Here is my Descendants story at long last I was thinking about how to go about it I had various storylines in, my head I aorta combined two there's other storylines I want to do as well I just don't know how to start them.

hope you like it

It was midnight and Prince Ben lay awake thinking. He had a nice life everyone in Auradon did, they had warm homes to go to, schools, they could get food whenever they wanted and nothing bad ever happened. It was nice.

But the people on the isle of the lost didn't they got their trash, things they deemed useless uneaten food that had gone past its sell-by date, sent to them. The isle had no electricity so he wondered how they kept themselves warm, he guessed lighting a fire but then that was soon to die down, but they were villains they deserved it for what they had done right?

Then he came to a thought of the children on the isle it would be silly to think there wouldn't be any, it may not be out of love some accident that happened or someone to carry on their lineage to hopefully one day take over the world, or they unlikely reason love although he thought there may be some mostly the sidekicks who may have had a child out of some nice feeling.

The children have done nothing wrong they never asked to be born, especially into how they must live they should be given a chance to choose whether to be good or bad like the people in Auradon thankfully everyone chooses good, if they choose bad they get sent to to the isle depending on the crime, but the children of the isle don't they are surrounded by bad every day they don't know what good is.

Ben was soon to be king and he had been thinking about his first officail proclamtion, he wanted it to be different somehting good, and inspiring that could teach the people of Auradon, he came to the desicion that he would bring 4 children from the isle over as a trial to see how it goes and then if it goes well bring more over and eventually hopefully all the children would've had the fair chance of choosing good or bad, now all Ben had to do was choose which villians kids he wanted to bring over.

Hooks child was a chose that crossed his mind but he didn't know if bringing a pirate over for a trial was a good idea, he thought about Hades kid but he didn't know if they would have inheartited his flame hair even though if he was honest he thought it was pretty cool, after five minutes of going through all the villians he could think of he came to a desicion, it was a long shot and he still had to convince his parents on this as well, he didn't know how old their children would be though they could be a mixture of ages he didn't mind though as long as thay got the choice.

He decided to write his choices down so he didn't forget he hoped his parents would be okay with this, he wanted to make a difference in the world and he thought this was a good way to go about it.

Evil Queen

Cruella Devil



With a smile, Ben put the paper on his bedside table and turned off his lamp and drifted off to sleep.

There it is hope you enjoyed the chapter sorry if there are any errors, I re-edited this as I didn't spot the there/their mistake and my grammar check didn't either so maybe won't use that for coursework anymore...

Reviews welcome I like constructive criticism more than just saying its shit otherwise i'm like okaaay soo what do I do to improve this then cos I am not a mind reader.


XOXOXO hope you guys have a great one