by hiccups that I couldn't interpret.

Gently rubbing her back, I asked again before she looked at me fully, showing her puffy cheeks and redden eyes, different from her usual blush cheeks and soft brown eyes. A wide gash above her eyebrow allowed wide streams of blood to mix with her tears.

I picked her face up within my hands before being given the chance to let it drop down again, examining it through my panic. How did this even happen? Roy was always careful when playing. How can she become so careless all of a sudden?

"I-I…" She sputtered out before more tears flooded her eyes.

I hushed her, so she wouldn't have to go through it again, whatever it was.

Picking her up within my arms, her soft plushy body fit snug within my arms as I held her bridal style, carrying her back home as quickly as I could, ignoring school policy completely, though I would later get in trouble for it, I did not care. Roy needed to go in her haven, her home, the only place I know she felt truly safe.

The next day, Roy refused to go to school. I agreed, saying that it was best for her to stay home for the day since she had already hit her head on something, I still hadn't gotten the full story as she broke into tears each time.

As I got ready for school, I looked at the meager food we had left in the refrigerator. I would have to make another trip to the store soon. I mumbled inside my head. I chose not to eat anything, rather have Roy have her choices before me.

Looking around the room, I noticed the new piles of trash scattered.

Picking up empty bottles of beer and whiskey, I put them inside a bag, to later recycle for the grocery money I needed as my father spent welfare money solely for his own selfish needs, such as alcohol.

I can understand why, I just don't understand why now. Mother was declared clinically insane a year ago after attacking my father with a knife, cutting a chunk of meat from his side. For some reason, it affected him, even though he often abused her, refusing to work and only drank during the day and party at his 'friends' houses.

Mother's leave affected Roy the most though. She ate more, did worse in school, and refused friends. Even when they came over to ask for her, she ignored them. Soon they stopped coming.

I sighed, realizing that everybody deals with these types of stressors differently. I included, I ignored the situation altogether. Inverted into myself and my thoughts, forcing myself to smile and place a façade. And I succeed. No one really knew my struggles, and that's how I liked it. I didn't need anyone in my business, they already happened to know it. In a small town, news spreads fast.

I sighed as I continued to clean slightly before school. The only problem with my façade was that everybody else relied on me, despite my young age.

When I got to school, I soon found out why Roy had her cut. As I said, news spreads fast.

She was being bullied.

Not just that, it included our mother being hospitalized and the resulting chubby-ness of her overeating. It wasn't that she looked fat or obese, it was just that she gain 'baby fat' as I fondly referred to it as, giving her the soft plushy skin she has now and round cheeks that were enjoyable to squeeze.

I also soon found out who was bullying her.

My stomach clenched as I approached them. The blond girl, Juliet, turned with a sneer across her lips as her friends across from her pointed me out. Their snickers and whispers behind their hands while I obviously knew who they were talking about, fueled my anger even more.

Juliet spoke loudly enough for the surrounded groups to listen intently, "And here's another one of the Devil's offspring." The group behind her snickered once more like the surrounding groups held mixed feelings of the interaction.

I smiled as sweetly as I could before her, walking calmly till I faced her directly.

"Your sister Roy seems-" She couldn't finish her sentence before I threw the first punch. It seemed I couldn't control my anger enough the instant she mentioned Roy, I thought of her as I fought Juliet, more than likely the cause for her troubles lately, her darkened eyes, her constant sighs, and nights full of nightmares. I should have noticed earlier, but I hadn't.

My angered showed as I continuously punched her through the few tears at the edges of my eyes, threatening to fall. A group of people encircling us, staring with wide eyes before them. None of them dared to interrupt her punishment.

I didn't stop till someone pulled me off. Thick hands grabbing me around the waist and pulling upwards, her hair still gripped in my fists. I smiled as I was led away, a chunk of her hair missing.

Walking myself home early, from being suspended, I stumbled upon a stray.

I looked at its glossy striped fur as I stared within its icy blue eye and dark golden one. I thought of an old Indian myth that my dad told me, that any animal with two different eyes were able to see both Heaven and Earth, able to walk between both worlds. Weird. I didn't think that I would see one of these cars that looked like it belonged on tumblr.

I continued walking, the cat following. When I ran, it ran. In my confusing I had another staring contest with it. I crouched, trying to tempt it towards me. It bounded happily towards me, rubbing its head against my side. Scratching underneath its chin, it begun purring.

"I would take you home little one but I don't think I can take care of you…" I spoke softly to it like it could understand me. But it seemed it did. I moved upwards till it pounced. It landed swiftly on my shoulders, claws dung into my backpack straps to stay on.

I guess I could give Roy a present?

I made my way home with a gorgeous striped cat upon my shoulders.

Roy was thrilled about our new companion, not so much the fight…

She looked disappointedly towards me before looking down, a bad habit she developed lately, as she pet the cat that I name Tipu, for tiger, between us, "I wish you hadn't done that…" She murmured under her breath.

"Huh?" I asked in confusion. Why? She deserved it.

"Oh," looking up, seeming to not realize she spoke, "Nothing." She waved her hands attempting to cover up my suspicion.

Roy was always the gentler of us two. The peace maker, never the fighter.

~6 year skip~

I leaned forward, thinking of these memories. I should of done something more. Because the bullying didn't stop like I hoped. It continued, even after elementary school, following her to middle school. Even after she starved herself nearly to death, following her pale thin body around like a badge.

I thumbed her wrist in one hand and played with my studded earrings in the other, evidence that I went wrong along the way from the rigidness of the skin being cut too many times. Her shallow breaths rising and falling. The wrist opposite of me covered in fresh bandages, the soiled ones taken away with stains of red.

Tipu laid between us, blending in with the sheets. Yes, I know I shouldn't take animals in a hospital but I simply couldn't help myself. Roy loved Tipu. Tipu was the one that she usually spoke to, the one that helped her through a lot. It was only right that he was here with her while I was.

Roy never spoke of her bullying to me again. I failed her, in that way. Once again, I thought I solved the world's problems only to realize too late that I was wrong.

I looked up at her thinning dirty blond hair, just beyond her prominent collarbones. I smiled as I remembered her strawberry blond hair when she was just a toddler, a thick mess sticking in all directions. Now showing the struggles she had to endure. By herself. With no one to help her.

I sighed once more before making my leaving for work. I felt guilty, but I had to. I was the only one paying the bills for her stay at the hospital, the burden of the bills loomed over my head constantly. But, anything for Roy. She was the last one I could call family, though she still considered our father and mother family. I didn't. I felt abandoned by them long ago.

"I love you." In all seriousness I mumbled under my breath to her sleeping form. I noticed a twitch within her face but chose to ignore it.

Packing my overnight things within my backpack, even putting Tipu within the confines much to his disagreement, flinging it over my shoulder as I made my exit.

I flicked the keys in my hand, just to make noise within the eerily silent hospital as noise calmed my nerves. I always had to have some form of noise; car horns, talking, music, anything. Anything to focus on rather than my life, my own thoughts.

Walking to the parking lot where my beloved motorcycle stood alone. It was a café racer, an older one, but still good to me. It was the easiest and cheapest transportation I could find for myself. Mounting the motorcycle and gripping the helmet tied to my backpack, I turned it on.

The rumble between my legs made me excited. Not the sexual excited, but the kind that gives off a sense of danger.

After that first fight I had, I soon became the 'bad girl'. Motorcycles, dark clothing, three ear piercings. Wow. Really stereotypical.

It wasn't like I fit into only one category. I was intelligent and I didn't mind others knowing. Top in my classes, including AP and honors classes. I always snickered at the surprised faces as a 'bad girl' took home the valedictorian certification.

It seemed I refused to stay within one label. As the moment I entered high school, my PE teacher suggested track. I guess all those years of running to release my anger really pulled through for me, making me somewhat of a jock as well.

I tested the clutch before giving my motorcycle, whom I fondly refer to it as Daisy, a little bit of a kick till racing out of the parking lot building. Tipu knew that was his sign to stick his head out of the backpack firmly still.

As usual, many passers had a double whammy.

A girl on a motorcycle? Unusual. A cat in a backpack of a girl on a motorcycle? Never going to happen again.

Of course, along with my sweet Daisy, came the whistles and catcalls, much to my dislike. I wasn't doing it for them. It just so happened that it was the easiest form of transportation. Often turning and giving them a birdy.

Tipu chilled within my backpack as I entered a tall building, the chaos that Google was. That's right. Google. The Google. I worked my ass off to get a job here. Tipu soon became a star around here as well, which helped me getting noticed as well, people coming to pet him as black tipped ears twitched in annoyance though he purred every time.

I did my daily rounds, passing important letters to everyone as Tipu hung onto my shoulders, much like the first time I met him. Everyone petting him for a few minutes till we had to leave.

Tipu seemed to absorb everyone's worries. Gone. Forever. Once he looked into their eyes, they instantly became happier. It was infectious too.

I was almost done with my shift till my phone buzzed in my back pocket. Shifting my weight slightly to hold a large package on my other side, I answered.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Hello, Ms. Sage," the male equivalent to my real name, Anastasia, "I am here to inform you that we seem to have misplaced your sister. We are currently looking for her, so there is no reason to worry," Roy's doctor's voice sounded calm enough but I fumed at that even more.

"Why are you wasting time calling me? Find her!" I scream through the phone as I dropped my package before booking it.

I hardly heard him through the noise of the Google building and my rapid breaths from running, "I understand your concern, but I assure you, we have everything in control."

I steeled my voice, "Clearly, everything is not in control." Everything seemed to fade as my track legs took me to the entrance of the building, I yelled at the security guard, whom I considered my friend, to throw my backpack to me for Tipu from behind the counter.

Concern crossed his eyes but without questions he did as told, much to my gratefulness.

Tipu was obedient, going within the backpack quickly as I mounted my motorcycle once more. I zipped him up within the backpack leaving a hole for my head to go through.

I wasn't sure how I got to the hospital, but I wasn't going to question it. Everything seemed to fade from my conscious. I couldn't focus, my only thought was of Roy. I needed her, and despite what the doctor said, I knew that a missing patient was rare and dangerous. The nurses running around in confusion, seemed to verify my thoughts.

I knew they would check within the hospital. But the fact was, I knew her better. I knew her moves before she did.

I ran up the stairs, my burning muscles flexing underneath my black pants. My breaths heaving as I forced the burn away.

I slammed the door open on the roof to notice Roy near the edge. She smiled gently.

I looked her up and down. Noting as she took a step upwards, a foot closer to the edge.

I forced a smile, "W-Whatcha doing Ro-Roy?" My words stumbled as I slowly approached her, like I would a wild animal. The scar above her eyebrow, showing clearly within the sunlight. The first time I let her down.

"Ooh, hello, the view is beautiful, don't you think so?" She turned her back towards me as she stared at the following skyline, the sun high within the sky, a few clouds dotting.

I took that chance so race closer to her, while her back was still turned.

Tipu undid one of the zippers on the backpack without my noticing, jumping out and walking along the edge with her now, rubbing against her leg with a loud purr.

I spoke gently, tricking myself that this was a normal conversation, "Yes, you're right. I think it is beautiful, I never would've noticed."

I smiled when she turned with a few tears beginning to fall.

"I'm sorry you tried so hard." In my confusion she turned back around and spread her arms wide, lifting a leg to step over the edge just as nurses and security guards entered from the door.

Without thinking, I jumped, grabbing her hand as I threw her back towards the safety of the men holding their arms around her.

"I promised you, I gotcha." The old promise gracing my lips once more as I begun to fall.

Roy's hands stretched out, against the men's hold to reach me, our fingertips grazing each other's before I was gone.

It hadn't seemed like I cared that I was about to die. I was grateful that Roy was going to live, and that's all I needed. A smile appeared on my lips before I saw Tipu jumping with me. Why was he choosing the same fate? Weren't cats supposed to be selfish?

I held out my arms towards him, as he fell quickly to me, almost gliding. I held him close. His eyes once again glancing into mine as I heard the screams below, knowing we were close to death.

Tipu leaned forward towards my face, touching noses with myself, his dark golden eye beginning to glow. My eyebrows pinched in confusion. Was I hallucinating?

The glow seemed to engulf myself and him, blinding me, unknowing of where I was located.

A soft thud hit the ground. I opened my eyes with surprise. Wasn't I suppose to be dead? Is this one of those times were I see myself dying?

I sat up, wondering what had happened.

Looking around, I took note of the many books that scattered the room and white globs that moved fluidly.

Wait. Is this heaven? If so… it looks horrible. Nothing like what I imagined.

I grimaced till I turned fully, noting a large blue head. Wait. Nothing this is weird.

"Hello Tipu, thanking for bringing your familiar with you." His voice was calm and nice as he spoke with a smile.

"AHHHHH!" I screamed, running around in a circle like a chicken with its head cut off for a few moments till realizing there was no way out, and Tipu was snickering. Like a human snicker.

I stared at him before walking closer, face-to-face with him before he opened his mouth for a second, "Is there something you're looking for?" He questioned.

Stumbling backwards in shock, I shook my head.

Okay. Now this is weird.

Okay, clearing this up a bit!

Aroura (Roy):

Appearance: Was a strawberry blond though with age turned into dirty blond, deep brown eyes, girly girl. Once was considered 'fat' or 'chubby' because of overeating while her mother was in the hospital but with bullying soon became Anorexic, losing hair and paling due to her time in the hospital herself.

Personality: Peace-maker, gentle, honest, caring. Hurts herself because she believes she is 'useless' causing her to abuse herself.

Anastasia (Sage):

Appearance in her world: Brown hair, brown eyes, tanned skin because of track. Wears black majority of the time. Rides a motorcycle called Daisy. Age: 16

Height: 5'5''

Appearance in Magi World: Long white curly hair, one golden eye, one blue eye (Like Tipu because he suggested it to Ugo, that ass.) Height: 5'5'' Two stripes under eyes that had a reddish tint (Symbolizing a tiger, also suggested by Tipu) Busty (Suggested by Ugo) (God. I hate men. Chosing what I will look like in my next life. Glaring at them.)

Personality: Fighter, trouble-maker, intelligent, caring, daring savior of Roy.

Nickname Meaning: Wise


Appearance: White with grey stripes, Brown (golden) and blue colored eyes.

Ability: able to go between the worlds of earth and Magi, slight magic user

History: Indian myths that animals with multi-colored eyes are able to go between heaven and earth. From Alma Torran

Personality: Caring, daring, honest, respectful, wants to be with Sage as she is his 'familiar'

Name Meaning: Tiger (Hebrew)



Hope you guys enjoyed this!

I wanted to make a realistic backstory, so I hope this worked. I hope it wasn't too controversial for you guys.

As always, please please review! I love reading your comments and suggestions in any way to make this story better. I will take critics as well (obviously, how else am I supposed to better my writing?)

Anyway, till next time! Bye~