AN/ Hello lovelies, This is my first AU/AH Klaroline story. It just kind of popped into my head and I thought I would love to share with you. So I don't know if I want this story as multi-chapter fic or one-shot but it all depends on you guys. The rating, for now, is T but it may change in future. I have no beta and I will try to be as good as possible. Guys, I am so happy that we are finally getting our endgame together. Candice in the last episode of TO too. As for now, I am happy and I know Klaroline will be an endgame. I know how Julie's mind works. Believe me!

Enjoy the story!

Disclaimer: These characters in this story are purely fictional and belongs to Julie Plec and TVD/TO universe. the only thing I own is Plot.

Date: 25th February 2010, Mystic falls

Elijah:- 18 years Old

Klaus:- 15 years old

Caroline:- 6 years old

Rebekah:- 5 years Old

Kol:- 6 years Old


It's been three years since the Mikaelson family moved to Mystic Falls. Klaus loved England very much and he missed living there. His father managed to extend business empire in America. They had to move there, 'a small pony town' as Klaus usually called. His father left the holds of the company in London in the hands of his uncle Brian.

Klaus was anything but a sweet and innocent child. He was one of the most handsome boys in the town. Quite the pride made him arrogant and mean to most of the people. Today is his 15th birthday and he was not excited and happy at all. His family makes the huge deal out of birthdays throwing of lavish parties knowing that they are the wealthiest family of Mystic Falls. He hates birthday parties which are apparently more often thrown due to the number of family members. They need an excuse to show off money and blah blah blah.

Waking up grumpily from his bed, he walks towards the bathroom. After brushing his teeth, taking a good cool shower. He dressed up and got out of the room. Walking through the hallway, he saw Mikael and Esther were getting ready to go to the office. Mikael noticed him and walked towards him.

"Happy Birthday, Niklaus," he said hugging and kissing on his Forehead. Esther did the same. Klaus rolled his eyes and walked away from them.

He took a bowl of cereals and sat beside Elijah. "Ugh," he groaned sleepily and slumped on the couch.

"Good morning to you too, Niklaus," Elijah said looking at his brother amused.

"Bitter morning," he answered grumpily taking the spoonful of cereal in his mouth.

Just as he was about to shout his servant to bring him tea, the sound of happy squeals was heard from the corridor before three muchkins appeared into the room.

"Sherrif Forbes had work, so she left Caroline here in the morning. Mother and Father are also gone due to the meeting so I am here in charge of these children," he sighed facepalming.

Before Rebekah or Kol could race toward Klaus, Caroline came running towards him and wrapped her little arms around Klaus's neck before shouting.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY !," Caroline unwrapped her arms around Klaus and looking at him. (Elijah's mouth was twitching upwards looking at Klaus's expressions.)As happy as happy as Caroline was, Klaus growled looking at Elijah then looking back at the little girl, his lips fighting hard not to smile. She backed away from him and sat beside the Elijah.

"Did anyone wish you birthday before me?" Caroline asked crossing her arms. Klaus was about to answer yes but then he looked at her face, she was pouting and her arms still crossed.

Klaus chuckled at furrowed brows. He pinched her cheeks lightly, making her squeal.

"No sweetheart," he said softly smiling at her,"No one remembers my birthday," pouting mockingly at her to make her smile. Pleased with answer Caroline turned around to look at Rebekah proud of herself. Elijah was silently enjoying the whole conversation.

Throwing beaming smile at him, she sat back with Elijah. Rebekah scowled and went to Klaus and sat beside him.

"She has been reminding us for three days about your birthday. Father said that she has been pestering him to get you a good birthday present," he looks at Caroline who was now playing with a teddy bear.

"He's my brother," Rebekah said angrily looking at Caroline and then turned towards Klaus, "Tell her Nik."

"Yeah, that's why she remembers his birthday and someone else was busy pampering barbie dolls," Kol who was silent pipped in.

"Oh shut up, Kol," Rebekah scowled at Kol. "I am his sister, Caroline is not. Right Nik?" she turned looking at Klaus expecting the answer. Klaus, who was now looking at his sister and Caroline was about to answer No, that he thought of Caroline as his sister almost before Caroline spoke up.

"Yes Rebekah, you silly. Of course, you are his sister. If I were his sister, I wouldn't want to marry him when I grow up," she answered very comfortably as it was the most obvious thing in the world and they were supposed to know.

Kol smirked when he saw Klaus's jaw drop on the floor and Elijah's stunned and very amused expression. Caroline was shaking her head as she thought they all were fools, Obviously, she would marry Klaus when she grows up.

Rebekah pretended to think and finally smiled at Caroline and nodded at her as if she approved, she looked at Klaus who was now very red and smirked at him, " Oh yes Nik, she is right."

Caroline got up and handed Klaus a book, "We are planning June wedding," she said patting on his shoulder with sympathy.

"Oh I know you are shocked but, I can scare away scary Tatia away if you want. She is a very annoying young lady and stay away from her. I can be very scary when I am angry," she scolded him. She again went back to sit beside Elijah and started playing with her teddy.

Elijah gripped armrest of the sofa to calm himself down, but then he looked at Niklaus whose eyes were wide and mouth hung open and dumbfound, That was it. He started laughing uncontrollably so hard that his face was flushed red and tears were coming out of his eyes.

"I agree with you, Caroline," he said between laughs while wiping tears. " I love you, Caroline," He said looking at the adorable little girl who was now looking at him confused.

"Oh sweetie," she started standing on the sofa so she could match his height," But you are too old for me and While you are handsome, Klaus looks the best of all," she stated patting on his cheek. Kol growled loudly at her comment and Elijah chuckled.

"I would love to have you in this family, Sister," he Joked while looking at his brother when Klaus threw a glare at his direction.

"Good," Caroline nodded and took her teddy in her arms and followed Rebekah and Kol out of the room. Before she got out of the room Klaus stopped her, "thank you, sweetheart, I am honored," he said bending down on one knee and Caroline giggled at him and then continued to Follow Rebekah and Kol.

"Well, that was some birthday Brother," Elijah said walking towards him still smiling wildly. "Seems like her first love was you," he handed Klaus tea and sat back on the couch.

Klaus rubbed his neck to avoid awkward conversation but went along anyway. He smiled Looking at the book Caroline gave him.

"Yeah, that surprised me too. I hope she gets over this June wedding obsession," he said while sipping tea.

"She is a bright kid," Elijah said looking up from the newspaper. Klaus nodded at him and then picked up the book Caroline gave him, smiling, he tucked the book in his cupboard where he kept all his precious sketches.

AN/Tada... Finished... or Just finished the first chapter. Thank you for reading. If you guys want it to be multi-chapter, then next chapter will show teenage Caroline and Klaus will see her for the first time in 9 years after graduating from Mystic Falls. He returns from England to visit his sister's graduation. Please give reviews too. I Love reading reviews. I am currently working on other Klaroline fanfic "your past is my future". Please please review this chapter and do tell if you want this as multi-chapter or not. Until the next time...